Showing posts with label EL5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EL5. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 194 - yet more Lang collection material

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 194 - yet more Lang collection material

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 194

August 16, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here is yet another assortment of Lang Collection items. As with the earlier batches these are all in Riker boxes with a Lang Collection label. Once more, these boxes do raise the shipping costs quite a bit (to around $5 or $6 for US orders and much more on overseas sales). As usual, I will offer the option: of having the specimens sent without the boxes for free or US orders or for around $12 for overseas orders (pretty much as chape as I can send any specimens overseas for these days). Fir thise that want the riker bixes, I’ll calculate (or guess as close as possible but erring on the side of cheaper than what is really likely) the shipping and let you know. Regardless, the sample(s) will still be shipped with their labels.

DaG (313), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL3) S2,W2. Found April 24, 1997. Tkw = 3294 grams.
The Bulletin report says one piece was recovered. This piece is an end piece/ cut fragment. The back side is ½ natural smooth wind-polished surface and ½ rougher fractured surface. The interior is fairly dark brown but still shows lots of chondrules – many that are armored, not so much with fresh metal (some is indeed still visible in the specimen) but surrounded mostly by sulfides and iron oxides.
22.6 gram end piece – 46mm x 18mm x 18mm - $135 - SOLD!

DaG (477), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (L5), S4,W1. Found 1998. Tkw = 16,128 grams.
One number off of a good one – DaG (476) was a famous Mars rock. Not a rare one, but this is a nice part slice. It has 2 cut edges with the remainder being fusion crusted with a nice rounded/ sculpted shape (this, at least this part of the stone, likely had a really nice thumb-printed shape). The interior is quite fresh with lots of metal and some chondrules in a mottled light brown to nearly white matrix. There are also hints of a couple thin shock veins visible as well.
37.1 gram part slice – 60mm x 40mm x 5mm - $50

NWA (1208): Ordinary chondrite (H5), S2,W3. Found 1999. Tkw = 368 grams.
Bulletin research notes say “well defined chondrules” in this meteorite and this specimen does indeed show a good number of chondrules (I would have guessed that this was an H4). This is an end piece/ cut fragment. The backside is mostly natural fracture surfaces but there is a patch of fusion crust along one edge ( about 50mm x 13mm in size). The interior of this is on the darker side of medium brown to dark brown but chondrules and some fresh metal is still visible. This is a substantial portion of the total know of this particular NWA meteorite (close to 1/3rd) and may represent the main mass.
110.5 gram cut fragment – 60mm x 40mm x 20mm - $80

NWA (1222): Enstatite chondrite (EL5) S2,W3. Found 2000. Tkw = 2.8kg.
This is one I was excited to get. E5’s are exceptionally rare. Until this came along I didn’t have one in my collection (yep, I kept a piece of this). At this point, there are only 8 (EL5) known in the world (including Antarctica). This one is, by far, the big recovery of all of these. The other 7 total only 913 grams or about 1/3rd of the size of this find. I really question the W3 weathering grade on this. I am certain that research was done on a weathered external fragment because these pieces look quite fresh and nice. All show lots of metal in a light gray matrix. All but the two smallest specimens listed here have Lang Collection labels. All but the smallest sample here (the crumbs/ fragments is a bag) are in a Riker box.
a) .3 grams crumbs and small slice fragments in a bag - $20 SOLD!
b) .17 gram slice – 9mm x 5mm x 1.5mm - $20 SOLD!
c) .55 gram slice – 10mm x 8mm x 2mm - $55 SOLD!
d) .71 gram slice – 10mm x 9mm x 2mm - $70 SOLD!

NWA (1929): HED achondrite (Howardite). Found 2003. Tkw = 15+kg.
This is a lot of 3 roughly equal sized fragments in a Riker with a label. Each has light brown (dirt?) surfaces and at least one fresh broken surface that shows the light gray interior.
1.3 grams – 3 fragments - $20

TATAHOUINE, Yunisia: HED achondrite (Diogenite). Fell June 27, 1931. Tkw = 13.5+kg.
These are piece of one of the weirdest meteorites I have seen. This thing blew apart low in the atmosphere into strange angular green fragments with no real visible crust (however, there IS crust on some pieces, including a couple of these) but you have to look real carefully as it is usually only tiny 1mm x 1mm patches. The first specimen is a lot of 3 natural fragments in a research lab vial in a Riker. The “large” piece is a single natural fragment. It has more smooth/ rounded surfaces than most pieces. It is alos darker in those areas. Magnification shows that these are likely ablated/ crusted areas. The “crust” on most of these surfaces is merely a thin darker coloration but some small patches of distinct thicker crust can be found.
a) 1.0 grams – 3 natural fragments in a vial - $20
b) 3.6 gram natural fragment – 17mm x 11mm x 10mm - $65