Showing posts with label DEAKIN (001). Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEAKIN (001). Show all posts

Thursday 4 April 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 135 - an after Phoenix offering 04APR2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 135 - an after Phoenix offering 04APR2013

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 135
April 4, 2013
Dear Collectors,

This was supposed to go out a couple days ago. Unfortunately, a couple days ago I was still in Phoenix. I was gone for nearly two weeks on this trip. I was helping my uncle, who we visit on the way to and from Tucson, finally de-clutter and unload a bunch of stuff (he was not one of those "Hoarders Buried Alive" stars but certainly would have earned an honorable mention). We (Blake, my uncle and I) were successful beyond our wildest dreams. We filled a 40 yard dumpster with obvious garbage (including pretty much the entire house of carpet and pad that had been soiled by his dogs and those of the previous house's owner). We also had a huge yard sale that filled the driveway, back porch and much of the back yard. At the end of the sale we had only a couple small carloads of stuff that ended up being donated. Anyway, huge amount of work but in the end hugely successful but had me finally getting home late last night.

BRENHAM, Kansas: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1882.
Here is a beautiful "little" complete slice that has been cut very thin so it passes light through probably 2/3 of the crystals. Though some are a bit dark close to ½ of the crystals in this thing pass light quite brightly. This is probably the last slice from a 351lb piece that was found in 2006. I was told that this was found on a hill side so it did not spend its life soaking in a bunch of ground water. Also, this meteorite was cut using nothing but alcohol (no water based coolants which can leave water behind the crystals to cause a rusting problem later). I have a large slice (2265g – most of the complete slices were more than a couple kilos in size) from this same meteorite, cut the same way. I have had it without any special storage for 2 ½ years now and it looks fine (MAYBE a couple tiny spots of rust if you look really carefully). So, this particular Brenham (cut the same anyway) I trust as being stable.
456.1 gram complete slice – 360mm x 150mm x 2mm - $1600

CAMEL DONGA, Australia: Achondrite (eucrite). Found 1984. Tkw = 30+ kilograms.
This is actually a fairly fresh individual. There are signs of weathering but certainly not to the extent of many I have seen coming out lately. The crust shows a little bit of yellowish or brown tinges in few areas but shows a lot of shininess and flow lines. There is one chipped area (about 10mm x 8mm) showing the light colored interior but this stone is otherwise complete.
13.7 gram individual – 27mm x 21mm x 18mm - $275

DEAKIN (001), Australia: Ordinary chondrite (ungrouped type 3). Found 1978. Tkw = 109.5 grams.
I am at a bit of a loss how to price this one. It might be really interesting and "valuable" to a certain collector out there, but as a somewhat weathered (not horribly though, it still shows plenty of metal) find it might not be of much interest. Not sure how this got out as all of the "total known" material is listed as being in museums (according to the Catalog of Meteorites anyway). I know the previous owner who likely did a museum trade to get it when he was buying up as many odd/ rare meteorites he could get back in the late 1990s. The catalog also mentions that this has affinities to the LL group but the magnetic attraction and small chondrule size (looking much like H type or even smaller) makes me think that this does deserve the "ungrouped" classification. This piece looks like it has weathered crust covering about 40% of the natural exterior. Interesting piece(?)
6.84 gram cut fragment – 20mm x 10mm x 12mm - $240

FOREST (002), Australia: Found 1980. Tkw = 26 kilograms.
This specimen is labeled as I remember it when it first came out (Robert Haag was selling it) – Forest (b). A bunch of different meteorites started showing up from the area so everything was switched to numbers. This was probably a good idea. My Meteorites A to Z shows something like 37 different Forest area meteorites at the time of publication (there may be more now). Definitely would have run out of alphabet there. Anyway, this is nice little cut individual that shows nice brown crust on a 22mm x 20mm area of the natural exterior. The cut and polished face on this is roughly 22mm x 12mm.
10.0 gram cut individual – 25mm x 20mm x 9mm - $40

FORESTBURG (a), Texas: Ordinary chondrite (L4). Found 1957. Tkw = 26.6 kilograms.
Here are a couple pieces I got from the TCU/ Monig collection just before the Tucson Show. Both of these have a TCU, Monig Collection label. One piece is a fairly large (for this stuff) slice that has one cut edge about 45mm long (the remainder is natural with a couple areas showing some weathered crust). The other piece is a large chunk that has two cut faces that make it a bookend (and it is almost large enough for that job). This could easily be cut into more slices or left as is. One of the polished faces on this piece shows a couple interesting large (up to 10mm x 7mm) troilite inclusions.
a) 58.2 gram slice – 73mm x 70mm x 4mm - $115
b) 435.2 gram bookend cut fragment – 70mm x 66mm x 45mm - $600

HOLBROOK, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL6). Fell July 19, 1912. Tkw = 400+ kilograms.
This is a nice complete individual. It does have an area (about 13mm x 12mm) that looks chipped but careful inspection with a loupe shows definite fusion crust on the high points of this "chip", so it is really an area of very light secondary crust. The remainder of the stone is covered nice black primary crust. This is a bit after the fall recovery as there is some adhering dirt (I have not attempted to clean this). A nice not so little piece for this fall.
13.0 gram complete individual – 30mm x 18mm x 13mm - $325

JUANCHENGE, China: ordinary chondrite. (H5). Fell February 15, 1997. Tkw = 99+ kilograms.
This is a really nice fresh complete stone that has only a couple small (5mm x 3mm) edge chips. The crust is dark slate gray to black, though there is an area that has a purplish tinge to it (like that found on some Allende). This, amazingly for this fall, shows some flow lines. The shape of the stone, the flow lines and a hint of a roll-over rim shows that this stone was oriented for at least part of its fall.
30.7 gram complete individual – 40mm x 22mm x 20mm - $185