Showing posts with label Mesosiderite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mesosiderite. Show all posts

Thursday 19 September 2024

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 273 19SEP2024

Blaine Reed Meteorites
P.O. Box 1141, Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 273 - September 2024

Dear Collectors
I am back from the shortened (for me) Denver show. It was, not surprisingly, fairly slow as far as people visiting was concerned. It was also relatively slow as far as sales went, but not horribly so (certainly not as bad as I feared it might be). The folks that did show up seemed willing to spend money once they had made the, difficult at times, trek down I-25 through the heart of Denver to see us. Sales down, yes BUT I was only set up for 5 days (half the normal length of the show). Would I have sold as much as a “normal” show if we were able to stay set up - ? no idea. Just know that I am happy to have sold as well as I did (but I still was better at spending than selling – as usual). I did get a number of calls from people that did not get the message that we had moved. A number of people called me from the now weed-filled parking lot of the Crowne Plaza wondering where I was. Unfortunately, I got those calls after I had already packed up and left town (one guy wanted to “come see me”. He wanted to simply hop in his car and come visit me at home. Once I let him know that I was a 6 hour drive away (12 hours for someone coming from Denver and then going back to catch a flight) he decided to see me in Tucson).

I already have info on next year’s show timing and location. We will be at the Delta Hotel by Marriott Denver Northglenn (10 E. 120th Ave). We will be able to have our normal length show (though having a 5 day show this year was kind of nice. Some of these events are getting waaaay to long). We are scheduled to be open from September 5th through the 13th. I was NOT able to get a semi-private meeting room like I had at the Crowne Plaza (and at this year’s show) as one really didn’t exist in the layout of the new venue. I was able to get a ground floor room though. I plan to have the furniture emptied out, hoping to recreate the open feel (that seems to invite people to hang around more) that those meeting rooms had the best I can.

I do have a couple large trips I need to do this fall. These are not set in stone at this point. I am thinking the bigger of the two will be towards the later part of October (certainly after sales and responses to the offering have died down). So, if possible, let me know if there is something you are interested in on this list (even if you just need it “set aside” to buy from me later) before the middle of October.

A note concerning the photos in this offering:
I want everyone receiving this post with imbedded group photos of the items on this list to know that the item pictured MAY NOT be the identical item you receive (except for cases where I have clearly labeled an item as “the only one this size” or similar). I usually have (and sell) multiple pieces of each size of the items listed (sometimes MANY of them – far to many to put all in a photograph for people to pick from). What I normally do is send the first person that asks for a particular item the largest piece available in whatever size range it is that the specimen they are buying belongs to (when I send a piece that is not in the photo, you generally get a very similar but slightly larger piece). This came about as MOST of my sales from these periodic larger catalogs come from the paper mailed version of this offering where no photos exist so customers don’t know exactly what the piece they ordered looks like (and are usually quite happy to receive a slightly larger specimen instead). So, you can certainly request the exact item in the group photo and I am happy to send it if someone else hasn’t already requested it. Please let me know if you would likely ONLY be happy with receiving that actual pictured piece(s) and I will NOT do any substitution(s) in your order.

TOLUCA, Mexico: Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IA). Found 1776.
This is one of the classic “historic” meteorites. It was first recognized in 1776. Prior to that though, people had been finding and forging pieces of this meteorite into agricultural equipment for many, many years. This stuff used to be readily available. I haven’t seen much of it at all in recent years and even less as cut and etched pieces. Though this is a “coarse” octahedrite it has a much more “medium” octahedrite etch look to it. Nice uniform bands in a nice uniform texture (many “coarse” octahedrites have kind of a mess going for their etch structure). I got these in Tucson this year. I don’t have much of it and have no idea when/ where I might be able to get more.
1) Etched part slices:
a) 10.4 grams - 9mm x 18mm x 4mm - $35
b) 18.7 grams - 35mm x 23mm x 3mm - $62
c) 35.1 grams - 40mm x 31mm x 3mm - $110
d) 55.9 grams - 59mm x 48mm x 3mm - $170

COFFEYVILLE, Kansas: Ordinary chondrite. (H5). Found2006. Tkw = 35.9kg.
A single stone was found by a racecar driver driving (presumably racing) on his property. He and his wife were nearly tossed off/out of the vehicle they were riding when they hit an odd looking large rock. They realized it was very different from the usual light colored weathered limestones of the area. It did not take them long to realize they might have found a meteorite. However, it did take 3 years before they finally had it looked at, confirmed and classified. There is, to be honest, nothing really exciting about this stone (it is just a typical fairly weathered H5 that shows plenty of light colored chondrules in a medium brown matrix) other than it is a really affordable example of a named (and US no less) meteorite. I don’t get many named meteorites (and few US ones) these days and few are remotely affordable.
1) Slices:
a) 10.2 grams - 35mm x 22mm x 5mm - $25
b) 20.5 grams - 40mm x 40mm x 5mm - $50
c) 33.1 grams - 58mm x 45mm x 5mm - $75
d) 72.7 grams - 70mm x 60mm x 6mm - $150
e) 144.0 grams - 110mm x 85mm x 5mm - $275

NWA (7181): Ordinary chondrite. (L3.5). Found 2011. Tkw = 543 grams.
This was a single stone that Matt Morgan picked up 10 years ago at the Denver show. He got it studied and then it sat in a drawer for nearly 10 years until I picked it up from him during the 2021 Denver Spring show. This has lots of gray chondrules hiding in a darker gray matrix. There are some lighter, more brown colored breccia fragments visible in some of the larger pieces. Not super exciting to look at BUT in preparing this meteorite for sale, I found L3.5s are surprisingly rare. As of July 2021, only 12 are known from outside of Antarctica! There is only ONE named stone (Ioka, Utah being the largest ever recorded at 31.5kg). Two from Oman (totaling 3656 grams) and 9 NWA finds (totaling 3509 grams INCLUDING this stone!). So, a surprisingly rarer item than I would have ever thought or expected.Slices: a) 2.5 grams - 25mm x 10mm x 3mm - $15
b) 5.4 grams - 30mm x 18mm x 4mm - $30
c) 9.4 grams - 40mm x 28mm x 3mm - $50
d) 20.2 grams - 47mm x 35mm x 4mm - $100
e) 44.6 grams - 70mm x 54mm x 4mm - $210 – complete slice.
2) 84.9 gram end piece/ Main Mass – 70mm x 45mm x 12mm - $380.00 - possible sale pending

NWA (16087): HED achondrite. (Howardite). Found 2023. Tkw 7450 grams.
Here is a howardite that could pass (or get mistaken for) Kapoeta if one were not careful. This is super fresh internally. It has lots of nice clasts of various colors and sizes in a really light gray matrix. These clasts are Diogenite (14%), Cumulate eucrite (28%) and Basaltic eucrite (57%) along with minor amounts of chromite, ilmenite and magnetite. A really “classic” howardite example and at a reasonable price.
1) Slices:
a) 2.0 grams - 15mm x 14mm x 4mm - $22
b) 3.9 grams - 34mm x 15mm x 4mm - $40
c) 7.8 grams - 45mm x 17mm x 4mm - $80
d) 16.3 grams - 55mm x 45mm x 3mm - $160
e) 30.9 grams - 75mm x 60mm x 3mm - $295
f) 55.4 grams - 110mm x 75mm x 3mm - $500 – possible sale pending

NWA (4576): Stony-iron (Mesosiderite). Found Jan. 2005. Tkw = 30kg.
Here are some slices of a really nice mesosiderite I picked up while in Tucson this year. These were all largish square/ rectangular pieces. I cut a number of these down (hated to – they were really nice as larger pieces) to pieces affordable for most collectors. There really isn’t any info on this meteorite out there, so I don’t really have any “interesting info” on this. Regardless, this is a really wonderful, classic mesosiderite example. It has LOTS of metal, nice rounded (cm or so sized) lithic clasts and the occasional round metal-rich nodule. I can say that mesosiderites (particularly nice ones) are quite a bit harder to come by then pallasites in the collecting world.
1) Part slices:
a) 4.0 grams - 20mm x 13mm x 3mm - $50
b) 8.0 grams - 23mm x 22mm x 3mm - $90
c) 14.8 grams - 32mm x 27mm x 4mm - $150
d) 25.7 grams - 42mm x 26mm x 5mm - $250
e) 53.2 grams - 54mm x 47mm x 5mm - $500
f) 108.2 grams - 88mm x 58mm x 5mm - $1000

BHUTAN: 3-D space themed stamps.
I hesitated to offer these as I have so few of them. But then, never offering them means, they will simply sit here getting older. I got them when it turned out that there was a stamp convention next door to the watch convention I was attending. I stumbled onto these by pure accident. I thought they were kind of neat. They have that ridged plastic coating that gives them a 3-D effect (quite well, actually). As a kid I liked the football and baseball cards that were this form (those, for me anyway, were quite scarce). These, actually, are every bit as old, or older, than those cards I desired back then (early 1970s). This quite surprised me. When I got these (7 or 8 years ago maybe). I thought that these were basically really modern. What little research I have done on them shows that they are actually from around 1967 to around 1970. These are an assortment of “types” (some space craft, some astronauts in space, on the moon and some clearly Apollo) but all are space themed (and, I believe, were part of a “Man’s Conquest of Space” series). Not particularly rare or valuable, but interesting and fun (wish I could have gotten more).

a) Astronauts in space: 4 piece set - $20.00 (I have only 3 sets available).
b) Apollo on way to Moon (command module/ Lander connected). 2 piece set - $10.00 (I have only 3 sets).
c) Astronauts on the Moon. 3 piece set - $15.00(I have only 2 of these).
d) 1970 assortment of 4 space scenes (galaxy, “earth rise” from moon, etc.) - $20.00 (only 1 available)\
e) 1970 5 older space craft (V2, Mercury capsule, Verne’s, etc) - $25.00 (only 1 set available)
f) Apollo launch (2) and capsule recovery after splashdown (1) - $15.00 (only 1 set available).

Shipping: For small US orders (things that fit in a jewelry box in a padded envelope) - $5 is still OK (for now).
Larger things will be around $10 (small priority flat rate box, smallish "private" type box) to around $18 (medium flat-rate box). Insurance is extra if desired (I’ll look it up for you if think you want this cost ahead of shipping the item(s)).

Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $18 (Canada seems to be right around $15) for a small jewelry box in a padded envelope. Most overseas small flat-rare prices are in the $45 range (!!!!). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders. These rates change rapidly (I think we have already had two increases this year) so I'll have to custom quote things that are larger/heavier. Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $18 more with insurance being extra (though there are fairly low limits of insurance allowed to many destinations).

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 235

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 235

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 235

March 3, 2020

Dear collectors,

I am (finally) back from Tucson and (more or less) caught up on things. Some adventures this year but NOTHING like last year. The only thing that died on me this year was my hover-board (well, my uncle did pass away but that was in July of last year. None the less, that did change a few things logistically this year). I only get to use the hover board during the shows (my driveways are gravel and the runway is fairly soft dirt, when it isn’t wet – sticky deep adobe mud when it is). It seems that the battery on my toy now only wants to run for around half an hour or so (it used to last well over an hour). Welll, I was riding it pretty heavy one evening (including a couple complete trips around the hotel as they re-surfaced the parking lot recently). I thought it is getting a bit mushy/ sluggish in its response but it had only been running for 20 minutes or so. A quick glance at the battery light showed it was still green. However, as I was standing on it, moving around (and listening to music at a volume that was a tad high) and I failed to notice that it was flashing a steady “low battery” warning. Well, I leaned into it (got going pretty fast) and then tried to do a sharp turn. Nope, didn’t work out so well. When the engine on my airplane quits (which it seems to enjoy doing from time to time) most people think the thing falls out of the sky like a sack full of wet bricks. Nope, the wing works fine and, as long as I have left myself something to land on within gliding distance, it is no big deal to land and effect repairs (and fly back out when done if I really picked the landing spot well). Not so with a hover-board. When it quits (and it can indeed do it quite suddenly if you are not paying attention) it does indeed drop you to the ground like a bag of bricks. Yep, this is indeed what I did. I watched the machine roll away with a flashing red light (dead battery) signal and that is what dumped me. I managed to pull a bunch of muscles in my left leg and bung up my left hand a bit. Nothing broken (but my pride) but I did end up taking an extra day to pack down the room and load the car (I was moving quite slowly). We also had another “vanenture” on the trip home. The fan belt kept coming off of its pulleys as we were heading to Flagstaff. This happened a half dozen times (about every 8 miles – we got good at putting it back on) on the way into town. We made into town, thankfully. Blake tightened up the clamp on the upper hose on the radiator as that is where it looked the fluid leak was coming from. I wish it ended up being that easy. We ran the car for 20 minutes in the parking lot of the hotel we decided to spend the night at. No leak! So, off we went to Auto Zone to get a new tensioner pulley (it seemed to be making a bit of noise, was old and may have gotten damaged in the shock(s) of the belt coming off). Well, while there, after turning the engine off (this is when a car gets the hottest and builds up the most pressure) the radiator blew a ¼” or so hole (near the hose clamp – so we weren’t to far wrong in the spot of the leak, just what it was exactly). So, time for a radiator replacement right there in the parking lot. Unfortunately, they did not have the right one (and did not have the spare man-power to help me go pick one up). So, a 1.5mile walk (well, more of a shuffle like a post apocalyptic zombie as I had all of those torn leg muscles to deal with) to O’Reily auto parts (who DID have the right radiator but also not enough man-power in house to bring it to us – I got a Lyft back to Auto zone though). It all went together just fine but did take us until a bit after 9pm to get the job done. The next morning, starting the car brought out all kinds of bad metal on metal screeching noises. Hmmm, maybe something else (like the alternator or, my guess, the power steering pump – two items that really can’t be replaced by a couple of shmucks with limited tools in a parking lot). We ran the car for close to half an hour. The noises didn’t go away but they did lessen. My thought was “bad belt” (despite the distinctly metal on metal sounds) as if it were another mechanical failure the noises should be getting worse, not better. A quick experiment showed I was right. So, a new belt (which we now knew how to install in under two minutes) and we were on our way without further trouble (other than the 4” nail that flattened one of the new tires on the car right in the driveway in front of my house. No clue where the nail came from, just happy the thing went flat here and not while on the road. The way we were loaded it would have taken considerable effort, and lots of unloading, to get to what we needed to change a tire on a roadside somewhere). So, adventures, a couple days delay but nothing as serious or difficult as last year.

The things listed below are things that were either left with me (consignments) or I purchased at the show. The show was a bit slower this year (largely due to none of the Chinese buyers and less than half of the Japanese buyers showing up this year, thanks to the Corona virus scare) but not terrible. However, this meant that I, as I did not sell as much, I did not buy as much either. At this point, it looks like this might be my only “after Tucson” e-mail offering (unless I start turning up more smaller things I forgot I bought as I do the finishing touches on putting away all that I brought home). I suspect that my next post/ offering will be my mailed catalog which I plan to try and get out a little earlier than normal as I (supposedly) will be going to Yellowstone with some friends in the earlier part of May this year.
List 235
(click on image to enlarge)
CAMPO DEL CIELO, Agentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB).
These are both complete slices just drastically different in sizes. The smaller piece is prepared and etched on both sides. However, this piece is small enough that you don’t get a real good idea of the etch texture of this meteorite. The large slice is really thin and, as such, is only polished and etched on one side (it would be a really, really hard job to polish out and etch this backside on a slice this thin). However, the prepared side shows a nice classic Campo etch structure.
a) 70.5 gram complete slice etched both sides – 80mm x 55mm x 3mm - $90
b) 459.4 gram complete slice etched one side – 300mm x 130mm x 2mm - $500

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1891.
This is a part slice (1/4 of a complete slice – two cut edges and one long natural edge) I picked up in Tucson this year. I had offered pieces like this on my April 2019 list and rapidly sold out. When I got the chance to pick up some pieces to satisfy people that have been on a waiting list for a specimen from that offering I bought all I could. It turned out that only this piece was “left over” (I wasn’t able to get many specimens, unfortunately). This piece shows a nice vibrant etch and is etched on both sides.
47.0 gram etched part slice – 42mm x 38mm x 3mm - $94

GEBEL KAMIL, Egypt: Iron. Ni-rich ataxite, ungrouped. Found 2008.
This is a relatively large piece of the material that was found surrounding a crater in Southern Egypt that was found by way of Google Earth satellite photographs. This is a fairly young fall event, estimated to have happened around 5000 years ago. This was also very likely a witnessed event to some degree. Debris from the impact partly covered up what was an active trade route road near the crater. I personally wonder if this event isn’t part of the reason that many of the words for iron in ancient languages relate to the sky and stars (it sure would have been a wake-up call as to where some iron came from). This piece is a classic shrapnel piece as most meteorite specimens found around the crater were (I think a fairly large fusion crusted piece was found in the crater). This has the nice dark chocolate brown wind-polished surface texture over most (around ¾) of its surface. The bottom (part that was in the sand all of these years) is a bit more rusty orange in color and looks to have a couple areas of thin glass (from melting of the sand it landed in) still adhering to it. This stuff has gotten quite hard to come by lately as the folks that took the effort to pick this up some years ago have pretty much sold out (and new material is not being recovered).
2538g complete natural shrapnel fragment as found – 170mm x 80mm x 40mm - $2100

MOUNT DOOLING, Australia: Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IC). Found 1909.
Here are two great complete slices that clearly show the recrystallized etch structure pieces of this unusual meteorite shows. It was this etch structure (along with its anomalous chemistry) that showed that a “new” iron meteorite found some 400km away near Perth in 1960 was actually a transported piece of Mt. Dooling. This meteorite is a member of the fairly rare IC group of iron meteorites. Both of these pieces are etched on both sides. I have these priced quite a bit below what I priced (generally smaller) pieces of this meteorite at on a mailed list (and sold out) a couple years or so ago.
a) 106.9 gram etched complete slice – 150mm x 55mm x 2mm - $320
b) 115.9 gram etched complete slice – 155mm x 60mm x 2mm - $348

NWA (6963): Martian (Shegottite). Found 2011. Tkw = about 8 kilograms.
Originally, only about an 80g fusion crusted piece of this was recovered. Once it was found that this was a Mars rock, intensive recovery efforts lead to many more pieces (totaling somewhere around 8kg) being found. This is a wonderful super thing slice that is in a membrane style display holder (though NOT one of the “Membrane Boxes” some of us remember from some years ago). This has a small round base that allows this to be stood up on one corner for a nice shelf display (I’ll put the piece that allows this below the holder in the group photo). This slice has a nice shock vein near one side that was/ is large enough to have some gas bubbling.. These bubbles likely contained little bits of the Martian atmosphere at one time (and, if any are still intact inside this vein those likely would still contain some traces of Martian atmosphere). I have priced this quite a bit below what most people offering pieces of this material seem to be asking at this point.
5.20 gram slice – 70mm x 33mm x 1mm - $1300

NWA (8402): Stony-iron (Mesosiderite). Found 2014. Tkw = 23.85kg.
Here is a nice complete slice of this really classic looking mesosiderite. This has a wonderful mix of metal (making up around 40% of the cut surface area – often as cm sized rounded nodules) and silicates (of which around 75% is pyroxene and 25% is plagioclase). This particular meteorite was also found to have a fairly high amount of silica. This, along with the high content of plagioclase, some equilibrated silicates and lack of brecciation show this to be member of the rare A-3 type mesosiderite group. This is only the 4th meteorite known of this type. The other three are all named recoveries that are pretty much impossible for a collector to obtain: Emery, SD, Lowicz, Poland and Morristown, TN.
148.8 gram complete slice – 140mm x 75mm x 4mm - $1000

NWA (12630): Lunar, anorthositic breccia: Purchased February 2019. Tkw = 233g in two piece.
I suspect that this another piece of the stuff that came out in a big way a bit over a year ago and has lots of different NWA numbers assigned to various pieces of it (the stuff I’ve had is NWA (11273). However, this does have a distinctly different appearance to it. This is clearly an anorthositic breccia but the clasts are not nearly as clear as other specimens. I suspect that this particular part of the meteorite has suffered higher impact melting effects (or this might be a different meteorite recovery completely that got mixed in). Regardless, this is a nice complete slice in a 75mm x 60mm glass fronted display box.
1.82 gram complete slice – 30mm x 27mm x 1mm - $200

Please note:
Shipping: For small US orders $4 is OK for now. Larger orders are now $14 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $15 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale-List 233: Fresh from CR Aguas Zarcas and more

List 233: Fresh from Costa Rica Aguas Zarcas and more

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 233

December 17, 2019

Dear collectors,

I am back from my Costa Rica trip. It was overall an enjoyable trip, though often quite warm and sticky (I am not used to humidity, even at relatively cooler temperatures). Kevin’s side of the country was, for the most part, sunny and dry. The dry season, with its strong winds out of the east, was setting in (we did still get some time of sitting in the clouds and watching fog drift by thing – a very, very rare thing for me to see in my part of Colorado but common where he is perched up on the top of a mountain). However, I feared that this might mean that the other side of the mountains might be rainy. I figured the clouds carrying moisture from the Gulf of Mexico to the east might end up getting the moisture wrung out of them as they got stuck against the easterly mountainsides and made their way up and over. Yep, this is indeed what we found. Aguas Zarcas was heavy cloud cover, lots of rain, some (generally minor) wind and at times surprisingly chilly for a tropical area. All of this certainly meant that we weren’t going to be out stomping around looking for specimens on our own (also because it was a bad time for lots of really dangerous snakes in the area. Unlike the ”nope ropes and danger noodles” crawling around my area theirs don’t make any noise to let you know you are getting to close. I have indeed managed to avoid getting bit by a rattle snake hidden in the leaves on a trail a couple times by knowing what they sound like - and that sound ain’t like they present it in the movies folks). So, we had to limit ourselves to meteorites that locals had already found. Unfortunately, it seems that not much is being found any more. Some of the few pieces that were recovered recently are certainly showing their age (I hand picked and avoided those, paying a higher price to do so of coarse) and other pieces (that looked to have been recovered quite earlier) seem to have become special family heirlooms (“not for sale”). Oh well, at least I tried. The few things I did pick up are listed here below at a price only a little lower than I have offered similar pieces in the past (but then, I didn’t really pay much less at the site and am not even including the travel expenses as part of these piece’s direct cost at this point). I am having trouble deciding what piece(s) I want to keep for myself so I thought I’d let fate decide – I’ll keep whatever is the nicest piece listed below that does not sell from this offering.

The other items on this list are the last of the Riker mounted display pieces I picked up as a collection during the Denver Show. All of these have labels and it turns out that one more of these is also a Casper labeled piece that had that label hidden under another different one. I’ll make notes in the descriptions below of what labels come with each specimen.

NOTE: As with the last offering, shipping on most of these (everything but the Aguas Zarcas) is going to be a bit higher (around $5 or $6 for a single item for basic US) as these, being in glass fronted display boxes, will have to be shipped packed in boxes. My usual jewelry boxes in a padded envelope won’t work for most of these pieces.
List 233
Click on Image to Enlarge
AGUAS ZARCAS, Costa Rica: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell April 23, 2019.. These purchased Dec 9th, 2019.
These are the pieces that, as mentioned above, I bought on the trip I just got back from. These are all natural fragments (though the largest has some claim to being a complete individual) and, after a light cleaning on my part, are quite fresh. Each has at least some fusion crust present (actually, all but the smallest have quite substantial amounts of crust). As mentioned above, the largest piece looks like it could be considered a complete individual. It has around 45% nice thick primary crust coverage with the remainder being angular “broken” surfaces. However, careful inspection shows non-sharp (micro roll-over) edges on the primary crust where it meats one of these “breaks”. Also, a hand lens shows obvious (but small) patches of thicker fusion crust on the high spots of most of these broken surfaces (so they can’t be “after the fall” breaks). One surface looks to be crusted so thin that it looks almost like a smoke coating. There is some hints of smoothing of the break as well as the fact that no real inside texture/ structure can be seen (aside from a couple larger chondrules poking through perhaps) whereas the other fragments (clearly showing post fall breaks) the interior structure is clearly visible. Regardless, I am not pricing this piece higher because of any of this.
1) Natural fragments. All have some crust:
a) 4.4 gram fragment – 16mm x 15mm x 15mm - $350 – about 15% crust covered.
b) 5.0 gram fragment – 20mm x 20mm x 10mm - $400 – about 45% crusted.
c) 7.4 gram fragment – 25mm x 18mm x 12mm - $590 – about 50% crusted.
d) 22.2 gram fragment/ individual – 32mm x 28mm x 20mm - $1700

BRENHAM, Kansas: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 1882.
This is a Riker display that has two part slices – one 3.4g (17mm x 12mm x 5mm) and the other 13.5g (25mm x 20mm x 9mm). This has two labels; one (unnamed) that has the two weights as 3.4g and 14.2g. The label that was hidden underneath was a Casper label (for the 3.4g piece) that has “Happy Holidays!” written in the ‘Remarks” line. The larger piece looks to have a Nininger number on it. It certainly has the exact look of a Nininger number paint job, starts with the proper “10” for a Nininger Brenham but the next number/ letter is damaged enough to make it unclear exactly what was painted here (the last 3 look to be 119 though this could be “10M19”). This piece is also the typical thickness that Nininger would have cut back then.
2 part slices – 3.4g and 13.5g (possible Nininger piece) in Riker - $100

CAPE YORK, Greenland: Iron. Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1818.
Now this is a neat little Riker display. It has a label identifying the Meteorite (name, type, etc.) with “1 GM” handwritten on it, a nice etched 15mm x 10mm thin slice of the meteorite in a gemstone holder and a commemorative Greenland postage stamp (that looks to be from 1978). The stamp seems to show what looks like might be an ancient knife/ tool of some sort (this is indeed what the locals used these meteorites for) on a background of a large etched slice. I am assuming the “1GM” is the rough weight of the slice, but I didn’t pull all of this apart to find out.
15mm x 10mm etched slice, stamp and label in Riker box - $90

ESTHERVILLE, Iowa: Stony-iron (Mesosiderite). Fell May 10, 1879. Tkw = about 320kg.
This is a thick part slice that has its larger portion being the silicate material (though there are still substantial chunks of iron, they show a bit better on the backside). This comes with a metal “” label with the proper 4.75GM weight written in pencil in the specimen weight space.
4.75 gram part slice – 20mm x 13mm x 6mm - $90

HOLBROOK, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite. (L/LL6). Fell July 19, 1912.
Here are two nice complete fresh individuals in a Riker display. These come with a Schooler’s label that has the pair weight of 1.6grams. Yep, this is exactly what my scale got. The smaller piece weighed .68g on my scale and the larger was .92g. The larger piece has some areas of secondary crust (of the type and thickness that leaves no doubt that it is secondary crust, unlike some of the areas on the largest Aguas Zarcas listed above) but is NOT broken and is certainly a complete individual (the smaller piece is pretty much completely covered in primary crust).
2 complete individuals .68g, .92g in Riker with Schooler label -$40

MILLBILLILLIE, Australia: HED achondrite (Eucrite). Fell 1960/ found 1970.
This is a part slice of the more unusual fine-grained textured area of this meteorite (the vast majority of Millbillillie showed a brighter black and white salt and pepper texture). This piece has one natural edge that shows some weathered fusion crust that has some of the orange spots/ staining that shows that this really is a Millbillillie. This has a nice label with it but this does not say who’s label (Ann E. Nonimus??) it was. This label has the weight as 2.4 grams but my scale showed this as 2.2 grams.
2.2 gram part slice – 22mm x 10mm x 3mm - $30

NORTON COUNTY, Kansas: Enstatite achndrite (Aubrite). Fell February 18, 1948.
This is a Riker containing two small fragments of this meteorite along with a Schooler’s label. The label has these as .8g together and this is indeed what my scale showed. Each of these fragments is roughly 10mm x 5mm in size.
2 fragments totaling .8g in Riker with Schooler’s label - $25

Saturday 5 January 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 221

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                                                            LIST 221

January 4, 2018


Here is the e-mail version of my just mailed “what’s new” offering.

TUCSON SHOW INFO: I will be on the road from January 29th until around February 20th. For the show itself, I will be in my usual spot but the motel has a new name. It was Ramada Limited but is now “Days Inn” I believe. Regardless, it is the same place (665 N. Freeway, Tucson) and I’ll be in my usual spot (room 134). I should be open by mid to late morning Saturday February 2nd. I likely will indeed stay through the bitter end – February 15th will be the last day. I open the door most days at 10AM. I will have the door open most evenings until around 9:30pm or so (or later if people are visiting/ still wandering about) but there may be a couple nights I will be out for dinner or such for a couple hours but that should be rare.  

I apologize that this list is a little more difficult to read than most. it seems the Yahoo groups thing is not letting me format this better at this time.

GAO, Burkina Faso: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Fell March 5, 1960. Tkw = 100+ kilograms.
I know, I know, this is officially supposed to be “Gao-Guenie”. I remember the guy that came up with the notion of an overlapping fall a month apart brought specimens to my house in Durango for cutting. He got all excited exclaiming that he REALLY had a new fall after I split a few in half. I tried to explain to him that all I saw was that there was a difference in weathering grade (the Guenie pieces were simply more weathered in my opinion) and the pieces were otherwise structurally identical. So, I always considered the “Guenie” thing to be a false hope from the start. Regardless, I recently got a nice assortment of mostly complete (many of these have some areas of secondary crust) but dirty stones. I have cleaned them up (soda blasting) and they turned out quite nice. They all do have some small areas of brown rust spotting but are otherwise mostly covered in nice slate gray to black crust. By, far my cheapest witnessed fall individuals.
1) Nice individuals, cleaned to remove dirt and (most) oxide.a) 10.1 grams - 23mm x 17mm x 12mm - $15
b) 20.9 grams - 27mm x 22mm x 20mm - $30
c) 35.9 grams - 32mm x 27mm x 17mm - $50
d) 63.1 grams - 40mm x 28mm x 24mm - $85
e) 109.8 grams - 38mm x 37mm x 36mm - $135
f) 176.1 grams - 50mm x 34mm x 31mm - $220

NWA (8225): Ordinary chondrite. (H4), S2, W1. Found 2013. Tkw = 100 grams.
I believe this is the last of the small individual “Main masses” I have. Not sure I fully believe the research report of W1 on this though. The exterior has a nice rounded edge, somewhat thumb-printed shape. It does look like it is pretty much fully crusted, but the crust looks to me to be substantially weathered and wind-polished. The interior does not seem to show any fresh metal either. However, the interior does show lots of chondrules (mostly light gray to purplish brown) in medium brown matrix. I am sure it is all the chondrules that caused this little stone to get sent out for classification. Unfortunately, that work showed that this was an equilibrated type 4 chondrite. This is priced (more than $100) below what it would currently cost to get the classification work done.
    85.1 gram main mass – 35mm x 18mm x 28mm - $150.00 

NWA (10638): Ordinary chondrite (L6). Found before February 2016. Tkw = 306.6 grams.
I got this stone from a Moroccan dealer in Tucson who claimed that it was a “low number type 3” (but at a lower price than would be normal for such a stone – that should have given me a clue in itself). The small cut window did indeed show an interesting interior. It seemed to show light gray chondrules (what turned out to be mostly rounded breccia clasts) in a nearly black matrix. Regardless, actual research work showed this to be an L6! It still has in interesting texture though and, despite what the bulletin report suggests, lots of metal and sulfides. This meteorite certainly does not have your typical L6 look to it.
1) Slices:
a) 4.7 grams - 22mm x 18mm x 3mm - $9
b) 9.6 grams - 30mm x 29mm x 4mm - $18
c) 16.3 grams - 45mm x 40mm x 3mm - $30 – complete slice.
d) 26.8 grams - 50mm x 47mm x 4mm - $47 – complete slice.
2) End piece:
a) 31.2 grams - 40mm x 25mm x 40mm - $55 – main mass.

NWA (12005), Ordinary chondrite. (LL6/7), S2, W2. Found before Feb. 2018. Tkw = 223.4 grams.
This is not fully “ordinary” but it is more so than the diogenite it really, really looked like when I bought it in Tucson. This had absolutely no attraction to even the strongest magnet and, as it was the very end of the show, I had already packed up the XRF (which would have quickly sorted this out). Anyway, this has dark gray metamorphic textured clasts (the LL7 part I believe) in a fine-grained medium brown matrix. It turns out that this is only the 5th meteorite to be classified as an LL6/7. The other four where NWA stones from years earlier and totaled only a mere 2.1kg in weight! So, this is actually a fairly rare item after all.
1) Slices:
a) 2.1 grams - 18mm x 11mm x 3mm - $20
b) 4.0 grams - 30mm x 19mm x 3mm - $38
c) 8.1 grams - 35mm x 27mm x 3mm - $75
d) 16.1 grams - 48mm x 38mm x 3mm - $145 – complete slice.
2) Main mass:  25.9 gram end piece – 45mm x 33mm x 12mm - $200

NWA (11880): Rumuruti chondrite (R3.5-4), S2, W0. Found before Feb. 2018. Tkw = about 3.2 kilograms.
A 33gram piece was originally purchased at the 2018 Tucson Show. A couple months later, an additional 3150 grams were sent by mail. Studies showed that this is a breccia containing equilibrated (type4) lighter clasts mixed with darker unequilibrated (type 3.5) clasts. At the time of this discovery, this was only the second meteorite in the world to have the (R3.5-4) classification. The other is NWA (7489) weighing only 248 grams, bringing the entire world’s known weight of this type to just over 3.4kg. I don’t have a lot of this interesting meteorite (under a few hundred grams), so contact me fairly quickly if you want a piece. NOTE: I listed end pieces here as many collectors prefer them when they can get them. I do have some slices of this meteorite (.5g- $8, 1.1g- $17, 2.5g-$38, 5.8g- $85, 10.1g- $140. The 2 largest are complete slices) if you prefer a slice.
1) End pieces:
a) 1.2 grams - 20mm x 12mm x 3mm - $18
b) 3.8 grams - 26mm x 15mm x 4mm - $56
c) 6.4 grams - 30mm x 30mm x 5mm - $92
d) 9.3 grams - 28mm x 20mm x 6mm - $130
e) 15.0 grams - 35mm x 27mm x 9mm - $200
f) 25.3 grams - 45mm x 27mm x 8mm - $315

NWA (11761): Stony-iron (Mesosiderite). Found before June 2016. Tkw = 2258 grams.
This is an interesting meteorite I picked up at the Denver spring show. At first glance, all I saw was a beautiful fresh mesosiderite with a classic texture (silicate clasts of many sizes in a metal rich matrix). The lighting in the ballroom venue wasn’t real good but I swore I could see some light rusting (browning) of the metal on a bit closer look. Well, it has that look under brighter lighting as well. However it is NOT rusting! This brassy look is caused by the unusually high troilite content (13%) of this meteorite. As a consequence of this (as well as the unusually low Fe metal content of 22%) this is considered to an anomalous type 4 mesosiderite. Really pretty and, to me, really cheap for what it is (fresh, anomalous and well prepared).
1) Slices: a) 2.1 grams - 20mm x 11mm x 2mm - $21
b) 4.0 grams - 21mm x 20mm x 2mm - $40
c) 7.2 grams - 30mm x 25mm x 2mm - $70
d) 14.3 grams - 45mm x 36mm x 2mm - $140
e) 23.6 grams - 65mm x 37mm x 2mm - $225
f) 55.1 grams - 80mm x 75mm x 2mm - $500 – complete slice.

This is the glass that was formed by the melting of sand (and some supporting equipment) by the world’s first nuclear explosion (code named “trinity”). This explosion happened the morning of July 16, 1945 about 35 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico. This 20 kiloton sized explosion sucked up sand (and the metal of the bomb’s supporting structure) and dropped it back as molten blobs into the nearly 1100 foot (335meter) wide crater that was formed by it. I constantly have people asking for this stuff at shows and lately all I could show them was pea-sized pieces (around 1cm and less maximum dimension, low tenths of a gram weights). I recently managed to trade for some nice larger pieces. Most of these have the typical shape: one surface smooth and rounded and the other generally rough with attached bits of rock and sand. Glad to have been able to get this lot, but have no idea where (or if) I’ll be able to replace it later.
1) Natural fragments:a) 1.0 grams - 16mm x 12mm x 5mm - $6
b) 2.0 grams - 22mm x 16mm x 7mm - $12
c) 3.3 grams - 23mm x 16mm x 11mm - $20
d) 4.7 grams - 37mm x 20mm x 7mm - $28
e) 7.7 grams - 30mm x 25mm x 10mm - sold

Please note:
 Shipping:  For small US orders $4 is fine. Larger orders are now $13 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $13 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $15.
    I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must.  How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.