Showing posts with label TULIA (d). Show all posts
Showing posts with label TULIA (d). Show all posts

Friday 31 December 2010

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 98 - Norton County and other Monig specimens

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
December 28, 2010

Dear Collectors,

I really had not planned on having any further lists this year. I was supposed to be in Denver this week. Unfortunately the weather and several deals that need to be finished (including picking up a nice 8.4kg natural Gibeon specimen from the owner in Grand Junction yesterday) prevented this. The weather is not bad right now (sunny – only the second day in weeks! My solar system has not proven to be of much use the past couple months, unfortunately). But, another big storm is moving in and expected to stay awhile. Linda has jury duty January 3rd as well and I cannot risk getting stuck an extra week in Denver right now (as happened all last December and January on every trip I made up there to clean up my Aunt's estate).
Any way, these are a few things from TCU. Most of these have a Monig collection label. The large Travis (a) slice and the fragment lots of Norton County don't, unfortunately (I may be able to get a label made up for the Travis (a) piece and send that to the buyer later though).

NORTON COUNTY, Kansas: enstatite achondrite (Aubrite). Fell February 18, 1948. Tkw = 1175kg.
I have not had any of this in a looong time, particularly pieces large enough to actually weigh (the 4 fragment lot could have easily been broken down into 4 individually weighed specimens). As mentioned above, the two large specimens (3.1g and 18.0g) come with Monig Collection labels.
a) 2.9 grams of fragments (crumbs to about 7 or 8mm in size) in glass vial - $75
b) 3.0 grams; 4 nice fragments (roughly equal size) - $120
c) 3.1 gram fragment – 18mm x 15mm x 8mm - $120
d) 18.0 gram fragment – 31mm x 28mm x 16mm - $675 – this has a really large enstatite crystal (30mm x 20mm x 10mm) on one end.

TRAVIS COUNTY (a), Texas: (H5). Found 1889. Tkw = 175.4kg.
This is the fresher (by a bit) of the two Travis County stones. It has a good number of metal and sulfide rimmed chondrules in a dark green/gray matrix. This piece also has a few large Troilite inclusions (one that is about 10mm x 6mm).
136.9 gram complete slice – 175mm x 80mm x 3mm - $200

TRAVIS COUNTY (b), Texas: (H4). Found before 1980. Tkw = 5.9kg.
This is the rarer of the two Travis County stones. It is a bit more weathered than the Travis (a), but is still nice. These pices show lots of chondrules (really visible on the back unpolished side) in a mixed medium to dark brown matrix.
a) 20.1 gram part slice – 45mm x 34mm x 5mm - $40
b) 64.2 gram ½ slice – 80mm x 60mm x 5mm - $120

TULIA (d), Texas: (H6). Found 1981. Tkw = 17.7kg.
Yep, I did sell the last piece I had of this from the last list, BUT the folks at TCU noticed this offering and sent up a couple pieces (2 "large" complete slices) that they had set aside somewhere (as inventory for potential trades with other museums, perhaps). Any way, I am offering the largest here. I have a very similar 99.2 gram piece, but I am temporarily holding that one for someone that wanted the 74g one I had last time but missed out.
114.1 gram complete slice – 100mm x 84mm x 4mm - $285