Wednesday 20 November 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 232

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 232
Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 232

November 19, 2019

Dear collectors,

I have had a little time to look into, learn a little more about the changes to yahoo groups. It seems that is will not be quite as devastating to me (in how I generally use this venue anyway) as I was first led to believe. I will indeed be loosing the archives (so don’t expect to be able to go to the group archives if you received a list, deleted it and then decided you wanted to have another look at it). I also will not be able to put photos for those interested to go to the group photos to see. All archives will be removed (deleted) soon and no new “uploaded” content (photos and such) has already been blocked I believe. So, it seems that I can use this pretty much as I always have – for sending out a mass e-mail offering to those that have signed up for it but that is all. Those of you that directly receive my yahoo groups postings will now have to contact me ( and have me send the associated photo(s) back as an attachment to a “reply” e-mail. As for any kind of archives (that also include photos), a friend (Dirk Ross) has been posting these e-mail offerings (along with the associated photos) and posting them at for many years now. This site contains pretty much all the posts (the meteorite offering ones anyway, not some of the ramblings/musings on other issues I’ve occasionally sent out) as well as associated photos. So, lost an offering or want to see a particular offering’s photo(s) –you should be able to go to the blogspot and find it there. Anyway, I’ll try to keep everyone notified as I learn more about the changes.

Here is an offering of things that I picked up more than a couple months ago at the Denver show. I have been so busy with things (and I leave yet again on the 29th and will be gone – really gone, as in out of the country – until December 12th) that I simply have not had time to do these offerings. These items are all Michael Casper labeled pieces and are set up displayed in riker mounts with their labels (I have a group photo but, as mentioned above, you will have to contact me directly to ask for it). Some interesting and hard to come by these days items here (and some not so hard) but they are all quasi-historic as Michael was one of the bigger dealers years ago and has long since moved onto other things.

NOTE: Shipping on these is going to be a bit higher (around $5 or $6 for a single item for basic US) as these, being in glass fronted display boxes, will have to be shipped packed in boxes. None of my usual jewelry boxes in a padded envelope for these pieces.
Click on image to Enlarge.

CHINGA, Russia: Iron. Ni-rich ataxite (IVB anomalous). Found 1913. Tkw = 300+kg.
This is a nice rectangular part slice that has two cut edges and two natural edges (the shorter sides are the natural edges). This has a simple polished face as, being an ataxite, it wouldn’t show much of anything if someone did take the time to etch it.
31.6gram part slice – 38mm x 18mm x 6mm - $65

COLE CREEK, Nebraska: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 1991. Tkw = 16.3kg.
I don’t recall having a lot of contact with this meteorite. I may have had a piece here or there over time but really don’t recall much about it. This is a roughly square-shaped piece that has one natural, weathered fusion crust edge. The side that is up in the display has been polished but this seems to have darkened it quite a bit and made the chondrules hard to see (they show up quite nicely on the unpolished back side).
31.1 gram part slice – 40mm x 34mm x 8mm - $90

EAGLE, Nebraska: Enstatite chondrite (EL6). Found, likely fell 1947. Tkw = 9,242grams.
Now this is one I do remember. It seems that a large fireball was seen in the area this stone was found. That was in October of 1946. This stone was found in 1947. Glenn Huss had managed to finally acquire the thing in the early 1980’s. It had very fresh crust, so it was clear that this stone had not been out in the weather long. The thing finally got cut and studied in 1984. It also showed a very nice fresh interior to match the fresh crust. This cutting work (and some sales) happened right around the time he was retiring, so very little of this got out into the collecting world (and as far as I know, the main portion of this remains locked up with the owners having no intentions of selling any). Glenn let me have some pieces of this on consignment when he finally shut down, but it was not a lot. This piece is kind of a block – a smallish rectangular slice that is quite thick (but then, this thickness is how meteorites were generally cut back then. Museums and research folks preferred thicker pieces). I have not seen a piece of this neat meteorite in a looooong time.
3.9gram block/ part slice – 17mm x 9mm 8mm - $225

HUCKITTA, Australia: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 1924.
This is a complete slice of a fragment of the oxidized material. It was mostly unpolished (shows some saw marks if you look closely) and not coated. I did not take this to the sander but I may if it does not sell as it is. I did, however, go ahead and spray coat it (not so much to stop rusting that is not going to happen with this anyway, but to bring out the structure as spray coating generally acts like polishing). I kind of wanted to leave it alone as much as possible for now so the specimen weight will match the Casper label that comes with it.
22.0gram complete slice of a fragment – 45mm x 27mm x 6mm - $50

IMILAC, Chile: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 1822.
This display consists of two of the shocked/ shrapnel specimens that were found around the impact crater. These have the twisted, skeletal metal with shattered, sandy yellow, orange to hints of reddish pink olivines in the recesses. The label on top (the Casper Meteorites one) is for the specimen on the left (7.6g). There is another label underneath the Casper label (but no name or clue who’s it is) for the other specimen but that has it as 9.1g and the specimen is really 8.5g. The prices on these from way back when were quite high. I think the sticker next to the 7.6g one was $100 and the other was $120. I’m selling both (with the labels, riker and all) for midway between these prices.
2 natural shrapnel pieces totaling 16.1grams - $110

POTTER, Nebraska: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Found 1941. Tkw = 261+kg.
It has been quite awhile since I’ve had any Nebraska meteorite and I just realized that I have 3 on this list alone. This display has multiple specimens one large one and 5 smaller slices/ fragments. I know some pieces of Potter like to fall apart on their own (not sure how a meteorite so weathered can do this) and assumed that this is what has happened here. Nope, the large 27.8g piece is an old-style thick slice that has two cut edges and two old weathered crust edges, but no places where pieces have broken off. Looking at the smaller pieces more carefully, it becomes obvious that these came from a much thinner cut slice, not the larger specimen with them. This display has two labels with it. I put the JM DuPont Collection label on top of the Casper label that has the weight as 30.8g (the DuPont label has no weight listed) which is indeed the weight (a hair less actually – I think I saw something around 31.0g on my scale when I did a quick weight check). Not sure if it really goes with this display, but there was also a New England Meteoritical Services label in the collection box and this was the only Potter in the box so that label goes with this as well.
30.8g slices/ fragments. One 27.8g slice (37mm x 33mm x 8mm) and 5 smaller - $100 – DuPont labeled

TATAHOUINE, Tunisia: HED achondrite (Diogenite). Fell June 27, 1931. Tkw = 13.5kg.
This is just weird stuff. The meteorite blew apart low in the atmosphere delivering many generally very small fragments of a mottled bright green with gray streaks meteorite to the ground. Years ago, when Alain Carion went to the fall site and recovered these things for the collecting world (late 1980’s probably?) this was the only known unbrecciated diogenite. I am not so certain that this is not still the case. This is a typical fragment of this strange material. Nothing exciting but interesting none the less. The Casper label has this as 3.6 grams but it really weighs 9according to my scale) 3.7grams.
3.7 gram natural fragment – 18mm x 12mm x 10mm - $45

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Notice- Yahoogroups to End. Google Blogger WILL remain for Blaine Reed Meteorites 23OCT2019

Important Notice-
BlaineReed Yahoogroups to End soon. 
Google Blogger WILL remain for Blaine Reed Meteorites- sign-up for Blogger if you want to remain informed. Thanks! *note by Dirk Ross

Blaine wrote-

Hi Folks,

I am really, really busy trying to get ready for the many trips I have coming up in the next month or so. I leave early tomorrow morning for Phoenix for a memorial for my uncle (the one that scraped the nose of his car down the side of a brand new Cadillac the morning I was leaving his house for Tucson this year). He passed away back in early July (I think it was July 3rd while i was goofing off in Keystone to go skiing at A-Basin the next day (it was the first time in nearly a decade they had enough snow to allow skiing on the 4th of July).

I get back from the Phoenix trip and then have only a few days to get ready for the Socorro Mineral Symposium show/ trip. I was supposed to already be prepping for that one but got busy doing some upgrade insulation work on the solar hot water system and then got hit with the NPR interview folks (15 hours of re-looking things up/ typing/ talking) that are doing a story on crazy Curry.

So, I am WAAAAAAY behind on things at the moment and then get hit with the news that Yahoo groups looks to be effectively shutting down on October 28th!!! Nice! a huge change coming and they give us NO notice (I had to get this second hand). It seems that no new content will be allowed after this date and all stored files (photos, conversation archives, etc) will be deleted on December 14th (or about 2 days after I get back from Costa Rica). I am trying to research things to see what is still going to be possible, what is not and if I need to go out into the wild and find a completely different venue for this. The problem right now is the timing. I'll only be home around 2 1/2 weeks the next month and a half or so and, as I'll still have to do all the work that would normally have to be done if I were here (things don't stop just because I am gone) I really don't have a lot of free time to figure this out.

What little I've been able to see so far seems to indicate that I should still be able to send out e-mails, so I may be able to keep sending out offerings for the time being (but I will have to send the associated photos to those that want to see them by e-mail individually) but there will be no archives to dig through for stuff that was offered in the past (which is quite unfortunate as I often do have a number of things that were on older offerings). Also, it seems that whatever "group" I am left with (with however little functionality) will automatically be made "private". I don't know if this means that all of that currently receive my postings will have to re-sign up or not. I don't think it does though (but right now I don't have much information to work with). I DO know though that anyone that is not currently a member will have to contact me and I will have to send them an invite (and then they'll have to take steps to sign up (and, hopefully, it won't change to be like Google where you can only do things/ sign up for things if you have one of their e-mail accounts).

Right now, I just don't have a lot of information and no time to figure much out either. All I can do is try to let you know more when I know more about what all of this means and how it is going to change things.


Tuesday 8 October 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 231

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 231

October 8, 2019

Dear collectors,
Here is a list of some of the better/ higher-end things that I was consigned to sell during the Denver show. I highly suspect that I would not have had this many pieces remaining from this list if I had them at the start of the show. Unfortunately, due to various difficulties, these did not get to me until Wednesday afternoon. This gave me only 3 days to find buyers for these items (and I did indeed move a few things) during the time the major buyers had already left town. Anyway, I do have a group photo of these things for anyone interested. I’ll post it in the group archives but can send it directly to anyone by e-mail that wants it. As these are mostly expensive pieces I can get individual closer photos of any of these for those seriously interested. I limit it to “seriously interested” as poor Blake (the guy that takes and processes the pictures) is buried ever deeper in his ham radio antenna making stuff (he is putting more together in a month then he used to do in 4 to 6 months). Because of this, it might take a little time (but no to much) to pull together requested closer pictures but I’ll try to get them as fast as circumstances allow.

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona. Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1891.
This is a nice complete slice. It shows a good etch and has an interesting assortment of inclusions. There are many small elongate inclusions that I haven’t made out quite what they are (look like they could contain some chromite) that often run parallel to the kamacite plates but some others of these inclusions surround other (likely Cohenite and schreibersite ) inclusions. This slice also has a large (35mm x 30mm) troilite and graphite inclusion. Nice specimen! I had a few small part slices earlier this year (and those sold out rapidly), but rarely see cut pieces of Diablo, particularly larger ones like this. Part of this is that people that have larger pieces that could produce a slice like this generally prefer to keep it as a whole specimen (large Canyon Diablos usually have nice sculpting). Also, it can be hard to find someone willing to cut this stuff. It is rare but, on occasion, someone cutting one of these will hit a diamond inside and destroy a bunch of expensive saw blades and equipment by doing so. This slice is polished and etched on both sides.
1061.6 gram complete slice – 200mm x 150mm x 6mm - $1000

FUKANG, China: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 2000. Tkw = 1003kg.
This is a rectangular part slice that I KNOW would have sold if I had it earlier at the show. One of my Chinese friends is always on the look out for pieces of this stuff that are priced fairly (and given the thinness and quality of the crystals in this specimen it certainly is priced fairly). Unfortunately, he had left the show the day before (I think Mike Farmer dropped him and Jim off at the airport and then headed back towards his home in Tucson as well at the same time). Anyway, this piece has fantastic large, gemmy olivines that completely pass light (this is only a bit over a millimeter thick). It is big enough (surface area-wise) to show the texture of this fantastic meteorite but thin enough to not make you have to pay for a bunch of extra weight to get it.
19.7 gram part slice – 85mm x 37mm x 1.5mm - $600

HUCKITTA, Australia: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1937.
I kind of personally asked to have this one brought to me. I had planned to pair it with a (very rare) fresh-metal piece of Huckitta I brought to the show. Well, I ended up selling that on its own before I got this piece. No matter, this is a really nice piece of this now hard to come by meteorite. This is a complete slice of a (rare) larger piece of the typical oxidized material. This is the stuff where the metal has turned to a mix of magnetite and hematite (miraculously without expanding upon taking up the oxygen required to do this and not blowing the piece completely apart in the process). So, this has dark angular olivine crystals set in a blue/gray oxidized metallic matrix. I kind of have soft spot for this material. It was some of the very first meteorite material I ever bough (got it from Robert Haag while I was visiting my uncle during college spring break – probably in 1986) for putting together a catalog and going into business selling these things myself.
123.9 gram complete slice – 130mm x 60mm x 5mm - $300

NWA (unstudied). Stone meteorite. Likely an H-chondrite (according to my Mag-Sus meter).
This is a large mostly complete individual (it does have an edge chipped off on one end) that is oriented. To me, this orientation is very obvious. But then, I know these things. This is fully crusted (aside from the above mentioned end/ edge chipping) but the crust, though quite fresh, has suffered some wind-polishing. This wind-polishing has subdued some of the obvious orientation features (flow lines on the front and roll-over rim around the back). Regardless, this still has the overall oriented shape: rounded, lightly thumb-printed front, rougher textured backside (which I can get and send a photo of if any of you out there are interested in the stone) that has a light roll-over rim around most of the edge. This is a nice specimen and being offered at a price that isn’t really all that much above what the Moroccans seem to be asking for similar quality (completeness, freshness, not oriented) meteorites these days.
4953 gram oriented individual – 180mm x 155mm x 70mkm - $6000

PUTINGA, Brazil: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell August 16, 1937. Tkw = 200kg.
I can’t recall if I’ve ever had a piece of this one. If I did, it would have been small (maybe as part of my long ago micro-collection) and a very long time ago. Anyway, this is a nice large compete slice that has fusion crust pretty much along the entire edge (there might a small chip or two, but nit much. This has a nice typical L6 appearance. It has plenty of metal in a mottled brown and light tan (nearly white) matrix.
146.3 gram complete slice – 110mm x 100mm x 4mm - $1600

ODESSA, Texas: Iron. Coarse octahedrite. Found 1923.
This is another piece that there is a good chance I could have sold if I had it earlier in the show. No matter, as now someone out there has a chance to pick up a nice big display piece for cheaper (per gram) than I can sell any other Odessa specimens for at the moment (but then, this is a big piece). This is a 6.1 kilogram complete end-piece (no other cuts except the face). The cut face is beautifully etched (nice strong etch pattern) and shows numerous troilite/ graphite inclusions. The back- side appears to be pretty much natural (though I can’t rule out a long ago light brushing). It has a sculpted/ large-scale thumb-printed kind of shape but it is large scale and subtle (I’ll get a photo taken of the back if anyone is seriously interested in this wonderful specimen).
6.1 kilogram end piece – 260mm x 150mm x 40mm - $6000

RANCHO GOMELIA, Mexico: Iron. Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1975. Tkw = 11.7kg.
This is a really nice complete slice that has an interesting long shape. This shows a beautiful etch that frankly looks closer to a fine octahedrite than a medium to me (but then, I really haven’t seen that many medium octahedrites lately). It also has a couple long Shreibersite or Cohenite inclusions. This piece also seems to have some history to it as well. It has “1044.7(b) painted on the crusted (well, weathered crust) edge in two places. Apparently, this came from Arizona State University. It seems to have been cut from the 11.4kg main mass that was listed in an older version of their collection catalog. That particular specimen has the number 1044. Not sure if this is the only slice they took off (I am selling this WAAAAY to cheap if it is) or merely the first slice they took off and traded out (I am assuming that the main mass would get the “a”, the first slice a “b” the next slice would be labeled “c” and so on). Nice piece that is etched on both sides.
157.3 gram complete slice – 125mm x 35mm x 5mm - $900

Thursday 26 September 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 230

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 230

September 26, 2019

Here is the e-mail version of my recently mailed list. I will post the group photos to my Yahoo group archives (if it will let me, I have had some difficulties in the past) but I can also e-mail them individually to anyone that wants to see a particular lot.

PLEASE NOTE: I will be out of town October 24th – 29th and November 6th – 13th (as well as late November – early December for Costa Rica).

CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB), silicated. Found 1576.
Here is an item that is a bit different. I have bought a fairly large amount of Campo nuggets over the past few years. Most are the usual rounded edge, angular all metal nuggets with only a possible hint of graphite or silicates. These pieces here are all very silicate-rich (I have been plucking them out of the batches of nuggets I get). Many (if not all) of these are probably better than 50% graphite/ silicates. Some pieces have these silicates as large nodules or zones. Others have them as fairly small blebs evenly scattered throughout (making the piece look more like a mesosiderite). Nothing super special, but cheap and (I thought) kind of cool/ interesting.
1) Tumbled/ cleaned nuggets that are very silicate-rich:
a) 4.7 grams - 17mm x 10mm x 7mm - $9 – not the piece in the group photo.
b) 7.5 grams - 18mm x 13mm x 10mm - $15
c) 10.2 grams - 18mm x 16mm x 8mm - $20
d) 15.3 grams - 22mm x 13mm x 11mm - $30

HOPE CREEK, Alaska: Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Found summer 1998. Tkw = 9.83kg.
Here are slices (and a nice “book-end” that stands up nicely on its own: 96.0 grams – 75mm x 45mm x 12mm for $570) that I cut from the 805g “main mass” I had offered on my October 2017 list. I was able to arrange a purchase/ trade deal that made it fully mine so I could commit my evil saw work on it so I can now offer everybody more affordable pieces of this meteorite. This is not a super pretty meteorite but it does have an interesting look to it. It has the occasional larger chondrule, clast and sulfide inclusion in a mottled tan to dark brown matrix. This meteorite actually has two shock grades assigned to it: S3 and S4. This stone is composed of lighter colored and less shocked (S3) clasts in higher shocked (S4) matrix.
1) Slices:
a) 5.1 grams - 20mm x 19mm x 4mm - $35
b) 9.5 grams - 35mm x 20mm x 4mm - $65
c) 16.2 grams - 35mm x 33mm x 4mm - $110
d) 31.2 grams - 50mm x 40mm x 4mm - $200
e) 65.5 grams - 85mm x 55mm x 4mm - $400 – large 15mm “chondrule”

NWA (10805): Ordinary chondrite. (L4), S2, W1. Found before May 2016. Tkw = 657 grams.
These are pieces from a studied main mass (only one stone was recorded for this find) that had been oddly cut down its long side. Unfortunately, this made it so I could not get any true complete slices (all of the larger slices have at least some small amount of cut edge on one end) as the finders had cut it what I would have considered the wrong direction for further specimen prep work to remove the research work specimen. Anyway, this is a fairly nice meteorite, having a low weathering grade of W1. This shows some well-formed chondrules, quite a lot of fresh metal in a mottled orange brown to medium brown coarse-grained matrix.
1) Slices:
a) 8.9 grams - 30mm x 19mm x 4mm - $15
b) 17.1 grams - 35mm x 30mm x 4mm - $27
c) 33.8 grams - 67mm x 40mm x 4mm - $50
2) End pieces: note, I only have these two.
a) 62.4 grams - 52mm x 32mm x 25mm - $90
b) 154.4 grams - 55mm x 44mm x 35mm - sold – Main mass.

NWA (2965): Enstatite chondrite. (EL6/7), possibly (EL3). Found 205.
This is the stuff that some called a “fossil” meteorite as it was found embedded as part of ancient lake- bed deposits. This shows no visible chondrules to speak of so I personally believed the 6/7 classification (some have even called this an achondrite Aubrite). However, some researchers argue that the presence of K-bearing glass and a non re-crystallized matrix show that this is really a type 3! Regardless, enstatite chondrites are not only very rare but are interesting in that the bulk content of the Earth is closest matched by melting this type meteorite. I managed to set aside a few “larger” solid pieces (most pieces of this stuff were thumb sized or so) years ago so I could cut these nice slices from. A couple REALLY large pieces I turned into end pieces (the largest has a large zone of the light gray material) at a per gram price cheaper than replacement cost for this material these days. This is very weathered so it doesn’t show any metal but it does have in interesting light brown sandy texture that is quite different from other meteorites. I sold quite a large amount of this material when I put it out at the Denver show this year.
1) Slices:
a) 4.1 grams - 30mm x 15mm x 4mm - $15
b) 8.0 grams - 30mm x 24mm x 4mm - $29
c) 16.2 grams - 52mm x 32mm x 4mm - $56
d) 25.6 grams - 53mm x 53mm x 4mm - $90
e) 39.1 grams - 75mm x 47mm x 4mm - $135
f) 58.9 grams - 100mm x 65mm x 4mm - $200
2) End pieces/ cut fragments:
a) 2490 grams - 130mm x 120mm x 95mm - $1300
b) 5690 grams - 230mm x 180mm x 100mm - $2800

AGUAS ZARCAS, Costa Rica: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell April 23, 2019. Tkw = 27kg.
I know quite a few of you saw an offering of this when I first got my hands on pieces back in mid August. However, this is an important new meteorite and many of you would not have gotten a chance to get a piece (I have many customers that only get this mailed list). I do plan to go to the area in Late November and hope to pick up some bargains from people wanting $ for Christmas rather than a rock on the shelf. Right now (as I type this list) folks that have material in the field seem to be still stuck at $65/g (larger uglier fragments that have seen a lot of rain before they were recovered) and $90/g (better, fresher individuals) so I am not sure if my “Christmas money” idea will work out. These slices, to be honest, are from a piece that saw some rain, but not much. I paid extra to get this wire-sawed to avoid adding any more water, causing any further damage as well. I do have a few small (mostly under 1g) fragments with crust (a bit cheaper per gram as well), so ask if that is what you might prefer.
1) Slices:
a) .28 grams - 10mm x 8mm x 1.5mm - $34
b) .54 grams - 13mm x 12mm x 1.5mm - $65
c) 1.0 grams - 20mm x 17mm x 1.5mm - $120
d) 2.0 grams - 28mm x 20mm x 1.5mm - $225
e) 2.7 grams - 37mm x 19mm x 1.5mm - $300
2) Larger fragments/ individuals:
a) 12.8 gram crusted fragment – 30mm x 18mm x 17mm - $1250.00 – about 40% crusted
b) 24.0 gram individual – 30mm x 28mm x 20mm - $2400.00 – about 85% crust, partly oriented.
c) 53.4 gram individual – 45mm x 32mm x 25mm - $5300.00 – about 95% crust, partly oriented.

NWA (12636): HED achondrite (diogenite). Found 2018. Tkw = 776 grams.
This was a solid diogenite fragment that I got during the 2018 Tucson Show. It sat around for quite awhile before I did anything with it. Upon cutting I found it had a nice, classic texture – larger angular to rounded crystals (generally light tan to somewhat greenish in color) in a fine (bright, nearly yellow) matrix. There also appears to be a fair amount of chromite (small black angular inclusions) in most of these pieces. The research work showed this to be a typical (Vesta origin) monomict (one rock type) breccia. Nice stuff, and a great example of a “classic” diogenite (something I have NOT had in a surprisingly long time)
1) Slices:
a) 2.8 grams - 20mm x 12mm x 4mm - $30
b) 5.4 grams - 28mm x 15mm x 4mm - $58
c) 10.0 grams - 40mm x 25mm x 4mm - $105
d) 18.0 grams - 50mm x 35mm x 4mm - $180
e) 33.0 grams - 65mm x 50mm x 4mm - $315
2) End pieces:
a) 54.6 grams - 70mm x 25mm x 20mm - $500
b) 114.8 grams - 60mm x 47mm x 20mm - sold

These are vintage (mostly unused) post cards. They have a picture of the entire crater that appears to be a (somewhat overdone) hand-painted/ colored black and white photo of the crater as seen from the air to the east. The bulk of these have a trademark of what looks to be “Fred Harvey Hotels-Shops, Restaurants”. A photo number of H-3971 is on the front under the picture along with “Meteorite Crater Near Winslow, Arizona”. I don’t know how old these are but I do have a couple that were used that seem to indicate that these are from the mid to late 1940’s. Each of these is in a protective slip and the price on these includes the shipping. No, I won’t be writing your address on it and dropping it the mail. I’ll send them out in a regular letter envelope. I do have two of the same post card (one has an old crease though) that appears to be the same but with less over-coloration of the photo and has “Fred Harvey, Trade Mark” and none of the other “Hotels, restaurants” and such. I suspect these are later (and, at least from what I can tell, quite a bit rarer) - $5 for the creased (the uncreased is sold).
Old mid to late 1940’s post card of Meteor Crater - $5 including shipping, $4 each for extras.

Please note:
Shipping: For small US orders $4 is OK for now. Larger orders are now $14 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $15 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.

Saturday 31 August 2019

Denver show info 2019

Denver show info

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
(970) 874-1487

Dear Collectors,
Here is the info for next week’s Denver Show that I am sadly far behind in preparing for right now:
I will (should) be leaving Tuesday the 3rd and should be getting back home around the 17th.

I’ll be at my “new” regular location – The Crowne Plaza DIA (apparently, there is another Crowne Plaza in downtown Denver and I know a couple people that have accidentally ended up with reservations there by simply going with “Crowne Plaza, Denver”. Don’t make this mistake). This is at I-70 and Chambers Road. This is on the north side of I-70 and a little bit east of Chambers road. The address is 15500 E. 40th Ave. I will be in my usual spot on the WEST-side of the actual convention center (near the hotel itself). If you park near the hotel and come through the sliding doors that have the “Convention Center” sign near them (I think this is just left of the doors) and turn right immediately after going through those doors, you will be looking in the door of my room (the “Frisco” meeting room).

I had hoped to be open by mid/ late Thursday but, as far behind as I am at the moment, it is quite likely that I will not be able to get out of here as early as I had planned. If so, I will be a good half-day behind where I had hoped to be and will likely not be able to open until the official show opening time Friday morning. For the bulk of the show (starting Friday) I will certainly be open by 10am. However, I have found that there are folks (often ones going to the big ballroom where the biggest portion of the show is) that want to stop by earlier. I won’t make any firm guarantees, but I will try to be open sometime not long after 9am each morning. As I have my own room and can stay open as late as I want (the main ballroom closes at 6) I do plan to be open well into the evening. Most nights, I will likely close up at around 9pm if folks are not visiting. IF YOU PLAN TO COME “AFTER HOURS” be aware the sliding doors just outside my room get locked not long after “closing” (probably around 6:30 to 7pm). So, if you come later, you will need to go in the hotel lobby entrance, turn left once you pass through the check-in area, turn left again when you come to the “restaurant” (it will be on your right) and then walk 100 feet or so to my room (which will be on the left). Aside from this, we can sometimes hear people pounding on the door (not easy, they are double doors with an atrium between them) and left folks in. However, we often don’t hear this (and security kind of looks down on us manually opening the doors) so please don’t count on that method working (do the through the lobby thing if we aren’t responding). On the final day (Saturday the 14th) I’ll be closing early – I think 5pm is the scheduled time. I had a bunch of people (that I really did want to visit with) show up right at that time last year. They were thinking (not surprisingly) that I’d be open Sunday as well (so Saturday would be one of my “late” nights). However, it seems that this convention center is a hot spot (even if my particular spot in it not) so they need us (and all of our crap) cleared out by Sunday afternoon so the next batch of folks (whatever they are selling/ talking about) can move in Sunday evening and Monday (I kind of asked if I, our at least my stuff, could stay in the Frisco room all day Sunday and was told “No!”).

So, I am behind schedule severely, hence the late posting of this note, but if any of you who plan to attend the show have any special requests of things for me to bring PLEASE LET ME KNOW (soon).

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing some/ many of you at the show!


Monday 12 August 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 229 AGUAS ZARCAS CM2

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 229

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 229

August 12, 2019

I am sending this out a day early as I will be tied up with stuff outside (in near 100 degree heat) quite a bit tomorrow (but I will still try to check phone messages and e-mails fairly often those times I am inside). I apologize if this comes through a bit hard to read, I seem to be having trouble, once again, formatting this post. This seems to be a pretty common problem with Yahoo these days.

AGUAS ZARCAS, Costa Rica: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell April 23, 2019. Tkw = about 27 kilograms.
Well, I haven’t been down to the area yet (I do plan to visit in mid/ late November) but I managed to get some reasonably priced pieces none the less. In fact, even if I had gone the area I am not certain that I could sell anything I might have picked up at prices as low as these (particularly considering travel expenses). The few contacts I’ve had from locals in the fall area trying to sell material have had prices of around $65/g (large/ ugly pieces) to as much as $130/g (nicer, smaller pieces). Anyway, most of you know the story on this already but here it is just in case you missed it. A little after 9pm local time a fireball traveling from the WNW to the ESE was recorder by cameras on top of the Poas and Turrialba volcanoes (I have been on top of both of these. Turrialba was belching dark clods of gas when I visited the site a few years ago. It has since erupted a number of times). Soon after, a kilogram sized meteorite fell through the roof of a house, damaging the rafters and a folding table stored below (I have access to this meteorite and associated artifacts. However, the owners of this have suddenly turned super greedy and want $1million US for this material. I was thinking it would probably, realistically be worth closer to $50 or $60k). Since that event was reported in local newspapers, many pieces have been found. However, rain came to the area soon after (not surprising considering the area) so most specimens have seen a bit of rain before their recovery. To be fully honest, all of my pieces are some of these. However, they showed very little effects and what was present was very easily cleaned off with a light baking soda air blast. I have three types of specimens: complete (and really nice) individuals, fragments that show at least some fusion crust (the largest is close to 50% crusted) and slices.

1) Complete individuals:
a) .49 grams – 8mm x 8mm x 6mm - $65 – oriented!
b) 1.7 grams – 17mm x 10mm x 8mm - $200
c) 3.4 grams – 17mm x 16mm x 10mm - $400 – oriented!

2) Fragments: most have some crust.
a) .52 grams – 9mm x 7mm x 5mm - $47
b) 1.0 grams – 13mm x 10mm x 5mm - $90
c) 2.2 grams – 20mm x 8mm x 8mm - $195
d) 6.4 grams – 22mm x 15mm x 14mm - $560
e) 12.8 grams – 24mm x 20mm x 18mm - $1080

3) Slices:
a) .25 grams – 8mm x 7mm x 1.5mm - $30
b) .36 grams – 10mm x 10mm x 1.5mm - $43
c) .68 grams – 18mm x 10mm x 1.5mm - $82
d) .94 grams – 20mm x 13mm x 1.5mm - $112
e) 1.52 grams – 23mm x 20mm x 1.5mm – $180
f) 2.47 grams – 27mm x 25mm x 1.5mm - $290

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 228

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 228
July 23, 2019

  Well, summer has certainly arrived here. We had a fairly nice, mild (and damp) spring this year. In fact, I actually spent the 4th of July up at A-Basin ski area skiing! It is a rare year that they get to sty open for the 4th (I think it was around 8 or 9 years ago that they last pulled it off). Normally, we break 100 by the end of May. This year we made it all the way into July before seeing or first 100 degree day (it was just over 102 about a week and a half ago). Right now, we are getting the full sun hot treatment usually reserved for June. We have been right at (or slightly above) 100 for the past week. Supposedly, we have some rain (and very slightly cooler temps – but still solidly in the mid 90s or higher) coming later this week.

Anyway, here is a summer offering of a few things I found sitting in the “new” or “rediscovered” pile. Looking at the group photo, I see that the structure of the Zagora didn't turn out. I'll try and get a better picture of this (so the silicates at least show) if anyone does end up being interested in this piece.
Blaine Reed Meteorite List 228
FRANCONIA, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 2002. Tkw = about 100 kilogram.
This is a mostly natural, as found fragment/ partial individual. It shows fusion crust on around 50% of the surface. The remainder of the stone is in the form of two relatively flat ancient breaks. Despite the obvious (to me and likely to most other meteorite collectors anyway) fusion crust, it seems the finder (or someone that they gave it to) ground down a bit of one of the flat break surfaces to show fresh metal, likely to prove that this was indeed a meteorite. I believe that this was a Linton Rohr piece but I did not find a Rohr collection label to go with it when I picked up this (and other) piece back before this year’s Tucson show.
16.3 gram natural fragment with crust – 25mm x 22mm x 18mm - $25

This is a selection of 10 really nice small complete specimens (I don’t see any fresh fracture surfaces on any of these) that I picked up in a trade in Tucson this past February. These are mostly elongate, quasi-teardrop shaped that measure around 20mm to 25mm long. These are in an 8cm x 5.5cm plastic display box.
10 nice individuals. 6.5 grams total in display box - $50 SOLD OUT

NWA (1950): Martian (Shergottite), Iherzoltitc. Found January and March 2001. Tkw = 812 grams.
This has two different find dates as two different paired stones were found (one in each month). This is a “peridotitic” cumulate that is mostly olivine (55%), pyroxenes (35%) and plagioclase. This is indeed an interesting looking meteorite. These pieces show dark (dark gray to black) angular to sub-angular crystals (the olivine I think) in a light green matrix. It seems there is a reason that this does not look “typical” to me. It seems that it really isn’t. From a little poking around I see information that seems to be saying that this is the ONLY Iherzolitic shegottite available to collectors. The others are, supposedly, all from Antarctica and more weathered. Not sure how true this is, but it does show that this is something far more interesting than just a shegottite. This “lot” consists of pieces that I think are leftovers or broken off of larger pieces while cutting and polishing. There are two large pieces (one slice and one end piece/ cut fragment) that are around 8mm to 10mm in size, one medium sized slice (around 5mm or so across) and some small (around 2-3mm) fragments (around 5 pieces). The three large pieces each have fusion crust along a decent part of their edges. These are in a 7cm by 6cm glass fronted plastic display box. I have priced this considerably lower than the few prices I could find for this material elsewhere (which were around $1k to $2k/ gram).
.87 grams of slices and fragments in display box - $500

NWA (6903): Iron. Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 2008. Tkw = 50 kilograms.
This is a small piece of a nice medium octahedrite that I offered (and sold out of) on a mailed list some time ago. This particular piece got misplaced somehow or it too would likely have been sold back then. This is a rectangular specimen with one small natural (but highly cleaned) edge and is etched on both sides. I had this priced at $4/g when I originally offered it on my list but I am pricing it a bit cheaper here to “get it out of inventory” (so I no longer have to keep track of it as a separate inventory item) and give someone a fairly good middle of summer deal.
16.6 gram etched part slice – 32mm x 14mm x 4mm - $50

NWA (8179): Achondrite. (Ureilite). Found 2013. Tkw = 245 grams.
This is interesting stuff. It certainly does not look like a typical ureilte. It seems that the research work on it also showed that this is indeed not a typical ureilite. The research description says that this is a “relatively coarse-grained, protogranular aggregate of predominantly olivine (with reduced rims containing stained Fe metal) accompanied by minor orthopyroxene and pigionite”. It seems that (aside from its strange texture) that this is unusual in that it does contain orthopyroxene in addition the usual pigionitic pyroxene found in ureilites. The appearance of this is a mottled mix of light tan (nearly white in some spots) to medium brown matrix that has a lot of really fine brown veins running through it. I am not certain if these are shock related (this meteorite is listed as “moderate” in shock level) or from weathering of fresh metal (some of which is visible in this piece along one edge. An interesting specimen (that is a complete slice of a fragment) that is in a 7cm x 6cm glass fronted display case.
6.3 gram complete slice – 40mm x 25mm x 2mm - $175

TOLUCA, Mexico: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1776.
I have always found it odd that this meteorite is called a “coarse” octahedrite. Most of the etched pieces I have ever seen (and that includes this one) show more of a really nice medium octahedrite etch. This is a part slice that is etched on both sides. It, overall, is roughly square in shape and has one natural edge (the 3 others are cut edges). Other than showing a nice etch, this slice also has a couple (roughly 10mm to 15mm sized) troilite surrounded by graphite inclusions. A nice etched slice of a meteorite that I have seen very little of in recent years.
56.1 gram etched part slice – 45mm x 42mm x 4mm - $110

ZAGORA, Morocco: Iron. (IAB) with silicate inclusions. Found 1987. Tkw = 20+ kilograms.
This is a fairly thick part slice that I picked up from a collector who was letting go of a few items from his collection. He was not sure of the ID on this. He had not written down the name, assuming he’d always remember it (like I do sometimes) and then didn’t (also something I am guilty of). However, he had notes showing that he got this over 20 years ago. Well, pretty much the only silicated irons available back then were Zagore and (occasionally) Udei Station. This certainly looks like Zagora and the XRF tends to support this. Also, the thick cut was certainly something not uncommon back then for this material either. This has two cut edges with the remainder (a bit over 50% of the edge) being natural.
24.7 gram part slice – 25mm x 20mm x 7mm - $125