Showing posts with label impact materials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impact materials. Show all posts

Friday 4 November 2011

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 112 - impact materials

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 112 - impact materials
Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
………………………………………………………LIST 112

November 2, 2011

Dear Collectors,

I completely forgot about getting this out properly on Tuesday. For some reason, I failed to recognize that the 1st was indeed the "first Tuesday of the month". Anyway, this is a small offering of impact materials and miscellaneous meteorite related items from a collection I received a month or so ago.

I will be leaving next Wednesday morning (the 9th) and will be gone until the 16th (another Wednesday). This is for the Socorro event (New Mexico Mineral Symposium). I should be at the Comfort Inn Friday the 11th through Sunday (evenings on Friday and Saturday and until mid afternoon on Sunday). 

PLEASE NOTE:I will have to be out of town this afternoon (for more XRF analysis work on the supposed Lunar and plessitic material that has supposedly been found in Montrose the last couple years. Spoiler alert – all material I have analyzed so far has turned out to be terrestrial). I will probably be gone from around 2pm until 5pm. Please leave a message (if you are calling) or don't be upset if I don't get back to you by e-mail during that rough time frame. 

COESITE: Meteor Crater, Arizona.
Here is a fragment of this snow-white soft rock. It is a high temperature/pressure form of quartz that formed from Coconino Sandstone during the crater-forming impact. This comes with a couple different info cards with it – including one "New England Meteoritical Services" card.
6.1 gram fragment – 22mm x 16mm x 11mm - $10

K-T BOUNDARY CLAY: Gola Bollacione, Italy.
I am a little suspicious of this one. It does look a lot like potter's clay (with rock fragments though). However, it does have a lot of documentation with it. This includes a photo of the boundary clay of the area (and it does resemble this in color and general texture) and a "Bethany Sciences Certificate of Authenticity" (not sure if that one helps or hurts this). Anyway, I discussed this with the previous owner and tried to make a balance that priced this affordably for what it is supposed to be. 
45.0 gram fragment – 50mm x 40mm x 25mm – $50 

This is a couple pieces of breccia from the Reis Crater in Bavaria, Germany. This is pretty impressive breccia. It has angular to rounded fragments of all kinds of rocks of different compositions and colors in a light green matrix. Really neat! These come with an Excaliber Mineral Company label. 
35.2 grams slices (2 pcs) - $15 

ROCK FLOUR: Meteor Crater, Arizona.
This is a 20mm x 6mm capsule about half full or so of this fine white powder. This was formed by the pulverization of Coconino Sandstone during the formation of the crater. I think most samples of this came out o the mine shaft that was sunk in the bottom-center of the crater in an attempt to locate the large iron mass they thought would remain buried beneath (until later physics calculations showed that the energies involved would have precluded that possibility). 
20mm x 6mm capsule half full - $5

SHATTER CONE; Beaverhead, Montana.
This is a nice, small example of shattercones from this area. This was likely retrieved from the remote find site o this stuff by a friend of mine who found it while doing raptor nest surveys for the government 5 or 6 years ago. 
68.7 gram fragment – 75mm x 50mm x 12mm - $5

TROILITE: FeS, California.
I have not seen a piece of this in quite a long time. I remember the excitement over it being discovered though. I believe this was the only known terrestrial occurrence of this mineral that is so common in meteorites. This is like the typical iron pyrite ("fools gold"), but it has one less Sulfur atom in its structure (pyrite has 2 sulfur atoms for each iron where as Troilite has only one). This specimen comes with a card that says it is from the Copper Shaft, Alta Mine, Low Divide District, Del Norte Cnty, Calif. It furthe describes that this mineral was the subject of many mining adventures of Star Trek. This part is in error though, I believe that that mineral was something like "Dilitium crystals" not troilite.
68.5 gram fragment – 35mm x 30mm x 20mm - $50

TUNGUSKA BARK: Pockemennaya, Tungusta River Basin, Siberia, Russia.
This is a small piece of bark that was collected by a Russian research team in the 1980's, presumably from a tree that was knocked down by the blast on June 30, 1908 (it does indeed look sufficiently old). This sample comes with 3 different info cards, including one "New England Meteoritical Services" one (this is the only one with a source on it). I have never seen one of these before and they are, no doubt, quite rare.
Bark fragment – 27mm x 16mm x 4mm - $80