Showing posts with label MERUA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MERUA. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 160 - yet more small rarities

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 160 - yet more small rarities

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………LIST 160

September 23, 2014

Dear collectors,

Here is yet another selection of small, hard to get witnessed falls from an old research collection. I got these right before leaving for the Denver show and did not have time to process them until I got back. I have also added a few tiny little scraps I got at the show.

ATARRA, India: (L4), black. Fell December 23, 1920. Tkw = 1.28 kilograms.
I think I had a few much smaller crumbs of this some months ago (they would have been from the same source). This is a small part slice that has black crust along one edge. The interior is fresh and and shows metal and chondrules quite clearly.
.48 gram part slice – 7mm x 5mm x 5mm - $100  -SOLD

BILANGA, Burkina Faso: (Diogenite). Fell October 27, 1999. Tkw = 25+ kilograms.
This is some fragments (about 3mm x 3mm x 2mm) in a capsule in a small labeled plastic box.
Crumbs in a capsule - $10

HOLBROOK, Arizona: (L/LL6): Fell July 19, 1912.
This is a somewhat weathered fragment from a research collection. It appears that a substantial portion of the piece was used up in what ever work was being done on it as the label indicates that it originally weighed around 9.8 grams. The label also indicates that this piece was found November 8th, 1968. Nothing special, but interesting in its history.
2.6 gram fragment – 14mm x 11mm x 10mm - $40

MERUA, India: (H5). Fell February 2, 1945. Tkw = 71.4 kilograms.
This is a bottle that contains three fragments (two around 4mm x 3mm and one closer to 7mm x 4mm) and some dust. I recall, from an earlier offering of a few pieces of this meteorite, that all but a tiny hand full of this meteorite is tied up in museum collections.
1.2 grams fragments and dust in bottle - $100

NEWPORT, Arkansas: (Pallasite). Found 1923. Tkw = 5.6 kilograms.
This is a small cut fragment that is mostly metal but shows some bits of olivine (this was an old research collection piece and I suspect the “work” was done on the olivine from this piece). Regardless, this is a very difficult to find meteorite. I suspect that many (most?) pallasite collectors have not gotten a piece of this name yet.
.36 gram cut fragment – 10mm x 5mm x 4mm - $100  -SOLD

OURIQUE, Portugal: (H4). Fell December 28, 1998. Tkw = 20+ kilograms.
I don’t think I ever have had any of this. I know the few pieces that made into collector’s hands were quite high priced. Unfortunately, this is just a few small fragments (probably equivalent to around 3mm x 3mm x1mm or so) in a capsule. Nothing special, but a cheap way to add a “new” fall to a collection.
Small fragments in capsule - $10

PEACE RIVER, Canada: (L6). Fell March 31, 1963. Tkw = 45.76 kilograms.
These are all fragments with out crust, unfortunately. BUT then these are the only pieces I have had of this
meteorite in any form for many years. I think the piece that was in the “micro” collection I out together years ago was also a no crust fragment like these. Crust or not, this is hard material to come by.
1.0 gram fragment – 10mm x 9mm x 7mm - $30 -SOLD
1.4 gram fragment – 12mm x 11mm x 6mm - $42 -SOLD
4.8 gram fragment – 16mm x 16mm x 8mm - $140 -SOLD

ST. MICHEL, Finland: (L6). Fell July 12, 1910. Tkw = 16.452 kilograms.
This is a wedge part slice that I received just before going to Denver for the show. This has one natural edge (no crust, unfortunately). The interior though shows a really nice breccia texture with lighter mottled
tan and gray clasts in a dark gray matrix. Looks nice fo an old chopped up research specimen.
13.5 gram part slice – 40mm x 20mm x 5mm - $270  -SOLD

SHALKA, India: (Diogenite). Fell November 30, 1850.
Here is a small crumb (around 2mm x 1mm x 1mm) in a capsule in a box with a M Blood Meteorites label.
Crumb in capsule - $10

VACA MUERTA, Chile: (mesosiderite). Found 1861.
This is a small part slice that had a label (that says Vaca Muerta, 9.5 grams, Me1300) taped to it (well, now with it as the tape has torn free). The natural edge of the piece has all kinds of numbers marked/ painted on it. I can make out 255, 215. And Me 1300. I have no clue, unfortunately, what these numbers are or what old collections they might represent.
9.6 gram part slice with old numbers – 20mmx 15mm x 11mm - $50-SOLD

VIGARANO, Italy: Carbonaceous (CV3.3). Fell June 22, 1910.
Here is a sample of the meteorites that give the CVs the V in their type name. This is bottle (with an old label) that contains one large fragment a couple smaller and a bit of dust.
.36 grams of fragments and dust in bottle - $50 -SOLD

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 157 - More Small Rarities

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 157 - More Small Meteorite Rarities

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

…………………………………………………LIST 157

July 22, 2014

Dear collectors,

Here is yet another offering of generally small but often quite rare items. This will probably be my last list until late August as I am out of “new” material for the moment and I will be traveling a bit in early August.

Part of that travel will be the Creede Show August 1st, 2nd and 3rd. This is quite a nice small show (actually, it is getting fairly large) and has a great selection of all kinds of things including fossils, minerals, rocks, lapidary supplies, and of coarse meteorites. This is certainly not a show that is all jewelry as most public “retail” shows have devolved to these days. I know a few collectors have threatened to visit this year (it’s a great place to escape the heat). If others of you think you might come, let me know what things you’d like me to bring.

ALLENDE, Mexico: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3.2). Fell February 8, 1969.
This is a bag containing several small cut fragments. Nothing special but certainly good for micros or resale. These range in size from about 5mm x 5mm to around 5mm x 12mm.
5 fragments totaling 1.8+ grams - $12

FORKSVILLE, Virginia: (L6). Fell July 16, 1924. Tkw = 6067 grams.
It was reported that 4 stones from this fall were recovered. According to the Catalog of Meteorites, pretty much all of this one is in museum collections (though it is certainly possible that some has been traded out since the Catalog’s publication in 2000. All 3 pieces here are fragments.
a) .015 gram fragment – 3mm x 2mm x 2mm - $15 -- SOLD
b) .025 gram fragment – 3mm x 2.5mm x 2mm - $25 -- SOLD
c) .137 gram fragment – 7mm x 3mm x 3mm - $60 -- SOLD

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan: (L6). Fell November 1959. Tkw = around 236 grams.
There is no fall info for this one, just a report of its olivine mineralogy. Regardless, this is probably the rarest (from a total known weight) fall I have had in recent history. As there was no report about this fall, I can only go by the pieces listed in museum collections in the Catalog of Maeteroties. That list shows only 4 museums with pieces totaling 236.2 grams! These pieces are fragments in a capsule.
a) .020 gram fragment – 2mm x 1.5mm x 1mm - $25
b) .146 gram fragment – 7mm x 5mm x 2mm - $100

MERUA, India: (H5). Fell August 30, 1920. Tkw = 71.4 kg.
It is reported that 6 stones fell, with the largest being 56.7kg. I thought that this might be well distributed, given the large total weight listed. However, it seems that right around 71kg is listed as being in museum collections so very little had gotten out at the time the Catalog o Meteorites was published.
a) fragment (around 3mm x 2mm x 2mm) in capsule - $10
b) .245 gram fragment – 6mm x 6mm x 4mm - $50 -- SOLD

MIGHEI, Ukraine: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell June 18, 1889. Tkw = 8+ kg.
This is the meteorite that gives the CM’s the M after carbonaceous. I have had super fine powder of this fall in the past but I can’t recall having actual (all though small) fragments (at least at no time recently). I tried to do some research on the value of this stuff but came up with nothing. Sooo, I am just going to guess (but high maybe?) on this one. The largest piece comes in a small research vial that is then inside a bottle labeled “Mighei Meteorite ~ .45g USSR”.
a) .013 grams – 10 small fragments in a capsule - $20
b) .026 grams – 2 fragments in a capsule - $40
c) .043 gram cut fragment – 4mm x 3mm x 3mm - $75
d) .08 gram cut fragment – 5mm x 4mm x 4mm - $140
e) .117 gram fragment – 6mm x 5mm x 4mm - $175 -- SOLD

OCHANSK, Russia: (H4), brecciated. Fell August 30, 1887. Tkw = 500+kg.
This is a lot of fragments in a capsule. The largest piece is around 5mm x 5mm x 4mm in size. Total weight is around .2g or so.
.20g fragments in a capsule - $15

RANGALA, India: (L6), veined. Fell December 29, 1937. Tkw = 3224.5 grams.
22 fragments are reported to have fallen. This is yet another item that, not only was very little recovered, but pretty close to all that was seems to be listed in museum collections. All I have is a few small fragments, so my offering won’t be changing much other than giving a few collectors the chance to add this “new” name to their collection.
a) small fragment (around 2mm x 1.5mm x 1.5mm) in a capsule - $10
b) larger fragment (around 3mm x 2mm x 1.5mm) in a capsule - $15 -- SOLD
c) .155 grams of fragments and crumbs in a capsule - $50 -- SOLD

SHALKA, India: Achondrite (Diogenite). Fell November 30, 1850. Tkw = 3.6+ kg.
This fall is interesting in that, supposedly, an immense stone (around 3 feet across) fell but only around 8 pounds was preserved. I had a couple pieces of this in Tucson (can’t remember what I priced them at) but they, not surprisingly, sold before I could offer them on a list. I have around 5 pieces total (all fragments) this time and I think these will be the last I will see (at least from this source). The largest piece is in a small round, labeled “box” that all these pieces came to me in.
a) .15 grams – 5mm x 5mm x 4mm - $15 -- SOLD
b) .29 grams – 7mm x 6mm x 5mm - $30 -- SOLD
c) .53 grams – 9mm x 7mm x 5mm - $50 -- SOLD
d) .65 grams – 10mm x 7mm x 6mm - $75 -- SOLD