Blaine Reed Meteorites
PO Box 1141Delta, CO, USA 81416-1141
Telephone- +1(970) 874-1487
One last note: The Denver Spring show looks like it is going to happen. However, it seems that the dates have changed from where they had been in “normal” years earlier. This year it will be April 8th-10th (at the Crowne Plaza – same place I set up for the fall show). I WILL NOT be set up at this show but I will be visiting it. So, let me know IF you want me to bring anything

CLAXTON, Georgia: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell December 10, 1984. Tkw = 1455grams.
This is the one that hit the back end of a mailbox and knocked it completely off of its post. I actually owned the mailbox for 5 or 6 years until someone made me an offer I “couldn’t refuse”, so I didn’t. I had some nice pieces of this years ago when it was first made available to collectors but have seen very little since. These are from a collector that kind of had a thing for this meteorite and bought up any piece he could find and afford. He has decided to let the extras go. I sold 4 of the largest pieces in Tucson. Oddly, I only sold one of the small ones (it was that “big money” coming to the show thing mentioned above thing I guess). These are all part slices and all are in some sort of display container. All have a label with them. I did manage to get those in the group photo but I will mention what they are after each item listed below.\
1) Part Slices:
a) .058 grams – 5mm x 3mm x 2mm - $50 – Hupe Collection label
b) .33 grams – 9mm x 8mm x 2mm - $200 – John Bryan Scarbough label
c) .420 grams – 15mm x 6mm x 2mm - $250 – Hupe collection label
d) .66g slice – 14mm x 8mm x 2mm - $395 – Mile High Meteorites label

NWA (6043): Carbonaceous chondrite (CR2) S2, W2. Found 2009. Tkw = 1220 grams.
This is one of the “miscellaneous” things I picked up in Tucson as part of a small collection. I question the “W2” in the classification work as this looks more weathered to me than that. I don’t see any real fresh metal visible. However, I do see lots of iron oxides (magnetite/ hematite) surrounding many/ most of the chondrules so I don’t question the classification itself (I also looked it up in the Meteoritical Bulletin and it certainly does match the pictures presented for this meteorite there). This is a “book-end” piece – an end piece that has been cut in half (the benefit is that it will stand up nicely on its own).
19.5 gram “book end” – 30mm x 23mm x 15mm - $250
NWA (7454): Carbonaceous chondrite. (CV3). Found 2012. Tkw = 6 kilograms.
This was clearly cut/ prepared by the same person who cut/ prepared the specimen above. This is somewhat weathered but that helps in this case. The weathering has made some of the chondrules stained brown/ orange and such and it makes them really stand out nicely. This has lots of CAIs (the things that were the first solids formed in the solar system that contain micro-diamonds) but they are all fairly small (and often wildly irregular shapes). Allende prices have gone insane lately (certainly for many auction results anyway) and this has brought interest and prices up on pretty much all CV3 meteorites to some degree. This piece, if someone where so inclined, could be cut into several more slices and an end piece.
39.2 gram end piece – 40mm x 30mm x 25mm - $400
NWA (8162): HED achondrite (eucrite), monomict breccia. Found 2013. Tkw = 297.4 grams.
Now I know I would have sold this if I had bothered to put it on display in Tucson. I put it on a shelf in a box along with other “new” things I had picked up at the show and kind of forgot about it. This slice shows a fantastic breccia texture. Among the best for a eucrite, kind of looking Lunar like, actually. I had a similar looking slice (of a different brecciated eucrite) that was almost twice the price of this specimen and it sold in less than a day after I put it out for display. Anyway, this is a slice I sold some years ago that has now come back to me (and I am happy to have it). It is a relatively thin (but solid – almost glass like) complete slice through what was likely close to the center of the original stone.
24.4 gram complete slice – 73mm x 58mm x 2mm - $295
NWA (8452): Ordinary chondrite. (H4), S2, W1/2. Found 2014. Tkw = 130.2 grams.
This is a nice complete slice of this quite small recovery. That is not to say there can’t be other pieces of this particular meteorite out there somewhere, just that they did not stick around with this one to get classified with it. I think the only reason this one got reported at all (as its size is so small, classification work so expensive and time consuming) is that the person that sent it in thought that it might be a type 3, and a fairly good one at that. This is quite fresh actually. It shows lots of metal and is only weather stained to a point less than many the Gao stones I have cut open in recent times. I can understand why the person who had the work done thought it might be a “3”. It does have lots of chondrules. This comes in a 80mm x 55mm x 25mm plastic display box and a label.
13.0 gram complete slice – 40mm x 30mm x 5mm - $40
WOODBINE, Illinois: Iron. Fine octahedrite, silicate (IAB). Found 1953. Tkw = 48.2 kilograms.
I picked this up as I remembered having someone ask me to keep an eye out for a piece for them. However, I later remembered that they were looking for a “substantial” (50 to 100g or so) piece of it, not a “micro”. Regardless, I suspect I’ll find that there are lots of people that were looking for a piece like this (sorry, I have only one). This is a nice little part slice that looks to be mostly from a silicate, sulfide rich inclusion. So, no real fresh metal BUT you get a bigger surface area for the weight because of it.
.61gram part slice – 11mm x 8mm x 2mm - $70
Shipping: For small US orders $5 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $5. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still loosing a little even at $5. Larger orders are now $9 to $16 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).
Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $16 (Canada seems to be right around $14). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.
I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.
One last note: The Denver Spring show looks like it is going to happen. However, it seems that the dates have changed from where they had been in “normal” years earlier. This year it will be April 8th-10th (at the Crowne Plaza – same place I set up for the fall show). I WILL NOT be set up at this show but I will be visiting it. So, let me know IF you want me to bring anything

CLAXTON, Georgia: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell December 10, 1984. Tkw = 1455grams.
This is the one that hit the back end of a mailbox and knocked it completely off of its post. I actually owned the mailbox for 5 or 6 years until someone made me an offer I “couldn’t refuse”, so I didn’t. I had some nice pieces of this years ago when it was first made available to collectors but have seen very little since. These are from a collector that kind of had a thing for this meteorite and bought up any piece he could find and afford. He has decided to let the extras go. I sold 4 of the largest pieces in Tucson. Oddly, I only sold one of the small ones (it was that “big money” coming to the show thing mentioned above thing I guess). These are all part slices and all are in some sort of display container. All have a label with them. I did manage to get those in the group photo but I will mention what they are after each item listed below.\
1) Part Slices:
a) .058 grams – 5mm x 3mm x 2mm - $50 – Hupe Collection label
b) .33 grams – 9mm x 8mm x 2mm - $200 – John Bryan Scarbough label
c) .420 grams – 15mm x 6mm x 2mm - $250 – Hupe collection label
d) .66g slice – 14mm x 8mm x 2mm - $395 – Mile High Meteorites label

NWA (6043): Carbonaceous chondrite (CR2) S2, W2. Found 2009. Tkw = 1220 grams.
This is one of the “miscellaneous” things I picked up in Tucson as part of a small collection. I question the “W2” in the classification work as this looks more weathered to me than that. I don’t see any real fresh metal visible. However, I do see lots of iron oxides (magnetite/ hematite) surrounding many/ most of the chondrules so I don’t question the classification itself (I also looked it up in the Meteoritical Bulletin and it certainly does match the pictures presented for this meteorite there). This is a “book-end” piece – an end piece that has been cut in half (the benefit is that it will stand up nicely on its own).
19.5 gram “book end” – 30mm x 23mm x 15mm - $250
NWA (7454): Carbonaceous chondrite. (CV3). Found 2012. Tkw = 6 kilograms.
This was clearly cut/ prepared by the same person who cut/ prepared the specimen above. This is somewhat weathered but that helps in this case. The weathering has made some of the chondrules stained brown/ orange and such and it makes them really stand out nicely. This has lots of CAIs (the things that were the first solids formed in the solar system that contain micro-diamonds) but they are all fairly small (and often wildly irregular shapes). Allende prices have gone insane lately (certainly for many auction results anyway) and this has brought interest and prices up on pretty much all CV3 meteorites to some degree. This piece, if someone where so inclined, could be cut into several more slices and an end piece.
39.2 gram end piece – 40mm x 30mm x 25mm - $400
NWA (8162): HED achondrite (eucrite), monomict breccia. Found 2013. Tkw = 297.4 grams.
Now I know I would have sold this if I had bothered to put it on display in Tucson. I put it on a shelf in a box along with other “new” things I had picked up at the show and kind of forgot about it. This slice shows a fantastic breccia texture. Among the best for a eucrite, kind of looking Lunar like, actually. I had a similar looking slice (of a different brecciated eucrite) that was almost twice the price of this specimen and it sold in less than a day after I put it out for display. Anyway, this is a slice I sold some years ago that has now come back to me (and I am happy to have it). It is a relatively thin (but solid – almost glass like) complete slice through what was likely close to the center of the original stone.
24.4 gram complete slice – 73mm x 58mm x 2mm - $295
NWA (8452): Ordinary chondrite. (H4), S2, W1/2. Found 2014. Tkw = 130.2 grams.
This is a nice complete slice of this quite small recovery. That is not to say there can’t be other pieces of this particular meteorite out there somewhere, just that they did not stick around with this one to get classified with it. I think the only reason this one got reported at all (as its size is so small, classification work so expensive and time consuming) is that the person that sent it in thought that it might be a type 3, and a fairly good one at that. This is quite fresh actually. It shows lots of metal and is only weather stained to a point less than many the Gao stones I have cut open in recent times. I can understand why the person who had the work done thought it might be a “3”. It does have lots of chondrules. This comes in a 80mm x 55mm x 25mm plastic display box and a label.
13.0 gram complete slice – 40mm x 30mm x 5mm - $40
WOODBINE, Illinois: Iron. Fine octahedrite, silicate (IAB). Found 1953. Tkw = 48.2 kilograms.
I picked this up as I remembered having someone ask me to keep an eye out for a piece for them. However, I later remembered that they were looking for a “substantial” (50 to 100g or so) piece of it, not a “micro”. Regardless, I suspect I’ll find that there are lots of people that were looking for a piece like this (sorry, I have only one). This is a nice little part slice that looks to be mostly from a silicate, sulfide rich inclusion. So, no real fresh metal BUT you get a bigger surface area for the weight because of it.
.61gram part slice – 11mm x 8mm x 2mm - $70
Shipping: For small US orders $5 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $5. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still loosing a little even at $5. Larger orders are now $9 to $16 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).
Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $16 (Canada seems to be right around $14). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.
I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.