Showing posts with label ORGUEIL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ORGUEIL. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 206

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 206

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
……………………………………………………LIST 206
June 20, 2017

Dear collectors,
Here is a third offering pulled together from a batch of material I recently got from a collector who has decided to trim his collection a bit.

For this offering (and hopefully most others in the future) I will put a group photo in the photo archives in the brmeteorites_list Yahoo group. It will be creatively titled “List 206”. For those of you that acquire my offerings through the blog posting (done by a friend in Japan – Dirk Ross) the photo will likely be directly connected/ displayed with this particular posting.

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 206
Edeowie Glass, Impact glass, South Australia.
I had never heard of this material until I received this specimen. It is not certain what formed this rare material but it does contain quartz that shows shock effects, strongly hinting at an impact origin (rather than as lightning formed fulgurite, which is the next most popular formation theory). Small spots of this glass are found on top of what looks like burnt/ scorched sediments in the small area where this material is found. The structure of this glass: highly fused top, poorly fused, frothy mid zone down to local dirt and rocks stuck to the bottom, closely resembles pieces of trinitite glass (the stuff formed by the world’s first nuclear explosion). This suggests that, rather than a true impact crater glass, this material likely formed (like trinitite) by a large low-altitude blast – similar to (but perhaps larger) than Tunguska. This interesting piece is pretty much exactly matches the description of a typical specimen of this unusual glass.
3.7 gram fragment as found – 25mm x 16mm x 12mm - $10  SOLD

GRADY (1937), New Mexico: (H3). Found 1937, Tkw = 9.3 kilograms.
Here are three small but quite fresh fragments of this scarce meteorite. Inspecting them with magnification reveals all kinds of light to medium gray chondrules in a light gray matrix. These pieces are all around 10mm x 5mm to 10mm x 9mm in their larger surfaces.
1.17 grams – three fragments - $15

HENBURY IMPACT GLASS, Henbury craters, Australia.
The label with these specimens says “impactite” but these are NOT the usual frothy quasi-glassy impactites that have been available from these craters. These show obvious black glass. The larger (.6 grams – 15mm x 9mm x 6mm) is almost entirely glass, only showing a few small spots of attached orange dirt or rock. Frankly, this specimen looks much like an Irghizite – having a stretched, melt flow look to it. The other piece (.7 grams – 11mm x 9mm x 9mm) looks like a piece of orangish brown rock (the reason it is heavier than the other piece despite being smaller) that has a thick coating of black glass on one side. Interesting items and certainly not the typical “impactites”.
2 pieces in a display container - $25

NWA (unknown): L or LL3.
I sure wish the classification info for this one didn’t get lost. It is obviously something that someone thought was special. They took the time (and high expense) to have this cut with a wire-saw. None the less, this is a really nice specimen for showing chondrules. It is absolutely loaded with them. They come in all kinds of sizes and all kinds of colors. This really reminds me of Wells, Texas (LL3.3) and Ragland, New Mexico (LL3.4). This is also a complete slice of whatever mass it was cut from. This is likely something quite special but priced pretty much like a common LL3 here.
16.8 gram slice – 52mm x 50mm x 3mm - $100

SUEVITE, Nordlingen Ries Craters, Germany.
Here is a slice of this impact breccia from the almost 15 million year old impact crater that was the source of the Moldavites. This contains dark gray areas that are fragments of impact glass, in a matrix of light gray to white (mostly small) fragments of rock. This has epoxy on the back (not visible unless removed from the display box this is in) as I think that this was going to be used for making thin-sections at one point. Actually, I have two specimens to pick from. I am only listing one here but will have both in the “group photo” for this offering. The one that the measurements below are for is for the smaller (and thinner) one on the left in the photo.
4.5 gram rectangular slice in plastic box – 30mm x 20mm x 3mm - $10

TATAHOUINE, Tunisia: HED achondrite (Diogenite). Fell June 27, 1931. Tkw = 13.5+ kilograms.
Tatahouine is strange stuff. It has a really obvious bright green color with gray shock veins running through it. Here are a couple natural pieces in a small plastic display box that look very nice together. One piece (2.1 grams) is fairly flat/ angular and has a face that shows the shock veins very nicely. The other piece (1.8 grams) has a sculpted/ rounded edges shape and shows (on close inspection – a 10X lens works fine) quite a few tiny (around 1mm or under) patches of black fusion crust! A nice display pair.
2 pieces - 3.9 grams total in small display box - $60

ORGUEIL, France: Carbonaceous chondrite (CI1). Fell May 14, 1864. Tkw = 10.5+ kilograms.
Here are some of the “usual” (none of this material is easy to come by) small fragments and crumbs of this really strange material. They look like fragments of charcoal brickettes. I keep hoping that they will come out with some detailed results from landing on that comet awhile ago, as I suspect that those analysis results will likely show strong similarities to this material. Alas, such research work grinds slowly. It did take some years before analysis results from the DAWN mission (now orbiting Ceres) showed us that YES! Most H.E.D. meteorites do likely come from Vesta. Hopefully, we will soon have some information as to whether or not the CI1 stuff really is cometary or not. Anyway, these fragments and bits are in a capsule that is in a plastic display box.
.037 grams of fragments in a capsule in a display box - $90

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 139 - Summer Meteorite Bargains

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 139

July 16, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here is a second "summer bargains" list.

DAR al GANI (476), Libya: Martian Shergottite, olivine phyric. Found 1998. Tkw = 2015 grams,
This is a small ½ end piece where most of the back is the natural (mostly caliche covered) exterior. There is one edge that looks to be a fresh break so I think that this was a larger end piece that some one broke in half at some point. The interior is the usual dark olivine clasts in a green matrix.
.73 gram end piece - 12mm x 8mm x 5mm - $350

NWA (2907): Anomalous achondrite. Found 2005. Tkw = 203 grams.
Not sure why the bulletin says that there is 586 grams of this. I suspect that either there is an error or more of it turned up after I submitted it for research (I am still listed as the "main mass" holder though). Regardless, this is strange stuff. I remember Ted Bunch calling this the "bastard diogenite" because it had such strange chemistry/ mineralogy. It is quite different in appearance from anything else that I can think of. It has a fairly fine crystalline texture (kind of a mix of brown and greenish brown) with a few somewhat larger (1mm or so) darker clasts. This nice end piece could easily be cut into numerous slices if one desired.
19.0 gram end piece - 25mm x 17mm x 17mm - $300 SOLD

NWA (5784): Diogenite / DUNITE. Found 2006. Tkw = 2.6 kilograms.
The total known on this is a bit misleading as the bulk of this stone (all but a few hundred grams I think) were donated to a museum in Canada, so very little is available to collectors. I labeled this Diogenite / Dunite as there has been a change in how all of these things (normal diogenites, "olivine diogenites"and dunites) are named in the Meteoritical Bulletin. Now they are all given the classification of Diogenite. You have to look a little deeper for the details. "Normal" diogenites are orthopyroxenites, olivine diogenites are Harzburgite and for those few (and I do mean few, I think there are only 3 or 4 dunites known at this point) that are over 90% olivine the sub type is "dunite". Regardless of how it is labeled, this is a very rare and important meteorite. This particular piece is a cut fragment (may have some very thin secondary crust on the back but I am going to play it safe and call it weathering) -the only one I have I believe. The interior is an interesting mottled mix of colors ranging from very light tan (nearly white) to dark brown.
13.5 gram cut fragment - 40mm x 35mm x 7mm - $700

NWA (7252): carbonaceous (CK5). Found before February 2007. Tkw = 276.1 grams.
Here is a solid piece that could easily be cut up and sold as slices or enjoyed for the nice display piece as it is. This has distinct contraction cracked fusion crust (all be it wind polished) covering probably 65 to 70% of this piece. There is a 44mm x 39mm cut face and the remainder is an old break of thin secondary crust. The interior is a mixed medium gray and tan with only a few indistinct chondrules visible. This lot consists of the 231 gram main mass and a 6.8 gram slice.
231.3 gram main mass - 50mm x 45mm x 40mm - $1700

PERRYTON, Texas: (LL6). Found 1975. Tkw = 2114 grams.
This is a meteorite I turned up out of the field many years ago and have little recollection of it. It was obviously one of the few that I ended up selling off (to raise money for more field work) before it was ever cut or finished with research. Regardless, this is my last piece of this (I think I only had 50 or 60 grams of it to begin with) and priced at less than half what it was priced at.
8.1 gram slice - 42mm x 20mm x 3mm - $95

ORGUEIL, France: carbonaceous (CI1). Fell May 14, 1864. Tkw = 10.5+ kilograms.
This is a fairly solid piece of this really crumbly stuff. It was part of a 1.0 gram piece that broke on shipping to me. This is, by far, my largest piece of this type meteorite (I have plenty of crumbs in capsules and small glass vials).
.70 gram fragment - 12mm x 10mm x 7mm - $650

RICHFIELD, Kansas: (LL3.7). Found 1983. Tkw = 40.8 kilograms.
This is the largest slice out of this large meteorite. This is possibly the largest slice of an LL3 outside of a museum.
1714 gram complete slice - 345mm x 230mm x 7mm - $5000

SEYMCHAN, Russia: (Pallasite). Found 1967.
Here is a piece that, admittedly is not a super bargain as it sits. However, it is what this could become that makes it a deal. It is a highly pallasitic end piece that is loaded with olivine and certainly wouldn't produce anything but purely pallasitic material if cut up. Frankly, I like it just the way it is. It looks and displays nice. This is to big to weigh on any of my really accurate scales. However, I know from the scale that I usually weigh heavier items on that this is something over 6.6 kilograms.
6.6kg pallasitic end piece - 210mm x 135mm x 120mm - $13,000

SIKHOTE-ALIN, Russia: Coarsest octahedrite (IIAB). Fell February 12, 1947.
This is not only a nice, possibly oriented, fusion crusted individual it is also an art piece. This thing developed a fairly long bent tail that twists up from a wide flat base giving this thing the appearance of a scorpion. A really neat and rare piece or the animal shape collector.
307.2 gram scorpion individual - 65mm x 50mm x 55mm - $950

ZAGAMI, Nigeria; Martian (Shergottite). Fell October 3, 1962. Tkw = 18.1 kilograms.
This is a small cut fragment (there is a 5mm x 4mm cut face) in a membrane box. There is no crust so this is a true fragment. This is the thinner grained material and does show a couple thin shock veins.
.178 gram cut fragment - 6mm x 5mm x 4mm - $100

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 111 - recently mailed offering 19OCT2011

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 111 - recently mailed offering

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

October 19, 2011
……………………………………………………LIST 111

Dear Collectors,

Here is the E-mail version of my just mailed paper list offering.

This is my 25th anniversary list! It was October of 1986 that my first ad came out in Rock and Gem and I sent out my first catalogs. My first actual order was late in the month and went out to a collector in Erie, PA. It sometimes seems like it has been a loooong time, but usually it feels more like I started just last year. 

Socorro, New Mexico Mineral Symposium. I will be gone November 9th - 16th. The "informal tail-gating" (specimen sales) will be at the Comfort Inn at the very North end of town (1259 Frontage Rd NW). I should be in room 119. I should be set up and open by 2PM on Friday Nov 11th and open again about 6PM Saturday (generally open until 11 or so each night). I will also likely be open much of Sunday as well - not putting things away until around 4PM or so that day.

As usual lately: I am very busy with several projects that will have me out of the house periodically. Please leave a message if you don't reach me. I will get back to you when I get back in. 

MUONIONALUSTA, Sweden: Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1906. Tkw = 1000+ kilograms.
I am a little bit scared to offer this one. I have heard it called MuonionaRUSTA. This is beautiful stuff though. It has a fantastic etch (sharper and better, by far, than most Gibeon) but does sometimes have a problem with developing rust lines. These pieces were supposedly cut in oil and etched in alcohol, so they are supposed to be much more stable than most. I have had these for 8 months and they are indeed holding up well, and we have been very rainy here this summer.
1) Etched part slices:
a) 8.2 grams - 25mm x 11mm x 4mm - $15
b) 17.1 grams - 29mm x 26mm x 3mm - $30
c) 26.9 grams - 30mm x 28mm x 5mm - $45

DHOFAR 1576, Oman: (L5). Found March 10, 2009. Tkw = 7.7 kilograms.
The current total known weight on this might be substantially less for the time being. I got a little over 2kg of this and was told that the remainder may have been "lost in the shuffle" (misplaced, lost its labeling or accidentally got mixed in with other similar-looking unstudied material perhaps). Anyway, this is indeed the "Right Stuff". This was recovered as a single large stone that had weathered apart into many pieces. I suspect that this original stone may have been oriented to some degree, as quite a number of these pieces show some patches of incredibly thick, somewhat bubbly crust. This is, internally, pretty typical for a weathered low shock level (S2) L-chondrite.
1) Cut fragments:
a) 8.1 grams - 26mm x 15mm x 12mm - $10
b) 14.3 grams - 38mm x 17mm x 15mm - $17
c) 28.0 grams - 44mm x 27mm x 15mm - $31
d) 42.4 grams - 54mm x 33mm x 12mm - $45
e) 106.1 grams - 82mm x 48mm x 20mm - $100
f) 231.4 grams - 85mm x 58mm x 22mm - $205 – most of back covered by thin crust.

NWA 5783: (LL6). Found before February 2008. Tkw = 524.2 grams.
I got five fairly fresh looking stones with really low magnetic attraction at the Tucson show some years ago and set them aside. Cutting one of the stones revealed that these were a nice, fresh LL6 with a good breccia texture (this has gray clasts in a light greenish-gray matrix internally). I decided to offer the remaining stones as complete individuals for now as these are indeed distinctly complete individuals (I may cut up what does not sell and offer slices on a later list). I do have many collectors that want only complete stones of various types, and LL6 is not the easiest to come by. These do show a moderate level of wind-polishing and weathering effects, but the crust is still quite dark and thick in most areas (with much of the crust on the larger pieces showing nice contraction cracks). Note for E-Mail offering; I rapidly sold the smaller ones and cut the 109g piece, so now there is an end piece available. This does have a little bit of light browning on the edges but is a very nice specimen with really nice crust covering the back.

1) Complete individuals as found:
a) 198.8 grams - 55mm x 43mm x 38mm - $600

2) End piece:
a) 54.8 grams – 50mm x 43mm x 18mm - $190

ORGUEIL, France: (CI1), carbonaceous chondrite. Fell May 14, 1864. Tkw = 11 kilograms.
This is the closest to comet material we as collectors have in our collections (I doubt we'll ever get access to some of the tiny grains they brought back from comet 81P/Wild 2 in the Stardust mission). This is very close to solar abundance in most elements and is the most "primitive" meteorite type known. This has had a lot of water flow though it in its past. I recently saw a very interesting article explaining that there may really be fossils in this material! Some of the evidence was along the lines of
the microbes that were fossilized were of a type that live underwater (we all know that this material would have turned to mud if it spent any time underwater after arriving on Earth) and the isotopic compositions of the `fossil" structures appeared to be non-terrestrial. I have not heard any more on this, but it is truly fascinating to think about none the less. What I have is crumbs (no surprise there), generally from small up to 4 or 5mm in size in a capsule or glass vial
1) Crumbs/ fragments in capsule/vial:
a) .05 grams - about 4mm diameter x 2.5mm deep in capsule - $125
b) .10 grams – about 4mm diameter x 5mm deep in capsule - $240
c) .25 grams – about 4mm diameter x 9mm deep in capsule - $575
d) .50 grams – 5mm diameter x 20mm glass vial filled - $1100
e) 1.0 grams – 11mm diameter x 9mm deep in glass vial - $2000

NWA 6888: Rio de Oro, Western Sahara: (Lunar meteorite). Found May 28, 2011, Tkw = 208 grams.
Here is a BRAND NEW Moon rock! This just got done with the research work, and it turned out to be really interesting! I have heard the term "collection in a slice" before, but it really applies to this stuff. This stone is classified as a "Polymict melt matrix breccia and is composed of many different mineral and rock type clasts (including granulites, anorthosites, gabbro, gabbro-norite, troctolites and VLT-like basalts) set in a devitrified glass matrix. This one meteorite seems to have a bit of pretty much all the different types of Lunar materials. The single "I've got some of that type Moon rock" Lunar specimen! 
1) Slices: 
a) .06 grams - 7mm x 4mm x 1mm - $65
b) .11 grams - 8mm x 6mm x 1mm - $120
c) .18 grams - 10mm x 9mm x 1mm - $195
d) .37 grams - 14mm x 10mm x 1mm - $390
e) .90 grams - 19mm x 18mm x 1mm - $900
f) 3.09 grams - 57mm x 22mm x 1mm - $2935 – complete slice.

2) End piece:
a) .13 grams – 10mm x 5mm x 2mm - $140

SEYMCHAN, Russia: (Pallasite). Found 1967. Tkw = tons, but very little true pallasite material known.
I got a few more pieces of the intensely pallasitic stuff at the Denver Spring Show and had it cut thinner. I couldn't recall if I have ever offered this material. I have offered the material with large crystals before, but I don't believe I have offered this really fine-grained material. Anyway, these have a high content of angular olivine sized from really tiny up to 5 or 6mm. These are neat pieces in that even a small specimen shows the pallasitic texture of a large slice (I often offer these to jewelers as even cabs for rings still show a good olivine/ metal mix). 
1) Slices:
a) 3.3 grams - 19mm x 17mm x 2mm - $40
b) 6.6 grams - 31mm x 22mm x 2mm - $80
c) 9.8 grams - 28mm x 28mm x 3mm - $115
d) 14.2 grams - 43mm x 35mm x 2mm - $165
e) 21.0 grams - 70mm x 35mm x 2mm - $240
f) 36.7 grams - 52mm x 50mm x 3mm - $400 – lots of large crystals/ light transmittance!

2) Fantastic 6.7kg intensely pallasitic end piece – 230mm x 140mm x 120mm - $12,500 – I'd love to keep this one as my representative pallasite end piece if I had the cash (this is consigned).

DARWIN GLASS, Australia; impact glass.
I thought I was pretty much out of this material, but recently located another small bag I had set aside from long ago (probably 15 or 20 years). These are the usual dark greenish/gray irregular blobs of rough glass from the roughly 700k year old, 1 Km diameter Mount Darwin Crater in Tasmania.. Most show interesting stretch and or flow structure (I think this was a bag of the "good stuff", or at least the "better stuff").
1) Individuals/ fragments as found: Price = $2.50/g
Sizes available: 2.0g, 4.2g, 6.4g, 9.0g, 11.5g,

These are some really neat hand-made "beads" that I picked up in Denver. I have 2 styles – disks and hearts. They have a hole in them near their respective "tops" (near one edge of the disk and just below the V of the heart) for running a loop through for hanging on a chain. These would make a great Christmas present, so I decided to offer them now.
1) Disk shaped pendant bead: roughly 35mm diameter, 5mm thick (roughly 15 to 20 grams) - $20.00 each
2) Heart shaped pendant bead: Roughly 40mm tall x 35mm wide, 5mm thick (roughly 20 to 30 grams) - $25.00 each 

Please include postage: a couple dollars on small U.S. orders and $10 on large items for first class (insurance is extra, if desired). On small overseas orders, $3 to $5 is generally plenty (I'll have to custom figure the rate for large items). Registration is also recommended on more valuable overseas shipments - an extra $12.00.
If you are sending a fax, simply begin transmitting when my line is answered. My fax will turn on automatically to receive (or I will start it if I answer) when you begin transmitting.