Showing posts with label Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 113 Tektites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 113 Tektites. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 113 Tektites

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
………………………………………………………LIST 113

November 22, 2011

Dear Collectors,

This is going out a week late, technically, as I was not home from Socorro yet last Tuesday.

This offering is a list of tektites from a collection I received shortly before the Denver show (but did not come to a sales agreement on the stuff until well after the show – largely my fault for being so busy after getting home that I forgot to work on this for a couple weeks).

The card with this indicates that it is from Southwest (actually has "Sweetwest" – an obvious misspelling) Australian Desert, Australia. This is a basic intact rounded blob. Nothing special, but not chipped up.
3.1 gram individual – 17mm x 13mm x 11mm - $15

BEDIASITE: Texas tektites.
I have two of these. One (the small one) came with the collection and is quite nice (no chips and nice surface features, though not highly sculpted). This specimen Has the usual 9for this collection lot anyway) small typed label that says it is from Grimes County, Texas. The larger is THE LAST of what I got this past Tucson (these things were very popular when I offered them on my May mailed offering and sold rapidly). These are my ONLY 2 specimens and it may be quite some time before I get more (unless some magically walk in the door this year like last Tucson – I wouldn't mind that happening again) so don't hesitate if you have been considering picking up a Berdiasite (they are getting quite hard to come by).
a) 3.5 gram complete individual – 17mm x 13mm x 12mm - $40
b) 32.9 gram "individual" (has large 28mm x 28mm flat chip on bottom) – 38mm x 30mm x 18mm - $265

The card with this one has "Guang Dong Providence, Southern China". It should be "province", but the rest of it is right. This is a basic elongate intact specimen with nice soft surface features and no chips.
40.5 gram individual – 42mm x 25mm x 23mm - $5

The card with this one has nothing else for locality info. This is a rather plain rounded intact individual from a rare (?) locality.
17.6 gram individual – 25mm x 24mm x 19mm - $15 

The card with this specimen says "exact location unknown). This is certainly nothing special (the card is probably more valuable to a collector than the specimen). One side has the usual thumb-printed look to it and the other (dish-shaped) is smooth with chipped edges. This is possibly the cheapest item I have ever bothered listing.
5.5 gram individual – 22mm x 20mm x 7mm - $1 

INDOCHINITE: Paulin District, Thailand.
This specimen definitely has a different look to it. It shows some pretty large scale stretch/ flow features along with some deep grooves and holes.
21.4 gram individual – 42mm x 20mm x 16mm - $4 

INDOCHINITE: Delat Vietnam.
The card with this one has Delat/Lang Bian, Vietnam. This is a nice (not chipped anyway, but surface features are a little dull) elongate to tear-drop shaped specimen. I have long since sold out of my Dalat Indochinites.
10.8 gram individual – 40mm x 15mm x 13mm - $5

MOLDAVITE: In situ specimen!
Here is a small (roughly 15mm x 7mm) Moldavite still in the sandstone breccia that they supposedly weather out of. Most moldavites are found in stream beds/ deposits after they have eroded out of this kind of rock (where they supposedly were dropped when they fell). I have only had a couple specimens like this, and that was quite a few years ago (when a Eastern European supplier brought out a handful of these specimens) and I remember that they were quite expensive back then. 
Small 15mm x 7mm in sandstone/breccia rock - $120 

This is just a nice basic specimen with good surface features. It is not chipped but could use a cleaning (it still has a bit of natural dirt in the pockets/crevices. Interestingly, the dirt DOES match the material that the above specimen is stuck in). The card says "Moldau River Valley, Bohemia, Czech Republic".
3.7 gram individual – 25mm x 13mm x 8mm - $20

MOUNG NONG; (layered Indochinite).
These likely formed as pools of melt on the ground near the (still unknown) impact sit. The card says that this is from Ubonratch-thani District, Thailand.
53gram fragment – 45mm x 30mm x 25mm - $10 

PHILLIPINITE: Rizal province, Philippines.
This does have some grooving, but not what I usually think of when I imagine "Rizalites". This is finer textured. Not an exciting specimen, and priced accordingly.
18.0 gram individual – 32mm x 22mm x 20mm - $7.

Notice how I put Tibetan in parenthesis? I have not seen any scientific proof that these things really come from there (though this one has a card that indicates it is from the "Bam Lake Region, Tibet"). My guess is that these may actually be transported (and then sold in the area) Chinese tektites. This particular specimen (and all of the other "Tibetan" tektites I have seen) looks identical in its wild shape and sculpting features (this one even has a small natural hole at one end) to a large batch of Chinese Tektites I got when they first started to re-appear on the market over 20 years ago (interesting story how I ended up with these. A Chinese mineral dealer asked if I would trade equal weight common US meteorites for Chinese meteorites at the Tucson show. Of coarse I said yes! The next year he showed up with 100pounds of these "meteorites" expecting 100 pounds of US meteorites. Quite an arm-wrestling match ensued as I explained that these were NOT meteorites (but still worth something to collectors) before we came to a trade agreement). I still have a couple bags of these generally small wild-shaped (Russ Kempton simply called them "Rubble-like") tektites in a back corner of the closet, but I sell them as "Chinese" tektites.
3.8 gram individual – 21mm x 16mm x 12mm - $10