Showing posts with label Carbonaceous chondrite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carbonaceous chondrite. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 July 2023


Blaine Reed Meteorites
P.O. Box 1141, Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 264 - July 11, 2023

Dear Collectors,

   Here is another assortment of odds and ends from the big pile of small specimens collection I bought a couple years ago. In fact, these are the last of the specimens from that collection (I sold most of the material to one buyer for resale in their large and popular retail store).

  I will be gone from August 3rd through the 7th for this event. The show itself runs the 4th, 5th and 6th. I believe the show times are 10am to 5pm each day. IF you think you might go (loooong drive from many places in Colorado but nice (for me anyway) to get out of the heat for a few days) let me know if there is something you want me to bring as many of the more collector oriented things tend to get left behind as this is pretty much a “retail” (generally more common, more affordable items) show.

DAR AL GANI (082), Libya: Carbonaceous chondrite (CO3)
. Found 1995. Tkw = 860 grams.
The Meteoritical bulleting says one piece was found. I actually remember when pieces of this (well, likely pairings anyway) first started to come out. Up until then, I think Colony, Oklahoma (and maybe a small piece of Kainsaz) were all I had for CO3 meteorites (and neither was cheap). I ended up buying several of these things, more than doubling my suite of CO3 meteorites in my collection. There were a fair number of these that came out (and it IS likely that many are paired) but I have not seen any of these for a while. This is a natural fragment that has two cut faces roughly perpendicular to each other (so, kind of a “book end” cut). This comes with a Hupe Collection label.
7.3 gram cut fragment – 17mm x 11mm x 15mm - $65

DAR AL GANI (437), Libya: Ordinary chondrite. (L6). Found 1998. Tkw 239 grams.
Two pieces were recovered. The cut face on this end piece matches the structure/ appearance of the photo of a piece of this meteorite that is posted in its Meteoritical Bulletin listing. The cut face is roughly 27mm x 13mm in size. The remainder of the specimen is all natural – no fresh broken surfaces. This comes with a “The Meteorite Shop” (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) CoA/ label.
16.3 gram end piece – 27mm x 13mm x 23mm - $50

GIBEON, Namibia: Iron. Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1836.
This is a small rectangular etched (on both sides) slice. I remember the days when I had LOTS of these. Right now, I think this my ONLY piece (aside from a small batch of similar pieces I have in deep, deep storage. I brought those back from Munich on the Concorde. I suspect that those are the only Gibeon pieces that have been back to supersonic speeds (a tiny tad over Mach 2) since their fall). I have this piece only because I had consigned it to a store in Ouray years ago. Unfortunately, health issues required the store’s owner to sell out and retire. The new owners did NOT want ANY consignment items. So, I “rediscovered” this piece while going through all the display cases looking for material of mine before the new owners got handed the keys (anything I left behind would become the new owner’s property in full). Years ago, this would have been a $20 piece maybe. Lately, I have heard things about etched Gibeon pieces selling for closer to $6 to $10/g lately!
16.1gram rectangular part slice – 34mm x 18mm x 3mm - $70

IMILAC, Chile: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1822.
Not sure how I missed this one. If I had seen it earlier, I would have simply put it on the last offering with the nice single olivine crystal I offered (and still have, I believe) on the last list. Oh well, here it is on this one. This is a much more typical pallasite piece. It has both metal and olivine (though it does lean heavy on the olivine side). This is in a gem-stone holder and comes with a Moritz Karl label.
1.38 gram slice – 17mm x 11mm x 3mm - $55

NWA (1459): HED achondrite (olivine Diogenite). Found April 2002. Tkw = 49 grams.
I certainly remember when this first came out. It was the very first of its kind. No one had seen a diogenite with a fair amount of olivine in it before. As such, and with so very little of it known at the time, it was certainly very expensive. I cannot recall the price on this stuff back then (many hundreds$ to some thousands$/ gram I think), just that it was high enough that I chose not to add a piece to my collection at the time. As happens often, more similar material was found not long after. Some of that material, held by other people, was “self paired” to this first one and fights (verbal and legal) soon developed. Ultimately, a sizable amount of “olivine diogenite” was found (not really all that much, but plenty to more than satisfy anyone who felt the need to have a piece of this type material at high prices). I think I ended up getting pieces for closer to $20/g or so before I added some to my collection. Not super long after this “discovery” was made, I managed to come into the first known Vesta Dunite (a rock this is pretty much all olivine. Actually, Chassigny is the Martian version of a Dunite). However, just as I was starting to bring this “new and exciting” material to market, the folks with the Meteoritical Bulletin decided to lump ALL Diogenites (regular, olivine diogenites and dunites) together under the simple “Diogenite” classification. You now have to dig into the research reports a bit to see if any particular “Diogenite” is what was considered and olivine diogenite or a dunite (that last one is highly unlikely though. I think only a couple Vesta dunites are known even today). Regardless, this is a small piece of the real deal (NOT a later, other party “self pairing”). It is a fragment from the very first recovery. This comes with its original Hupe Collection label. This may not be particularly rare/ pricy type material these days BUT this little piece is kind of historic.
.08 gram fragment – 6mm x 3mm x 2mm - $40

NWA (2126): HED achondrite (Eucrite, polymict). Found 2003. Tkw 227 grams.
The Hupe Collection label that comes with this has the TKW as “2227 grams”. The Meteoritical Bulletin has it as 227 grams. I suspect that a “fat finger” accident happened (adding and extra “2”) when this card was being made (I have plenty of these events myself). The “polymict”part does not show up at the top of the classification report. This just means that this is all eucritic material BUT there are fragments of eucrites of differing composition and or structures in this breccia.
3.6 gram part slice – 17mm x 16mm x 5mm - $40

NWA (4293): Ordinary chondrite. (L6). Found 2005. Tkw 25 kilograms.
The Meteoritical Bulletin lists one piece as being found. Personally, I think it was more like “one bucket full” of pieces. This is a completely natural on all surface fragment (no fresh breaks). This has an interesting deep “Y” shaped crack on one face that has a number of largish sand grains stuck down in it. Nothing rare or special, just interesting and affordable. This comes with a “Gary LaDuke” (???? – don’t know who that is, to be honest) that says that this specimen was “originally from the world famous Hupe Collection”.
33.0 gram natural fragment – 30mm x 26mm x 20mm - $35

TATAHOUINE, Tunisia: HED achondrite (diogenite). Fell June 27, 1931. Tkw = 13.5kg.
These are both lots of the typical weird generally angular (with some rounded edges) green crystals. The smaller lot has fewer (but generally larger) pieces and comes with a P.A. Swartz Collection label. The heavier lot has many more specimens but they range from a couple mm or so to around 5mm in size. Those come with a “Meteor Center Collection” label. Either of these batches would be great for someone that wants to break them apart and have small pieces of a weird diogenite fall to sell to new collectors.
a) 3.28 gram (5 pcs) lot of natural pieces - $35
b) 10 gram lot - $100

Shipping: For small US orders $10 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $10. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still losing a little even at $10. Larger orders are now $9 to $16 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).

Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $16 (Canada seems to be right around $14). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.

Monday 26 June 2023


Blaine Reed Meteorites
P.O. Box 1141, Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 26 - June 26, 2023

Dear Collectors,

Here is an assortment of things I picked up as part of a large collection (like 9 beer flats full) I bought several years ago. Most of the pieces in that collection were very small/ cheap items (like .1 or .2g $5 or $10 kind of items). I sold most of it off as one large lot to someone wanting the pieces for a retail store. These pieces represent some of the pieces I decided to hang onto for sale at my shows or E-mail offerings like this. I did not offer any of these things earlier as I had quite simply misplaced them. I had looked for them off and on over the past few months (but not real intensely), while nice, these aren’t really “new” items. They are all things I have offered at some point in the past (the shatter cone being the only exception). While looking for something else (a Lunar Gabbro slice) that turned out to quite elusive in my inventory, I discovered the bag that had these (and other) specimens in it in the completely wrong box (with “consignment” items). Not sure how/why it ended up there (likely “cleaning up” in too big a hurry at some point) but, thankfully, I have them out and ready for sale now.

Now this is going to seem a bit strange but, for this offering, I am going to reduce the price of items 5% for folks that are willing to pay with a credit card. Nope, this is certainly NOT normal for me. I usually prefer a simply mailed check (slower but no fees), The reason for this is I am setting up a new credit card processing system (one that has chip reader, tap pay – things that will really only be useful at shows) and I really need to test it a bit before I completely shut down and destroy my old (like 25 years old) machine and processing system. I am hoping to get this new machine/ system tested a bit in the next few days and (assuming it works well for me) shut down and cancel the old system before those folks hit me with a stupid high amount of fees for July (they DRASTICALLY increased their fee structure for me back in January. Now something like $130 a month in fees BEFORE I run a charge (more fees added as soon as I do). I wanted to dump them (and the old machine) ASAP then BUT I didn’t dare risk it as I needed something I could fully trust for the Tucson show (I got this new one in a “slow” sales period so I can play with and test it plenty to iron out any problems before the next show). So, if you want something off of this offering please do consider using a card (5% discount) for this. This will not be repeated unless I find further issues that need to be ironed out (with any “upgrades” needing further testing).

A further note: I have a couple things that I forgot I need to do today. Each will have me "out of the house" for half an hour to an hour maybe. I will honor reservation requests (should there be any) made while i am gone (by phone or E-Mail in the order I receive them (yep, both the e-mail and phone message system have time stamps on them).

IMILAC, Chile: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1822.
This is actually kind of a cool specimen. It is one quite large olivine crystal that obviously popped out of a slice at some point. This crystal is quite gemmy and probably could have a couple nice (but not large) gemstones cut from it. This is (appropriately) in a gemstone holder and comes with a Moritz Karl label.
.33gram olivine crystal – 12mm x 9mm x 1.5mm - $25

JUANCHENGE, China: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Fell Feb. 15, 1997. Tkw = 100kg.
Like the Murchison below, if I knew had this, I could have sold this several times over by now. I remember when this first came out (Denver show 1997). It was not particularly cheap ($10/g or so I seem to recall). However, it was not long before far more material showed up than buyers who were willing to pay those kinds of prices. Of course, the prices dropped (to around $1/g or so at one point!). However, another “issue” turned up as well. Pieces of this “new” meteorite were showing up looking far more rusty/ weathered than they should have been for something that had just fallen a month or three earlier. It turns out that someone had offered to buy these things from the finders “By Weight” (as we pretty much all do in this biz/ hobby). Well, the folks in China realized that these things are quite porous. As such, they can absorb a surprising amount of water. Water adds weight. So, soak your rocks in a bucket of water for a day or two and you get more money for the same rocks! Maybe good for the finder/ seller but not so much for the specimen. This piece is basically a complete individual. It has something around 80% or so thick primary crust and the remainder being late atmospheric breaks with thin secondary crust. Though this piece is not terribly rusted, I do think it was a piece that was one of the “enhanced weight” pieces. Nice pieces of this meteorite bring some pretty good money these days (Chinese collectors want them back) – equal to or more than what the original first available pieces brought. I am offering this piece for around half of that. Not a bad piece, just not as nice and fresh as some (but has a story to tell).
40.7 gram complete individual – 30mm x 25mm x 20mm - $200

I wasn’t sure exactly what to do with this specimen. I had thought about simply tossing it in with my other Libyan glass pieces but this one is not the same style. Most of my usual pieces are kind of mid to higher grade – more clarity (but substantially higher price). This one is quite “foggy” - has lots of internal air bubbles, many filled with milky white cristobalite (high temp/ high pressure form of quartz). This is a complete natural fragment. Nothing real exciting, just a nice sample in a style (somewhat milky) that is, generally, the easiest (and cheapest) to find. This comes with a Michael Farmer Meteorites label.
25.2 gram natural fragment – 45mm x 30mm x 20mm - $20

MURCHISON, Australia: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell Sept. 28, 1969.
If I had remembered I had this (and could have found it) I would have sold this particular piece several times over by now. This is a single solid piece (the Murchison I offered on my last “mailed” catalog were fragments in a capsule). It is really a small slice but it looks more like a cut fragment (one “cut” side is quite small). This is in a gemstone holder and comes with a “Mr. Meteorite” label.
.13gram slice – 8mm x 3mm x 3mm - $80

NWA (8160): Carbonaceous chondrite. (CV3). Found 2013. Tkw = 5.3kg.
The biggest specimen here was probably the most valuable item in the entire 9 beer flat lot. This is the same material that I have been putting out at shows the past few years as my “CV3” material. I got a fair amount of moderate sized pieces of this some years ago. I have cut what pieces I could and have been offering end pieces of this since. This is somewhat weathered material, but not bad. If anything, the weathering has enhanced the appearance of the material. It was turned some of the (very obvious) chondrules shades of orange/ brown, making them really stand out. These all show a really classic CV3 texture (chondrules, a medium to dark gray matrix) and are priced below what I have on them when I put them out at shows (these pieces cost me less). If these don’t sell from this offering, they will be out for sale in Denver this fall.
a) 7.1 gram slice – 25mm x 14mm x 10mm - $35
b) 11.0 gram slice – 40mm x 32mm x 6mm - $55
c) 116.2 gram end piece – 70mm x 30mm x 35mm - $550

RICHFIELD, Kansas: Ordinary chondrite (LL3.7). Found 1983. Tkw = 41kg.
I once had the entire mass of this meteorite. I have long since cut it up and sold it off. I think, right now, I only have a few tens of grams of it remaining in inventory. This sample came from me originally but has had more work done on it. When I had this meteorite cut up, I did not have the classification work finished on it. The part I had cut off myself (for research/ classification work) did not look like this was anything important. This was because, it turned out, this meteorite has a lot of solar-wind implanted gasses (this was sitting on the surface of its parent body for a considerable amount of time). These implanted gasses have darkened some areas of the meteorites to the point that it hides the chondrules, making those areas look like a type 5 at best. As such, thinking I had a big L5 on my hands, I had it cut as I would any common stone meteorite at the time (around 5 or 6mm thick). Now I have cut some of those thicker pieces in two, making them closer to 2.5mm thick. This piece looks like it was probably cut using a wire saw (which, with the right operator, could probably cut one of my original thick slices into three or four thinner ones). This piece is sub 1mm in thickness. As such, it does not have a lot of weight but does have a really good surface area. Better yet, though this piece does show some solar wind gas darkening in spots, it shows lots of chondrules (including one really light tan one that is 5mm or so in diameter) – looking more like the type 3 it is.
2.7 gram slice – 36mm x 35mm x 1mm - $45

Keurusselka, Finland, SHATTER CONE  Can’t saw that I have ever had (or even seen) a shatter cone from this locality. The ancient impact is, apparently, the large of 12 known in Finland. It is also, at 1.15 billion years old, one of the very oldest known. It is not known how big the original crater was as much of it has long since eroded away (not surprising, given its age) but it is guessed to have been somewhere between 14km and 36km in diameter (NOT something you would to have been in the area to see forming). This is a dark “granitoid” rock (looks like a typical granite but with a lot more dark minerals). It is fairly coarse-grained but yet still shows the shattercone structure quite well. This rock is also quite ancient – forming around 1.88 billion years ago. It doesn’t have a label with it but is easily identifiable as it has “KEURAUSSE/LKA” written in black paint (on a white paint background) on one end.
254.0 grams – 160mm x 75mm x 20mm - $40

Shipping: For small US orders $5 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $5. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still loosing a little even at $5. Larger orders are now $9 to $16 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).

Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $16 (Canada seems to be right around $14). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.

Friday 6 January 2023

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- LIST # 257 New Year Sale 7JAN2023

Blaine Reed Meteorites
P.O. Box 1141,
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 257 - January 7 2023

Dear Collectors

TUCSON SHOW INFO: I will be on the road from January 24th until around February 14th. For the show itself, I will be in my usual spot “Days Inn” (665 N. Freeway, Tucson) and I’ll be in my usual room - 134. I should be open by mid to late morning Friday January 27th. I will likely stay through the bitter end (that would be February 11th) but may end up leaving early if sales are really slow or security problems are relatively high (so maybe consider contacting me and letting me know if you are planning on coming late to the show so I can make it a point to stick around and actually be there for you). I open the door most days at 10AM. I will have the door open most evenings until around 9:30pm or so (later if people are visiting/ still wandering about) but there may be a couple nights I will be out for dinner or such for a couple hours but that should be rare.

  Note- concerning the photos in this offering:
I want everyone receiving this post with imbedded group photos of the items on this list that the item pictured MAY NOT be the identical item you receive (except for cases where I have clearly labeled an item as “the only one this size” or similar). I usually have (and sell) multiple pieces of each size of the items listed (sometimes MANY of them – far to many to put all in a photograph for people to pick from). What I normally do is send the first person that asks for a particular item the largest piece available in whatever size range it is that the specimen they are buying belongs to (when I send a piece that is not in the photo, you generally get a very similar but slightly larger piece). This came about as MOST of my sales from these periodic (three times a year) catalogs come from the paper mailed version of this offering where no photos exist so customers don’t know exactly what the piece they ordered looks like (and are usually quite happy to receive a slightly larger specimen instead). So, you can certainly request the exact item in the group photo and I am happy to send it if someone else hasn’t already requested it. Please let me know if you would likely ONLY be happy with receiving that actual pictured piece(s) and I will NOT do any substitution(s) in your order.
Click on image to enlarge.
MOUNT DOOLING, Australia: Coarse octahedrite (IC). Found 1909.

MOUNT DOOLING, Australia: Coarse octahedrite (IC). Found 1909.
Well, I thought I had offered some of this material on a fairly recent list. It turns out, that list was 7 years ago now! Those pieces were small squares and rectangles of etched slices. These are all complete individuals. I’d say “natural” as most of these have been left just as found. However, the largest piece (that has a quite interesting shape) was wire-brushed at some point (I finished cleaning it up). So, all but the largest specimen here are natural. I was only able to get a small amount of these so most (the largest pieces) are “one of a kind” – no substitute exists (at least not in my hands). Even in the smaller sizes, I have few (as maybe one or two) “back up pieces” for most. So, if you want a “complete” Mt. Dooling, get a hold of me ASAP.Individuals: shape as found, largest wire-brushed, others natural: a) 4.5 gram - 27mm x 7mm x 4mm - $15
b) 9.4 grams - 27mm x 17mm x 7mm - $30
c) 22.3 grams - 28mm x 22mm x 11mm - $65
d) 38.7 grams - 40mm x 26mm x 8mm - SOLD
e) 81.9 grams - 45mm x 38mm x 16mm - $200 – only one.
f) 312.3 grams - 100mm x 75mm x 15mm - $700 – only one.
g) 700.1 grams - 90mm x 50mm x 40mm - $14000 – only one.

Click on image to enlarge.
CERRO MESA, Argentina: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Found 2006.

CERRO MESA, Argentina: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Found 2006. Tkw = 12.9 kilograms.
Nope, don’t bother trying to look this one up. I was promised when I bought it (over 13 years ago) that it would be “official soon”. Nope, never got reported. The notes I have with it say that it was found by the same person that found the Gan-Gan iron meteorite in the Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina. Those notes also say “may have fallen 1993”. Yep, that part I can believe. This is a really nice, really fresh great example of an L chondrite. It has plenty of metal, some light orange spotting in a light tan (nearly white) matrix. The natural edges are mostly nice fresh slate-gray fusion crust. These are both ½ slices – each has one cut edge. I did offer these in an e-mail offering late last year but have decided to offer them here as about 3 times as many people receive my paper catalogs as receive any of my e-mail offerings. Not an official meteorite, unfortunately, but really nice for anyone just wanting a fresh example of an L-chondrite for less $ than s similar NWA (numbered and reported anyway) would cost.½ slices. One cut edge, remainder of edge fusion crust and some natural fracture: a) 219.0 grams - 135mm x 95mm x 5mm - $180
b) 239.5 grams - 130mm x 95mm x 7mm - $200 SOLD

Click on image to enlarge.
NWA (14932): Ordinary chondrite. (L4), W0, S3. Found before April 2021. 

NWA (14932): Ordinary chondrite. (L4), W0, S3. Found before April 2021. Tkw = 2902 grams.
I got this stone, like the (L5) melt breccia I offered on an earlier list, from a fossil dealer during the covid delayed April 2021 Tucson show. This was a solid, complete flatish round stone that closely resembled a cow pie or flying saucer. It had an interest possible low type 3 look to it – lots of nice chondrules in a dark matrix. It did show lots of chondrules (and fresh metal) in a nice medium gray matrix upon cutting. Boy oh boy did I have trouble making those first cuts to get samples for the research work (I think this has been shock hardened or such). I sent the rest out to someone who had better equipment to finish the cutting work or I’d probably be still working on it using my equipment. Unfortunately, research work showed this is a type 4. The olivine in the chondrules is equilibrated but the pyroxene is not. Close, but no banana – this is a type 4 stone. None the less, it is a really nice looking one.Slices: a) 5.9 grams - 20mm x 18mm x 4mm - $12
b) 12.0 grams - 30mm x 29mm x 4mm - $24
c) 24.1 grams - 46mm x 45mm x 4mm - $45
d) 51.2 grams - 77mm x 47mm x 4mm - $90
e) 108.5 grams - 145mm x 58mm x 4mm - $170 – Complete slice

2) End pieces:
a) 331. Grams - 120mm x 50mm x 40mm - $450
b) 750.6 grams - 153mm x 44mm x 60mm - $900 – Main mass.

Click on image to enlarge.
NWA (5546): Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3). Found 2008.

NWA (5546): Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3). Found 2008. Tkw = about 3.8 kg.
I recently bought these from a friend who bought them with M. Cottingham years ago. The research work did get done on this meteorite (by Ray Pickard, Bathurst Observatory Research Facility, Australian National University) but, for some reason, (like the Cerro Mesa above) never got the full official reported status from the Meteoritical Society Nomenclature Committee. Regardless, this is a nice (though darker than some) obvious CV3 meteorite. It shows lots of tan to brown chondrules in a nice dark gray matrix. This also has CAIs (as a CV should) but they are generally smaller and wider scattered than in some others. I bought all I could get of this meteorite (despite its “unofficial” publication status) as I have had considerable difficulties getting any (remotely affordable) carbonaceous chondrites lately.End Pieces: a) 5.7 grams - 27mm x 15mm x 5mm - $30
b) 9.3 grams - 35mm x 17mm x 5mm - $48
c) 16.6 grams - 35mm x 27mm x 5mm - $83
d) 25.9 grams - 52mm x 27mm x 7mm - $125
e) 52.5 grams - 70mm x 38mm x 8mm - $245 – SOLD
e-SUBSTITUTE 52mm x 28mm x 19mm - $175
f) 89.4 grams - 67mm x 40mm x 12mm - $400 – only one.

2) Complete stones as found (wind-polished exterior): $4.00/ gram
Sizes available: 49.0g, 88.2g, 103.0g

Click on image to enlarge.
NWA (15200): Martian meteorite (Nakhlite). Found 2022. 

NWA (15200): Martian meteorite (Nakhlite). Found 2022. Tkw = 196grams.
It has been a looong time since I have had a nakhlite on one of these (mailed) lists. I picked up these pieces in Denver last September. I didn’t get a lot (not a lot was found to begin with) but enough (barely) to put on a catalog. These are all as found fragments and (almost) individuals. Most of these (well, except the little capsule pieces perhaps) have at least some fusion crust. Some of these have quit a bit of crust (the 14g piece is basically a complete individual with around 2/3rds of it with the remainder being secondary crust and late fall chipping). The smallest pieces (.04g and .08g) are single fragments in a capsule and will be mounted in a magnifier box (though the group photo of this meteorite will have an example out of the box). The larger specimens will be put in a 55mm x 35mm plastic display box (but not for the group photo). Many of these (particularly the larger ones) I have only the one sample available. So, act fast if you want one of the larger specimens listed here.Fragments/ individuals as found: a) .04+ grams - 4mm x 2mm x 2mm - $25
b) .08+ grams - 4mm x 3mm x 2mm - $50
c) .31 grams - 9mm x 6mm x 4mm - $175
d) .66 grams - 10mm x 8mm x 5mm - $365 SOLD
e) 1.06 grams - 15mm x 8mm x 4mm - SOLD
f) 1.54 grams - 11mm x 8mm x 8mm - $800 SOLD
Substitute Available-  0.89 11 x 7 x 6mm - $490
g) 14.09 grams - 27mm x 22mm x 15mm - $6500

Shipping: For small US orders $5 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $4. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still loosing a little even at $5. Larger orders are now $8 to $15 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).

Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $15 (Canada seems to be right around $11). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.

Monday 26 July 2021

Blaine Reed Meteorites- List 245 26JUL2021

Blaine Reed Meteorites
P.O. Box 1141, Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 245 - July 26, 2021

Dear Collectors

First, an announcement on an upcoming show:
Theoretically, I will be attending the Creede Mineral show early next month (though the highway closure between Montrose and Gunnison is going to make it quite a challenge to get there). The show dates are August 6th, 7th, 8th. The hours are from 10am to 5pm each day. I have checked my hotel reservation and it seems that it is there! It has been two years now, so that was a pleasant surprise (one year recently, they had only the first two nights reserved for me. I came close to having to pack up and head home at the end of the first show day. Luckily, they were able to scrape up a place or me to stay the last two nights (NOT an easy thing to do in this area this time of year).

Here is a single meteorite (multiple specimens) offering. I got this material on consignment just a few days ago. I have had a couple pieces of a CK3 in the past, but they were all quite small and generally sold quite quickly. I know that these are indeed all larger slices BUT I will be allowed to break up a piece (or two) that don’t sell intact after a week or so, so PLEASE let me know if you want a smaller piece and roughly what size piece you would like (the price on those should be in the $30/g range).

NWA (13381): Carbonaceous chondrite, (CK3). Found 2020. Tkw = 1335grams.
As mentioned above, I recently received these slices as a consignment. I was happy to get these as I have very seldom been able to offer a CK3. I know I have had a few pieces in the past, but they were all small (a gram or three) and sold quickly (often to researchers needing some of this type material for research work). These, at this point, are all complete slices of the single 1335 gram stone of this meteorite that was recovered (as mentioned above, I will likely break a piece or two down for folks wanting smaller specimens later). I know, it LOOKS like there will be more than enough of this available for the market but looks are somewhat deceiving in this case. Only 10 slices were cut from this meteorite and only 8 will be released to collectors. The owner of this meteorite is keeping the 840 gram main mass. One slice is going to be donated to the Monig/ TCU collection and the other is being turned into thin-sections. So, overall, this leaves right about 356grams of this rare meteorite for the collecting world (after saw looses, research reserve specimens and such). A fair amount, but not a lot to go around for the many (most?) of us needing a CK3 type in our collection. To be honest, this material looks very, very much like a (CV3) meteorite (and there are some that believe they are indeed related somehow. Frankly, these pieces tend to make me think so. At least, they had very similar formation processes) but the detailed chemistry say this is not. These slices do have CAIs (calcium aluminum inclusions) in them and, in some of these pieces, some of those fluoresce (purple and pink) when using a high-power, filtered LED UV light (my current one is a Torcia 365). All of these come in a Riker box with a label.
1)Complete slices:
a) 20.68 grams – 80mm x 32mm x 3mm - $600
b) 27.06 grams – 85mm x 35mm x 3mm - $750
c) 35.74 grams – 95mm x 55mm x 3mm - $950 – shows fluorescence.
d) 46.27 grams – 103mm x 57mm x 3.5mm - $1100 – shows fluorescence.
e) 52.67 grams – 100mm x 55mm x 4mm - $1300 – shows fluorescence.
f) 66.84 grams – 102mm x 55mm x 5mm - $1400

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 234

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 234

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 234
January, 7th, 2020

Dear Collectors,


Here is the e-mail version of my recently mailed list. With the Yahoo groups changes I can now attach photos to my offerings (though there is now no “archives” anymore. You will have to go to to see older posts) I didn’t do that in this case as there are 8 photos that go with this offering. So, rather than loading everyone up with a bunch of photos that they may not really have much interest in, I will just ask people that are interested in seeing a particular listed item’s group photo (or several of them) e-mail me and I’ll send you the one(s) you ask for.

TUCSON SHOW INFO: I will be on the road from January 28th until around February 19th. For the show itself, I will be in my usual spot: Days Inn (formerly Ramada Limited) - 665 N. Freeway, Tucson. I’ll be in my usual spot (room 134). I should be open by mid to late morning Saturday February 1st. I likely will indeed stay through the bitter end – February 15th will be the last day. I open the door most days at 10AM. I will have the door open most evenings until around 9:30pm or so (later if people are visiting/ still wandering about) but there may be a couple nights I will be out for dinner or such for a couple hours but that should be a rare event.

Click on images to enlarge.
SIKHOTE-ALIN, Russia: Iron. Coarsest octahedrite (IIB). Fell February 12, 1947.
These are all (obviously) fusion crusted individuals. I picked up a couple oriented pieces in a collection I bought recently. I tied these together with the few oriented pieces I had in my stuff to make an offering. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot to offer so these are all “one of a kind” pieces (though I do have a few “in between” sizes available in addition to these listed specimens). I hesitate to offer “one of a kind” things like this on these “mailed” catalogs but then I have had a pretty hard time coming up with any quantity of new irons (at reasonable prices anyway) to put on these lists lately (I like to have some kind of iron on each one if at all possible). I also figured that many of you already have samples of this meteorite so there may not be all that many collectors looking to buy another specimen, even if it is oriented.
1) Oriented, complete fusion crusted individuals:
a) 8.7 grams - 20mm x 15mm x 7mm - $35 – not in group photo
b) 20.6 grams - 28mm x 17mm x 10mm - $82
c) 48.9 grams - 45mm x 25mm x 15mm - sold
d) 76.9 grams - 35mm x 30mm x 17mm - $305
e) 128.4 grams - 60mm x 30mm x 19mm - sold
Buzzard Coulee
Click on image to enlarge.

, Canada: Ordinary chondrite (H4). Fell November 20, 2008. Tkw = about 41kg.
Here are some nice little complete individuals I had set aside some time ago. I re-discovered these while doing inventory work a couple weeks ago. I believe that these were not (for the most part) picked up right after the fall but their recovery could not have been to long after as these are all nice, fresh and black showing only the tinniest amounts of hints of oxidation (that could have been from storage in a not so dry climate since they were picked up). I don’t have a lot of these (only around 50g total – including a number of pieces that have areas of chipping and/or secondary crust) so don’t wait to long to order one of these if you want to add this name to your collection.
1) Complete, quite fresh individuals:
a) 1.5 grams - 15mm x 9mm x 4mm - $22 – not in group photo (but similar)
b) 2.0 grams - 13mm x 10mm x 10mm - $30
c) 2.8 grams - 14mm x 11mm x 11mm - $42
d) 3.8 grams - 24mm x 11mm x 7mm - sold
NWA 10809
Click on image to enlarge.
NWA (10809): Ordinary chondrite. (L4), S2, W2. Found 2016. Tkw = 384 grams.
This stone was purchased in Temara, Morocco in May of 2016. This is actually pretty nice stuff. I can see why this was submitted for research work, it does indeed have the look of a type 3. The research description has this described as “well-formed, fairly closely-packed chondrules within a sparse matrix containing altered metal. Well, looking at the slices I got from cutting this up, I can certainly see the “well-formed chondrules” and it does look like there isn’t a lot of matrix in this meteorite. However, I am not certain about the “altered metal” part. I see quite a lot of fresh metal grains all through this. However, there is some brown staining which is likely indeed from altered metal. This is quite fresh looking material none the less.
1) Slices:
a) 7.2 grams - 28mm x 21mm x 4mm - $12
b) 15.7 grams - 50mm x 30mm x 4mm - $24 – complete slice.
c) 27.3 grams - 60mm x 45mm x 4mm - $40 – complete slice.
2) End piece:
a) 95.3 grams - 58mm x 45mm x 18mm - sold
Richfield, KS
click on image to enlarge
RICHFIELD, Kansas: Ordinary chondrite (LL3.7). Found 1983. Tkw = 41kg.
Now here is a blast from the past. I owned the whole thing and managed to sell all but a few small slices (listed here) that I re-discovered while doing inventory work a couple weeks ago. Richfield was of interest to some scientists as it is a regolith breccia from the surface of the LL parent body. This meteorite is fairly dark so it does not show its chondrules real clearly (actually, these show up better on the unpolished backside of these pieces). This darkening (often as a dark green or reddish brown) is from solar wind implanted gasses in the meteorite. Of the original 41 kilograms, I have only around 200g left.
1) Part slices:
a) .95 grams - 14mm x 7mm x 3mm - $13
b) 1.8 grams - 15mm x 12mm x 3mm - $24
c) 4.0 grams - 34mm x 15mm x 3mm - $53
d) 8.9 grams - 48mm x 24mm x 3mm - $115
e) 14.0 grams - 48mm x 30mm x 3mm - $175
NWA 12013
Click on image to enlarge.
NWA (12013), Carbonaceous chondrite. (CV3). Found before Feb. 2018. Tkw = 332.1 grams.
This was certainly recognizable as a carbonaceous chondrite when I got it, it was just a bit of a question as to exactly what kind. This did have the look of a CV but it did have a LOT of matrix and chondrules that looked very CK like on the exterior. So, I was hoping that this might end up being a CK3. Unfortunately, that was not to be. This ended up being a CV3, all be it one with a very high amount of matrix (around 50% of the meteorite). Still looks like a cross between a CK and a CV, but then the two do seem to be closely related (I believe scientists are still arguing over whether or not they are from the same parent body).
1) Slices:
a) 1.4 grams - 20mm x 12mm x 3mm - $17
b) 2.8 grams - 19mm x 17mm x 3mm - $34
c) 5.1 grams - 32mm x 22mm x 3mm - $60
d) 10.2 grams - 40mm x 30mm x 3mm - $115
e) 21.2 grams - 75mm x 35mm x 4mm - $235 – complete slice.
2) Main mass: 55.5 gram end piece – 70mm x 40mm x 12mm - $500.00
NWA 5363
Click on image to enlarge.
NWA (5363): Achondrite (brachinite-like, ungrouped). Found 2008. Tkw = about 9.7kg.
This is paired to the more famous NWA (5400). The Tkw above is actually the rough total for all the pairings that have been currently reported of this interesting material. Though its composition and structure are very similar to the olivine-rich (and quite rare) brachinites, this is the only known meteorite that has Oxygen, Chromium and Nickel isotopic composition identical to Earth. Because of this, it was originally thought that this meteorite might represent a piece of the very early Earth, or at least some of the primordial reservoir material that later formed the Earth. However, later work showed that Ca, Ti, Mo and Ru contents in this meteorite are far too different for this to be likely possible.
1) Slices:
a) .42 grams - 10mm x 6mm x 2mm - $15
b) .92 grams - 14mm x 11mm x 2mm - $33
c) 1.6 grams - 20mm x 14mm x 2mm - $56
d) 3.8 grams - 30mm x 15mm x 3mm - $125
e) 7.1 grams - 38mm x 30mm x 2mm - $230 – only one this size.
f) 14.2 grams - 67mm x 37mm x 2mm - $450 – only one this size.
Click on image to enlarge.
PHILIPPINITES: Tektites from the Philippine Islands.
It has been many, many (like 30) years since I have acquired a batch of these things. Oh, I have had the occasional piece pass through my hands from time to time but never in any sizable quantity. Through special circumstances, I recently picked up several kilos of these interesting tektites. Most of these are the typical round, flattened round shape, though a few (mainly the smaller pieces) are elongate. I hand picked the pieces on this list to have more of the grooving than the bulk of what I got. These are not like the deep, deep grooved Rizalites but they do show nice grooving none the less. I have priced these better pieces at only a tiny bit above what I have been getting out of smaller/ plainer Philippinites over the years (ask for pricing on the pieces I would call more “regular” if you need larger quantities cheaper or simply want a cheaper Philippinite for your collection). All of these are natural shaped but, given how bright and shiny most of these are, I suspect that they have been (nicely) cleaned at some point before I got them.
1) Individuals:
a) 11.0 grams - 32mm x 17mm x 13mm - $7
b) 21.9 grams - 27mm x 28mm x 19mm - $13
c) 33.4 grams - 32mm x 30mm x 23mm - $20
d) 44.7 grams - 47mm x 27mm x 20mm - $26
e) 57.5 grams - 35mm x 36mm x 30mm - $32 – not in group photo.
f) 63.7 grams - 39mm x 36mm x 33mm - $35 – not in group photo.

Please note:
Shipping: For small US orders $4 is OK for now. Larger orders are now $14 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $15 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 195 Denver show info, last of Lang Collection Items

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 195 Denver show info, last of Lang Collection Items

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
……………………………………………………LIST 195
August 30, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here is the last of my Lang Collection pieces (all three of them) plus some Allende and Tissint.

I can’t believe that it is already that time. I will be leaving next Wednesday morning (Sept 7th) and won’t be back home until September 21st (this show is slowing getting stretched out into another Tucson. Next year will be even worse). For this year, I will be in my usual location: Ramada Plaza (4849 Bannock street) Room 224. I should be open by mid afternoon Saturday the 10th. I will be open at 10AM the rest of the show days (through Sunday the 18th). I will open most evenings until 9PM or so (later if people are still around) but will close early (6PM) on the last day (Sunday the 18th) and probably either the Friday or Saturday before for the COMETS party (I am pretty sure they are having one again this year, I just don’t know the day). The phone number for the hotel is (303) 292-9500 and I am in room 224 (from the 10th through the 18th).

News about next year: If you want to experience the wandering hotel rooms set up as show rooms thing but not to the huge, often overwhelming degree as Tucson, this show is your last chance (at least in Denver). I had heard rumors that I would be loosing my show room (which I have had for around 28 years now) while attending the Colorado Springs show back in early June. Turns out that this is no rumor. I got the official notification that the Ramada is no longer welcoming the show a few days ago  The only option I am left with is taking a space at the venue that the spring show ended up in – Crowne Plaza way out east (15 miles I think) in a HUGE ballroom environment. I did tour the place during the spring show hoping to scope out a room I could set up in but that is not going to work. The rooms are far away from the bulk of the show (and somewhat hard to find). Plus they are really small and extremely crowded with furniture. I think about the only people who MIGHT be able to set up a valid (business wise) display in one of these rooms would be the gemstone dealer that only needs a card table and a single brief case of inventory to have a successful show. Thankfully, my somewhat early warning has allowed me to reserve a private meeting room at this new show. It is a bit of a ways from the main ball rooms but it will allow me to stay open as late as I want (and there will be a number of other dealers filling other similar rooms in the area so I won’t be completely alone). Anyway, I will certainly try to fully notify everyone once I know fully what this change brings.

ONE LAST NOTE: I do need to be gone part of this afternoon so please understand if there is a delay in my response to any questions/ order requests.

ALLENDE, Mexico: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3.2). Fell February 8, 1969.
Here are a couple more really fresh/ early recovery pieces. One is an angular fragment and the other is a fairly thick (and somewhat wedged) slice. Unfortunately, neither has any fusion crust but they are nice pieces none the less. The slice is nothing special really but it does show lots of chondrules, small to medium sized CAIs and some obvious gold colored troilite inclusions. The fragment though has a couple interesting features: a nice irregular CAI (around 5mm x 7mm) and a weird round (5mm) inclusion that is mostly clear crystals of some kind inside and surrounded by troilite around its outside.
a) 35.0 grams fresh fragment – 55mm x 40mm x 10mm - $350
b) 35.7 gram slice – 60mm x 37mm x 7mm - $360

NWA (978): Rumaruttite (R3.8), S3, W2. Purchased August 1, 2001. Tkw = 722 grams.
For awhile, R chondrites were fairly easy to come by. Not so these days. Now they are quite expensive even fresh out of the field (unstudied) if they are recognized by the sellers (which is not particularly hard given their chondrule rich texture and complete lack of magnetic attraction). Most R chondrites are some shade of brown inside. This particular one is distinctly different. It does have the numerous chondrules and sulfides (not fresh metal) visible, but these are set in a medium to dark gray matrix. I have only two different specimens here. The smallest is actually two natural fragments. The largest is a natural fragment that has a roughly 25mm x 10mm polished face. These specimens are Lang Collection pieces and are in Riker boxes so shipping will be a bit higher for people that want to keep the boxes they are in.
a) 3.0 grams; 2 natural fragments (.7g, 2.3 g) - $60
b) 14.6 gram natural fragment with polished face – 30mm x 18mm x 15mm - $250

NWA (1208): Ordinary chondrite (H5), S2, W3. Found 1999. Tkw = 368 grams.
I can’t be certain, but there is a pretty good change that this could be the “main mass”. A single 368gram stone was found and 63 grams were given for classification. This leaves a total of just over 300 grams of remaining material. This particular specimen represents 36% of the remaining material. So, unless the other remaining material was left as a large cut fragment (no or few slices removed) then this should be the main mass. This piece is a cut fragment. The Bulletin description merely mentions “well defined chondrules” for features and this does indeed show a good number of nice round chondrules set in a medium to dark brown matrix. The backside is mostly old natural fracture surface bit there is a roughly 50mm x 15mm or so patch of fairly nice crust along one edge. This is yet another Lang collection piece in a Riker so shipping will be a bit more for those that want to keep it in the riker box it is in (you will get the label regardless)
110 gram cut fragment – 60mmx 40mm x 15mm - $80

TISSINT, Morocco: Martian (Shergottite). Fell July 18, 2011. Tkw = over 7 kilograms.
This is a meteorite that I thought we might be seeing lots of pieces of for many years. Nope, the stuff got pretty much picked out and distributed in a big hurry. Not much of it is available these days (and pretty much none is from the Moroccan sources I have). I got these pieces from a collector that, wisely, bought them when this material was readily available. These are all nice pieces and each has its own special features that I will try to briefly describe below.
1) Slices:
a) .15 grams part slice – 9mm x 5mm x 1.5mm - $105
b) 1.04 gram part slice – 22mm x 12mm x 1.5mm - $700 – some crust along edge, many small (1 to 2mm) melt zones.
c) 2.39 gram full slice – 30mmx 20mm x 1.5 mm - $1600 – 2/3 of edge crusted. Interior shows a couple large black melt zones containing gas bubbles.
d) 3.37 gram part slice – 35mm x 18mm x 2mm - $2200 – has many nice melt areas and veins. Some gas bubbles, one of which goes completely through the slice.
2) End pieces:
a) 1.99 grams – 20mm x 18mm x 4mm - $1300 – back is around 60% plus fusion crusted.
b) 3.82 grams – 28mm x 27mm x 3mm - $2500 – back mostly late natural fracture but edges have some crust.
3) Individual: This piece was listed as a “fragment” on the hand-written label that came with it. This is clearly more of a nice individual. There are a few minor chipped edges/ points that are clearly breaks. The largest obvious “break” is about 15mm x 5mm. Careful inspection though reveals the presence of very light (and spotty) fusion crust covering most of this area. So, it is a break but might be better classified as a zone of (very) light secondary fusion crust. The remainder of the stone is covered in nice shiny black fusion crust.
3.71 gram individual – 15mm x 12mm x 12mm - $2500