Showing posts with label Blaine Reed Meteorites List 97. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blaine Reed Meteorites List 97. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 97, more consigned plus "gift ideas"

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
December 14, 2010

Dear Collectors,

Here is an offering of remaining consigned items and a couple things that turned up while doing inventory work (I have just begun this long tedious process, so more my turn up later). I also forgot about some beautiful sterling wire-wrapped Moldavite and Libyan glass pendants that would make great gifts, though I am, admittedly, a bit late on that. I can ship express if needed though..

HUCKITTA, Australia: (Pallasite).
This is a smaller piece than the last one I listed. This is a slice though.
6.3 grams slice (no cut edges) – 22mm x 17mm x 5mm - $12

NWA (----): Unstudied. Likely (L6) .
This is a nice part slice. It has 2 cut edges and the remainder shows slightly wind-polished black crust. The interior is also interesting. It shows a good number of black shock veins in a light brown matrix. Nice stuff, would not mind having a fairly large quantity of this one if it were available.
17.7 gram slice – 45mm x 30mm x 5mm - $20

NWA (-----): Unstudied. Likely (H5).
This is a nice complete slice that shows lots of metal in a mixed light to medium brown matrix. If it didn't have a wind-polished crust edge, I would probably guess that this was Gao.
17.2 gram complete slice – 52mm x 27mm x 4mm - $15

NWA (2907): Anomalous achondrite. Found before Sept. 2005. Tkw = 203grams.
This is some strange stuff I picked up at the Denver Show. It has the mineralogy of a diogenite but it appears to be from the parent body of the Mesosiderites. It certainly does not look anything like a diogenite. It has fine granular texture with some slightly larger (couple mm or so) clasts in a orangish to almost pinkish brown matrix. This is a consigned specimen. I think I have a few (but very few) pieces remaining of this of my own (though I have not come across them yet), so let me know if more of you want specimens and I will set them aside or you when I do locate mine.
.85 grams complete slice – 17mm x 10mm x 2mm - $65

SANTA VITORIA DO PALMAR, Brazil: (L3). Found 2003/2004.
This, as with the Huckitta, is a smaller piece than offered last time that turned up in the same consignment lot.
1.5 gram slice – 15mm x 8mm x 4mm - $8

SELMA, Alabama: (H4). Found 1906. Tkw = 141kg.
This is just a basic square cut sample(a nice "macro"). The unpolished back shows lots of chondrules. The front shows fewer chondrules (polishing darkens things) in a dark green and brown mixed matrix.
3.6 gram slice – 18mm x 17mm x 3mm - $30

SEYMCHAN, Russia; (Pallasite).
This is a nice rectangle cut iron piece. It has a beautiful etch and particularly well shows the fantastic diversity of this meteorite's structure (with areas that appear to be finest octahedrite structure as well as some bands that are almost coarsest octahedral width). A really nice piece and a testament to the stability of this stuff. This shows only the tinniest traces of brown rust staining along a couple crystal boundaries on the back even after spending considerable time in Florida (without special storage no less!).
62.0gram etched 9both sides) slice – 61mm x 41mm x 3mm - $90

TULIA (D), Texas: (H6). Found 1981. Tkw = 17.7kg.
This is my last piece of this, and I know the source (TCU) is not cutting any more. I don't think they cut much of this to begin with, so very little of it is floating around the collecting world. This is a large piece, but I have tried to price it very close (if not slightly under) what I paid for the thing. However, let me know if you want a smaller piece of this for your collection. If I get a number of "smaller pieces wanted" orders, I may break this down.
78.7 gram slice – 95mm x 70mm x 4mm - $175

ZAG, Morocco: (H3-6). Fell August 4 or 5 1998. Tkw = 175kg.
This is one of 2 meteorites that halite crystals were discovered in 9the other being Monahans, TX). This is a nice "E-Bay" lot perhaps. It consists of 5 pieces including 2 large pieces (23mm x 6mm x 5mm and 28mm x 10mm x 5mm) and a couple small (a bit under 1cm max dimension) fragments.
13.5 grams slices and fragments - $25

JEWELRY: I know, I really needed to have these offered last week (or earlier) but completely forgot about these things until I opened the box they were in while inventorying part of the vault a couple days ago. I am going to try to get Blake to take a group photo of these so I can send it to anyone interested. I will have the different sized moldavite and libyan glass pendants arranged from lightest (first listed below) to heaviest from left to right in the picture. The other items should be fairly obvious.

I have 2 necklaces that have a Campo nugget as the center piece. BUT, the remainder, in my opinion, is the best part. These are very well done. They use all kinds of glass and stone beads. The maker also felt (and I certainly agree) they were good enough to spend extra money to use a sterling "lobster claw" for the clasp. One is mostly blue and light purple, the other red and yellows. Your choice - $80

These are nice clear pieces (the largest does have a fair number of round white crystobalite inclusions though) that have wire-wrapped in sterling with almost indescribable skill. The "back side" of these is often even fancier on the silver work than what will be visible in the picture.
a) 7.6 grams total - $80 – glass sample is roughly 25mm x 16mm x 6mm. Overall pendant is 35mm x 25mm x 22mm.
b) 11.3 grams total - $115 – glass sample is roughly 30mm x 21mm x 8mm and roughly arrow-head shaped. Overall pendant is 53mm x 22mm x 10mm.
c) 12.4 grams total - $125 – glass sample is roughly 35mm x 20mm x 12mm. Overall pendant is 50mm x 25mm x 15mm.

These, as above, are fancy wrapped with sterling (except the carving – noted below and photoed next to the NWA (482) and Sikhote pieces). I tried to pick samples that have nice surface texture to them (no river-worn pieces here). Some do have broken or chipped areas, but they were wrapped such that this does not readily show from the front. Also, as above, the silver work is often fancier than that on the front (so accidentally wearing one of these backwards would still look great).
a) 9.4 grams total - $100 – moldavite is roughly 26mm x 17mm x 5mm. Overall pendant is 37mm x 30mm x 10mm.
b) 11.2 grams total - $115 – moldavite is roughly 40mm x 14mm x 6mm. Overall pendant is 63mm x 17mm x 12mm.
c) 17.2 grams total - $170 – moldavite is roughly 40mm x 12mm x 10mm. Overall pendant is 63mm x 17mm x 13mm (this has some really heavy sterling "wire" in it).
d) Moldavite with 3 amethyst gem stones. Now this is really special! The work in this thing is incredible. The moldavite is roughly 40mm x 12mm x 5mm and the overall pendant is 62mm x 25mm x 10mm - $250
e) Moldavite carving. This is a 18mm x 16mm x 9mm moldavite that has a beautiful woman's face carved into it (remainder is natural) and wire-wrapped in 14kt gold-filled wire. Total weight is 4.0g - $100.

NWA (482):
This is my last "moon dust" pendant. It is a small (20mm long) tear-drop glass vial with dust from the cutting of the NWA (482) moon rock. It is attached (glued?) to a 14kt gold bell cap. - $100

This is a nice basic shrapnel piece (roughly 28mm x 17mm x 6mm) wrapped simply but elegantly in sterling wire. Total piece is 13.5 grams and 40mm x 19mm x 7mm - $45