Showing posts with label List 191. Show all posts
Showing posts with label List 191. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 191 - Allende, Murchison and more

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 191 - Allende, Murchison and more

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 191

May 24, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here are a few carbonaceous chondrite pieces I just received along with yet more pieces I brought home from Tucson.
Some of the “from Tucson” pieces are from a collection of material I picked up from Alan Lang (mostly small things he had set aside from many years ago). Pieces from that lot you will start to see filling out future offerings this summer.

I also need to announce that it seems that I will be doing the Colorado Springs show in a couple weeks. A friend and fellow dealer (who I see mostly at the Creede show in August) ended up being assigned a 10’ X 30’ booth with no way to fill it. I will be brining a couple tables (one 8’ and one 6’ I think) and help fill the space. This show is now located at the Mortgage Solutions Expo Center (it used to be at the Mining Museum north of town. Neat place to have a show, but out of the way and quite hard to find if you didn’t know where you were going). This is at 3650 N. Nevada Ave in Colorado Springs. The days are: Friday June 3rd through Sunday June 5th with hours of 10-5 on Friday and Saturday and 10-4 on Sunday. Anybody that thinks they might come to the show please contact me if there is anything off of any semi recent (past 6 months or even longer perhaps) offerings (mailed and e-mail) or otherwise that you want me to bring (being a relatively small show I don’t automatically bring a lot of inventory).

ALLENDE, Mexico: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3.2). Fell February 8, 1969.
I haven’t had much Allende recently but got two pieces of this just a couple days ago. Both are very fresh. One is an angular fragment that has no crust but shows a lot of chondrules and CAIs. This particular piece is nice and interesting the way it is but it might be a good candidate for cutting into some nice slices. The other sample is also super fresh but is a really nice end piece. The cut side shows lots of chondrules and CAIs. The back side is mostly covered by fresh black crust (probably 85% coverage). It is apparent that this piece was picked up pretty much immediately after the fall. The crust shows some scuff marks from its impact BUT it also shows smeared in plant fibers (so it obviously hit some plants when it fell). These are such that they likely would have easily washed off if this had been out in the weather much.
a) 169.0 gram fragment – 70mm x 50mm x 35mm - $1350
b) 108.5 gram end piece – 80mm x 50mm x 17mm - $1300

DAR AL GANI (449), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Found 1998. Tkw = 184 grams.
This is a cut natural fragment. The cut face shows a nice classic LL6 texture. There are some rounded light gray clasts, smaller chondrules and metal grains in a mottled light tan to brown matrix. The back side is a mix of wind polished fracture surfaces (mostly very old) and fusion crust. The fusion crusted surface makes up 40% or so of the back side. Not a rare item by type but a nice specimen none the less and probably now next to impossible to get for those that want a piece of all the different numbers they can get. This specimen is in a Riker with a Lang Collection label.
14.9 gram cut fragment – 25mm x 20mm x 16mm - $75

MURCHISON, Australia: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell September 28, 1969.
These are all nice little natural fragments. When I received these they had some dirt on them but a quick air blasting cleaned them up such that they look pretty much like they just fell. Each specimen has some fusion crust. The 1.14 gram piece has the most at around 30% coverage. The worst (the smallest) still has a crust patch that is around 10mm x 6mm in size but has a lot of deep flow structure and bubbling.
1) Natural fragments with crust:
a) .78 grams – 12mm x 11mm x 4mm - $110
b) 1.14 grams – 16mm x 10mm x 7mm – 160
c) 1.66 grams – 13mm x 12mm x 9mm - $230
d) 1.87 grams – 15mm x 10mm x 10mm - $260

NWA (865): Ordinary chondrite (L4). Found 2000. Tkw = 263 grams.
The Meteoritical Bulletin report for this find shows that seven pieces total of this meteorite were found. Kind of too bad more weren’t recovered as this is actually very nice. This is a complete stone that is completely covered in thick, heavy fusion crust. This does show some minor amounts of wind-polishing but not much as the crust retains its full fresh crust texture. The shape of this is the classic rounded edges meteorite shape. A great little piece for showing people what a real meteorite should look like. This specimen is in a Riker with a Lang Collection label. I have priced this pretty much the same as Alan had it priced nearly 15 years ago.
39.1 gram complete individual – 40mm x 20mm x 18mm - $80

NWA (1500): Achondrite (Ureilite). Found 2000. Tkw = 3.3 kilograms.
I single nearly complete stone with patches of fusion crust was found. This little part slice shows some of that crust. This little part slice is a ¼ slice and has two cut edges and one long natural edge. The long natural edge clearly shows a rounded meteorite shape and does have a few small patches of actual fusion crust remaining (for some reason, it is pretty rare to see fusion crust on a ureilite). This is a specimen from Alan Lang. It is mounted in a membrane box that is then in a small Riker with a RA Langheinrich Meteorite Collection label.
2.0877 gram part slice – 17mm x 8mm x 5mm - $60

NWA (8362): HED achondrite (howardite). Found 2013. Tkw = 548 grams.
This is an interesting specimen. It is a ½ slice (one cut edge, remaining edges are natural) that shows a lot of rounded clasts of many colors (gray, tan, greenish) and a surprising amount (for a howardite anyway) of metal grains in a light gray matrix. The Meteoritical Bulletin report indicates that this is close to the perfect howardite. Howardites are simply breccia mixes of diogenites and eucrites. To officially be a howardite there must be at least 10% diogenitic material in the mix (not sure of the minimum of eucritic material but I suspect that it is also around 10%). The research report for this particular stone says that it is composed of roughly 50% diogenitic orthopyroxene with the remaibder being eucritic material.
11.0 gram part slice – 47mm x 35mm x 3mm - $150

SEYMCHAN, Russia: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1967.
This is a triangular/ wedge- shaped piece that probably resulted from someone making a sphere (to do that, you start with a cube and then begin cutting edges and corners off until you have a rough, lumpy roundish thing that you put into the sphere grinder). Regardless, this piece is very rich in olivine crystals (some gemmy).
16.2 grams – 40mm x 17mm x 7mm - $80