P.O. Box 1141, Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 246 - August 24, 2021
Dear Collectors
Here is an offering that consists (mostly) of material I got as part of a small collection a collector in California decided to sell. As with material he has sent earlier (like the beautiful larger Henbury pieces I offered awhile back), the pieces on this list that came from him are also really nice. I am doing the Canyon Diablo pieces in their own group photo as there is so many (largish) pieces in that lot.
Above, is the info postcard on the soon to arrive Denver show. Below are my comments/particulars for this show.
This year, the show currently looks to be “back to normal” for the most part. There will indeed be many overseas dealers missing (but many others are scheduled to be there as well) and the dates are back to the normal length. This year we are scheduled to be open September 10th through the 18th (Friday through the Saturday a week later). The hours are scheduled to be 10am to 6pm. However, I will try to be open a bit earlier (maybe even as early as 9am) as I seem to have good traffic at that time of day for some reason. I also will try to stay open later (as long as people are wandering around/ wanting to visit) though this has become a problem the past year or two. It seems the security is locking doors (you can get around that by going in through the Hotel lobby and around the corner) but also closing (but not locking) secondary doors and turning off the lights early (making the trek down the long hallway if you use the front desk option harder). Regardless, I’ll certainly stay open later than scheduled hours, it just may not all that late (probably won’t be too many 10 or 11pm nights, unfortunately).
I am in my usual spot – Crowne Plaza DIA at Chambers road and I-70 (15500 E. 40th Ave, Denver, CO 80239 ). I am (supposedly) still in the small meeting room on the very west side of the convention/ ballroom center called ‘Frisco”. If you park near the Hotel entrance and go through the sliding glass doors next to the “Convention Center” sign on the side of the building while looking east and turn to your right immediately after going through the sliding doors, you will be looking in my show space door (I’ll try to remember to bring my sandwich board sign that helps point things out as well).
Hope to see many people there this year!
CANYON DIABLO, Arizona: Coarse octahedrite. Found 1891.
This is an assortment of specimens that I have picked up from several different sources over the past few months (well, the etched slices are actually things I have had for quite a while but misplaced them for many months). I have (as just mentioned) a couple part slices that are etched on both sides, a couple pieces of cut graphite nodule (both show some metal veining but that probably won’t show well in the photo) and then two larger natural individuals (those proved to be very popular when I offered some at the beginning of the year. I sold everything I had bigger than about 8 grams very quickly). I have only two of each style specimen so I decided that a summer e-mail offering is probably the best way to deal with them (though I will certainly have any leftovers at the show).
1) Part slices. Etched on both sides:
a) 35.1 grams – 55mm x 30mm x 4mm - $55
b) 47.0 grams – 40mm x 40mm x 4mm - $73
2) Graphite nodule – cut:
a) 26.7 grams – 30mm x 20mm x 20mm - $55
b) 29.4 grams – 40mm x 28mm x 10mm - $60
3) Natural individuals as found:
a) 313.6 grams – 70mm x 60mm x 25mm - $320
b) 738.6 grams – 110mm x 55mm x 25mm - $750
CHELYABINSK, Russia: Ordinary chondrite (LL5). Fell February 13, 2013.
Here are a couple really nice fresh individuals that were clearly picked up quite soon after the fall. They both have really nice complete, fresh and (mostly) thick crust (the smaller has a couple mm sized spots of secondary crust or where a small bit of the primary crust popped off late in the fall). I know that there is still a fairly good amount of this meteorite floating around the collecting world but not too many are as fresh as these pieces. Most of the early recovered pieces have already found a home and the stuff that is being found these days certainly shows some weathering effects.
1) Complete individuals:
a) 25.6 grams – 30mm x 25mm x 25mm - $300
b) 40.3 grams – 35mm x 25mm x 25mm - $470
GEBEL KAMIL, Egypt: Ungrouped Ni-rich ataxite. Discovered 2008.
The crater of this fall was discovered though Google Earth satellite photos in 2008. An expedition didn’t get out to the area to prove that this WAS indeed a meteorite impact site until 2010. A 150 foot diameter crater was found, surrounded by many pieces of shrapnelized iron meteorites (I think one fairly large sculpted fusion crusted piece was found as well). This is a fairly young crater, likely being less than 5000 years old. This fall was also very likely observed at some level, as the crater itself covered up some already existing trade routes in the area. These pieces, to be honest, are not anything exceptional. They are just nice typical examples of the meteorites that came out of the area. I have not seen much of this available lately and I might be pricing these a bit cheap for similar pieces these days (how they sell will tell me).
1) Natural shrapnel fragments as found:
a) 182.5 grams – 70mm x 37mm x 20mm - $230
b) 213.8 grams – 70mm x 35mm x 30mm - $265
MUNDRABILLA, Australia: medium octahedrite with sulfide and silicate inclusions. Found 1911.
Now these, unlike the Gebels above, ARE quite exceptional, particularly for their size. I don’t recall ever having a Mundrabilla this size range that had any kind of character even close to these pieces. These clearly show a knobby shape and each has at least one deep hole where a silicate or sulfide burned out. As far as I am aware, these will be the only two Mundrabillas I will ever get from this source.
1) Nice sculpted natural individuals as found:
a) 147.2 grams – 55mm x 30mm x 30mm - $220
b) 161.5 grams – 50mm x 35mm x 30mm - $240
SIKHOTE –ALIN, Russia: Coarsest octahedrite. Fell February 12, 1947.
This is a nice fusion crusted individual that has LOTS of fine thumb-printed texture all the way around. This came to me with an oriented specimen (that I have already found a home for) and even this came rally close to selling at the Creede show when I set it out there a few weeks ago. That is a small show and, normally, you don’t really expect to sell specimens priced more than $100 or so but this piece got lots of notice from the visitors to that show and very nearly sold a couple times (it was usually the spouse saying that the $ were needed somewhere else that did in the deal). Anyway, when I see these really sculpted pieces these days, they usually bring a pretty good premium.
93.6gram finely sculpted individual – 55mm x 25mm x 20mm - $325
Shipping: For small US orders $5 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $4. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still loosing a little even at $5. Larger orders are now $8 to $15 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).
Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $15 (Canada seems to be right around $11). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.
I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my brmeteorites@yahoo.com e-mail when possible.