Showing posts with label Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Show all posts

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 207 July 11, 2017

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 207

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
……………………………………………………LIST 207

July 11, 2017

Dear collectors,

Here is the fourth and final offering pulled together from a batch of material I recently got from a collector who has decided to trim his collection a bit. This is also likely to be my last offering for awhile this summer. My schedule has me out of town 3 to 4 days each week pretty much now until late August (Please be patient as internet connections and replies to requests may take a few days.). So, if I do come up with a few new things to offer, it will likely be towards the end of August.

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale List 207
(click on image to enlarge)

GAO, Burkina Faso: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Fell March 5, 1960.
These are all basically complete individuals, though each (except the smallest) has a broken surface or area of very light secondary crust (I’ll list the sizes of those areas on each below). These are definitely pieces that were picked up sometime after the fall as they all show some areas of orange/brown rust staining (but are mostly black crust otherwise). These all have nice shapes. Nothing exceptional but, perhaps, a better than most I’ve had.
1) Complete individuals as found:
a) 5.5 grams – 17mm x 15mm x 12mm - $10
b) 23.1 grams – 30mm x 22mm x 19mm - $35 (11mm x 15mm broken area).
c) 26.4 grams – 30mm x 20mm x 20mm - $40 (11mm x 10mm broken area).
d) 65.0 grams – 35mm x 30mm x 28mm - $95 (20mm x 5mm broken area)

IMPACTITE, Henbury Craters, Australia.
Now this (unlike the Henbury glass I offered on the last list) IS the typical impactite material I have had from this location in the past (though I have not had pieces very often). This is a foamy, vesicular rock that has a mix of orangish brown to nearly black areas. I considered cutting this in half (kind of neat to see little blebs of iron meteorite in impactites this way) but the highly vesicular nature made me think again. I remember the problems I had with crumbling when I tried to cut some of the pieces of this stuff I had in the past.
9.7gram fragment/ individual as found – 30mm x 25mm x 20mm - $15

INDOCHINITE: Tektite from Thailand.
Here are a few examples of what was definitely THE most commonly available tektite when I started business. These days though Indochinites are not all that common. Chinese tektites are what you see boxes and buckets of now and you find only a few Indochinites here and there. All of these show the typical Indochinite surface features: surface pitting and grooving that is generally far larger and far shallower than Chinese tektites. The two small pieces here are pretty typical shapes. The big one is really quite large for an Indochinite (I have had very few over 100g in all my years) and a neat long tongue-like shape. This one has some surface chipping (the photo was taken with this side facing up, so with careful inspection this should be visible) but is a really cool specimen none the less.
a) 50.5 gram slightly flattened round specimen –40mm x 40mm x 20mm - $10
b) 50.5 gram thin oval specimen – 57mm x 45mm x 12mm - $10
c) 154.9 gram tongue-shaped specimen – 115mm x 40mm x 20mm - $45

This is actually a really nice piece. It is roughly triangular shaped, has no fresh/ recent broken edges or chips to speak of (investigating with a magnifying glass might reveal some micro chipping I suppose). This also has nice detailed etching covering all surfaces. This is not “Museum grade” (think Besidnice locality pieces here) but better than what I usually have.
7.8 gram nice natural individual – 33mm x 25mm x 6mm - $50

NWA (787): (L6).
I can’t find any records on this one. This is a bookend cut piece that has “NWA 787” written in black sharpie on one of the cut faces. It comes in a bag that has a sticker saying “NWA 787, L6, 46 grams” and then “1160649604 (UCLA?)” written in ink on the bag. This is quite fresh. The interior is mostly light to medium gray (and shows lots of metal) with some minor hints of light brown rust staining. The exterior has thick black crust that shows some light wind polishing. This is a nice meteorite. Too bad it (apparently) never got fully reported.
18.6 gram ½ end piece/ bookend cut – 32mm x 18mm x 16mm - $15

NWA (unstudied): Carbonaceous chondrite (likely CK).
This is a piece that I actually found rattling around my office, not part of the stuff I got from Canada (I actually have no idea how/ why I have it, honestly). I know it is from one of my usual sources as it has his cataloging numbers on it. We (he and I) tried to look it up in his database but did not find anything. Regardless, this is a fairly nice little cut fragment. The interior shows very few dark gray to nearly black chondrules in greenish gray matrix (this is likely a CK5). The backside is all older natural fracture surfaces with black chondrules poking out. A great specimen for someone that wants to own a fairly fresh cheap example of a CK.
9.1 gram cut fragment – 28mm x 25mm x 9mm - $55

ODESSA, Texas: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1923.
Not quite sure what to make of this one. My first impression (just looking at it) is that It looks like it might be largely oxide /shale, but its weight and strong magnetic attraction says that it is pretty much all iron. Its shape is also a bit different. It has a distinctly rounded edges shape unlike most Odessas I have seen this size. It has some cracking but seems quite solid. As it has been in a humid area for years and shows no visible damage from it, I am pretty certain that this is a stable piece. Odessas (of any variety) are hard to come by these days.
58.8 gram mostly iron individual as found – 34mm x 30mm x 27mm - $75

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 132 15JAN2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 132 15JAN2013

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                                           
………………………………………………………..LIST 132
 January 15, 2013

Dear Collectors,
                Happy New Year!  Here is the E_ mail version of my mailed list that is just now getting into the hands of those I sent them to.

Show info: I will be gone from home from about January 29th until about February 19th.  I will be at my usual show location: Ramada Limited, room 134. This is at St Marys and the interstate (next to Denny's) - just 1/4 mile or so due West of Inn Suites (Now called Hotel Tucson City Center - where many of the other meteorite dealers are). My room is about mid-way down the length of the motel (right next to the walk through actually) on the west- side of the building (on the parking lot side - and there is often parking available right in front of my room). I should be open the afternoon of February 2nd through the afternoon of February 14th  (NOTE: the show officially runs through Feb 16th but I may leave a couple days early. PLEASE let me know if you plan on visiting later than that so I can be sure to stick around). I will be open every day in between - generally from 10AM until  - ? (usually at least 7pm if I am going out to eat and often until 10pm or so other nights).

DEPORT, Texas: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1926. Tkw = over 15kilograms.
Here are a few (and only a few) of the special pieces of this meteorite that were written about in a recent Meteorite magazine (August 2012 issue). These pieces belonged to Oscar Monig and are among the very first meteorites he acquired. It has become apparent that Monig labeled these in the early tradition of Nininger where the number represented the meteorite locality (in order of acquisition into the collection) and the letters giving the order of the specimens as they were acquired (A being the first, B the second and so on). These fantastic pieces were the discovery pieces that showed Monig had done this numbering/ cataloging system in his early days. These all have a number 1 (thus his first cataloged meteorite locality) and then letter(s) metal stamped into them on a flat ground off spot. These were sold to me as Odessas a few years ago, but this discovery (and working with Dr. Ehlmann at TCU who discovered their “Monig’s first meteorite” is a Deport specimen that has a punched label of 1B on it) clearly showed that these were really Deports. I had very few of these special labeled specimens and even less now (3 total remaining) of these historic specimens. These are all rusty brown (natural) and have nice sculpted shape.
1) Natural specimens with Monig metal punched catalog number:
a) 80.0grams (1L) - 40mm x 35mm x 15mm - $450
b) 184.7 grams (1F) - 52mm x 40mm x 20mm - $950 – particularly nice sculpting.
c) 261.3 grams (1V) - 70mm x 37mm x 70mm - $1300

NWA (7196): Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Found before January 2012. Tkw = 384.6 grams.
Here is a bit of an interesting item. I got this from Matt Morgan who picked it up in Tucson last year. He cut it into nice thin slices to sell but then ended up trading the lot to me. We both were very certain that this was either an LL3 or LL4 as it seems to show a lot of chondrules. Research work says it is a completely unexpected LL6! I had it looked at twice to be certain. Sure enough, it has very tight Fa and Fs numbers on the olivine and pyroxene so it is indeed highly equilibrated. Looking closely at a slice of this you can see that many of the “chondrules” may really be more of rounded breccia clasts (there are indeed larger cm sized light gray clasts with rounded edges visible in this material). All but the smallest size listed are complete slices.
1)       Slices (most are complete slices):
a) 4.0 grams - 20mm x 20mm x 3mm - $20
b) 7.0 grams - 40mm x 25mm x 2mm - $35 – complete slice.
c) 10.7 grams - 55mm x 26mm x 2mm - $50 – complete slice.
d) 16.9 grams - 65mm x 32mm x 3mm - $78 – complete slice.

NWA (7336): Ordinary chondrite (L6), S3, W3. Found before February 2012. Tkw = 18 kilograms.
I got a sack of chondrite last Tucson that contained one large fragment and a bunch of small pieces. Some of these pieces fit together and what little cutting I have done on a few of the small pieces showed it was the same material. I had the big piece professionally cut and polished and am offering one part of it here (I may keep the other for a nice moderately weathered L display piece). I will be offering small cut pieces of this material in the future once it warms up enough to actually do some cutting (has been lows of -10°F and highs in the teens to low 20s the past month). Anyway, this is a nice display specimen that stands up vertically on its own. It shows lots of somewhat oxidized metal (more gray metallic than fully shiny) in a mottled tan and brown matrix. I wanted to offer this now as I will take it to Tucson and (reasonably likely) sell it there.
                4913 gram end piece/ cut fragment – 240mm x 200mm x 60mm - $2000

TULIA (A), Texas: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 1917. Tkw = 78+ kilograms.
Like the Deports above, these have an early Monig cataloging number on them. In this case these are white paint on a black background. These are all #12 so Tulia was Monig’s 12th meteorite locality cataloged into his collection. Each has further letters representing the order in which they were found/ acquired by Monig as well. I had quite a few similarly labeled specimens years ago but only have these three pieces remaining, now that we know what the numbers mean and their importance. Oscar Monig seems to have labeled very few meteorites in his collection this way. These pieces also have an
“M.#” label put on them by Glenn and Margaret Huss when they cataloged Monig’s collection in the 1980’s. These are all weathered natural fragments as found (some areas of crust still visible).
1) Natural fragments as found with early Monig labeling.
            a)  268.1 grams (12JM and M12.32) – 90mm x 50mm x 30mm - $470
            b)  338.1 grams (12IY and M12.35) – 75mm x 52mm x 35mm - $570
c)       397.5 grams (12V and M12.7) – 70mm x 65mm x 45mm - sold

NWA (7043): Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3), W1. Found before September 2011. Tkw = 166grams.
I got a small bag of fragments at the Denver show a little over a year ago. Cutting showed that it was likely a CV3. However, it has a slightly different look to it than I am used to. This looks somewhat like a CK in that it has hard dark chondrules in a fairly abundant lighter (greenish gray) matrix. Yet it also has (in some pieces) a fair amount of metal in and surrounding the chondrules like a CR. The classification report did not say, but I suspect that this is a “reduced” CV chondrite where as Allende and NWA 2086 are the “oxidized” variety I believe.
1)       Cut fragments:
a) 1.2 grams - 15mm x 11mm x 3mm - $18
b) 2.0 grams - 17mm x 13mm x 3mm - $30
c) 4.0 grams - 22mm x 18mm x 5mm - $56
d) 5.7 grams - 35mm x 14mm x 6mm - $80
e) 7.2 grams - 40mm x 15mm x 8mm - $100

NWA (4852): (Ureilite). Found before September 2007. Tkw = 1073.7 grams.
A single stone, broken in two was sold at the 2007 Denver Show. I got the bigger piece and I believe Ann Black got the smaller as it was put in the COMETS auction that year which I, unfortunately, did not get to attend (to busy in my room). I managed to talk Mike Martinez into cutting this stuff for me (a job I hate with this type meteorite – they take hours per slice and tear up saw blades, thanks to the diamonds and carbides in them). I got to spend many hours ripping up diamond sandpaper disks putting a polish on this stuff though. I get very few achondrites anymore (this is my last new one at this point) as the “out of the field” price on them is pretty much what I would want to be selling finished slices for per gram these days. I finally re-discovered this material while doing inventory work in late December. The large pieces are nice complete slices.
1) Slices:
                a) .94 grams - 15mm x 13mm x 2mm - $25
                b) 1.86 grams - 18mm x 13mm x 2.5mm - $55
                c) 4.2 grams - 25mm x 12mm x 4mm - $103
                d) 8.0 grams - 40mm x 20mm x 3.5mm - $200
                e) 20.1 grams - 40mm x 40mm x 4mm - $450
                f) 50.6 grams - 63mm x 60mm x 4mm - $1050 – complete slice.
                g) 61.6 grams - 72mm x 64mm x 4mm - $1250 – complete slice.

NWA (7045): Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found before September 2011. Tkw = 1127 grams.
I got a bag of small fragments of this “new pallasite” from a Moroccan dealer at the Denver Show. I knew it was oxidized, so there were no surprises there when I cut it. Frankly, this stuff would be close to impossible to sort from Huckitta if one accidentally mixed bags of each. However, the crystals in this material, on average, look much more like fresher olivine (more yellow orange) than those in Huckitta. Regardless, here are end pieces of a cheap pallasite guaranteed not to rust!
1)       Cut fragments:
a) 3.4 grams - 17mm x 14mm x 7mm - $10
b) 6.7 grams - 23mm x 22mm x 9mm - $20
c) 9.2 grams - 26mm x 20mm x 9mm - $27
d) 20.1 grams - 35mm x 25mm x 12mm - $60
e) 35.6 grams - 42mm x 30mm x 15mm - $105

I have had these sitting in a corner of my office for a couple years now. These are the 2011 “Inaugural edition”. They are pretty much the same as sports cards or such but for meteorites. They have a picture of meteorite(s) from the locality on one side (most actually have photos on both sides - the NWA (869) ones came from me) and info about the locality on the other. There are 10 cards in a set (actually 11 if you count the cover card). I don’t know if there were any other series (years) done of these.
                2011 Inaugural Edition pack of 10 meteorite cards - $5

Please include postage: $3 dollars on small U.S. orders and $11 on large items for first class (insurance is extra, if desired). On small overseas orders, $5 is generally plenty (I'll have to custom figure the rate for large items). Registration is also recommended on more valuable overseas shipments - an extra $12.00.
                If you are sending a fax, simply begin transmitting when my line is answered. My fax will turn on automatically to receive (or I will start it if I answer) when you begin transmitting. Or use, but calls generally get to me faster (I don’t live on the computer and constantly check e-mail as some do).