Showing posts with label Denver Show Info 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Denver Show Info 2017. Show all posts

Monday 4 September 2017

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- Denver Show Info 2017

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- Denver Show Info 2017

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
(970) 874-1487

Dear Collectors,

Here is the info for the Denver Show later this week.

I should have sent out this info awhile ago. I have been very busy with things and traveling a lot. I will be leaving Wednesday morning (the 6th) and should be getting back home around the 17th or 18th (going to visit a couple people, do some things on the way home).


As many of you know, the hotel I had been set up at for nearly 30 years tossed out the entire show after last fall’s show. So, going to that old venue you will probably find plenty of parking, maybe a sleeping room but there will be no show. Most of the folks that were set up there have now moved to a new larger, nicer venue some 15 miles East – the Crowne Plaza at I-70 and Chambers road (15500 E. 40th Ave.) The main portion of this show has dealers set up in a huge ballroom, meeting room environment (NOT the old motel room converted into a show room thing). I was offered one of these spaces but held back as I REALLY did NOT want to be in a ballroom show environment (where they flicker the lights at closing and tell everybody, dealers included, that you have ten minutes to get out. I have lost some substantial sales at shows like these because of “poor timing” of closing). Originally, there were to be NO motel room sales rooms PERIOD. I managed to find a workable solution. On the other side of the convention center (west- side) was a small meeting room (called “Frisco”) on the venue map. I asked the new show promoter about it and the response was “we don’t have a “Frisco” (admittedly, this room is somewhat hidden behind a bathroom symbol on the venue maps). It wasn’t that the promoter didn’t know about the room, it is just that she had not thought it worth reserving for the show, really thinking everybody would be MUCH happier closing up at 6 and spending the rest of the day hanging out with friends. Not a bad idea actually and does have some attraction to it I admit. However, I like staying open late because I am often one of the guys those folks that close up earlier come hang out with. My insistence for a “private” space that I could stay open later did end up getting me this room. It also turned out that there were a bunch of other dealers that wanted a similar situation (once word spread that we would indeed be moving the show). The promoter ended up reserving ALL of the meeting rooms on the west- side of the convention center for the show. It also turned out that ALL of them got sucked up in a matter of a couple hours (so I think it will be a pretty hopping “after hours” area). In fact, the demand was so great for “private” selling areas (and I think even the entire convention ball room area was completely filled) that the hotel then allowed the entire lower floor to be taken over by selling rooms (and I think they are now even allowing selling rooms on the second floor to help cover the demand for dealer space at this show). Anyway, part of me wishes I waited and got a room but now I have a more convenient selling space that is more open and easier to set out more material than I could before. So, here are the particulars:

I will be in the “Frisco” meeting room. This is on the west-side of the convention center (for the main ballroom it is best to enter on the East side or you’ll be in for a loooong walk). This is near the hotel lobby area. If you come in through the sliding glass doors under the “Convention Center” sign on the west-side of the building, simply turn to your right immediately and you will be looking in my selling space door. You will likely see some large petrified wood slabs on a rack along the back wall as I am sharing a little bit of the space with a friend that sells such things (his main selling space will be a ground floor hotel room). The show officially runs 9am to 6pm from the 8th (Friday) through the 15th (the next Friday). I, however, will certainly be staying open later (I think 9pm or 10pm depending upon if there are still people around). However, as such, I likely will open a bit later in the morning (in the past, I have found it difficult to get open much before 10am at other shows. And, I have generally found there are not a lot of people earlier in the morning). I also will look into seeing if I can stay open Saturday the 16th if people still seem interested in coming by that day (the promoter has us closed that day as she also works the Merchandise Mart show and is hoping that we’ll go visit that and spend some of the money we made at that show on Saturday and Sunday). Also, on the 15th (that final Friday) I think they are having the COMETS auction and dinner. It is out on the West- side of town (old Wadsworth and 57th – 5695 Yukon St. to be exact). Attending that would probably require me to shut down that day at 6pm. However, if there are lots of people still wandering the show (last minute deals and such) I likely will be late or miss the auction completely, unfortunately (they had considered having the auction in the atrium of the hotel just around the corner from my show room but Dave Bunk offered up his office/ show room for the event).

Well, this show will be a whole new experience (and experiment) for me. Hopefully a successful one. Hope to see some of you there.
