Showing posts with label FUKANG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FUKANG. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 231

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 231

October 8, 2019

Dear collectors,
Here is a list of some of the better/ higher-end things that I was consigned to sell during the Denver show. I highly suspect that I would not have had this many pieces remaining from this list if I had them at the start of the show. Unfortunately, due to various difficulties, these did not get to me until Wednesday afternoon. This gave me only 3 days to find buyers for these items (and I did indeed move a few things) during the time the major buyers had already left town. Anyway, I do have a group photo of these things for anyone interested. I’ll post it in the group archives but can send it directly to anyone by e-mail that wants it. As these are mostly expensive pieces I can get individual closer photos of any of these for those seriously interested. I limit it to “seriously interested” as poor Blake (the guy that takes and processes the pictures) is buried ever deeper in his ham radio antenna making stuff (he is putting more together in a month then he used to do in 4 to 6 months). Because of this, it might take a little time (but no to much) to pull together requested closer pictures but I’ll try to get them as fast as circumstances allow.

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona. Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1891.
This is a nice complete slice. It shows a good etch and has an interesting assortment of inclusions. There are many small elongate inclusions that I haven’t made out quite what they are (look like they could contain some chromite) that often run parallel to the kamacite plates but some others of these inclusions surround other (likely Cohenite and schreibersite ) inclusions. This slice also has a large (35mm x 30mm) troilite and graphite inclusion. Nice specimen! I had a few small part slices earlier this year (and those sold out rapidly), but rarely see cut pieces of Diablo, particularly larger ones like this. Part of this is that people that have larger pieces that could produce a slice like this generally prefer to keep it as a whole specimen (large Canyon Diablos usually have nice sculpting). Also, it can be hard to find someone willing to cut this stuff. It is rare but, on occasion, someone cutting one of these will hit a diamond inside and destroy a bunch of expensive saw blades and equipment by doing so. This slice is polished and etched on both sides.
1061.6 gram complete slice – 200mm x 150mm x 6mm - $1000

FUKANG, China: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 2000. Tkw = 1003kg.
This is a rectangular part slice that I KNOW would have sold if I had it earlier at the show. One of my Chinese friends is always on the look out for pieces of this stuff that are priced fairly (and given the thinness and quality of the crystals in this specimen it certainly is priced fairly). Unfortunately, he had left the show the day before (I think Mike Farmer dropped him and Jim off at the airport and then headed back towards his home in Tucson as well at the same time). Anyway, this piece has fantastic large, gemmy olivines that completely pass light (this is only a bit over a millimeter thick). It is big enough (surface area-wise) to show the texture of this fantastic meteorite but thin enough to not make you have to pay for a bunch of extra weight to get it.
19.7 gram part slice – 85mm x 37mm x 1.5mm - $600

HUCKITTA, Australia: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1937.
I kind of personally asked to have this one brought to me. I had planned to pair it with a (very rare) fresh-metal piece of Huckitta I brought to the show. Well, I ended up selling that on its own before I got this piece. No matter, this is a really nice piece of this now hard to come by meteorite. This is a complete slice of a (rare) larger piece of the typical oxidized material. This is the stuff where the metal has turned to a mix of magnetite and hematite (miraculously without expanding upon taking up the oxygen required to do this and not blowing the piece completely apart in the process). So, this has dark angular olivine crystals set in a blue/gray oxidized metallic matrix. I kind of have soft spot for this material. It was some of the very first meteorite material I ever bough (got it from Robert Haag while I was visiting my uncle during college spring break – probably in 1986) for putting together a catalog and going into business selling these things myself.
123.9 gram complete slice – 130mm x 60mm x 5mm - $300

NWA (unstudied). Stone meteorite. Likely an H-chondrite (according to my Mag-Sus meter).
This is a large mostly complete individual (it does have an edge chipped off on one end) that is oriented. To me, this orientation is very obvious. But then, I know these things. This is fully crusted (aside from the above mentioned end/ edge chipping) but the crust, though quite fresh, has suffered some wind-polishing. This wind-polishing has subdued some of the obvious orientation features (flow lines on the front and roll-over rim around the back). Regardless, this still has the overall oriented shape: rounded, lightly thumb-printed front, rougher textured backside (which I can get and send a photo of if any of you out there are interested in the stone) that has a light roll-over rim around most of the edge. This is a nice specimen and being offered at a price that isn’t really all that much above what the Moroccans seem to be asking for similar quality (completeness, freshness, not oriented) meteorites these days.
4953 gram oriented individual – 180mm x 155mm x 70mkm - $6000

PUTINGA, Brazil: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell August 16, 1937. Tkw = 200kg.
I can’t recall if I’ve ever had a piece of this one. If I did, it would have been small (maybe as part of my long ago micro-collection) and a very long time ago. Anyway, this is a nice large compete slice that has fusion crust pretty much along the entire edge (there might a small chip or two, but nit much. This has a nice typical L6 appearance. It has plenty of metal in a mottled brown and light tan (nearly white) matrix.
146.3 gram complete slice – 110mm x 100mm x 4mm - $1600

ODESSA, Texas: Iron. Coarse octahedrite. Found 1923.
This is another piece that there is a good chance I could have sold if I had it earlier in the show. No matter, as now someone out there has a chance to pick up a nice big display piece for cheaper (per gram) than I can sell any other Odessa specimens for at the moment (but then, this is a big piece). This is a 6.1 kilogram complete end-piece (no other cuts except the face). The cut face is beautifully etched (nice strong etch pattern) and shows numerous troilite/ graphite inclusions. The back- side appears to be pretty much natural (though I can’t rule out a long ago light brushing). It has a sculpted/ large-scale thumb-printed kind of shape but it is large scale and subtle (I’ll get a photo taken of the back if anyone is seriously interested in this wonderful specimen).
6.1 kilogram end piece – 260mm x 150mm x 40mm - $6000

RANCHO GOMELIA, Mexico: Iron. Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1975. Tkw = 11.7kg.
This is a really nice complete slice that has an interesting long shape. This shows a beautiful etch that frankly looks closer to a fine octahedrite than a medium to me (but then, I really haven’t seen that many medium octahedrites lately). It also has a couple long Shreibersite or Cohenite inclusions. This piece also seems to have some history to it as well. It has “1044.7(b) painted on the crusted (well, weathered crust) edge in two places. Apparently, this came from Arizona State University. It seems to have been cut from the 11.4kg main mass that was listed in an older version of their collection catalog. That particular specimen has the number 1044. Not sure if this is the only slice they took off (I am selling this WAAAAY to cheap if it is) or merely the first slice they took off and traded out (I am assuming that the main mass would get the “a”, the first slice a “b” the next slice would be labeled “c” and so on). Nice piece that is etched on both sides.
157.3 gram complete slice – 125mm x 35mm x 5mm - $900

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 152

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                                        
………………………………………………………..LIST 152
April 29, 2014

Dear Collectors,
                Here is the e-mail version of my  “spring, after Tucson ” mailed list (just now reaching . Most of this is stuff I’ve had but finally got through research (some, like the LL3.10 below took several tries to finally get done). The hexahedrite (NWA 8302) and Fukang I picked up in Tucson and was thrilled to get them. I am keeping a full slice of the hexahedrite in my collection as it will be the first iron I have that shows a heat alteration rim. I am hanging on to a piece of many of the other things as well, as several of these are things I’ll probably never get as nice an example of (or any) again (L-melt, LL3.10, Eucrite breccia…..)

I should probably note (and should have on the mailed version as well) that many of you, as I, have not received your tax refund. If this is your case and you are interested in things offered here, I’ll be happy to set things aside for you until the IRS sends your refund. So, don’t hesitate to ask me to set things aside. This is actually the case with ANY of my offerings any time of the year. I just ask that, if things change, to let me know if you have changed your mind so I can move the item on to the next interested party.

NWA (8302): Morocco. Iron. Hexahedrite  (IIAB). Found before 2010. Tkw = 22.4 kilograms(?).
I put a question on the TKW as the official report is the 22,4kg and the small card I got when I bought the stuff said it was 15.25kilograms total. Either way, this is a nice, interesting meteorite. It shows a good number of Nuemann lines as a hexahedrite should, as well as lots of small sulfide inclusions. However, this also shows a very distinct re-crystallized heat-alteration rim along the outer edge. I have seen pictures of this in iron meteorites but I don’t recall ever having had an iron before that shows this feature. I picked the full slices as they have the clearest heat rim. The cut pieces all also show natural edge with an alteration zone.
1) Slices: etched one side:
a) 26.5 grams - 36mm x 22mm x 4mm - $65
b) 46.8 grams - 46mm x 35mm x 4mm - sold
c) 135.7 grams - 97mm x 42mm x 4mm - sold
d) 238.7 grams – 170mm x 50mm x 4mm - sold
e) 275.9 grams - 180mm x 70mm x 4mm - $600 – complete slice, really strong heat rim.
Note: I may end up cutting up the complete slice if it does not sell as is. Let me know what size smaller piece you might like and I’ll try to end up with something close to that size if I do cut this.

NWA (7019): Ordinary chondrite. L-Melt rock. Found before February 2011. Tkw = 1315.8 grams.
I got three fragments (two of which fit together) from a dealer in Tucson. It had a weird green color and an odd texture that showed some fairly large vesicles. This made both the seller and I suspect that this was an impact melt. The interior upon cutting supported this hypothesis and later research work confirmed it. The interior shows no chondrules, vesicles and rounded metal/ sulfide inclusions in a fine-grained green matrix. This highly shocked meteorite likely formed by a nearby impact that was large enough to completely melt this material before it escaped its parent body.
1)       Slices:
a) 4.0 grams - 18mm x 15mm x 4mm - $24
b) 7.5 grams - 25mm x 24mm x 4mm - $45
c) 14.4 grams - 45mm x 25mm x 4mm - $85
d) 27.7 grams - 70mm x 40mm x 4mm - $160 – complete slice.
e) 42.4 grams - 75mm x 50mm x 4mm - $240 – complete slice.
2)       End pieces:
a) 34.9 grams - 50mm x 38mm x 14mm - sold
b) 48.8 grams - 45mm x 38mm x 17mm - $245
c) 69.5 grams - 60mm x 37mm x 20mm - $345 – Main mass.   

NWA (7029): Ordinary chondrite (LL3.10). Found before September 2009. Tkw = 205.6 grams.
When I heard the news that this was a 3.10 I didn’t get too excited. BUT when I looked up just how rare such a thing is I began wishing it didn’t, more or less, take three tries to finally get this thing classified (giving up around 25 grams on each try). Currently there are only four LL3.10 meteorites known (including this one) and only another 6 classified at lower metamorphic grades (including Antarctic recoveries). If you include all the Hs and Ls (the rest of the “ordinary chondrites”) then you have another 16 meteorites known with this low or lower of a metamorphic level. Needles to say, these silces show LOTS of chondrules. Also needles to say, I have very little of this special material. I have under 100 grams TOTAL remaining.
1)       Slices:
a) 1.0 grams - 13mm x 12mm x 2mm - $50
b) 2.0 grams - 26mm x 12mm x 2mm - $100
c) 4.0 grams - 26mm x 20mm x 2mm - $200
d) 7.8 grams - 36mm x 25mm x 3mm - $400 – complete slice, lots of interesting inclusions.

NWA (7902): Ordinary chondrite (L3.7), W2. Found before February 2013. Tkw = 2.02 kilograms.
This is one I bought in Tucson last year. The seller, rightfully it turns out, thought this was a type 3 as it shows quite a lot of chondrules on the exterior surfaces. I wasn’t so sure, or at least wasn’t willing to pay the big premium that was being asked on this “type 3” (something like $3/g I think – pretty typical asking price these days for a raw “out of the field” type 3). We eventually came to an agreement we both could live with and one where I can offer this now proven type 3 for substantially less than its starting price from the seller. The interior does not show much metal (pretty much just sulfides) but is nice in texture. There are lots of chondrules of many sizes clearly visible on this roughly 55mm x 35mm cut face. The rest of the stone is
natural wind-polished crust and some fracture (secondary crust?). Nice as it is or great for cutting into slices (which I will likely do if this does not sell intact).
                1954.0 gram main mass – 170mm x 95mm x 70mm - $4000 

NWA (7252): Carbonaceous chondrite (CK5). Found before Feb. 2007. Tkw = 276.1 grams.
This is a piece that I sold after I had sent pieces off for the classification work. After several years it became clear that this was not going to get done so the buyer sold it back to me. More material sent off and the work got done this time. This was originally an individual that was completely crusted but had about 30% secondary crust (so there is likely at least one more related piece out there somewhere). I went ahead and cut the thing up. Slices of this, like most CKs, do not show a lot of chondrules (CKs average only around 15% chondrules in volume) but has an interesting greenish gray matrix.
1)       Slices:
a) 1.2 grams - 15mm x 9mm x 3mm - $18
b) 2.7 grams - 22mm x 13mm x 3mm - $40
c) 4.5 grams - 22mm x 20mm x 3mm - $67
d) 9.4 grams - 38mm x 27mm x 3mm - $140
e) 21.5 grams - 47mm x 43mm x 4mm - $300 – complete slice.

NWA (8162): Achondrite. (Eucrite, monomict breccia. Found before September 2013. Tkw = 297.4 grams.
This is one I wish I could have gotten more of. This showed some brecciation on its natural surface. The inside after cutting makes one say “wow”. This shows LOTS of lighter colored clasts of all sizes surrounded by dark highly shocked material. The material in the clasts and the surrounding matrix all have the same composition, making this a “monomict” breccia. This texture is likely due to impacts nearby on the surface of Vesta (yep, the Dawn mission data is finally getting out and it confirms that Vesta is the source for most of the meteorites classiied as HEDs in our collections!). I had this professionally cut (I hair too big for my saw) and highly polished on one side to really bring out the best in this stone.
1)       Slices:
a) .6 grams - 12mm x 10mm x 2mm - sold
b) 1.3 grams - 19mm x 11mm x 2mm - $32
c) 2.4 grams - 23mm x 17mm x 2mm - $60
d) 5.1 grams - 29mm x 27mm x 2mm - $120
e) 9.9 grams - 40mm x 40mm x 2mm - $225 – complete slice.
f) 23.5 grams - 70mm x 58mm x 2mm - $500 – complete slice.

FUKANG, China: (Pallasite). Found 2000. TKW = 1003 kilograms.
This is one that I offered (as a larger slice) on a recent e-mail offering. I picked this up as part of a collection I purchased from a German fossil dealer as a 100 gram square slice. It had never been coated so there were a couple small rust spots on it. In my attempt to put a new shine on this (using my antiquated polishing equipment) I managed to break it into several pieces – the ones listed here. All of these are still large enough to show the texture of this beautiful meteorite with its huge olivine crystals.
1)       Slices:
a) 18.9 grams - 60mm x 30mm x 2mm - $280
b) 26.4 grams - 60mm x 43mm x 2mm - sold
c) 53.7 grams - 89mm x 50mm x 2mm - sold

ACASTA GNEISS: Ancient rock from Acasta River, Canada.
Here is something I picked up a piece of a few years ago and, when I mentioned it, I found there was a big demand for the stuff (my piece got whittled down quite a bit in supplying pieces to people). I finally got some more this past Tucson. These are small 15mmx 20mm or so) pieces mounted in a labeled perky box. This material is, at this point, the oldest known rock in the world. At 4.2 Billion years old this is not quite as old as most meteorites but formed surprisingly early in Earth’s history.
                Small (15mm plus) fragment in perky box – sold out. Will try to get more.   

Please note:
 The post office keeps increasing shipping rates (despite the government’s official claim is that there is no inflation).  For small US orders $3 should still be fine for now. Larger orders are now $12 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). The real increases came in overseas (or even Canada) shipping. These prices pretty much doubled from what they were a couple years ago. Now small overseas orders are around $9 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Thankfully, it seems that the rate for registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is still around $12.

                My fax machine has pretty much blown up on me. I can nurse it to work if I must (but often loose the incoming fax if I am not really careful). For overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail. I generally get/ deal with phone calls quicker but I will try to keep up on checking e-mail this time.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 149, more after Tucson things 04MAR2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 149, more after Tucson things

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 149
March 4, 2014

Dear Collectors,

Here is another “after Tucson” list. I’ll probably have a couple more but the one that should go out later this month (on the 18th I believe) may be off in its timing as I may be out of town for a bit around that time.

BROWNFIELD (1937), Texas: (H3.7) found 1937. Tkw = about 47 kilograms.
Here is a cut fragment I sold to a collector many years ago. There are two cut faces that both show lots of chondrules and some metal in a light to medium brown matrix. The natural portion of this specimen is roughly equally divided between old natural break and fusion crust.
36.9 gram cut fragment – 48mm x 25mm x 18mm - $250

DHOFAR (1286), Oman: (Eucrite), polymict breccia. Found December 2005. Tkw = 848 grams.
Two pieces that fit together were found about 30 meters apart. This meteorite contains clasts/ fragments of various compositions and colors – making it look very much like a howardite. However, this lacked enough pyroxene to be classified as a howardite. I recently sold out of what I had of this meteorite (and tossed out the remaining info cards) but then picked up a few more pieces in Tucson (and re-made new cards).
a) 2.0 gram slice – 20mm x 17mm x 2.5mm - $25
b) 4.2 gram slice – 42mm x 20mm x 2mm - $50
c) 6.8 gram slice – 35mm x 25mm x 3mm - $75
d) 20.2 gram end piece – 40mm x 20mm x 16mm - $200

FUKANG, China: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 2000. Tkw = 1003 kilograms.
Here is a square cut slice of this beautiful pallasite. This meteorite probably has the largest, on average, olivine crystals of any pallasite. I tell people that you pretty much need a rodeo belt-buckle sized piece of this meteorite to begin to see its texture. Thankfully, this is pretty much what I have here. The crystals, with the exception of a couple on one side, all pass light, making this a nice natural “stained glass window”. This is a piece that came uncoated from Germany. I have coated it but have left the few minor rust spots alone as I have not figured out how to regain the mirror polish after sanding these meteorites.
100.5 gram slice – 90mm x 89mm x 2mm - $1300

GOLD BASIN, Arizona: (L4). Found November 24, 1995. Tkw = about 127 kilograms.
This is the stuff that many found discarded as simple “hot rocks” by people metal detecting for gold in the area. A new gold rush into the area was started once it was found that these “hot rocks” were often meteorites. I have two as found specimens. The smaller is a blocky piece that might cut fairly well but is nice the way it is. The larger is the largest, by far, Gold Basin piece I have had. It is, at best, half of the original stone so this was a real monster when it fell some 20-25 thousand years ago (I think this strewn field is still reported as the oldest chondrite fall outside of Antarctica). Both pieces show areas of natural breaks as well as clear weathered fusion crust (typical Gold Basin material in other words).
a) 350.8 gram individual/ fragment as found – 80mm x 50mm x 40mm - $435
b) 1483.3 gram fragment/ individual as found – 150mm x 120mm x 50mm - $1500

NWA (845): (R4), W1. Found March 5, 2011. Tkw = 36+ grams.
The total known on this must be wrong. 36 grams is listed but I got a bit over 40 grams of nice thin slices from a German fossil dealer in Tucson. This meteorite appears to have a known find location (the info given with it has coordinates, which are also reported in the Meteoritical Bulletin) but still ended up being called just an NWA. None the less, these are nice thin slices that show lots of chondrules in a nice medium brown (with hints of orange) matrix. Some of these (the part slices) have one cut edge.
a) .61 gram part slice – 16mm x 9mm x 1mm - $12
b) .94 gram part slice – 27mm x 11mm x 1mm - $19
c) 2.1 gram slice – 28mm x 22mm x 1mm - $40
d) 3.6 gram slice – 36mm x 26mm x 1mm - $67
e) 8.1 gram part slice – 40mm x 30mm x 2mm - $150

NWA (853): Achondrite (Ureilite). Found March 2001. Tkw = 720 grams.
I thought about keeping this one (and may yet do so). It is a rectangular blocky piece that shows 3 cut faces. However, the majority of the natural uncut part clearly shows distinct fusion crust (covering around 40% or so of the specimen). I don’t recall having a ureilite before that showed much of any crust let alone distinct heavy black crust. Interesting and no doubt fairly rare. Grab it before I change my mind.
131.8 gram cut fragment – 50mm x 35mm x 30mm - $2000

PORTALES VALLEY, New Mexico: (H6). Fell June 13, 1998. Tkw = 71.4 kilograms.
This is easily the weirdest “H6” I have ever seen. Even the “chondritic” portion looks strange. It does not seem to show any chondrules and has a crystalline texture, fine metal grains and some large metal veins, making it look almost identical to the Fortuna Winonaite I offered earlier. I thought this was “reclassified” into some kind of “achondritic metallic melt breccia” but the Meteoritical Bulletin does not seem to mention anything about this. Anyway, this is a nice partial slice that is mostly silicates but does show quite a lot of metal veins running through it. This has two labels with it; one from the Jake Pelletier Collection and one (with a picture of the specimen) from Robert Woolard. This is supposed to be a 42.8 gram specimen but a small (.2g or so) piece has broken off of one corner at some point (this piece is still with the specimen in its membrane box). There are two cut edges (making up 40% or so of the edge) but the majority is natural and shows some fusion crust.
42.6 gram part slice – 100mm x 68mm x 2mm - $1500