Showing posts with label NWA unstudied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWA unstudied. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 212

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 212

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                               
                            LIST 212

March 20, 2018

Dear collectors,

Here is the second Rohr collection offering. This, and the next few offerings likely, will generally be the smaller specimens that I picked up from Linton’s collection.

List 212 Offerings (click on image to enlarge)
CANYON DIABLO, Arizona: Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IAB), Found 1891.
Here a couple really nicely shaped wire-brushed individuals. These are likely “rim specimens” – pieces of this meteorite that were likely found near the rim of the crater. It seems that specimens that were close to the blast got heat-treated to some degree (enough to remove any etch structure in most of these pieces, as I embarrassingly found out by trying to etch such a piece in front of a geochemistry class years ago). The plus side is that these pieces have neat thin-edges, sculpted shapes, as these two do. The Smaller specimen here comes with a Linton Rohr collection card. I could not locate the one for the larger (if it ever had one), but this piece has a better shape, in my opinion.
60.4 gram brushed individual – 30mm x 20mm x 20mm - $60
85.7 gram brushed individual – 55mm x 28mm x 15mm - $85

DHOFAR (644), Oman: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Found 2001. Tkw = 704 grams.
The info I found on this says it was found January 26, 2001, so the finder made it a point to keep track of that. This is nothing special, to be honest – a pretty typical example of a moderately plus weathered L chondrite from Oman (there seems to be an overabundance of L chondrites in Oman). There are some metal grains still visible in the central part of the piece, so it is less weathered than some Dhofar pieces I have had. The original stone found was not real big – probably less than fist-sized. As this end piece is over 100 grams I suspect that this could be the main mass if this stone was cut up into slices. Or, it could be that few pieces were removed – making only a few pieces available to collectors and, as such, a tough “name” to add to a collection.
    110.0 gram end piece – 95mm x 25mm x 25mm - $110

NWA (unstudied): Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3).
There was no information with these pieces except that they are CV3 (and they clearly look to be precisely that) and had not been studied. This lot consists of 4 obvious individuals with classic rounded meteorite shapes (though the fusion crust has long since been wind-polished off). The largest piece has a nice fairly large (7mm x 5mm) obvious CAI showing on the exterior. Nice pieces from an obviously larger fall. I don’t recognize these as being likely paired to any of the CV3s I am aware of so these are “unknown” at this point (but ARE obviously CV3).
    Lot of 4 individuals totaling 31.7 grams - $90

NWA (2822): Rumuruttiite (R4). Found 2005. Tkw = 1675 grams.
This is obviously a specimen that Linton got from me some years ago back when I actually had a fair amount of R-chondrite stuff available (it is kind of hard to come by these days). This part slice still has my small weight and name sticker on it and the information card I originally sent with it. This piece has one fusion crusted edge (about 1/3 of the edge) with the two other sides (this is triangular shaped) being fractured surfaces. This was one of my more favorite R-chondrites. It has lots of gray and brown chondrules in a mottled light brown (more orange actually) matrix.
    8.1 gram part slice – 35mm x 25mm x 3mm - $100

NWA (5793): Ordinary chondrite (LL3.8). Found 2009. Tkw = 3.5 kilograms.
I highly suspect that this is paired to my NWA (6135) material  (also classified as an LL3.8). This has the same look – lots of chondrules of many colors and sizes in a mottled light to medium brown matrix. This also seems to have the “exotic” clasts that some pieces of mine have (I have a few larger such pieces set aside if anyone is interested). In this particular piece there is an elongate (but fairly small – about 5mm x 2mm) green clast that looks very much like diogenite material type clasts that some of my larger pieces clearly show (as larger inclusions). This particular specimen is a complete slice of a fragment and was picked up by Linton from Geoff Notkin some years ago (for $89 if the price tag on the label is correct). It comes in a 2” x 2” plastic box and has the Aerolite Meteorites card with it. 
    8.9 gram slice – 30mm x 30mm x 4mm - $55

NWA (6704): Ungrouped achondrite. Found 2011. Tkw = 8387 grams.
I can see how this was classified as “ungrouped”. It is indeed a bit different looking. It is a mix of fairly bright green crystals (the bulk of the material) with brown to almost black crystals making up the rest. My first guess would have been a weird type of diogenite based on just visually looking at this. Real research work, obviously, showed that this was not the case. I have two pieces. One is a slice and shows a couple small pieces of metal on the polished side that is showing (both of these are in a 1 ½” x 1 ½” gemstone style display box). The other, larger piece is a natural fragment. Strange stuff.
2.23 grams slice – 25mm x 15mm x 2mm - $80
2.86 gram fragment – 19mm x 13mm x 6mm - $85

WHETSTONE MOUNTAINS, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Fell June 23, 2009. Tkw = 2.14 kilograms.
I had a larger piece of this but, not surprisingly, sold it in Tucson (to, not surprisingly, an Arizona collector). This little piece got over looked as it was kind of lost in a bin full of specimens of all kinds, or it probably would have sold as well. Unfortunately, this is a really small piece. However, it is still obviously a piece of a fresh fall. It has a nice edge (its longest edge, thankfully) of fusion crust with the interior being a very light gray color. Not a big specimen, but a good way to add a really hard to get name to your micro-collection.
    3.5mm x 2mm x 1mm crusted fragment in membrane box - $40