Showing posts with label (CR2). Show all posts
Showing posts with label (CR2). Show all posts

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 249 22MAR2022

Blaine Reed Meteorites
PO Box 1141
Delta, CO, USA  81416-1141

Telephone- +1(970) 874-1487

One last note: The Denver Spring show looks like it is going to happen. However, it seems that the dates have changed from where they had been in “normal” years earlier. This year it will be April 8th-10th (at the Crowne Plaza – same place I set up for the fall show). I WILL NOT be set up at this show but I will be visiting it. So, let me know IF you want me to bring anything

CLAXTON, Georgia: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell December 10, 1984. Tkw = 1455grams.
This is the one that hit the back end of a mailbox and knocked it completely off of its post. I actually owned the mailbox for 5 or 6 years until someone made me an offer I “couldn’t refuse”, so I didn’t. I had some nice pieces of this years ago when it was first made available to collectors but have seen very little since. These are from a collector that kind of had a thing for this meteorite and bought up any piece he could find and afford. He has decided to let the extras go. I sold 4 of the largest pieces in Tucson. Oddly, I only sold one of the small ones (it was that “big money” coming to the show thing mentioned above thing I guess). These are all part slices and all are in some sort of display container. All have a label with them. I did manage to get those in the group photo but I will mention what they are after each item listed below.\
1) Part Slices:
a) .058 grams – 5mm x 3mm x 2mm - $50 – Hupe Collection label
b) .33 grams – 9mm x 8mm x 2mm - $200 – John Bryan Scarbough label
c) .420 grams – 15mm x 6mm x 2mm - $250 – Hupe collection label
d) .66g slice – 14mm x 8mm x 2mm - $395 – Mile High Meteorites label

NWA (6043): Carbonaceous chondrite (CR2) S2, W2. Found 2009. Tkw = 1220 grams.
This is one of the “miscellaneous” things I picked up in Tucson as part of a small collection. I question the “W2” in the classification work as this looks more weathered to me than that. I don’t see any real fresh metal visible. However, I do see lots of iron oxides (magnetite/ hematite) surrounding many/ most of the chondrules so I don’t question the classification itself (I also looked it up in the Meteoritical Bulletin and it certainly does match the pictures presented for this meteorite there). This is a “book-end” piece – an end piece that has been cut in half (the benefit is that it will stand up nicely on its own).
19.5 gram “book end” – 30mm x 23mm x 15mm - $250

NWA (7454): Carbonaceous chondrite. (CV3). Found 2012. Tkw = 6 kilograms.
This was clearly cut/ prepared by the same person who cut/ prepared the specimen above. This is somewhat weathered but that helps in this case. The weathering has made some of the chondrules stained brown/ orange and such and it makes them really stand out nicely. This has lots of CAIs (the things that were the first solids formed in the solar system that contain micro-diamonds) but they are all fairly small (and often wildly irregular shapes). Allende prices have gone insane lately (certainly for many auction results anyway) and this has brought interest and prices up on pretty much all CV3 meteorites to some degree. This piece, if someone where so inclined, could be cut into several more slices and an end piece.
39.2 gram end piece – 40mm x 30mm x 25mm - $400

NWA (8162): HED achondrite (eucrite), monomict breccia. Found 2013. Tkw = 297.4 grams.
Now I know I would have sold this if I had bothered to put it on display in Tucson. I put it on a shelf in a box along with other “new” things I had picked up at the show and kind of forgot about it. This slice shows a fantastic breccia texture. Among the best for a eucrite, kind of looking Lunar like, actually. I had a similar looking slice (of a different brecciated eucrite) that was almost twice the price of this specimen and it sold in less than a day after I put it out for display. Anyway, this is a slice I sold some years ago that has now come back to me (and I am happy to have it). It is a relatively thin (but solid – almost glass like) complete slice through what was likely close to the center of the original stone.
24.4 gram complete slice – 73mm x 58mm x 2mm - $295

NWA (8452): Ordinary chondrite. (H4), S2, W1/2. Found 2014. Tkw = 130.2 grams.
This is a nice complete slice of this quite small recovery. That is not to say there can’t be other pieces of this particular meteorite out there somewhere, just that they did not stick around with this one to get classified with it. I think the only reason this one got reported at all (as its size is so small, classification work so expensive and time consuming) is that the person that sent it in thought that it might be a type 3, and a fairly good one at that. This is quite fresh actually. It shows lots of metal and is only weather stained to a point less than many the Gao stones I have cut open in recent times. I can understand why the person who had the work done thought it might be a “3”. It does have lots of chondrules. This comes in a 80mm x 55mm x 25mm plastic display box and a label.
13.0 gram complete slice – 40mm x 30mm x 5mm - $40

WOODBINE, Illinois: Iron. Fine octahedrite, silicate (IAB). Found 1953. Tkw = 48.2 kilograms.
I picked this up as I remembered having someone ask me to keep an eye out for a piece for them. However, I later remembered that they were looking for a “substantial” (50 to 100g or so) piece of it, not a “micro”. Regardless, I suspect I’ll find that there are lots of people that were looking for a piece like this (sorry, I have only one). This is a nice little part slice that looks to be mostly from a silicate, sulfide rich inclusion. So, no real fresh metal BUT you get a bigger surface area for the weight because of it.
.61gram part slice – 11mm x 8mm x 2mm - $70

Shipping: For small US orders $5 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $5. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still loosing a little even at $5. Larger orders are now $9 to $16 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).

Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $16 (Canada seems to be right around $14). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Blaine Reed Meteorites List# 73 21APR09

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax: (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………LIST 73
April 21, 2009

Dear Collectors,
Looking this over after just finishing typing, I notice that this is all semi- rare to really rare types (except the Etter), so look through this list carefully, there is a lot of interesting things hiding here. My next posting should be a copy of a mailed list I hope to be sending out soon to those of you on my mailing list. The posting of this may be slightly delayed from May 5th (the date I am supposed to put out my next e-mail posting) depending upon when I get the mailed version actually sent out (I try to time things so all of you will get it at roughly the same time). Denver spring show: Part of the delay in getting my mailed list out is from the fact that I will be visiting the Denver Spring show later this week (I will be gone the 23rd through about the 28th - weather determining, and it has been generally quite bad in the mountains lately, creating a lot of driving delays for me). The show is at the Holiday Inn at the intersection of I-25 and I-70 (same place I set up a room at for the September Fall show). This runs Friday through Sunday (April24th through 26th). I do not set up a room at this show, but consign a few items to Anne Black (thank you Anne!) who has a nice booth in the entrance hallway near the front desk. I will have other things with me as well. Be sure to let me know if any of you out there want me to bring any specific items for you (give me a contact phone number so I can figure out when we can meet).

AGOULT, Morocco: (Eucrite), unbrecciated.
Found March 200, tkw = 85g+.
This is my only piece remaining of this stuff that looks pretty much like Ibitira but lacks the gas bubbles. This is a nice slice that has nice crust along 60% or more of its edge. It is thick enough that it could easily be split into 2 or more thinner pieces.
4.8 gram slice - 23mm x 16mm x 4.5mm - $250

ETTER, Texas: (L5). Found 1965. Tkw = 338+kg.
This is a fantastic large display slice of this nice material. This was actually cut from a 180 pound piece I bought from a farmer back in 1993 (Robert Haag owned the end piece this was cut from for many years). It is currently my only piece of Etter and may be the only large complete slice still available out there in dealer's hands. This shows lots of metal (including a couple veins), a few large light green chondrules, plus a really large troilite complex (over 50mm long!) in a dark jade-green matrix.
1674 gram complete slice - 385mm x 215mm x 6mm - $3000

NWA 725: (Winonaite). Found July 4, 2000. Tkw = 3824g+.
This was originally classified as an Acapulcoite. Further work has shown it to be a Winonaite instead. This stuff has some dark chondrules in a light gray matrix (leading one researcher to comment that it should really be called a "W" chondrite as it is not truly an achondrite). This material so closely resembles an H chondrite (complete with lots of fresh metal) that it has caused me a lot of expense and grief having many similar looking things checked (I have a good assortment of nice H-chondrites that will soon be available from these efforts) to be sure they are not more of this rare stuff.
6.68 gram end piece - 24mm x 20mm x 10mm - $350

NWA 736: (H3.7). Tkw = 2766 grams.
I have offered piece of this from time to time over the years. I have very little left now. It is nice material. It shows lots of metal and small chondrules in a mixed light gray and tan matrix.
a) 2.3 gram cut fragment - 19mm x 15mm x 4mm - $10
b) 3.4 gram cut fragment - 20mm x 19mm x 5mm - $14
c) 4.9 gram cut fragment - 30mm x 20mm x 4mm - $20
d) 23.1 gram "slice" (wedged) - 45mm x 25mm x 8mm - $69

NWA 868: (LL6). Tkw = 201grams.
This is a little specimen from a meteorite that we (David Gregory and I) sent in to UCLA years ago. It went in along with the a piece of the now super famous NWA (869) (we were the original people that got some of this looked at and are the source of that number). So here is the last chance (this is the last specimen) to own a piece of the meteorite that was next in line for a number from probably the most famous of all NWAs. 2.8 gram cut fragment - 17mm x 16mm x 6mm - $12

NWA 1906: Rumurutiite (R4), S2, W2. Found 2003. Tkw = 560 grams. One piece of this that must have been nearly as round as a ball-bearing was found (probably really hard to cut as well). This is a complete nearly round slice. It shows many roughly centimeter sized dark chondrule-rich clasts in a dark brown matrix.
28.5 gram complete slice - 63mm x 60mm x 3mm - $450

NWA 1910: Enstatite chondrite (EL6). Found 2002, Tkw = 305 grams.
This is a nice fresh enstatite chondrite. It shows lots of fine grained metal (and the occasional metal vein) in a light gray matrix. It also has a fairly strong sulfur (rotten egg) smell that a good enstatite should have.
a) 1.2 gram part slice - 18mm x 7mm x 3mm - $65
b) 2.3 gram part slice - 18mm x 12mm x 3mm - $100
c) 4.5 gram part slice - 27mm x 17mm x 3mm - $190

NWA 4657: Carbonaceous chondrite (CK4). Tkw = 417grams.
There was one piece of this that Matt and I shared. I sold out of all of my pieces rapidly (this is VERY fresh material, making it quite popular with collectors). I believe that this may be the last piece that Matt had as well. This is a wonderful complete slice from near the center of the original mass (and thus has the largest surface area available).
27.0 gram complete slice - 60mm x 47mm x 4mm - $400

NWA 5028: Carbonaceous chondrite (CR2). Fnd 2007, Tkw = 2445grams.
This is one Matt picked up in Denver a couple years ago. He is keeping the main portion of it and these 2 nice thin pieces are the last specimens available to collectors. These show lots of chondrules in a dark (nearly black) matrix.
a) 7.4 gram part slice - 47mm x 28mm x 1.5mm - $250
b) 15.1 gram part slice - 64mm x 44mm x 1.5mm - $500

NWA 5426: Rumurutiite (R4), polymict breccia. Tkw = 285 grams.
Wow, I wish I had more of this (I do have a similar R chondrite that will be on a future mailed list but it is not quite as nice as this for breccia texture). I had a couple pieces of a likely paired meteorite a year or so ago and they flew out the door even without being fully studied and numbered (and at a price equal to or higher than this). This stuff shows fantastic structure with fragments of all kinds of different colors and textures in a light tan matrix.
a) 23.2 gram end piece - 61mm x 34mm x 5mm - $370
b) 31.4 gram end piece - 52mm x 45mm x 8mm - $500
c) 40.6 gram end piece - 53mm x 43mm x 10mm - $640 - lots of breccia fragments!

NWA 5488: (Lodranite), brecciated. Found 2008. Tkw = 110g.
I had slices of this neat and rare material on my January mailed list and quickly sold out (the fact that is does show a very nice breccia structure sure didn't hurt - some people came back and bought more after receiving their first specimen). Matt Morgan had a couple more pieces set aside that I picked up while visiting him last week (I have been making lots of trips to Denver lately). These are the last specimens available. I may consider breaking one of these up to offer smaller pieces later if they do not sell intact, so let me know if you are looking for a smaller piece.
a) 4.0 gram 1/2 slice - 30mm x 20mm x 2mm - $300
b) 9.7 gram complete slice - 40mm x 32mm x 2.5mm - $700