Showing posts with label Antonius Pius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antonius Pius. Show all posts

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 176 - Ancient Meteorite Coins

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 176 - Ancient Meteorite Coins

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

…………………………………………………..LIST 176

July 21, 2015

Dear collectors,

Sorry that this is going out so late.

Here is a small selection of ancient coins that are believed to show a meteorite. The oldest one is sliver and shows a man (Zeus) sitting on what is supposed to be a meteorite. The “newer” ones are bronze and show a stone (that had supposedly been seen to have fallen from the sky) either in a temple or on a wheeled cart. I’ll try to give a bit better description of each below. I am not an ancient coin expert but I did pick these up from a person who is. I was told that these (as pretty much any of the ancient “meteorite” coins) are quite scarce. Blake and I have taken a couple group shot photos (of all 4 together one front one back). These pictures didn’t turn out super well as we really don’t have the proper equipment (most coin photographers have special lighting and such to bring out details) and most of these are in holders (that reflect light and glare pretty badly). I’ll send these pictures to those interested.

a) Selucid Kingdom: Antiochus (III) the great. Circa 223 – 187 BC.
This is a small silver coin that is roughly 16mm diameter and weighs 4.1 grams. The front has a high relief (but somewhat hard to make out) face facing right. The reverse has lettering and a person (Zeus) sitting on a stone (called Omphalus according to the info I was given) and is supposedly a meteorite - $250

b) Antonius Pius: 138-161 AD.
This is a 23mm diameter bronze coin that weighs 9.7 grams. The obverse has a bust (likely of Antonius Pius) facing right. The back has a stone (meteorite) in a temple with an eagle standing on the roof point. The description note that comes with this coin says this is “Sacred stone of Zeus Kasios in tetrastyle shrine, with pyramidal roof surmounted by eagle”. The meteorite, shrine and bust are fairly clear on this, but not much else - $100

c) Elagabaus: 218-222 AD.
This is a 25mm diameter 9.8 gram bronze coin (likely the same denomination as the above piece). The obverse has a bust facing right. The reverse has a stone (meteorite) in a wheeled cart. I was told this is the “Cart of Astarte with the stone of Emasa or Sidon”. This coin has a fairly heavy green patina but a good amount of details are visible none the less - $125

d) Elagabaus: 218-222 AD.
This is a 29mm diameter 15.2 gram bronze coin. As the above piece, it has a bust facing right on the obverse and a stone in a wheeled cart on the reverse. Again, the reverse is supposedly the “cart of Astarte with the stone of Emasa or Sidon”. The bust and cart are fairly clear (for an 1800 year old piece of bronze anyway) on this coin but further details are hard, at best, to make out - $150