Showing posts with label St. MICHEL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. MICHEL. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 160 - yet more small rarities

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 160 - yet more small rarities

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………LIST 160

September 23, 2014

Dear collectors,

Here is yet another selection of small, hard to get witnessed falls from an old research collection. I got these right before leaving for the Denver show and did not have time to process them until I got back. I have also added a few tiny little scraps I got at the show.

ATARRA, India: (L4), black. Fell December 23, 1920. Tkw = 1.28 kilograms.
I think I had a few much smaller crumbs of this some months ago (they would have been from the same source). This is a small part slice that has black crust along one edge. The interior is fresh and and shows metal and chondrules quite clearly.
.48 gram part slice – 7mm x 5mm x 5mm - $100  -SOLD

BILANGA, Burkina Faso: (Diogenite). Fell October 27, 1999. Tkw = 25+ kilograms.
This is some fragments (about 3mm x 3mm x 2mm) in a capsule in a small labeled plastic box.
Crumbs in a capsule - $10

HOLBROOK, Arizona: (L/LL6): Fell July 19, 1912.
This is a somewhat weathered fragment from a research collection. It appears that a substantial portion of the piece was used up in what ever work was being done on it as the label indicates that it originally weighed around 9.8 grams. The label also indicates that this piece was found November 8th, 1968. Nothing special, but interesting in its history.
2.6 gram fragment – 14mm x 11mm x 10mm - $40

MERUA, India: (H5). Fell February 2, 1945. Tkw = 71.4 kilograms.
This is a bottle that contains three fragments (two around 4mm x 3mm and one closer to 7mm x 4mm) and some dust. I recall, from an earlier offering of a few pieces of this meteorite, that all but a tiny hand full of this meteorite is tied up in museum collections.
1.2 grams fragments and dust in bottle - $100

NEWPORT, Arkansas: (Pallasite). Found 1923. Tkw = 5.6 kilograms.
This is a small cut fragment that is mostly metal but shows some bits of olivine (this was an old research collection piece and I suspect the “work” was done on the olivine from this piece). Regardless, this is a very difficult to find meteorite. I suspect that many (most?) pallasite collectors have not gotten a piece of this name yet.
.36 gram cut fragment – 10mm x 5mm x 4mm - $100  -SOLD

OURIQUE, Portugal: (H4). Fell December 28, 1998. Tkw = 20+ kilograms.
I don’t think I ever have had any of this. I know the few pieces that made into collector’s hands were quite high priced. Unfortunately, this is just a few small fragments (probably equivalent to around 3mm x 3mm x1mm or so) in a capsule. Nothing special, but a cheap way to add a “new” fall to a collection.
Small fragments in capsule - $10

PEACE RIVER, Canada: (L6). Fell March 31, 1963. Tkw = 45.76 kilograms.
These are all fragments with out crust, unfortunately. BUT then these are the only pieces I have had of this
meteorite in any form for many years. I think the piece that was in the “micro” collection I out together years ago was also a no crust fragment like these. Crust or not, this is hard material to come by.
1.0 gram fragment – 10mm x 9mm x 7mm - $30 -SOLD
1.4 gram fragment – 12mm x 11mm x 6mm - $42 -SOLD
4.8 gram fragment – 16mm x 16mm x 8mm - $140 -SOLD

ST. MICHEL, Finland: (L6). Fell July 12, 1910. Tkw = 16.452 kilograms.
This is a wedge part slice that I received just before going to Denver for the show. This has one natural edge (no crust, unfortunately). The interior though shows a really nice breccia texture with lighter mottled
tan and gray clasts in a dark gray matrix. Looks nice fo an old chopped up research specimen.
13.5 gram part slice – 40mm x 20mm x 5mm - $270  -SOLD

SHALKA, India: (Diogenite). Fell November 30, 1850.
Here is a small crumb (around 2mm x 1mm x 1mm) in a capsule in a box with a M Blood Meteorites label.
Crumb in capsule - $10

VACA MUERTA, Chile: (mesosiderite). Found 1861.
This is a small part slice that had a label (that says Vaca Muerta, 9.5 grams, Me1300) taped to it (well, now with it as the tape has torn free). The natural edge of the piece has all kinds of numbers marked/ painted on it. I can make out 255, 215. And Me 1300. I have no clue, unfortunately, what these numbers are or what old collections they might represent.
9.6 gram part slice with old numbers – 20mmx 15mm x 11mm - $50-SOLD

VIGARANO, Italy: Carbonaceous (CV3.3). Fell June 22, 1910.
Here is a sample of the meteorites that give the CVs the V in their type name. This is bottle (with an old label) that contains one large fragment a couple smaller and a bit of dust.
.36 grams of fragments and dust in bottle - $50 -SOLD

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 159

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 159
Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

…………………………………………………LIST 159

August 19, 2014

Dear collectors,

Here is the second batch of pieces that came in with the “old collection”. I also got a few more of the rare witnessed fall fragments/ crumbs in as well and have listed them here to have a more typical 7 or 8 piece offering. 

ARCHIE, Missouri: (H6). Fell August 10, 1932. Tkw = 5.1 kilograms.
This is yet another of my small scraps that seems that very little is “out”. In the Catalog of Meteorites, it seems that a little over 4860 grams of this is listed as being tied up in museum collections.
                .038 gram fragment in capsule – 4mm x 2mm x 2mm - $20
                .13 gram fragment – 8mm x 5mm x 2mm - $50

CANAKKALE, Turkey: (L6). Fell July 1964. Tkw = 4+ kilograms.
This is listed as “several pieces found, the largest weighing 4kg”, implying that a fair amount of this might be out there. However, the collections lists in the Catalog of Meteorites shows that only about 600 grams is preserved in museum collections. I don’t recall ever seeing this name before, so I don’t think that much of the “missing material” has made it into collector’s hands.
                Small fragment in capsule – about 2.5mm x 2mm x 1.5mm - $20
                .058 gram fragment – 5mm x 3mm x 2mm - $40

GLORITTA MOUNTAIN, New Mexico: (Pallasite). Found 1884.
Here is a nice complete individual as found. It has some nice pitting but I cannot distinctly make out any olivine so I’d be hesitant to call this anything more than an iron individual. Regardless, this does have some nice areas of still fresh and flow-lined fusion crust. I remember before Sikhote-Alin came out, this meteorite was the ONLY way a collector could have honest real iron fusion crust for their collections. The previous owner got this piece from Bethany Sciences in January of 1994. This particular specimen is actually the piece Ron used as the picture piece in his catalog at the time. I have a copy of this catalog that will go with this specimen. This also comes with the original Bethany Sciences “Certificate of Authenticity”, though this has been (long ago) hand corrected from a weight of 54.6 grams to 45.6 grams which still seems to be a bit wrong as I keep coming up with 45.1 grams for this specimen.
                45.1 gram complete individual – 45mm x 18mm x 16mm - $650

HENBURY, Australia: Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1931.
Here is a somewhat larger than I typically get specimen. It is nothing special, unfortunately, being mostly a roughly flattened oval shape with only soft thumb-prints. It still has its “as found” appearance - a nice orange brown color. Not a bad piece, just not a sculpture, and priced accordingly.
                71.5 gram natural individual – 45mm x 30mm x 12mm - $110

MOUNT VERNON, Kentucky: (Pallasite). Found 1868, Tkw = 159 kilograms.
The Murchison on my last offering was my big plus surprise in the collection, this one was my big minus surprise unfortunately. I was told it was 13.5 grams and measured 43mm x 36mm x 2mm and was “fresh”. Well, I got 6.4 grams measuring roughly 30mm x 20mm x 2mm that is quite rusty. I think that this would be repairable BUT it came to me in 4 pieces that don’t seem to fit back together completely (and I am usually pretty good at puzzles). This does still have some large crystals that pass light nicely (one looks like it might produce a couple nice but small faceted gems if one were so inclined). I’m selling this one at a loss but someone out there will be able to add a new tough name to their pallasite collection for fairly cheap. The previous owner purchased this specimen from Robert Haag in January of 1994.
                6.4 gram broken, oxidized slice - $100-SOLD

ST. MICHEL, Finland: (L6). Ell July 12, 1910. Tkw = 17 kilograms.
After the last piece I had sold in seconds and many people wanted it (guess I priced it too cheap), I asked the source of that if they had any more. This is what I got. Not a “large” slice like the last one, more like the fragments of other rare falls I have been getting. Anyway, this is a lot of fragments from small crumbs up to around 9mm x 4mm x 2mm. Most of the bigger pieces show nice shock veining as well.
                .42 grams of fragments and crumbs - $15 -SOLD

SIKHOTE-ALIN, Russia: Coarsest octahedrite (IIB). Fell February 12, 1947.
This is a complete fusion crusted individual that also happens to be oriented. It is not the perfect dome type of oriented but well oriented none the less. This has a general conical shape (obviously pointed front, generally flat back) that shoes a few elongated (some call “flower petal”) thumbprints on the front and a distinct sharp roll-over rim running completely around the back.
                30.3 gram oriented individual – 30mm x 22mm x 12mm - $75

TISSINT,, Morocco: Martian (Shergottite). Olivine-phyric. Fell July 18, 2011. Tkw = over 7 kilograms.
Here is an amazing piece I got from Matt for a potential customer a month or so ago (that person decided to take a sliced Martian instead of this fragment). It was the Viking lander’s readings of the Martian atmosphere back in the 1970’s that gave us the biggest clue that these meteorites (the SNCs) were from Mars. Those readings showed that gasses trapped inside melt pockets in shock veins of these stones isotopically matched the Martian atmosphere. This particular specimen is incredible for showing these melt pockets. Probably better than 30% of this piece is melt vein material. Even better still, this melt veining is full of gas pockets. Many of these can be easily seen with your eye as the interiors of these pockets is super shiny, compared to the duller black of the general melt material. I am quite certain that this specimen has many more unbroken melt pockets (that likely still contain Martian atmosphere inside them) are yet hiding in the interior of this piece.

                1.6 gram fragment with heavy shock melt veins – 13mm x 11mm x 7mm - $1200

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 155

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 155

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………LIST 155

June 24, 2014

Dear collectors,

Here is a small offering of some interesting items I got a few days ago. I know, this list should have gone out last week but I did not have this new material (or much of anything new for that matter). I will also likely be missing the next scheduled offering time (July 1st) as I will be leaving town a day or two later. I’ll be gone for the long holiday weekend and should be back home around July 8th.

ABEE, Canada: Enstatite chondrite (EH4), imb. Fell June 9, 1952. Tkw = 107kg.
Here are a few small slices (actually, the smaller pieces are more like little bars with polished edges) or those of you that want a piece of this rare and important meteorite in your collection with out spending a fortune. These piece are all very fresh and show lots of metal and brecciation (even on the small ones). The “big” one is very nice (such that I was tempted to hang on to it for my micro collection).
a)       .22 gram slice – 8mm x 3mm x 2mm - $15
b)       .56 gram slice – 12mm x 4mm x 3mm - $30
c)       1.44 gram slice – 13mm x 11mm x 3mm - $75

ALLENDE, Mexico: (CV3). Fell February 8, 1969.
Here is a super fresh broken fragment that has some patches of crust (around 30mm x 10mm and another around 12mm x 10mm). Not much to look at honestly, but it might be a good piece to make some nice small slices (or thin-sections) from. The rumor I got with this piece is that the researcher that it had it years ago got it from Dr. King. Now way to prove that at this point, but this piece is fresh enough to make that story more than believable.
                30.9 gram fragment with some crust – 30mm x 28mm x 20mm - $250

KLAMATH FALLS, Oregon: Specimen bottle.
I got excited over seeing this one in the “collection” as I have never had a piece of Klamath Falls before. It seems I still haven’t. There were two small cut fragments (and some powder) in a small bottle that is labeled “Klamath Co. Museum” and gives an (old) address. This was then in a bag with a card labeled “Klamath Falls”. However, close inspection revealed that this had a some what grainy texture to it (Not something you want to see in an iron meteorite). I checked it with a magnet and, sure enough, it did not stick, My XRF says that this is mostly copper (around 60%) with arsenic (17%) and lead (11%) and a bunch of other stuff. So, not a meteorite but the bottle is cool. This was from an old research collection and I suppose it is possible that the person who had this years ago was working on something from the area (that the Klamath Falls Museum had) that was not a meteorite. No telling now.
                “Klamath Falls” museum labeled bottle containing two mineral fragments - $20

MBALE, Uganda: Ordinary chondrite (L5/6). Fell August 14, 1992. Tkw = 108+ kg.
This was readily available years ago but I rarely see it these days. None the less, it is still among the cheapest of witnessed falls. This is just a nice fragment with a polished face (curved though. I think someone simply polished out a naturally broken edge as opposed to cutting first). This has some crust – an area around 12mm x 11mm. This is not one of the earliest recoveries as it shows some minor rust spotting but is still very fresh so it is not a late recovery either. This comes with a nice specimen card that is generic (no collection name) except a note that says something like “from Pieter Heydelaar” I believe. This makes sense as I know Pieter (a famous gold dealer that dabbles in meteorites a bit) had quite a bit of Mbale years ago.
                3.3 gram fragment with polished face – 20mm x 10mm x 11mm - $15

PLAINVIEW (1917), Texas. (H5) breccia. Found 1917 but may have fallen spring of 1903.
Here is a really nice aesthetic little “micro” slice. It has one crusted edge (one of the shorter edges, unfortunately) with lots of metal and some shock veins in a nice mottled light brown matrix.
                2.1 gram slice – 20mm x 10mm x 3mm - $15

St. MICHEL, Finland: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell July 12, 1910. Tkw = 25.4 kg.
I probably priced this on wrong. I know I have heard of it and had pieces of it in the past but I, unfortunately, don’t have any idea what this stuff is “going for” out there so I guessed (more than something like Mbale but less than L’Aigle). So, either someone out there is going to get a great deal or I’ll have this one in Denver. This a thick part slice that is all cut sides except one broken edge (no crust, unfortunately).
                4.3 gram slice – 22mm x 10mm x 10mm - $80 -SOLD

SULTANPUR, India: Ordinary chondrite (L6), black. Fell July 10, 1916. Tkw = 1711 grams.
Now this one I priced high as there seems to be very little of it known and very little of it distributed. I think I have had crumbs of this in the past but this is a much larger “crumb”. This is a small cut fragment that likely broke off o a larger slice sometime in the past.
                .26 gram cut fragment – 8mm x 5mm x 3mm - $100

TENNASILM, Estonia: Ordinary chondrite (L4), veined. Fell June 28, 1872. Tkw = 28.5 kg.
This is a small fresh flake/ fragment. Thankfully, its thinness actually gives it a pretty good surface area.
                .30 gram fragment – 10mm x 6mm x 2mm - $25