Showing posts with label CAMPO DEL CIELO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAMPO DEL CIELO. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Blaine Reed Meteorites- List 251 19JULY2022

Blaine Reed Meteorites
P.O. Box 1141, Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 251 - July 19, 2022

Dear Collectors

Once again, I have been severely slacking in my e-mail offering duties. I have been tied up with all kinds of things. Projects, some travel (more of that to come in a couple weeks) and general stuff. I have also not had a lot of offering worthy items come in lately (but that is changing. I should be doing another offering with some Lunar, a Canadian meteorite and more fairly soon).

This is an offering of some nice iron meteorites that have managed to come in and pile up a bit lately. Some of these were in a collection I bought over a year ago that I just now finally went through. It was 9 large beer-flat boxes full of mostly small things. It took days and days to go through and sort. The larger items I picked up elsewhere (the Grein (005) I had never heard of before and picked up while in Denver last week).

This offering is a little out of sorts. It is NOT alphabetically listed as usual. This is mostly due to how I had pictures of some of these things already set up from earlier. So, I am listing the Gan Gan, then the Guadalupe Y Calvo (as I already had photos of these in my computer files) and THEN the other (3) items as these pieces will be in a group photo.

GAN GAN, Argentina: Iron. Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1984. Tkw = 83kg.
Here is a nice complete slice of this pretty meteorite. I had some pieces (part slices mostly) of this a few years ago and sold out fairly quickly. I can’t remember exactly what price I had on those, but I think it was something around $4/g (they were consignment pieces). I lucked into this piece by a collector contacting me asking if I could get any of this particular meteorite for them (I got them 3 pieces actually). I contacted the person I knew had pieces in the past. Yep, they had a few left. I got all that they would sell (a couple pieces were going to other collectors as this piece was scheduled to do as well until the other buyer ended up passing on it. Understandable, it is a pretty big chunk of money and things are getting a bit weird in our economy right now). This slice is etched on both sides, though the back was not sanded smooth first (so there are some remaining saw marks hiding in/ under the etch). This comes with one of my info cards from when I first offered pieces of this material many (like around 30) years ago as well as a Schwade Collection label.
851.2 gram etched complete slice – 250mm x 150mm x 5mm - $2500

GUADALUPE Y CALVO, Mexico: Iron. Hexahedrite (IIAB). Found 1971. Tkw = 58.63kg.
I remember buying this one. A guy in Tucson had it and we (several of us, including Jim, who I got these from relatively recently) made a special trip there to negotiate the purchase. We were, eventually, successful but not so on the Canyon Diablos the seller had (he had the better part of a bucket full of thumb-sized Canyon Diablos with a “number painted on each” (those were Nininger numbers!!!!!). He refused to sell them as he wanted a piece of Haag’s Odessa action (Robert would tumble polish small Odessa pieces and then sell pretty much all he had in minutes at around $1/g). This guy insisted on keeping the pieces so he could (and did, unfortunately) tumble them up and sell them for “big bucks”. He was under the (mistaken) impression that these piece being a) bigger and b) not Odessa would sell for far more than $1/g (they didn’t)). The Guadalupe was a success for all of us. It was no longer going to be just an unknown dog-food bowl on a ranch in Mexico. Collectors were going to be able to get a piece of a Hexahedrite which was a hard to come by type iron back then (and not terribly common even these days, actually). Wish we had better luck in our attempts to buy the Canyon Diablos. These are all half slices. They have one cut edge with the remainder being natural. These have been etched (on one side only) but, to be honest, this stuff does not show a whole lot – just some fine scratch mark looking lines (Nuemann lines). I had some of this a few years ago. I sold out of this fairly quickly as well. I found the card that I had in the Riker with those specimens when I put them out at shows. That had the price at $4/g. I am making these pieces substantially cheaper now (these are fairly large pieces). These all come with one of my original Guadalupe info cards and a Schwade Collection label.

1) Part slices. One cut edge:
a) 243.6 grams – 110mm x 55mm x 5mm - $700
b) 296.8 grams – 120mm x 65mm x 5mm - $850
c) 349.1 grams – 130mm x 75mm x 5mm - $1000

CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Found 1576. Tkw = A LOT!
This is an etched (on both sides) complete slice. It was one of the specimens I pulled out of the above mentioned 9 box “collection” (more like an accumulation) of anything/ everything the guy could get for close to opening bids on E-Bay over many years, I suspect. He must have had well over 10,000 individual specimens! I think he was single, no kids, and did little but buy meteorites on E-Bay for his entertainment. Surprisingly, this (and the Morasko pieces below) were some of the largest/ best pieces in the mix(!!! – most of the stuff I packaged up, labeled, priced and sold as a lot to a friend that runs a large retail store). Anyway, if I don’t sell this here, I’ll probably set it up in a Riker (labeled and such) and put it out in Denver (at a slightly higher price – rikers have gotten surprisingly expensive lately. But then, so has pretty much everything else).
49.7 gram slice. Etched both sides – 70mm x 28mm x 3mm - $50

GREIN (005), Niger: Iron. Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 2015. Tkw = 52.5kg.
This is listed as being purchased on December 22, 2015. It was a single specimen (that actually had a nice point/ cone shape from the picture I was able to find of it online). I got this mostly complete slice (it has a 25mm straight cut on one end that is hardly noticeable) while I was in Denver a week ago. It, like the Gan Gan above, is etched on both sides but polished down only on one. I had never heard of this meteorite before (and RARELY get the chance to get an etched medium octahedrite). This slice does have a few tiny brown spots but, overall, looks really nice. This has had some kind of treatment done on it (stabilization, etching) and is supposedly guaranteed to stay good (nope, ocean side, next to the aquarium, in the shower (yep, I actually had a guy do that with a Brenham once!) or by the hot tub does NOT count) and will be re-treated if it becomes needed.
319.4 gram slice – 150mm x 70mm x 5mm - $475

MORASKO, Poland. Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1914. Tkw = over 1000kg.
These two pieces were in the 9 box “collection” and were some of the few specimens I decided to hang on to for this type offering or selling at a show (Denver in September is my next big one. It looks like I’ll be going to Creede for their show August 5th, 6th, 7th but I don’t plan on bringing these pieces. However IF one of you seeing this offering is going to the show and wants me to bring either of these (or anything on this list) please let me know and I’ll put it in the “take” pile). The smaller piece is an end piece that is just polished on the face. The back-side has been substantially cleaned (shows some shiny metal but has considerable area that looks wire brushed). The bigger piece is a part (1/2) slice. It is polished and etched on both sides. It has been quite awhile since I have had a piece of this stuff. It will probably be awhile before I get another piece as well.
a) 31.9g end piece with polished face – 40mm x 30mm x 6mm - $70
b) 53.6g part slice. Etched both sides – 55mm x 30mm x 5mm - $115

Shipping: For small US orders $5 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $5. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still loosing a little even at $5. Larger orders are now $9 to $16 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).

Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $16 (Canada seems to be right around $14). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 235

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 235

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 235

March 3, 2020

Dear collectors,

I am (finally) back from Tucson and (more or less) caught up on things. Some adventures this year but NOTHING like last year. The only thing that died on me this year was my hover-board (well, my uncle did pass away but that was in July of last year. None the less, that did change a few things logistically this year). I only get to use the hover board during the shows (my driveways are gravel and the runway is fairly soft dirt, when it isn’t wet – sticky deep adobe mud when it is). It seems that the battery on my toy now only wants to run for around half an hour or so (it used to last well over an hour). Welll, I was riding it pretty heavy one evening (including a couple complete trips around the hotel as they re-surfaced the parking lot recently). I thought it is getting a bit mushy/ sluggish in its response but it had only been running for 20 minutes or so. A quick glance at the battery light showed it was still green. However, as I was standing on it, moving around (and listening to music at a volume that was a tad high) and I failed to notice that it was flashing a steady “low battery” warning. Well, I leaned into it (got going pretty fast) and then tried to do a sharp turn. Nope, didn’t work out so well. When the engine on my airplane quits (which it seems to enjoy doing from time to time) most people think the thing falls out of the sky like a sack full of wet bricks. Nope, the wing works fine and, as long as I have left myself something to land on within gliding distance, it is no big deal to land and effect repairs (and fly back out when done if I really picked the landing spot well). Not so with a hover-board. When it quits (and it can indeed do it quite suddenly if you are not paying attention) it does indeed drop you to the ground like a bag of bricks. Yep, this is indeed what I did. I watched the machine roll away with a flashing red light (dead battery) signal and that is what dumped me. I managed to pull a bunch of muscles in my left leg and bung up my left hand a bit. Nothing broken (but my pride) but I did end up taking an extra day to pack down the room and load the car (I was moving quite slowly). We also had another “vanenture” on the trip home. The fan belt kept coming off of its pulleys as we were heading to Flagstaff. This happened a half dozen times (about every 8 miles – we got good at putting it back on) on the way into town. We made into town, thankfully. Blake tightened up the clamp on the upper hose on the radiator as that is where it looked the fluid leak was coming from. I wish it ended up being that easy. We ran the car for 20 minutes in the parking lot of the hotel we decided to spend the night at. No leak! So, off we went to Auto Zone to get a new tensioner pulley (it seemed to be making a bit of noise, was old and may have gotten damaged in the shock(s) of the belt coming off). Well, while there, after turning the engine off (this is when a car gets the hottest and builds up the most pressure) the radiator blew a ¼” or so hole (near the hose clamp – so we weren’t to far wrong in the spot of the leak, just what it was exactly). So, time for a radiator replacement right there in the parking lot. Unfortunately, they did not have the right one (and did not have the spare man-power to help me go pick one up). So, a 1.5mile walk (well, more of a shuffle like a post apocalyptic zombie as I had all of those torn leg muscles to deal with) to O’Reily auto parts (who DID have the right radiator but also not enough man-power in house to bring it to us – I got a Lyft back to Auto zone though). It all went together just fine but did take us until a bit after 9pm to get the job done. The next morning, starting the car brought out all kinds of bad metal on metal screeching noises. Hmmm, maybe something else (like the alternator or, my guess, the power steering pump – two items that really can’t be replaced by a couple of shmucks with limited tools in a parking lot). We ran the car for close to half an hour. The noises didn’t go away but they did lessen. My thought was “bad belt” (despite the distinctly metal on metal sounds) as if it were another mechanical failure the noises should be getting worse, not better. A quick experiment showed I was right. So, a new belt (which we now knew how to install in under two minutes) and we were on our way without further trouble (other than the 4” nail that flattened one of the new tires on the car right in the driveway in front of my house. No clue where the nail came from, just happy the thing went flat here and not while on the road. The way we were loaded it would have taken considerable effort, and lots of unloading, to get to what we needed to change a tire on a roadside somewhere). So, adventures, a couple days delay but nothing as serious or difficult as last year.

The things listed below are things that were either left with me (consignments) or I purchased at the show. The show was a bit slower this year (largely due to none of the Chinese buyers and less than half of the Japanese buyers showing up this year, thanks to the Corona virus scare) but not terrible. However, this meant that I, as I did not sell as much, I did not buy as much either. At this point, it looks like this might be my only “after Tucson” e-mail offering (unless I start turning up more smaller things I forgot I bought as I do the finishing touches on putting away all that I brought home). I suspect that my next post/ offering will be my mailed catalog which I plan to try and get out a little earlier than normal as I (supposedly) will be going to Yellowstone with some friends in the earlier part of May this year.
List 235
(click on image to enlarge)
CAMPO DEL CIELO, Agentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB).
These are both complete slices just drastically different in sizes. The smaller piece is prepared and etched on both sides. However, this piece is small enough that you don’t get a real good idea of the etch texture of this meteorite. The large slice is really thin and, as such, is only polished and etched on one side (it would be a really, really hard job to polish out and etch this backside on a slice this thin). However, the prepared side shows a nice classic Campo etch structure.
a) 70.5 gram complete slice etched both sides – 80mm x 55mm x 3mm - $90
b) 459.4 gram complete slice etched one side – 300mm x 130mm x 2mm - $500

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1891.
This is a part slice (1/4 of a complete slice – two cut edges and one long natural edge) I picked up in Tucson this year. I had offered pieces like this on my April 2019 list and rapidly sold out. When I got the chance to pick up some pieces to satisfy people that have been on a waiting list for a specimen from that offering I bought all I could. It turned out that only this piece was “left over” (I wasn’t able to get many specimens, unfortunately). This piece shows a nice vibrant etch and is etched on both sides.
47.0 gram etched part slice – 42mm x 38mm x 3mm - $94

GEBEL KAMIL, Egypt: Iron. Ni-rich ataxite, ungrouped. Found 2008.
This is a relatively large piece of the material that was found surrounding a crater in Southern Egypt that was found by way of Google Earth satellite photographs. This is a fairly young fall event, estimated to have happened around 5000 years ago. This was also very likely a witnessed event to some degree. Debris from the impact partly covered up what was an active trade route road near the crater. I personally wonder if this event isn’t part of the reason that many of the words for iron in ancient languages relate to the sky and stars (it sure would have been a wake-up call as to where some iron came from). This piece is a classic shrapnel piece as most meteorite specimens found around the crater were (I think a fairly large fusion crusted piece was found in the crater). This has the nice dark chocolate brown wind-polished surface texture over most (around ¾) of its surface. The bottom (part that was in the sand all of these years) is a bit more rusty orange in color and looks to have a couple areas of thin glass (from melting of the sand it landed in) still adhering to it. This stuff has gotten quite hard to come by lately as the folks that took the effort to pick this up some years ago have pretty much sold out (and new material is not being recovered).
2538g complete natural shrapnel fragment as found – 170mm x 80mm x 40mm - $2100

MOUNT DOOLING, Australia: Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IC). Found 1909.
Here are two great complete slices that clearly show the recrystallized etch structure pieces of this unusual meteorite shows. It was this etch structure (along with its anomalous chemistry) that showed that a “new” iron meteorite found some 400km away near Perth in 1960 was actually a transported piece of Mt. Dooling. This meteorite is a member of the fairly rare IC group of iron meteorites. Both of these pieces are etched on both sides. I have these priced quite a bit below what I priced (generally smaller) pieces of this meteorite at on a mailed list (and sold out) a couple years or so ago.
a) 106.9 gram etched complete slice – 150mm x 55mm x 2mm - $320
b) 115.9 gram etched complete slice – 155mm x 60mm x 2mm - $348

NWA (6963): Martian (Shegottite). Found 2011. Tkw = about 8 kilograms.
Originally, only about an 80g fusion crusted piece of this was recovered. Once it was found that this was a Mars rock, intensive recovery efforts lead to many more pieces (totaling somewhere around 8kg) being found. This is a wonderful super thing slice that is in a membrane style display holder (though NOT one of the “Membrane Boxes” some of us remember from some years ago). This has a small round base that allows this to be stood up on one corner for a nice shelf display (I’ll put the piece that allows this below the holder in the group photo). This slice has a nice shock vein near one side that was/ is large enough to have some gas bubbling.. These bubbles likely contained little bits of the Martian atmosphere at one time (and, if any are still intact inside this vein those likely would still contain some traces of Martian atmosphere). I have priced this quite a bit below what most people offering pieces of this material seem to be asking at this point.
5.20 gram slice – 70mm x 33mm x 1mm - $1300

NWA (8402): Stony-iron (Mesosiderite). Found 2014. Tkw = 23.85kg.
Here is a nice complete slice of this really classic looking mesosiderite. This has a wonderful mix of metal (making up around 40% of the cut surface area – often as cm sized rounded nodules) and silicates (of which around 75% is pyroxene and 25% is plagioclase). This particular meteorite was also found to have a fairly high amount of silica. This, along with the high content of plagioclase, some equilibrated silicates and lack of brecciation show this to be member of the rare A-3 type mesosiderite group. This is only the 4th meteorite known of this type. The other three are all named recoveries that are pretty much impossible for a collector to obtain: Emery, SD, Lowicz, Poland and Morristown, TN.
148.8 gram complete slice – 140mm x 75mm x 4mm - $1000

NWA (12630): Lunar, anorthositic breccia: Purchased February 2019. Tkw = 233g in two piece.
I suspect that this another piece of the stuff that came out in a big way a bit over a year ago and has lots of different NWA numbers assigned to various pieces of it (the stuff I’ve had is NWA (11273). However, this does have a distinctly different appearance to it. This is clearly an anorthositic breccia but the clasts are not nearly as clear as other specimens. I suspect that this particular part of the meteorite has suffered higher impact melting effects (or this might be a different meteorite recovery completely that got mixed in). Regardless, this is a nice complete slice in a 75mm x 60mm glass fronted display box.
1.82 gram complete slice – 30mm x 27mm x 1mm - $200

Please note:
Shipping: For small US orders $4 is OK for now. Larger orders are now $14 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $15 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.

Thursday 26 September 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 230

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 230

September 26, 2019

Here is the e-mail version of my recently mailed list. I will post the group photos to my Yahoo group archives (if it will let me, I have had some difficulties in the past) but I can also e-mail them individually to anyone that wants to see a particular lot.

PLEASE NOTE: I will be out of town October 24th – 29th and November 6th – 13th (as well as late November – early December for Costa Rica).

CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB), silicated. Found 1576.
Here is an item that is a bit different. I have bought a fairly large amount of Campo nuggets over the past few years. Most are the usual rounded edge, angular all metal nuggets with only a possible hint of graphite or silicates. These pieces here are all very silicate-rich (I have been plucking them out of the batches of nuggets I get). Many (if not all) of these are probably better than 50% graphite/ silicates. Some pieces have these silicates as large nodules or zones. Others have them as fairly small blebs evenly scattered throughout (making the piece look more like a mesosiderite). Nothing super special, but cheap and (I thought) kind of cool/ interesting.
1) Tumbled/ cleaned nuggets that are very silicate-rich:
a) 4.7 grams - 17mm x 10mm x 7mm - $9 – not the piece in the group photo.
b) 7.5 grams - 18mm x 13mm x 10mm - $15
c) 10.2 grams - 18mm x 16mm x 8mm - $20
d) 15.3 grams - 22mm x 13mm x 11mm - $30

HOPE CREEK, Alaska: Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Found summer 1998. Tkw = 9.83kg.
Here are slices (and a nice “book-end” that stands up nicely on its own: 96.0 grams – 75mm x 45mm x 12mm for $570) that I cut from the 805g “main mass” I had offered on my October 2017 list. I was able to arrange a purchase/ trade deal that made it fully mine so I could commit my evil saw work on it so I can now offer everybody more affordable pieces of this meteorite. This is not a super pretty meteorite but it does have an interesting look to it. It has the occasional larger chondrule, clast and sulfide inclusion in a mottled tan to dark brown matrix. This meteorite actually has two shock grades assigned to it: S3 and S4. This stone is composed of lighter colored and less shocked (S3) clasts in higher shocked (S4) matrix.
1) Slices:
a) 5.1 grams - 20mm x 19mm x 4mm - $35
b) 9.5 grams - 35mm x 20mm x 4mm - $65
c) 16.2 grams - 35mm x 33mm x 4mm - $110
d) 31.2 grams - 50mm x 40mm x 4mm - $200
e) 65.5 grams - 85mm x 55mm x 4mm - $400 – large 15mm “chondrule”

NWA (10805): Ordinary chondrite. (L4), S2, W1. Found before May 2016. Tkw = 657 grams.
These are pieces from a studied main mass (only one stone was recorded for this find) that had been oddly cut down its long side. Unfortunately, this made it so I could not get any true complete slices (all of the larger slices have at least some small amount of cut edge on one end) as the finders had cut it what I would have considered the wrong direction for further specimen prep work to remove the research work specimen. Anyway, this is a fairly nice meteorite, having a low weathering grade of W1. This shows some well-formed chondrules, quite a lot of fresh metal in a mottled orange brown to medium brown coarse-grained matrix.
1) Slices:
a) 8.9 grams - 30mm x 19mm x 4mm - $15
b) 17.1 grams - 35mm x 30mm x 4mm - $27
c) 33.8 grams - 67mm x 40mm x 4mm - $50
2) End pieces: note, I only have these two.
a) 62.4 grams - 52mm x 32mm x 25mm - $90
b) 154.4 grams - 55mm x 44mm x 35mm - sold – Main mass.

NWA (2965): Enstatite chondrite. (EL6/7), possibly (EL3). Found 205.
This is the stuff that some called a “fossil” meteorite as it was found embedded as part of ancient lake- bed deposits. This shows no visible chondrules to speak of so I personally believed the 6/7 classification (some have even called this an achondrite Aubrite). However, some researchers argue that the presence of K-bearing glass and a non re-crystallized matrix show that this is really a type 3! Regardless, enstatite chondrites are not only very rare but are interesting in that the bulk content of the Earth is closest matched by melting this type meteorite. I managed to set aside a few “larger” solid pieces (most pieces of this stuff were thumb sized or so) years ago so I could cut these nice slices from. A couple REALLY large pieces I turned into end pieces (the largest has a large zone of the light gray material) at a per gram price cheaper than replacement cost for this material these days. This is very weathered so it doesn’t show any metal but it does have in interesting light brown sandy texture that is quite different from other meteorites. I sold quite a large amount of this material when I put it out at the Denver show this year.
1) Slices:
a) 4.1 grams - 30mm x 15mm x 4mm - $15
b) 8.0 grams - 30mm x 24mm x 4mm - $29
c) 16.2 grams - 52mm x 32mm x 4mm - $56
d) 25.6 grams - 53mm x 53mm x 4mm - $90
e) 39.1 grams - 75mm x 47mm x 4mm - $135
f) 58.9 grams - 100mm x 65mm x 4mm - $200
2) End pieces/ cut fragments:
a) 2490 grams - 130mm x 120mm x 95mm - $1300
b) 5690 grams - 230mm x 180mm x 100mm - $2800

AGUAS ZARCAS, Costa Rica: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell April 23, 2019. Tkw = 27kg.
I know quite a few of you saw an offering of this when I first got my hands on pieces back in mid August. However, this is an important new meteorite and many of you would not have gotten a chance to get a piece (I have many customers that only get this mailed list). I do plan to go to the area in Late November and hope to pick up some bargains from people wanting $ for Christmas rather than a rock on the shelf. Right now (as I type this list) folks that have material in the field seem to be still stuck at $65/g (larger uglier fragments that have seen a lot of rain before they were recovered) and $90/g (better, fresher individuals) so I am not sure if my “Christmas money” idea will work out. These slices, to be honest, are from a piece that saw some rain, but not much. I paid extra to get this wire-sawed to avoid adding any more water, causing any further damage as well. I do have a few small (mostly under 1g) fragments with crust (a bit cheaper per gram as well), so ask if that is what you might prefer.
1) Slices:
a) .28 grams - 10mm x 8mm x 1.5mm - $34
b) .54 grams - 13mm x 12mm x 1.5mm - $65
c) 1.0 grams - 20mm x 17mm x 1.5mm - $120
d) 2.0 grams - 28mm x 20mm x 1.5mm - $225
e) 2.7 grams - 37mm x 19mm x 1.5mm - $300
2) Larger fragments/ individuals:
a) 12.8 gram crusted fragment – 30mm x 18mm x 17mm - $1250.00 – about 40% crusted
b) 24.0 gram individual – 30mm x 28mm x 20mm - $2400.00 – about 85% crust, partly oriented.
c) 53.4 gram individual – 45mm x 32mm x 25mm - $5300.00 – about 95% crust, partly oriented.

NWA (12636): HED achondrite (diogenite). Found 2018. Tkw = 776 grams.
This was a solid diogenite fragment that I got during the 2018 Tucson Show. It sat around for quite awhile before I did anything with it. Upon cutting I found it had a nice, classic texture – larger angular to rounded crystals (generally light tan to somewhat greenish in color) in a fine (bright, nearly yellow) matrix. There also appears to be a fair amount of chromite (small black angular inclusions) in most of these pieces. The research work showed this to be a typical (Vesta origin) monomict (one rock type) breccia. Nice stuff, and a great example of a “classic” diogenite (something I have NOT had in a surprisingly long time)
1) Slices:
a) 2.8 grams - 20mm x 12mm x 4mm - $30
b) 5.4 grams - 28mm x 15mm x 4mm - $58
c) 10.0 grams - 40mm x 25mm x 4mm - $105
d) 18.0 grams - 50mm x 35mm x 4mm - $180
e) 33.0 grams - 65mm x 50mm x 4mm - $315
2) End pieces:
a) 54.6 grams - 70mm x 25mm x 20mm - $500
b) 114.8 grams - 60mm x 47mm x 20mm - sold

These are vintage (mostly unused) post cards. They have a picture of the entire crater that appears to be a (somewhat overdone) hand-painted/ colored black and white photo of the crater as seen from the air to the east. The bulk of these have a trademark of what looks to be “Fred Harvey Hotels-Shops, Restaurants”. A photo number of H-3971 is on the front under the picture along with “Meteorite Crater Near Winslow, Arizona”. I don’t know how old these are but I do have a couple that were used that seem to indicate that these are from the mid to late 1940’s. Each of these is in a protective slip and the price on these includes the shipping. No, I won’t be writing your address on it and dropping it the mail. I’ll send them out in a regular letter envelope. I do have two of the same post card (one has an old crease though) that appears to be the same but with less over-coloration of the photo and has “Fred Harvey, Trade Mark” and none of the other “Hotels, restaurants” and such. I suspect these are later (and, at least from what I can tell, quite a bit rarer) - $5 for the creased (the uncreased is sold).
Old mid to late 1940’s post card of Meteor Crater - $5 including shipping, $4 each for extras.

Please note:
Shipping: For small US orders $4 is OK for now. Larger orders are now $14 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $15 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 214 Linton Rohr Collection Part #3

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 214 Linton Rohr Collection Part #3

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                               
                            LIST 214

April 25, 2018

Dear collectors,

Here is the e-mail version of my recent mailed paper list.

CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB)
CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
I really hesitated to put these on here, as I really like to have multiple pieces of each offered item on these catalogs. However, year after year, I bump into these wonderful highly silicated pieces when I do inventory and have decided that they are too nice to keep leaving in deep storage. These are all really full of graphite, silicates, sulfides, (often in bands through the specimen) and look nothing like a typical piece of Campo. The two larger pieces are a bit wedged but could be split into thinner slices if one was so inclined. Wish I had gotten more of these when they were (briefly) available years ago (they were not particularly cheap back then either though). Again, these (unfortunately) are the ONLY pieces I have, so act fast if you want one.
1) Complete slices: Highly silicated:
a) 73.9 grams - 80mm x 50mm x 4mm - $130
b) 194.4 grams - 95mm x 70mm x 7mm - $240
c) 284.8 grams - 97mm x 80mm x 9mm - $300

NWA (8217): Ordinary chondrite (L5), S3, W2. Found 2013
NWA (8217): Ordinary chondrite (L5), S3, W2. Found 2013. Tkw = 490 grams.
This single stone was reported as being bought in Temara, Morocco in December of 2013. This is the last of the “prestudied” NWA meteorites I picked up a few years ago. These had some external or internal feature that made them look somewhat interesting (I don’t know what that was on this one – this looks pretty much like a normal moderately weathered L5 to me, both inside and out) so it was sent in for research work. This one, obviously, turned out to be common. I picked it up (as the original owner didn’t want to mess with it any further) and prepped it (cut and polished) for sale. Again, nothing special: a moderate amount of metal and sulfides visible in a medium brown matrix, just an affordable studied meteorite.
1) Slices:
a) 8.5 grams - 40mm x 15mm x 5mm - $11
b) 13.2 grams - 50mm x 25mm x 4mm - $17
c) 23.2 grams - 57mm x 30mm x 5mm - $28 – only piece this size.
d) 31.8 grams - 57mm x 44mm x 5mm - $37 – complete slice.
2) End piece:
a) 82.9 grams - 57mm x 43mm x 23mm - sold

NWA (5781): Ordinary chondrite (LL3.3)
NWA (5781): Ordinary chondrite (LL3.3). Found before February 2009. Tkw = 891 grams.
A single stone was purchased during the 2009 Tucson show. The Meteoritical Bulletin reports 2 pieces totaling 1060 grams because the find data for this stone got confused with another LL (an L/LL 3-6 breccia – now NWA 8738) that was submitted for research at the same time as this one. Regardless, cutting revealed a fantastic chondrule-rich interior. Chondrules of all sizes and many colors (along with some melt pockets) packed tightly together with virtually no visible matrix. This is fairly fresh. It doesn’t show much obvious bright metal (but I don’t think it had much to begin with) but it has a lot of sulfides, with many (if not most) of the chondrules being armored with it. I don’t have a lot of this material as I have already sold 2/3 of it. It seems to sell itself the few times I have shown collectors pieces of it in the past.
1) Slices:
a) 3.0 grams - 24mm x 14mm x 3mm - $36
b) 6.2 grams - 27mm x 27mm x 3mm - $74
c) 14.4 grams - 38mm x 27mm x 4mm - $165
d) 29.6 grams - 60mm x 47mm x 4mm - $325
e) 78.7 grams - 90mm x 50mm x 6mm - $700 – complete slice. Piece in group photo sold. This one looks very similar but is somewhat wedged (and thus priced a bit cheaper per gram than the original offered piece).

SAHARA (97096): Enstatite chondrite (EH3)
SAHARA (97096): Enstatite chondrite (EH3). Found 1997. Tkw = about 28 kilograms.
Actually, some of this was labeled Sahara (97072) when I got it (before cutting) but I am using the number that the Meteoritical Bulletin uses for all of the others being “paired to”. This is nice, fresh material. It has lots of fine-grained metal and lots of chondrules. This is a very primitive meteorite and I have seen a number of research articles on it the past few years because of this. However, I just discovered something surprising about it – it fluoresces! I had a fancy (and somewhat expensive) L.E.D. black light flashlight on my desk (a Convoy S2+). For grins I shinned it on the slices of this I was preparing to catalog. I was shocked by the results. This meteorite has lots and lots of tiny grains scattered throughout it that fluoresce a bright neon orange! Now I have something I can show the folks (I get some at EVERY show) that come in carrying a black light unit asking “what have you got that fluoresces?” (I used to have to say “nothing”).
1) Slices:
a) .70 grams - 10mm x 10mm x 2mm - $30
b) 1.6 grams - 15mm x 14mm x 2mm - $68
c) 2.6 grams - 23mm x 17mm x 2mm - $110
d) 5.0 grams - 34mm x 20mm x 2mm - $210
e) 9.1 grams - 50mm x 25mm x 2mm - $375
f) 17.2 grams - 70mm x 44mm x 2mm - $690 – nice complete slice!

NWA (8044): Achondrite (Howardite)
NWA (8044): Achondrite (Howardite). Found before February 2011. Tkw = 715 grams.
This is a case where an item turned out to be more interesting than what I thought when I bought it. I got around 30 fragments that I was told were “a weird eucrite” but looked like an old mesosiderite to me. Research work showed that this is actually a howardite with a lot of FeNi metal veins (highly weathered though) running through it. I asked if it might be a Mesosiderite but was told that it clearly is not due to its mineralogy. This is mostly pyroxene as the silicates of a mesosiderite would be but this also has areas of both basaltic and cumulate eucrite material. So now (hopefully) more work will (eventually) be done to determine the origin of the metal (likely from an iron impactor). These are all cut and polished fragments and don’t look like any other howardite I’ve ever seen.
1) Cut fragments:
a) 4.0 grams - 20mm x 14mm x 5mm - $48
b) 9.0 grams - 30mm x 20mm x 7mm - $110
c) 15.3 grams - 37mm x 30mm x 6mm - $175
d) 20.1 grams - 40mm x 34mm x 12mm - $220
e) 30.2 grams - 43mm x 32mm x 15mm - $325

VACA MUERTA, Chile: Stony-iron (Mesosiderite)
VACA MUERTA, Chile: Stony-iron (Mesosiderite). Found 1861.
These are pieces that I set aside around 20 years ago. Back then, I paid a premium for them as they are far fresher than the typical material from this find. Each of these had a flat spot ground into them to show the high fresh metal content of each piece. Cutting these revealed that they are indeed quite fresh internally and actually look like a mesosiderite should. In typical Vaca Muerta pieces, enough metal has oxidized to make them look much more like a chondrite (but then I’ve seen estimates that this stuff has been on the ground for up to 1 million years!). I can’t really call these “end pieces” (though many of them are) because of the flat spot that the original seller ground into them. This flat spot usually did not line up well for further cutting (either in half or slicing – but then these were really too small to slice) so I ended up with pieces having a sanded edge or areas of the back side polished. Anyway, these are really fresh specimens of Vaca Muerta that are rarely seen and representative of the mesosiderite type.
1) Cut fragments:
a) 8.9 grams - 30mm x 20mm x 6mm - $45
b) 13.2 grams - 25mm x 24mm x 20mm - $66
c) 19.9 grams - 45mm x 27mm x 12mm - $100
d) 31.9 grams - 47mm x 40mm x 10mm - $160 – only one this size.
e) 46.0 grams - 60mm x 32mm x 10mm - $230 – only one this size.
f) 107.7 grams - 55mm x 40mm x 14mm - $525 – has some nice eucritic inclusions.

IMPACT GLASS: Zhamanshin crater, Kazakhstan:
IMPACT GLASS: Zhamanshin crater, Kazakhstan:
I don’t think I’ve ever had or offered big hunks of an impact formed glass before – just small pieces that were single digit grams size to maybe a few 10s of grams sized. Here are some really big paperweight/ table display pieces I recently picked up. These are all obviously glass and not just dirt and rocks stuck together by a little bit of glass (which is what most impactites are structurally). This material is a swirled mix of dark gray/ black and green glass (most pieces are heavier on the green glass). These are from the roughly 1my old, 13.5km diameter Zhamanshin crater – where Irghizites (considered by many to be a type of tektite) are from (and, up till now, the only material I have had from this impact site). Most pieces are end pieces/ cut fragments but I do have a few thick slices available. Given the size of these things, US shipping on these will be around $6 to $10. Overseas, I’ll have to calculate shipping prices.
1) Cut fragments:
a) 239.5 grams - 115mm x 85mm x 20mm - SOLD
b) 281.0 grams - 100mm x 85mm x 30mm - SOLD
c) 581.2 grams - 150mm x 105mm x 30mm - SOLD
d) 766.0 grams - 150mm x 115mm x 45mm - SOLD
2) Slices:
a) 200.7 grams - 90mm x 80mm x 15mm - SOLD
b) 295.7 grams - 130mm x 80mm x 15mm - SOLD

Please note:
    I do have “group photos” of each lot of material above I can e-mail to those who want (please tell me what material you want a photo of). These contain the exact pieces cataloged under each name. I often have duplicate (well, similar sized anyway) pieces of many listed items. I generally send the first folks to order an item the largest available for the size. You can request the exact pictured piece if it is still available however.
 Shipping:  The post office has, once again, raised rates quite substantially. For small US orders $4 is now needed. Larger orders are now $6 to $14 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $13 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $15.
    I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must.  How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.

Friday 3 March 2017

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- After Tucson List #2

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- After Tucson List #2

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
……………………………………………………LIST 201

March 7, 2017

Dear collectors,

Here is “After Tucson” #2

ADMIRE, Kansas: (Pallasite). Found 1881.
This is a little piece that broke off while I was polishing the Admire slice that has the large olivine (the slice offered on the last list. I’ll have another more typical textured large Admire slice on the next list). Mike had opticoned the pieces and etched one side. I then “took ownership” of the pieces before he had the chance to etch the second side. I wanted them simply polished. He didn’t have time before heading off to Tucson (he got there almost a week before I did) so he did not polish them down (which, apparently, is more difficult/ time consuming than etching. But then that is for him. Frankly, I suck at etching). I did the polishing myself and managed to break this little piece off the large olivine chunk off while doing so. This is typical metal and olivine pallasite textured material.
8.9 gram slice – 40mm x 20mm x 3mm - $45  SOLD

CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
Here is a neat large (and thick) etched slice I picked up at the show (I needed a space filler as I sold out of a number of things in the iron section of my table) and wanted something other than Seymchan for an etched iron to show/ sell. Anyway, this is kind of a cool long skinny piece that is etched on both sides. One end has a fairly large (25mm x 20mm) silicate, graphite nodule. A neat display piece.
2695 gam complete etched slice – 300mm x 65mm x 18mm - $1100

GAO, Burkina Faso: (H5). Fell March 5, 1960.
This is a nice complete individual. It (aside from a tiny 3mm late atmospheric chip) is completely covered in thick primary crust. There are some areas of light brown oxidation, but most of the crust is a nice dark slate gray to black.
32.2 gram complete crusted individual – 45mm x 22mm x 18mm - $50

GLORIETTA MOUNTAIN, New Mexico: (Pallasite). Found 1884.
Now here are a couple nice specimens of a meteorite type I have not had in a long time (and it has been far longer since I have had individuals of this find). These are natural complete iron (as most of the recovered material from the find are) individuals. Both clearly show rounded, atmospherically sculpted shapes and both have nice patches of original blue-gray iron fusion crust (before Sikhote-Alin came out, this was about the ONLY meteorite a collector could get that showed this). The smaller specimen is a bit cleaner, smoother than the larger one but both are nice representative specimens of this very hard to come by these days meteorite.
1) Complete individuals as found:
a) 19.3 grams – 28mm x 22mm x 8mm - $290
b) 32.1 grams – 35mm x 19mm x 14mm - $450

KATOL, India: (L6). Fell May 22, 2012. Tkw = about 13 kilograms.
Here is a fresh and wonderful specimen that was left on consignment with me for the show (at a price less than ½ of what I have in the few pieces of this fall I have in my collection and for sale). I came really close to getting this thing sold at the show. Unfortunately, that did not work out and, unfortunately, the owner never came back to pick it up (but then I am sure they knew that I would take it home and try selling it to other customers on line and at other shows). Anyway, this is a super nice nearly complete individual. It has had two edges broken of (probably during the fall) but still has probably better than 75% crust coverage. This crust is thick primary crust and is fresh and black aside from some minor dirt and scuff- marks from its landing.
338.6 gram fresh individual – 60mm x 55mm x 45mm - $5100

MUNDRABILLA, Australia: Medium octahedrite (ungrouped). Found 1911.
This is a nice natural individual I got as part of the small collection if irons I got at the show. This particular piece is quite a bit larger than the typical Mundrabilla specimens I see (which are usually around 50 to 80 grams maybe). This piece has a nice sculpted shape, showing nice thumb-printing in many areas but a more rounded, nodular look (typical of smaller Mundrabilla specimens) in others. Nice piece overall.
164.5 gram natural individual – 63mm x 35mm x 25mm - $140 SOLD

NWA (8043): HED achondrite (Diogenite). Found before July 2013. Tkw = over 1860 grams.
Well, truthfully, this particular specimen was obviously cut from one of the pairings to NWA (8043). My largest piece (from the actual 1860g batch that made up NWA (8043)) was only around 50 or 60 grams I think (certainly nowhere large enough to cut a fantastic specimen like this). This amazing super thin slice was cut from a MUCH larger specimen. This piece is cut thin enough that light passes through pretty much everywhere. A real (all be it intensely green) stained glass window. Really neat. I may consider breaking this apart into smaller pieces (at a slightly higher price per gram) if I do not sell it intact and I have enough requests for smaller pieces (but I do kind of really hope it does not come to that).
38.4 gram super thin, transparent slice – 140mm x 75mm x 1mm - $750

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 187 - Estherville, St. Severin and more

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 187 - Estherville, St. Severin and more

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

…………………………………………………………LIST 187

March 15, 2016

BRENHAM, Kansas: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found October 30, 2005.
I must have sold a lot of pieces like this one years ago. It seems that every time I sell one that has come back to me, another appears. Like the others, this was cut from a 69 kilogram all iron specimen that Steve Arnold found on the date listed above. This has one natural edge that is about 50mm long with the remaining edges being saw cut. This is etched on both sides and shows a nice but not super vibrant etch pattern. There are a couple tiny thin brown oxidation lines along a fine crack near the edge (even Gibeon gets those) but they are so fine that I’d risk doing more damage to the piece by trying to mess with them. A good piece that is obviously quite stable, given the environment it was previously stored in.
74.0 gram etched part slice – 50mm x 50mm x 3mm - $120

CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
Here is actually a really nice etched (on both sides) “complete slice”. This does not show a speck of oxidation anywhere! Looking at the edge, I personally think that this was cut from a really large “nugget” – one of those pieces that results from a larger meteorite being broken up after being frozen in liquid nitrogen (gads, I wish I had patented THAT idea when I came up with it to help out a guy that rapidly needed 5000 plus small iron meteorites for a project he contracted for without first checking to see if 5000 of ANY small irons existed at the time – which they didn’t). I have never had a problem with any of those things rusting for some reason, and that seems to be the case with this specimen as well. The etch on this is about as good as these things get – not real clear thanks to the scale of the etch structure but still enough to give the proper idea. This is a perfect piece for a hand or display specimen for someone that needs a truly coarse etch coarse octahedrite.
141.0 gram complete etched slice – 70mm x 50mm x 5mm - $70

ESTHERVILLE, Iowa: Stony-iron (Mesosiderite). Fell May 10, 1879. Tkw = 317 kilograms.
This is actually a “trade in”. I had a 15g piece that I picked up in Tucson but a customer just happened to call shortly after I got home asking if I had a piece of this meteorite. He asked if I would accept a trade in and I said “sure”. This is pretty much a square cut piece that has no natural edges. One edge has a shallow semi-circle indent that is actually from where a core sample for research was removed from the original large specimen. Regardless, this is an aesthetic piece. It has a nice mix of metal and silicates (close to 50/50). This is a thin cut piece that has a good surface area and even passes light (dark emerald green) through several of the silicate crystals.
5.6 gram part slice – 30mm x 26mm x 1mm - $115

NWA (6619): Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3). Found January 2011. Tkw = 3367 grams.
This is an almost complete slice. It has a natural edge around the entire edge except a 50mm straight cut along the bottom. This specimen shows a half dozen or so fairly large chondrules (3mm to 5mm size) and a lot of small chondrules and CAIs in a fairly dark matrix. The official Meteoritical Bulletin description says this has a light gray matrix. I think the issue here is that this particular piece has been quite highly polished (and, as I mentioned on an item on one of the recent lists, this usually darkens a meteorite’s tone substantially). I know that this is “the right stuff” as it does match online pictures of other pieces and comes in a sealed (well, taped shut anyway) display box with the Certificate of Authenticity from Mirko Graul, the person that brought this stone to research. As this is taped, my thickness measurement below is only a good guess.
33.2 gram almost complete slice – 60mm x 47mm x 3mm - $230

NWA (8563) (?): HED achondrite (Eucrite, monomict). Found August 2014. Tkw = 9125 grams.
I put a (?) on the “name” of this one as some quick research indicates that this particular piece is likely NOT from the mass that Mike Farmer bought and had researched under this number. The hand written note that came with this specimen may indicate that it came from the guy he may have gotten his piece from. Even if this is the case, this should have been sold to my friend as “may be paired with” NWA (8563). Regardless, this piece certainly looks like it could be paired based on the description in the Meteoritical Bulletin. This is a complete stone (well, more likely a natural weathered / wind-polished fragment anyway) but it clearly shows that its internal structure is composed of fairly large (cm or two sized) fine-grained eucrite areas separated by black shock veins. Frankly, if this piece were mine (it is a consigned specimen) I’d cut it up as I think this thing would look (and likely sell) great in slices.
367.6 gram natural fragment/ individual – 80mm x 70mm x 40mm - $2000

SAINT SEVERIN, France: Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Fell June 27, 1966. Tkw = 271 kilograms.
I got these two pieces as extras along with a larger specimen that I needed for a lab that wants to do some research on this meteorite. Its been quite a few years since I have had a piece of this material and saw what looked to be some pretty silly high prices when I went about looking for the needed research piece. I managed to find someone that was willing to be reasonable so I got some extras for myself. These are two thin part slices that each has a natural edge (one of the shorter sides on the smaller piece and about 50% of the larger piece) but I wouldn’t call it “crust” (though some super fine secondary crust might be present). Neither of these is much to look at honestly. They have a fairly uniform medium gray color and only some hints of breccia texture (though the smaller piece does have a nice obvious lighter 7mm x 5mm clast in its center). Not beautiful, but rare stuff to come by these days (and these are from an ex Robert Haag specimen so I know they are real)..
a) 4.12 gram part slice – 37mm x 18mm x 2mm - $165
b) 5.23 gram part slice – 40mm x 20mm x 2mm - $210

TAMDAKHT, Morocco: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Fell December 20, 2008. Tkw = about 100 kilograms.
This is the witnessed fall where most of the pieces got broken up hitting rocks high in the Atlas Mountains. This 1/2 end piece (book-end cut) is no exception. Though this has fusion crust covering most of the back -side, most of the edges show fresh breaks. This has a few tiny hints of adhering dirt but no rust so this was an early recovered piece. The large cut face is very light gray (with a 14mm x 8mm lighter yet clast in the center) and shows lots of bright fresh metal. This specimen is in a neat plastic and glass display box that has a built in prop for sitting at an easy viewing angle.
12.8 gram ½ end piece – 36mm x 20mm x 9mm - $50

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 167 - last of the Novak collection

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 167 - last of the Novak collection

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………….LIST 167

January 20, 2015

Dear Collectors,

I hadn’t planned on doing a list today, but then noticed that I have a week yet before I leave for Tucson (gads, I REALLY need to start getting ready). Here is the last of the Novak collection material. Now this will certainly be my last e-mail offering until late February or maybe even early March.

BRENHAM, Kansas: (Pallasite).
This is actually an etched part slice of a piece that is all iron (common in Seymchan but fairly rare for Brenham). It was cut from a 69kg piece that was found on October 30, 2005. This is a nearly square piece with one natural edge has a nice etch though not as strong (deep) as I’ve seen on some pieces.
74.1 gram etched iron part slice – 50mm x 50mm x 4mm - $125

CAMPO del CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
The way this one looked when I got it, I almost could believe that the piece was truly found nearly 440 years ago. It was pretty ratty. Actually a bit of wire-brushing is all it really needed. This is clearly one of the “old” Campos but I don’t think it is as bad as many of those turned out to be. Many would completely break apart after awhile. This one merely had surface rust and only a few fragments of any size that came off while cleaning. This certainly is not a specimen for people living in Florida but it is a nice cheap “larger” iron piece (and priced about $60 cheaper than Mr. Novak paid for it years ago).
1428 gram individual – 120mm x 55mm x 50mm - $115

DRONINO, Russia: Ataxite, Ni-poor (ungrouped). Found July 2000. Tkw = around 3000 kilograms.
This is a “natural” (in shape, it has been wire brushed) individual. It had a fairly good layer of rust on it when I got it but it cleaned up easily with wire brushing. One side of this piece is quite smooth and resembles pretty much any other wire-brushed meteorite. The other side though shows a number of fairly large pockets of softer (likely sulfide) material. Not a bad hand specimen as it is now but it should be stored away from moisture as much as possible.
883.1 gram individual – 140mm x 58mm x 25mm - $400

GHUBARA, Oman: (L5). Found 1954.
I know that this is officially labeled as just an L5 but it is really far more interesting than that. Years ago, when I had this material to sell (including this piece, Gordon got it from me) it was discovered that this meteorite consists of fragments of L5 material in an L3 host! But it gets even better. Just recently (within the past few months anyway) I read a paper on Ghubara in Meteoritics and Planetary Science (the technical journal that comes with your Meteoritical Society membership). It now says that Ghubara is a regolith (surface of its parent body) breccia. BUT it is not “just” an ordinary regolith breccia but one that was from the surface of the ORIGINAL L-chondrite parent body. So, this meteorite formed on the surface of the L parent before it got smashed apart (and showered the Earth with a huge number of meteorites) around 500 million years ago. Kind of neat. Kind of wish I had gotten more of this stuff (or sold off less of it) back when it was readily available. This is a wonderful obviously complete individual. It does not really show any fusion crust any more, but it has the complete meteorite rounded shape with the occasional thumbprint.
1495 gram complete individual – 130mm x 90mm x 80mm - SOLD

This is an “individual” that has one small (10mm x 8mm) end chipped. The remainder is obvious original surfaces. This is not the clearest of specimens (and is priced accordingly). It looks fairly foggy looking at it when it is just sitting on a table but it is interesting when held up to a light. Light passes through it quite nicely. The bubbles in the piece have an obvious layering to them. One end o the piece (the end with a chip) is distinctly more yellow as well.
46.0 gram individual – 50mm x 30mm x 25mm - $70

This is a really nice little piece that has been mounted (glued with silicone I think) to a small wood display base. The specimen is of very good quality, showing nice shape and surface features. I can’t be sure of the weight exactly, but I am certain that it is 6 grams or a bit over.
About 6 gram individual on wood display base – 30mm x 15mm x 7mm - $45

NANTAN, China: Medium octahedrite (IAB). Found 1958.
Here is a nice fist-sized piece that I can pretty much guarantee won’t rust. That is because this is pretty much already all rust. This is a nice solid piece of the oxide material from this fall. This is like the Canyon Diablo material – a mix of magnetite, hematite and other oxides and hydroxides so there is no metal left to rust further. I am NOT going to cut this open to be sure that that is fully the case in this piece though. This one required absolutely nothing to get it ready for market. It is just as I got it. It has a nice yellow, brown and even some red coloration and is actually a nice “large” display piece.
1069 gram oxide individual – 125mm x 90mm x 55mm - $100

NWA unstudied:
This, in my opinion, was the nicer of the two “large” NWAs Gordon had in his collection. This is quite solid and I can tell it would be quite fresh internally. I may end up cutting it. It looks like it has a couple interesting inclusions showing on the surface so it mighty be pretty interesting internally. This almost looks like it could be an 869 but its not quite exact. Regardless, it is a nice hand specimen. It looks to have something over 50% of its exterior being fusion crust (though much of it is somewhat wind polished). The remainder is secondary crust or old breaks (no fresh breaks on this piece).
876.7 gram individual – 90mm x 80mm x 50mm - $260

SANTA CATHERINA, Brazil: Ni-rich ataxite (ungrouped). Found 1875. Tkw = over 7tons.
I got two pieces of this in the Novak collection. One is an end piece and the other is a complete “individual”. Unfortunately, they are both oxide pieces. But then, I think this is the only way I have ever seen this meteorite available. The outer surfaces of theses are orange/ brown with some darker veining and, the “complete” piece having obvious lighter colored fragments embedded in it. The interior of the cut piece shows a dark gray/ brown magnetite and limonite mix. From the label (that I am putting with the larger piece) and the painted XZZ mark on the end piece, I am pretty certain that Gordon got these from me when I was selling the Tom Palmer collection many years ago.
a) 74.3 gram end piece – 55mm x 35mm x 25mm - $70
b) 119.7 gram “individual” – 55mm x 40mm x 30mm - $100

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 165 - yet more Novak collection items

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 165 - yet more Novak collection items

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………….LIST 165
December 16, 2014

Dear Collectors,

Here is yet another selection of items from the Novak collection. This is also likely my last offering for this year.

BRAHIN, Belarus: (Pallasite). Found 1810.
Here is a surprisingly nice slice that has only one short (about 78mm) cut edge. I wouldn’t call this piece fully pallasitic as it has some large zones of iron (which show a really nice etch). A little over ½ of the slice is pallasitic. The olivines are a little sparse (making up around 1/3 or so of this “pallasitic” area) but generally large. This piece does show a few small areas with some minor rust spotting. However, as nice as it was as I got it, I did not risk trying to clean it up for fear that I might end up making a generally stable piece start rusting by applying all the (generally water-based) chemicals I’d need to use to completely de-rust the thing (and also wrecking the great etch this has in the process). I did, however, re-coat the piece as the original coating had bubbled and peeled in spots (what likely allowed the little bit of rust on this to form in the first place). An aesthetic display piece.
331.1 gram slice – 100mm x 90mm x 7mm - $670

CAMPO del CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
Here is a nice etched complete slice. It had some rust on it but I cleaned it up using Bill Mason’s miracle cure on it. It turned out quite nice actually, though there are a couple really tiny brown spots visible as I only opened up the coating over and treated the lines and larger areas of rusting. Nice affordable piece for showing a really coarse octahedrite.
358.1 gram complete etched slice – 130mm x 110mm x 4mm - $125 -SOLD

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona: Coarse octahedrite (IAB).
Here is a complete slice that came in with a collection I got over a year ago. The thing was completely black with rust, as it had never been coated. I took it to the wire wheel and polished all of that off. The thing was never sanded flat after is cut (likely MANY decades ago). Not wanting to take the time to completely sand it out (I break out in a bit o a rash when sanding irons for some reason) and etch it (a skill I am still quite lousy at, despite my best efforts) I decided to leave it as it is. It actually has an interesting look to it. It shows a lot of elongate inclusions (troilite, cohenite, etc) in a nice quasi shiny metallic background.
130.7 gram complete wire brushed slice – 70mm x 60mm x 4mm - $75

CHINGA, Russia: Ataxite, Ni-rich (ungrouped). Found 1913.
This is a nice complete slice. One side is highly polished mirror-like and the other = ? It shows the fine saw marks that indicate that this was cut using a wire saw but it is dark brown almost black. I kind of wonder if the person that prepared this tried to etch it (pretty useless with this particular meteorite) and only managed to darken the surface in the process. Nice, clean rust-free piece. I have left it as I got it, which appears to be uncoated. I can spray coat it if you want.
143.8 gram complete slice – 125mm x 35mm x 5mm – $215

DIMMITT, Texas: (H3.7). Found 1942, recognized as distinct in 1950.
This is a nice end piece and, thankfully, it still has its large (white lettering on black background – 12AM in this case) Monig label. There also seems to be a hint of some old white lettering along one edge of the back, but it does not appear to be one of the usual white Monig labels (by Glenn Huss). The cut face is the usual dark brown with only a little metal visible (plenty more oxides though) and lots of chindrules (if you really look for them). The back, natural side is quite nice. It is mostly primary crust but the “bottom” that it sits on (this stands up nicely on its own) and the edges are secondary crust.
150.3 gram end piece – 75mm x 55mm x 15mm - $225 -SOLD

GARNET, Sudbury, Canada.
Here, apparently, is a large garnet crystal from the “Sudbury Astrobleme Canada”. Not sure what a meteorite collector had this for (it is a nice crystal regardless) but the label (from says “Meteorite Genesis” so I suspect that at least someone thinks that the impact brought about its formation. This is not a perfect crystal (it does show a number of good crystal faces though) but it has a nice deep ruby red color that contrasts beautifully with the small amount of light golden colored mica present on one end. Again, not sure it is truly “meteoritic” but nice none the less.
161.5 gram crystal – 40mm x 38mm x 33mm - $40

NWA unstudied:
This stone is likely an H chondrite, at least that is what my Mag-Sus meter is hinting at (I haven’t used the thing enough to sort meteorites reliably yet). It is mostly dark chocolate brown. Some areas (the parts that were obviously buried and suffered less wind) are a bit lighter in color. This is obviously a fragment of a much larger stone. Most of the surfaces are old broken faces (no fresh breaks though). There is a pretty good area (around 90mm x 70mm) that is clearly the original exterior of the meteorite as it shows remnants of crust and obvious thumbprints and rounded edges.
630.2 gram fragment/ individual as found – 90mm x 80mm x 50mm - $160

SIKHOTE-ALIN, Russia: (Coaresest octahedrite (IIB). Fell February 12, 1947.
This stuff has gotten really quite hard to get these days. This is a type piece that has been tough to get at all no matter the time frame. This is a complete etched slice of a fusion crusted individual NOT a slice of a shrapnel fragment. It was rare for anybody to want to cut up a nice thumb-printed individual to produce such slices no matter how available such individuals were. So, this shows the true and proper etch for this type meteorite (not the stretched taffy etch of the much more available shrapnel slices). Not a lot to see on the etch as the bands in this stuff are finger width, but interesting none the less. This also has a complete crusted edge. A neat and rare specimen.
67.8 gram etched complete slice – 100mm x 48mm x 2mm - $170

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Baline Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 164 Novak Collection Pt.2

Baline Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 164 Novak Collection Pt.2

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………….LIST 164
December 2, 2014

Dear Collectors,

Here is another selection of items from the Novak collection.

BRENHAM, Kansas: (Pallasite). Found 1882.
Here is a ¼ slice that I sold Mr. Novak some years ago. It is a piece that was cut from the 351 pound piece that was found on a hill. The slices I have had from this piece (which were properly prepared by Marlin Cilz using no water) have been very stable. This one supports that. I have done nothing to it and it looks great! This has 2 cut edges and one long natural edge.
83.1 gram part slice – 55mm x 50mm x 6mm - $290

CAMPO del CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
This is a lightly etched end piece. The interior shows some light staining (most likely from someone as lousy at as me trying to etch the thing and failing to neutralize the acid completely when done). There is some minor small rust spots around the edges but this is nice overall. The back is fully natural in shape but has been wire-brushed. A nice hand specimen that would be great for a pass-around display piece.
359.1 gram end piece – 90mm x 45mm x 20mm - $70

CHINGA, Russia: Ataxite, Ni-rich (ungrouped). Found 1913.
This is a nice complete individual. It has been somewhat wire-brushed but still retains (mostly0 a nice dark brown patina. This has the usual somewhat flattened “lensoidal” shape that most of the meteorites found from this fall have. A nice clean and solid individual.
908. 5 gram individual – 100mm x 60mm x 30mm - $550

DRONINO, Russia: Ataxite Ni-poor (ungrouped). Found July 2000. Tkw = around 3000 kilograms.
This piece was somewhat surprising. I would expect a slice of this common to rust meteorite completely fall apart. However, this actually in really great shape when I got it. There was a little bit of rusting around the edges (this is a complete slice) but that was it! I am not sure what this was coated with originally. It seemed like some kind of wax – kind of sticky/ slimy. I stripped it of and re-coated the thing. This shows bright polished metal on one side and deeply etched (only bringing out a granular texture) on the other. Both sides show lots of the elongate sulphide inclusions common in this meteorite.
132.0 gram complete slice – 130mm x 30mm x 4mm - $130

GOLD BASIN, Arizona: (L4). Found November 1995. Tkw = over 127 kilograms.
Here are three pieces Gordon had in his collection. The smallest is an end piece and still shows a nice fresh interior. The smaller fragment does appear to be just a fragment (no real crust that I can see) but is all original old surfaces (no fresh breaks), The 238g piece is quite nice. The exterior is all old natural. Much of it is old secondary or fractured surfaces but the top (nearly 50% of the stone) still shows obvious fusion crust.
a) 28.7 gram end piece – 30mm x 30mm x 15mm - $35
b) 39.7 gram fragment (all natural) – 37mm x 35mm x 13mm - $50
c) 238.5 gram individual – 70mm x 55mm x 40mm - $235
d) a large one I had from earlier at a much lower price; 1483 gram individual/ fragment as found - $1100.00. This is the largest I have ever had and is likely close to the largest ever found. The largest reported in the Bulletin is 1520 grams.

NANTAN, China: Medium octahedrite (IAB). Found 1958.
This came with no label. Looking it over though, its colors, surface features and the shiny in areas (like it has been coated with lacquer at one time) tell me it is a Nantan. This surprises me a bit as this piece is quite solid and only needed the lightest of wire-brushing to bring it to top form. It is rare, but there are indeed stable pieces of Nantan that are not just oxide. This appears to be one of them. It may have some oxides yet in some of the deeper recesses (where a wire brush won’t reach) but it is actual iron overall. This is a nice hand specimen and could easily be mistaken for a Canyon Diablo or such.
676 gram iron individual – 70mm x 70mm x 40mm - $100

SHIROKOVSKY, Russia: Fake pallasite.
I vividly remember when this stuff acme out. I lost quite a bit of money on it (as many of us did). It first appeared priced at around $50/g. I did not buy any – too expensive. I was also hesitant as the metal had a man-made granular look to it to me. Regardless, I ended up taking some to sell on consignment (after I was shown the “official” research reports that clearly said this was indeed a meteorite). Dumb. I ended up refunding everybody’s money (and only got partial refund from the seller). None the less, most collectors LIKE being able to have/ show a good counterfeit, as long as they know/ pay for what they are really getting. Once we figured out that this was fake, I tried to get the folks handling this to make/ prepare more of it in mostly thicker slices for cabechons/ lapidary material (I am sure it would sell well, if priced for what it IS not as a “rare” meteorite). No luck there, unfortunately. This is (was) a super thin 4 gram slice. It was already broken when I got the collection in Denver, but I have managed to finish the job in bringing all of this stuff home (should have put it in its own box). Anyway, it is a bag of small (one up to 2cm x 3cm) slices that would be great for the micro seller. These come with 3 different cards; one info card, one hand-written label and the card, apparently, of the original seller.
4.0 grams of slices - $20

TOLUCA, Mexico: Coarse octahedrite. Found 1776.
This one was needing some work when I got it. I went to knocking off the obvious loose fragments and then started to wire-brush the piece. Thankfully I was paying attention. As a rolled the thing over I noticed that I came fairly close to removing a museum number that I had not noticed on my initial inspection of the piece. It turns out that this specimen is a Monig piece! It has a very clear M8.33 painted on it (this likely would have been put on this piece buy Glenn and Margaret Huss when they cataloged the Monig collection. This, unfortunately, does not have a matching Monig label. It does have a Mark Bostic Collection label though. This has the weight as 482 grams, so it seems I only lost a couple grams in cleaning this piece.
479.9 gram Monig labeled individual – 90mm x 45mm x 35mm - $400

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 163- Novak collection pieces 1

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 163- Novak collection pieces 1

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………….LIST 163
November 18, 2014

Dear Collectors,

Here are some specimens from a collection I bought in Denver last September (well all but one piece – the oriented unstudied NWA is mine). These (and pieces that will fill out future lists) are all from Gordon Novak who lived in Amarillo, Texas and, unfortunately, passed away a few months ago. He bought a number of things from me over the years but the contents of this collection show he bought quite a lot elsewhere as well. I enjoyed chatting with him when he called to place an order. He was a bit of a joker/ smart _ss. I remember one time he visited the Denver show and picked out a number of items to purchase. He then asked “is there any discount for priests?” I said not really and asked “what, you are a priest?”. He said “no, but if there is a discount I’ll go find one”. Classic Gordon. Anyway, this is just an opening selection. I have a few dozen or so other things that will go out on future lists (likely into next year and maybe even beyond Tucson). I may also run a “want it out of inventory offering before the end of the year” list as well. I am in the process of doing inventory right now (grueling and tedious) and will set aside things like this as I go through it all.

ADMIRE, Kansas: (Pallasite). Found 1881.
This is a “natural” fragment that had a bit of a layer of oxide on it when I found it hiding in the corner of the collection box. It was mostly a brown blob but showed a few large obvious somewhat gemmy olivine crystals. Running it on the XRF showed it was definitely a meteorite and had the right Ni content for a pallasite. Though there was no label with it in the collection papers work, this is obviously a piece of Admire. I have since cleaned it (light wire brushing and soda-blasting) and coated it so it has a somewhat shiny metallic look to it. Neat piece and in much better shape than I would have expected for this meteorite being in a somewhat humid environment for years.
41.0 gram cleaned individual – 40mm x 27mm x 15mm - $200

CAMPO del CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
This is actually a nice, interesting piece. It is kind of a free-form bookend that stands up nicely on its own. It has natural edge around all but one (80mm long) side. One face is flat. The other side of this “slice” is wavy, free-form “cut”. Both cut surfaces have been etched and show half a dozen or so silicate (not graphite or sulfide) inclusions (one whole edge of the flat side is silicate). There are some tiny traces of rust (you have to look closely) but I did not have to do anything to this piece. It is just the way I got it. Clearly, this is from the area of the strewn field that the really silicated pieces (which are very stable) were found.
836.2 gram “slice/ bookend” – 112mm x 75mm x 15mm - $250

These two large pieces came in a bag with an Indochinite, Thailand, Vietnam label. I can tell from their size, shape and surface features that they are really Chinese tektites. The smaller one is a dumbbell shaped piece and the larger is a flattened oval (though the ends are fatter than the middle quasi- dumbbell like).
a) 120.0 gram dumbbell shaped – 100mm x 30mm x 15mm - $30
b) 180.1 gram flattened oval – 90mm x 48mm x 20mm - $30

COCONINO SANDSTONE, Meteor Crater, Arizona.
This is a natural fragment (almost looks like it has fusion crust) of some of the rock that got blown out of the forming crater. Not rare (there are TONS of it scattered around the crater) but I have not had many pieces over the years (and they always end up selling quickly).
69.2 gram natural fragment – 50mm x 40mm x 20mm - $30 - SOLD

DIMMITT, Texas: (H3.7). Found 1942, recognized as distinct in 1950.
Here is a beautiful complete individual, one of the nicest I have seen. It has a pleasing orange brown to chocolate brown color, and obvious primary crust covering over half of the specimen (the remainder likely being secondary crust). It is a very solid piece with only a tiny hint of cracking, and that is on a corner where a plow mark starts (so being hit by a farmer’s plow likely caused this small crack). The only downer of this piece is that it obviously one of the very earliest that TCU turned loose of. I say this because it is clear that this, at one time, had both Monig labels on it: a large one with black background and a smaller one in white lettering (traces of both are still visible on this piece). When they first began releasing material to collectors (well dealers anyway) they required that we remove the labels that would identify where they came from (thankfully, this one did not suffer the indignity of having its labeling removed with a bench-grinder as I have seen done to some pieces). This was partly because, at that time (this was a long time ago folks), it wasn’t figured to be all that important and mostly because they didn’t really want to let folks know that they were willing to part with anything. The second part makes sense. Once the “cat was out of the bag” anyway they (TCU) got slammed with trade/ sales requests (and even angry demands) to the point of shear overload. I seem to recall that they pretty much shut down the release of any material to anyone for quite awhile after that. Thankfully, when they did start to allow a few things out once more, they didn’t require the labels to be removed (they clearly recognized the importance to the collectors of them then). Anyway, this is an early, cleaned label piece but being an earlier one, it is among the nicest.
509.0 gram complete individual – 100mm x 60mm x 50mm -  - SOLD

Here is a really nice and fairly large specimen. It is a elongate tongue- shaped piece that shows really nice, deep in spots, surface etching/ features. Not quite Besednice grade but certainly well above what I usually have (which sells well at $6/g at shows).
17.3 gram individual – 53mm x 25mm x 10mm - $125

NANTAN, China: Medium octahedrite (IAB). Found 1958.
Of the pieces of this meteorite that came in the collection, this is the one that needed the most help. Thankfully, it didn’t need a tremendous amount of work. I wire-brushed the back side and did what I could to gently clean off what rust there was on the cut face. There wasn’t all that much but the work I did (brushing with the softest wire wheel I could find) did pretty much wipe out what little (weak) etch the piece had. I didn’t want to risk trying to re-etch it. Partly as I am lousy at this, partly the effort and time involved doing this to a piece that will sell so cheap but mostly because hitting potentially unstable meteorites with acid can set off the rusting process. Anyway, the results are a nice hand specimen iron end piece that may not clearly show an etch structure but does have some interesting inclusions.
257.1 gram end piece – 70mm x 38mm x 30mm - $50

NWA unstudied:
930 gram oriented individual
"click on image to enlarge"
NWA unstudied:
930 gram oriented individual
NWA unstudied:
930 gram oriented individual
NWA unstudied:
Here is a dark chocolate brown pointed mountain-like specimen. It is very clearly oriented and shows elongate thumb-printing down all sides of the front. It is clear, from the shape and texture of the sides, that this was a much larger piece at one point a long time ago (why oh why don’t the guys picking these things up keep the pieces of oriented stones together?). I put this out on display around the mid-point of the show in Denver and almost got it sold a couple different times (I should have set it out a bit earlier, before many collectors had already spent their money – next time).
930 gram oriented individual/ fragment – 130mm x 90mm x 60mm - $1500