Showing posts with label Blaine Reed Yahoo Groups ending.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blaine Reed Yahoo Groups ending.. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Notice- Yahoogroups to End. Google Blogger WILL remain for Blaine Reed Meteorites 23OCT2019

Important Notice-
BlaineReed Yahoogroups to End soon. 
Google Blogger WILL remain for Blaine Reed Meteorites- sign-up for Blogger if you want to remain informed. Thanks! *note by Dirk Ross

Blaine wrote-

Hi Folks,

I am really, really busy trying to get ready for the many trips I have coming up in the next month or so. I leave early tomorrow morning for Phoenix for a memorial for my uncle (the one that scraped the nose of his car down the side of a brand new Cadillac the morning I was leaving his house for Tucson this year). He passed away back in early July (I think it was July 3rd while i was goofing off in Keystone to go skiing at A-Basin the next day (it was the first time in nearly a decade they had enough snow to allow skiing on the 4th of July).

I get back from the Phoenix trip and then have only a few days to get ready for the Socorro Mineral Symposium show/ trip. I was supposed to already be prepping for that one but got busy doing some upgrade insulation work on the solar hot water system and then got hit with the NPR interview folks (15 hours of re-looking things up/ typing/ talking) that are doing a story on crazy Curry.

So, I am WAAAAAAY behind on things at the moment and then get hit with the news that Yahoo groups looks to be effectively shutting down on October 28th!!! Nice! a huge change coming and they give us NO notice (I had to get this second hand). It seems that no new content will be allowed after this date and all stored files (photos, conversation archives, etc) will be deleted on December 14th (or about 2 days after I get back from Costa Rica). I am trying to research things to see what is still going to be possible, what is not and if I need to go out into the wild and find a completely different venue for this. The problem right now is the timing. I'll only be home around 2 1/2 weeks the next month and a half or so and, as I'll still have to do all the work that would normally have to be done if I were here (things don't stop just because I am gone) I really don't have a lot of free time to figure this out.

What little I've been able to see so far seems to indicate that I should still be able to send out e-mails, so I may be able to keep sending out offerings for the time being (but I will have to send the associated photos to those that want to see them by e-mail individually) but there will be no archives to dig through for stuff that was offered in the past (which is quite unfortunate as I often do have a number of things that were on older offerings). Also, it seems that whatever "group" I am left with (with however little functionality) will automatically be made "private". I don't know if this means that all of that currently receive my postings will have to re-sign up or not. I don't think it does though (but right now I don't have much information to work with). I DO know though that anyone that is not currently a member will have to contact me and I will have to send them an invite (and then they'll have to take steps to sign up (and, hopefully, it won't change to be like Google where you can only do things/ sign up for things if you have one of their e-mail accounts).

Right now, I just don't have a lot of information and no time to figure much out either. All I can do is try to let you know more when I know more about what all of this means and how it is going to change things.
