Showing posts with label CAMEL DONGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAMEL DONGA. Show all posts

Friday 4 January 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 220

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                                
                            LIST 220

October 30, 2018

Dear collectors,

It has been awhile since I posted a list. I seem to have been living in a full speed run since the Denver show. That run yet continues. I would normally send out this offering on November 6th – the first Tuesday of the month (I may end up switching to the first and third Mondays of the month for these offerings sometime soon as the schedule conflict that had me tied up Mondays has long since gone away) but then I realized that I’ll be leaving the next day for my Socorro trip.

Notes on Socorro, Mew Mexico Mineral Symposium:

As mentioned above, I leave November 7th and should be back home November 14th (This assumes good weather. As I have to go over some of the toughest passes – Red Mountain, etc. I could end up leaving a day earlier or getting back home a day later if bad weather sets in). Assuming no disasters (I have had a lot of problems with motels simply loosing my reservations this year) I will, as usual, be set up at the Comfort Inn on the north end of town (on the frontage road on the west side of the interstate). I am supposed to be on the bottom floor, last room on the left at the west end of the hallway. We have had problems with some government agency in the area wanting all of the ground floor rooms at the same time for themselves and occasionally some of us dealers get routed to other floors. I’ll try to hang a couple signs in the lobby and such if this ends up happening to me. I should be set up and open by mid day Friday the 9th. I will be gone from around 5pm to around 6pm or so that evening for a “Friends of the Museum” event at the mineral museum about a mile away. I’ll likely be open until around 11pm or midnight after getting back. On Saturday, I should be open around 5pm until 11pm or so again. If you do want to visit the show and need to see me some other time you can try calling ( cell (970) 417-8783 – this ONLY works while I am traveling at shows so DON’T put this number in any files as a regular contact number) and I’ll see if we can schedule something that will work for you.

ALLENDE, Mexico: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3). Fell February 8, 1969.
I got this piece as part of a collection and kind of misplaced it for a bit (this would have certainly sold in Denver had I brought it). This was a later recovery specimen as it had some dirt adhering to it. I soda-blasted it and most of this has now been removed. This piece now looks quite nice. Lots of nice black crust – much fuller coverage, less and smaller chipping than most Allende specimens.
    36.3 grams complete individual – 40mm x 25mm x 20mm - $400

BRENHAM, Kansas: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 1881.
Here is a bag of specimens that I got with Linton Rohr’s collection. It contains crystals, fragments and slices. This stuff is rusty but still shows lots of metal on most pieces. I think Linton had planned on cleaning these up, coating them and then selling them. I kind of thought of that myself (I don’t think it would take too much effort to make the bulk of this material look nice for resale), but just haven’t had the time. Most of the slices are in the 2 to 3cm size range, so they’d make nice specimens when fixed up.
    82.2 grams crystals, fragments, slices in bag - $40

CAMEL DONGA, Australia. HED achondrite (eucrite). Found 1984.
Not sure where I got this piece, just found it hiding with my “new” stuff for offerings material recently. I remember when this meteorite first came out. The pieces were all pitch black covered in super shiny crust. It is not known when this fell, but it could not have been too long before its discovery. This eucrite is strange in that it has a fairly high content of fresh iron (some iron nodules being large enough to, sometimes, make it difficult to split some of these in half). This iron also seems to have made pieces of this meteorite weather fairly rapidly out in nature. Pieces that came out only a few years later had already lost much of the glassy luster of the crust and had substantial amounts of adhering dirt and rust. I can tell that this piece is not one of the earliest pieces recovered but it likely not recovered terribly long after. This does have some (very minor) adhering dirt (mostly down in the contraction cracks In the fusion crust) and there are a few small areas that have lost a bit of the original luster but, overall, it is quite fresh compared to most pieces I have seen available of this meteorite in recent years.
    13.5 gram complete individual – 32mm x 22mm x 10mm - $250

CHINGA, Russia: Iron. Ni-rich ataxite, ungrouped. Found 1913.
This is a piece I sold to a collector out east many years ago. When I go it back I kind of had to say “wow”! This thing looks really, really nice for this meteorite. It has the flattish disk/ lensoidal shape typical for pieces of this meteorite but this has a wonderful solid patina to it. This does not show any of the scaling, flaking that is typical for pieces of this meteorite. This has a really nice chocolate brown, hard somewhat shiny patina covering its surface. No evidence of rust scaling at all. I also know that this has not been cleaned recently to hide any earlier scaling as it still has my original name and weight sticker on it. So, this one is a nice, apparently very stable piece of a rare type meteorite.
    881.9 gram complete, solid individual – 115mm x 70mm x 30mm - $450

MONTURAQUI, Chile, Impact Glass.
Here are a few more pieces of the Monturaqui impact glass that I offered (and quickly sold out of) on a list around a year or so ago. I managed to trade a few more pieces out of the guy that recovered this himself on a trip to the crater back in September of 2014. This is NOT the usual, commonly available “impactities” from this crater (I have some of those for $1/g if anybody wants some). This is actually a light pinkish gray glass that was likely formed from the melting of rhyolite lavas in the area of the crater during impact. It does have some vesicles and rock fragments but far, far less than the black glass cemented fragments of the impactites. I was told that only a few tens of grams of this material was found after intensive searching, so it is likely quite rare. Note: The last piece (on the right) in the group photo of this offering is NOT the 9.5g piece (this one measures 35mm x 25mm x 10mm) but a 2.0 gram piece that was originally supposed to be offered. The 9.5 gram piece now on the list was on hold for a customer who called a few minutes ago (well after the photo had been taken and uploaded) to pass on it (too much $ for them at the moment they decided) and took the 2.0g (the next largest piece I had) instead.
    Fragments as found - $15/g. Sizes available: .73g, .90g, 1.0g, 1.7g, 9.5g

NUEVO MERCURIO, Mexico: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Fell December 15, 1978. Tkw = 200kg.
Here is a specimen that I thought was really two separate partly crusted stones. Well, they are indeed that BUT they also fit together to form one larger stone. Even put together, this still looks like a partly crusted stone as there is one large face that looks to be a fresh break (in addition to chipping of the crust on the back side – quite common on pieces of this meteorite for some reason – probably a tight fall group resulting in lots of collisions between falling pieces or smashing into and rolling around on a hard, rocky surface maybe). However, close inspection of this large fracture surface reveals the presence of very light secondary crust (only a few tiny dots of black crust perched on high points on some areas) so this is actually a very late atmospheric break (however, the break that made this into two pieces is clearly a ground impact break). This comes with an Aerolite (Geoff Notkin) label that notes that this specimen was from the King collection.
    127.6 gram broken individual – 65mm x 25mm x 25mm - $1250

TATAHOUINE, Tunisia: HED achondrite (Diogenite). Fell June 27, 1931. Tkw = 13.5kg +
I have always considered this to be one of the weirdest looking meteorites. It is composed of large, blocky green crystals that have dark shock bands going through it. Years ago, I think this was the ONLY known unbrecciated diogenite. I am not sure if this is still the case, but I would not be surprised if it is as I certainly have not seen anything new similar come out. Anyway, most of this material was in the form of small gravel-sized pieces from sub-gram to a few grams in size maybe (I have a pretty good stash of those things myself). However, I recall when some “large” pieces of this came out and all the excitement that brought about. Usually, meteorites (unlike gold nuggets) get cheaper per gram as their size goes up. Nope, not this time. These large pieces were commanding huge premiums – I think around $100/g (when the small pieces were lucky to bring $15 or $20/g) was pretty common. Well, the person I got this piece from did indeed pay around $100/g for it. He got it from Robert Haag. No invoice or card came with it but it does have the original bag it came in with Robert’s very recognizable (to me anyway) hand writing saying “Tatahouine Diogenite 12g” on it (I have added the correct weight of 11.9g). Neat piece, neat meteorite and quite rare in this size.
    11.9 gram large fragment as found – 25mm x 19mm x 10mm - $500

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 216--Rohr collection part 5

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 216-- Rohr collection part 5

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 216

June 12, 2018

Dear collectors,

Here is the fifth Rohr collection offering. This was supposed to go out last week, but I needed to go to Denver Wednesday and figured it best not to send out a list and have only one day to be here to respond/ pack orders (though I got delayed and actually ended up leaving Thursday). Any offerings I send out the next month or so may end up being on an abnormal schedule (I originally planned to have lists, assuming I had something to offer, go out the first and third Tuesday of each month so folks would have some idea when to look for them). Linda’s mom (my mother in law) went into assisted living last Tuesday. It seems that as I know how to clean up/ out a house full of stuff (had to do this for my mom, aunt and uncle) the bulk of the cleanup work is on my shoulders. So, I will be going to Denver off and on the next month or so going through the process of cleanup, hauling trash, setting up and running estate sales in hopes to get the house on the market as soon as possible. This is a difficult, tedious and sometimes very dirty (as was the case this past weekend when I cleaned out the back patio, garage and storage sheds) job, but I have been in this rodeo a number of times before and know how to handle it. I have no set schedule for all of this but will try to leave an answering machine message for those of you that call letting you know when I am gone and when I expect to back. As far as e-mail is concerned – Nope, I won’t have any while on the road doing this job, unfortunately. Not only will I not have the time (I am averaging 12 to 14 hour work days in this job), the phone and associated internet service has already been shut off at the house (already transferred to Linda’s mom’s new place).

CAMEL DONGA, Australia: HED achondrite (Eucrite). Found January 1984. Tkw = about 30 kilograms.
I remember when pieces of this first came out. Wow – they had really fresh and super shiny black crust. This is a “find” so we don’t know when it fell but I’d guess that it was very, very close to when it was found. I say this because the pieces of this meteorite that came to market quickly started showing weathering (this meteorite does have sometimes large nodules of fresh iron in it). Specimens that were coming out just a year or two after its first recover were already showing a little bit of yellow dirt staining and loss of shiny areas of the crust. A few more years down the road and some piece were looking pretty bad. This piece is not one that was part of the first recoveries, but it is close. This does have some very minor dirt staining and a couple small areas where the crust has dulled a bit, but not much. Overall, this is still a very nice little shiny crusted complete eucrite specimen. This also comes with an IMPACTIKA label (that had this priced at $175 and then lowered to $150).
5.06 gram complete crusted individual – 18mm x 15mm x 8mm - $100

CANYAO DIABLO, Arizona: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1891.
Here is another (the last, actually) of the really neat thin/ sculpted Canyon Diablo pieces Linton had. I am not uncertain that this was the thinnest (overall) of all the specimens. A neat piece that really looks like it was formed by someone playing with clay. This has been wire-brushed but probably could use a light touch-up (I have left it as I got it). This comes with a Linton Rohr Collection label.
69.2 gram thin/sculpted individual – 55mm x 40mm x 10mm - $70

DHOFAR (373), Oman: Ordinary chondrite (H6). Found October 8, 2000. Tkw = 383 grams.
This is an end that, though highly wind-polished, has a nice, rounded shape to the back-side (so this is NOT a broken fragment). The interior is the usual Oman meteorite find mottled medium to dark brown interior but it does still show a moderate amount of fresh metal flakes scattered throughout (less common for these Dhofar things). Most of the weathered Dhofar stones I have had over the years are L5 or L6 things, this is distinctly different as it is an H6. The best part about this stone is that it represents a bit more than 1/3rd of the whole piece that was classified under this number. I am not going to say that there aren’t other pieces that would pair to this, but at least this stone was obviously an individual and not just a fragment of a larger piece that had different Dhofar numbers assigned to it (though I really have not noticed this problem as much with the Oman stuff as with the “Sahara” and NWA material). A decent little display piece and possibly the “Main Mass” if much of any of the rest of the stone was cut into slices. This comes with a “Sergey Vasiliev Meteorites” label.
135.6 grams end piece – 57mm x 38mm x 22mm - $185

NWA (1664): HED achondrite (Howardite). Found 2002. Tkw = 6310 grams.
Now this is a fresh howardite! This has lots of different colored (mostly small – a few mm or so) fragments (white, gray, black, tan and even some nice bright green glassy spots) in a very light gray matrix. This has two labels with it. One is a “the Lintonius Collection” and another (likely the original one that Linton got with the specimen) that touts this meteorite to be “Unique” having KREEP and chondrule like glasses up to 1cm. This piece is a roughly square thin slice (so no natural edge that would have likely been coated with fresh black crust) in a 2” x 2” plastic display box.
4.5 gram slice – 29mm x 27mm x 2mm - $70

NWA (7045): Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 2011.
Well, the Big Kahuna label that comes with this piece has it as “NWA x (unclassified)” but I fully recognize this material. I had a fair amount of it (and likely still have a small bag of it in storage somewhere) a few years ago. This was the NWA pallasite that had somehow (like Huckitta, Australia) managed to have all of its metal converted to magnetite and hematite without completely blowing itself apart. So, like Huckitta, this nice little end piece shows a number of nice (quite large) olivine crystals in a dark blue-gray matrix of magnetite and hematite. As mentioned above, the Big Kahuna label has this “unclassified” so I am putting in one of my NWA (7045) labels to go with this.
13.2 gram end piece – 35mm x 20mm x 8mm - $40

SIKHOTE-ALIN, Russia: Coarsest octahedrite (IIAB). Fell February 12, 1947.
This is a fusion crusted individual that has been cleaned. It has not been super harshly cleaned – as some of the material I have seen available lately for “bargain” ($2.50/g and under) pieces of this stuff. This piece still has a fair amount of actual fusion crust patches on 2/3rds of its surface (one side seems to be missing this). Anyway, a good but not great individual (and priced accordingly).
64.6 gram thumb-printed individual – 30mm x 27mm x 20mm - $145

WILLAMETTE, Oregon: Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1902. Tkw = 14,100kg.
This, unfortunately, is not the real iron portion of this meteorite but 4 small pieces of the exterior shale. Years ago, I used to get pieces of this from time to time, but have not seen any available in a long time. This “specimen” consists of four roughly equal sized pieces (around 1cm each). No label came with these (they look completely proper to me) – they were just in a clear bag with “Willamette, 2g, #220681” written with a black sharpie on it.
2.2 grams – 4 pieces - $30

Saturday 13 April 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale -List 136 David New labeled material

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale -List 136 David New labeled material

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 136

April 13, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here is a neat small collection of David New labeled material I picked up in Phoenix recently. All of these are nice specimens and come with a corresponding David New label. These are not in alphabetical or type order, just in order that they were in the plastic storage/ tackle box that they came in.

I know, this was supposed to go out Tuesday (the 16th) But I am, yet again, leaving town (I have been gone something like 7 weeks this year so far). I am going up to the Denver Spring Show next weekend. I will be leaving Thursday morning so waiting until Tuesday to send this out would have only left 2 days to take, pack and ship orders (on top of trying to prepare and pack for the trip). I don't set up at this show. It is the only one where I am not stuck permanently in a room. I get to wander around and visit/ work deals with the dealers that are set up. However, I will have a "sleeping room" at the hotel. So, if there is anybody out there that will be attending the show and wants me to bring anything in particular to see, please let me know so I can get it packed for the trip. I should get back home from this trip on Tuesday the 23rd.

MILLBILLILLIE, Australia: Achondroite (eucrite).
Here is another piece but this is a nice complete slice that has nice natural (uncleaned) crust completely around its edge. The interior is the bright salt and pepper texture of much of this material but does have a couple zones (one vein like) that are really fine grained.
14.4 gram complete slice – 37mm x 33mm x 5mm - $250

CAMEL DONGA, Australia: Achondrite (eucrite). Found 1984. Tkw = 30+ kilograms.
This is a complete individual. It is a later recovery as the crust is complete but no longer fully shiny but closer to 50% shiny and somewhat brown in areas. Early found pieces of this meteorite (in the late 80's) were often really nice with black shiny crust. This eucrite was unusual in that it has a high amount of native iron in it. It is probably this that caused this material to weather so rapidly (and does indicate that, as we suspected at the time, this fell very shortly before it was first "found").
14.7 gram individual – 28mm x 20mm x 17mm - $350

TENHAM, Australia: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell Spring 1879.
Not sure whether to call this a slice or an end piece. It was obviously cut off of a naturally broken end of a stone but there is a little bit of sanding flat spots on that natural broken surface. Regardless, this is a nice specimen and has complete fusion crust around its edge.
13.0 gram complete "slice" – 33mm x 25mm x 5mm - $100

HOLBROOK, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL 6). Fell July 19, 1912.
The label on this has one minor error – it lists the fall year as 1915 (a "mint error" perhaps?). Any way this is a part slice that has two cut edges and the remainder is fusion crusted (about 50% of the edge is crusted). This has a little bit of wetahering to it, so it was not a real early recovery but nice none the less. It does have an interesting 4mm troilite nodule on the polished side. Wasn't sure how to price this one. More recent find individuals and fragments have generally been offered to me around $20 to $30/ gram.
14.4 gram part slice – 37mm x 28mm x 5mm - $400

HENBURY, Australia: Iron. Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1931.
This is a nice shaped little individual that has been wire brushed (rare for Henbury actually). It has a long sculpted shape resembling many of the Canyon Diablo rim specimens I have seen but still has some red dirt in a deeper spot clearly showing that this nice piece is indeed a Henbury.
38.2 gram elongate brushed individual – 65mm x 20mm x 10mm - $100

MOLDAVITE: Besednice locality.
It has been a long time since I have had a Besednice moldavite. This locality is famous for the deeply etched frilly shaped specimens found there. No other locality really quite matches the sculpting/ delicate shapes of the Besednice pieces. This is a nice complete specimen that is thin so it does not have as deep o etching as some I've seen (but it clearly shows beautiful green coloration even in a box). However, it does have a fairly delicate frilly edge.
2.5 gram complete specimen – 38mm x 15mm x 5mm - $75

WILUNA, Australia: Ordinary chondrite. (H5). Fell September 2, 1967. Tkw = 150+ kilograms.
This is basically a complete slice of a fragment that was found some time after the fall. It has brown fusion crust along 50% of the edge (remainder being natural break). The interior still shows lots of metal and chondrules in a mixed tan and brown matrix.
18.7 gram complete slice – 55mm x 25mm x 5mm - $150

ESQUEL, Argentina: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found before 1951. Tkw = 750 kilograms.
This is a fairly thick rectangular slice that I strongly suspect David got from Alan Lang as one side is unpolished. Some 25 years ago some of us dealers got some 5kg blocks of Esquel and this was how Alan prepared his pieces early on (we had little time to get things ready for the Tucson show, I barely got my pieces done in time). Regardless, this piece shows really pretty gemmy mostly green olivines. This could be cut into several thinner pieces, but then the matching New label would no longer match.
20.5 gram rectangular slice – 30mm x 20mm x 7mm - $500

GIBEON, Namibia: Iron. Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1836.
This is a thick rectangular piece that has one natural edge. This is obviously a fairly old piece as the coating has yellowed quite a bit but has done a great job of keeping the piece rust free. One face is etched and shows a nice texture.
44.2 gram part slice – 30mm x 20mm x 9mm - $90

Thursday 4 April 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 135 - an after Phoenix offering 04APR2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 135 - an after Phoenix offering 04APR2013

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 135
April 4, 2013
Dear Collectors,

This was supposed to go out a couple days ago. Unfortunately, a couple days ago I was still in Phoenix. I was gone for nearly two weeks on this trip. I was helping my uncle, who we visit on the way to and from Tucson, finally de-clutter and unload a bunch of stuff (he was not one of those "Hoarders Buried Alive" stars but certainly would have earned an honorable mention). We (Blake, my uncle and I) were successful beyond our wildest dreams. We filled a 40 yard dumpster with obvious garbage (including pretty much the entire house of carpet and pad that had been soiled by his dogs and those of the previous house's owner). We also had a huge yard sale that filled the driveway, back porch and much of the back yard. At the end of the sale we had only a couple small carloads of stuff that ended up being donated. Anyway, huge amount of work but in the end hugely successful but had me finally getting home late last night.

BRENHAM, Kansas: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1882.
Here is a beautiful "little" complete slice that has been cut very thin so it passes light through probably 2/3 of the crystals. Though some are a bit dark close to ½ of the crystals in this thing pass light quite brightly. This is probably the last slice from a 351lb piece that was found in 2006. I was told that this was found on a hill side so it did not spend its life soaking in a bunch of ground water. Also, this meteorite was cut using nothing but alcohol (no water based coolants which can leave water behind the crystals to cause a rusting problem later). I have a large slice (2265g – most of the complete slices were more than a couple kilos in size) from this same meteorite, cut the same way. I have had it without any special storage for 2 ½ years now and it looks fine (MAYBE a couple tiny spots of rust if you look really carefully). So, this particular Brenham (cut the same anyway) I trust as being stable.
456.1 gram complete slice – 360mm x 150mm x 2mm - $1600

CAMEL DONGA, Australia: Achondrite (eucrite). Found 1984. Tkw = 30+ kilograms.
This is actually a fairly fresh individual. There are signs of weathering but certainly not to the extent of many I have seen coming out lately. The crust shows a little bit of yellowish or brown tinges in few areas but shows a lot of shininess and flow lines. There is one chipped area (about 10mm x 8mm) showing the light colored interior but this stone is otherwise complete.
13.7 gram individual – 27mm x 21mm x 18mm - $275

DEAKIN (001), Australia: Ordinary chondrite (ungrouped type 3). Found 1978. Tkw = 109.5 grams.
I am at a bit of a loss how to price this one. It might be really interesting and "valuable" to a certain collector out there, but as a somewhat weathered (not horribly though, it still shows plenty of metal) find it might not be of much interest. Not sure how this got out as all of the "total known" material is listed as being in museums (according to the Catalog of Meteorites anyway). I know the previous owner who likely did a museum trade to get it when he was buying up as many odd/ rare meteorites he could get back in the late 1990s. The catalog also mentions that this has affinities to the LL group but the magnetic attraction and small chondrule size (looking much like H type or even smaller) makes me think that this does deserve the "ungrouped" classification. This piece looks like it has weathered crust covering about 40% of the natural exterior. Interesting piece(?)
6.84 gram cut fragment – 20mm x 10mm x 12mm - $240

FOREST (002), Australia: Found 1980. Tkw = 26 kilograms.
This specimen is labeled as I remember it when it first came out (Robert Haag was selling it) – Forest (b). A bunch of different meteorites started showing up from the area so everything was switched to numbers. This was probably a good idea. My Meteorites A to Z shows something like 37 different Forest area meteorites at the time of publication (there may be more now). Definitely would have run out of alphabet there. Anyway, this is nice little cut individual that shows nice brown crust on a 22mm x 20mm area of the natural exterior. The cut and polished face on this is roughly 22mm x 12mm.
10.0 gram cut individual – 25mm x 20mm x 9mm - $40

FORESTBURG (a), Texas: Ordinary chondrite (L4). Found 1957. Tkw = 26.6 kilograms.
Here are a couple pieces I got from the TCU/ Monig collection just before the Tucson Show. Both of these have a TCU, Monig Collection label. One piece is a fairly large (for this stuff) slice that has one cut edge about 45mm long (the remainder is natural with a couple areas showing some weathered crust). The other piece is a large chunk that has two cut faces that make it a bookend (and it is almost large enough for that job). This could easily be cut into more slices or left as is. One of the polished faces on this piece shows a couple interesting large (up to 10mm x 7mm) troilite inclusions.
a) 58.2 gram slice – 73mm x 70mm x 4mm - $115
b) 435.2 gram bookend cut fragment – 70mm x 66mm x 45mm - $600

HOLBROOK, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL6). Fell July 19, 1912. Tkw = 400+ kilograms.
This is a nice complete individual. It does have an area (about 13mm x 12mm) that looks chipped but careful inspection with a loupe shows definite fusion crust on the high points of this "chip", so it is really an area of very light secondary crust. The remainder of the stone is covered nice black primary crust. This is a bit after the fall recovery as there is some adhering dirt (I have not attempted to clean this). A nice not so little piece for this fall.
13.0 gram complete individual – 30mm x 18mm x 13mm - $325

JUANCHENGE, China: ordinary chondrite. (H5). Fell February 15, 1997. Tkw = 99+ kilograms.
This is a really nice fresh complete stone that has only a couple small (5mm x 3mm) edge chips. The crust is dark slate gray to black, though there is an area that has a purplish tinge to it (like that found on some Allende). This, amazingly for this fall, shows some flow lines. The shape of the stone, the flow lines and a hint of a roll-over rim shows that this stone was oriented for at least part of its fall.
30.7 gram complete individual – 40mm x 22mm x 20mm - $185