Showing posts with label CO3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CO3. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 July 2023


Blaine Reed Meteorites
P.O. Box 1141, Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

LIST 264 - July 11, 2023

Dear Collectors,

   Here is another assortment of odds and ends from the big pile of small specimens collection I bought a couple years ago. In fact, these are the last of the specimens from that collection (I sold most of the material to one buyer for resale in their large and popular retail store).

  I will be gone from August 3rd through the 7th for this event. The show itself runs the 4th, 5th and 6th. I believe the show times are 10am to 5pm each day. IF you think you might go (loooong drive from many places in Colorado but nice (for me anyway) to get out of the heat for a few days) let me know if there is something you want me to bring as many of the more collector oriented things tend to get left behind as this is pretty much a “retail” (generally more common, more affordable items) show.

DAR AL GANI (082), Libya: Carbonaceous chondrite (CO3)
. Found 1995. Tkw = 860 grams.
The Meteoritical bulleting says one piece was found. I actually remember when pieces of this (well, likely pairings anyway) first started to come out. Up until then, I think Colony, Oklahoma (and maybe a small piece of Kainsaz) were all I had for CO3 meteorites (and neither was cheap). I ended up buying several of these things, more than doubling my suite of CO3 meteorites in my collection. There were a fair number of these that came out (and it IS likely that many are paired) but I have not seen any of these for a while. This is a natural fragment that has two cut faces roughly perpendicular to each other (so, kind of a “book end” cut). This comes with a Hupe Collection label.
7.3 gram cut fragment – 17mm x 11mm x 15mm - $65

DAR AL GANI (437), Libya: Ordinary chondrite. (L6). Found 1998. Tkw 239 grams.
Two pieces were recovered. The cut face on this end piece matches the structure/ appearance of the photo of a piece of this meteorite that is posted in its Meteoritical Bulletin listing. The cut face is roughly 27mm x 13mm in size. The remainder of the specimen is all natural – no fresh broken surfaces. This comes with a “The Meteorite Shop” (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) CoA/ label.
16.3 gram end piece – 27mm x 13mm x 23mm - $50

GIBEON, Namibia: Iron. Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1836.
This is a small rectangular etched (on both sides) slice. I remember the days when I had LOTS of these. Right now, I think this my ONLY piece (aside from a small batch of similar pieces I have in deep, deep storage. I brought those back from Munich on the Concorde. I suspect that those are the only Gibeon pieces that have been back to supersonic speeds (a tiny tad over Mach 2) since their fall). I have this piece only because I had consigned it to a store in Ouray years ago. Unfortunately, health issues required the store’s owner to sell out and retire. The new owners did NOT want ANY consignment items. So, I “rediscovered” this piece while going through all the display cases looking for material of mine before the new owners got handed the keys (anything I left behind would become the new owner’s property in full). Years ago, this would have been a $20 piece maybe. Lately, I have heard things about etched Gibeon pieces selling for closer to $6 to $10/g lately!
16.1gram rectangular part slice – 34mm x 18mm x 3mm - $70

IMILAC, Chile: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1822.
Not sure how I missed this one. If I had seen it earlier, I would have simply put it on the last offering with the nice single olivine crystal I offered (and still have, I believe) on the last list. Oh well, here it is on this one. This is a much more typical pallasite piece. It has both metal and olivine (though it does lean heavy on the olivine side). This is in a gem-stone holder and comes with a Moritz Karl label.
1.38 gram slice – 17mm x 11mm x 3mm - $55

NWA (1459): HED achondrite (olivine Diogenite). Found April 2002. Tkw = 49 grams.
I certainly remember when this first came out. It was the very first of its kind. No one had seen a diogenite with a fair amount of olivine in it before. As such, and with so very little of it known at the time, it was certainly very expensive. I cannot recall the price on this stuff back then (many hundreds$ to some thousands$/ gram I think), just that it was high enough that I chose not to add a piece to my collection at the time. As happens often, more similar material was found not long after. Some of that material, held by other people, was “self paired” to this first one and fights (verbal and legal) soon developed. Ultimately, a sizable amount of “olivine diogenite” was found (not really all that much, but plenty to more than satisfy anyone who felt the need to have a piece of this type material at high prices). I think I ended up getting pieces for closer to $20/g or so before I added some to my collection. Not super long after this “discovery” was made, I managed to come into the first known Vesta Dunite (a rock this is pretty much all olivine. Actually, Chassigny is the Martian version of a Dunite). However, just as I was starting to bring this “new and exciting” material to market, the folks with the Meteoritical Bulletin decided to lump ALL Diogenites (regular, olivine diogenites and dunites) together under the simple “Diogenite” classification. You now have to dig into the research reports a bit to see if any particular “Diogenite” is what was considered and olivine diogenite or a dunite (that last one is highly unlikely though. I think only a couple Vesta dunites are known even today). Regardless, this is a small piece of the real deal (NOT a later, other party “self pairing”). It is a fragment from the very first recovery. This comes with its original Hupe Collection label. This may not be particularly rare/ pricy type material these days BUT this little piece is kind of historic.
.08 gram fragment – 6mm x 3mm x 2mm - $40

NWA (2126): HED achondrite (Eucrite, polymict). Found 2003. Tkw 227 grams.
The Hupe Collection label that comes with this has the TKW as “2227 grams”. The Meteoritical Bulletin has it as 227 grams. I suspect that a “fat finger” accident happened (adding and extra “2”) when this card was being made (I have plenty of these events myself). The “polymict”part does not show up at the top of the classification report. This just means that this is all eucritic material BUT there are fragments of eucrites of differing composition and or structures in this breccia.
3.6 gram part slice – 17mm x 16mm x 5mm - $40

NWA (4293): Ordinary chondrite. (L6). Found 2005. Tkw 25 kilograms.
The Meteoritical Bulletin lists one piece as being found. Personally, I think it was more like “one bucket full” of pieces. This is a completely natural on all surface fragment (no fresh breaks). This has an interesting deep “Y” shaped crack on one face that has a number of largish sand grains stuck down in it. Nothing rare or special, just interesting and affordable. This comes with a “Gary LaDuke” (???? – don’t know who that is, to be honest) that says that this specimen was “originally from the world famous Hupe Collection”.
33.0 gram natural fragment – 30mm x 26mm x 20mm - $35

TATAHOUINE, Tunisia: HED achondrite (diogenite). Fell June 27, 1931. Tkw = 13.5kg.
These are both lots of the typical weird generally angular (with some rounded edges) green crystals. The smaller lot has fewer (but generally larger) pieces and comes with a P.A. Swartz Collection label. The heavier lot has many more specimens but they range from a couple mm or so to around 5mm in size. Those come with a “Meteor Center Collection” label. Either of these batches would be great for someone that wants to break them apart and have small pieces of a weird diogenite fall to sell to new collectors.
a) 3.28 gram (5 pcs) lot of natural pieces - $35
b) 10 gram lot - $100

Shipping: For small US orders $10 is needed now. Rates have gone up yet more this year and now the cheapest I can send anything is right at $10. Add $ for the padded envelope or box, jewelry boxes, etc and, in most cases, I am still losing a little even at $10. Larger orders are now $9 to $16 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it).

Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $16 (Canada seems to be right around $14). I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders (both local and overseas). Registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is $16.

I do have a fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. However, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail when possible.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 196

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 196

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………..LIST 196
October, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here is the e-mail version of my “after Denver” mailed list. I got slammed with a bunch of calls yesterday afternoon (good thing!) so it is time (past time?) to release this to everyone else (I try my best to make it so pretty much everyone gets this at the same time by mail and then release it electronically as soon as I start receiving calls). Those of you that also get the mailed version of this will notice that a few things (mostly one of a kind end pieces/ main masses) have already disappeared. However those of you getting this e-mailed version have a couple (small) benefits over the mailed list folks. First, it seems that I somehow (prepared the list to fast?) managed to NOT get my largest pieces of the neat Imilac fragments typed onto the mailed list. Not a huge difference/ big deal but these things (particularly the larger pieces) were extremely popular at the show (I pretty much sold out all the pieces I brought). Secondly, it turns out that the maps are a bit cheaper to mail than I thought. I had to use a mailing tube I had bought at a shipping store (our post office had none of the free priority mailing “tubes”) to calculate roughly what those things were going to cost to ship. It seems that the mailing tube I purchased is much heavier than the ones that the USPS supplies for free. The purchased mailing tube and map combo came in at $11for US shipping. Using the USPS “tube” it is only $7 (I just shipped one out). So, two small benefits for those of you getting this electronic version of the list.

ODESSA, Texas: Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1923.
Here are some pieces I picked out of a small batch I was surprised to find in my deep storage. I have absolutely no idea when I got these, just that they were not part of business inventory (hence the lack of inventory record concerning them and my forgetting about them.). I suspect that they were a gift from one of the guys I used to buy large quantities from more than 25 years or so ago (when you actually could still get Odessa). I picked out the “larger” ones of the batch and hand cleaned them (air abrasion). Some do still have some caliche stuck to them but otherwise have a nice dark brown patina.
1)Natural shaped individuals, lightly cleaned:
a) 5.0 grams - 18mm x 13mm x 5mm - $10
b) 10.5 grams - 27mm x 13mm x 8mm - $20
c) 20.4 grams - 25mm x 15mm x 13mm - $40

NWA (8220): Ordinary chondrite, (H6), S2, W2/3. Found December 2013. Tkw = 509 grams.
Here is one that I am pretty certain that the outer edge (more oxidized) is the part that got studied. The interior portions are actually quite fresh – showing lots of really fine metal grains in a medium gray matrix. Without the research work, I would have guessed that this was an enstatite chondrite. Heck, this thing even passes the scratch and sniff test! Scratch the surface a bit with your fingernails and sniff – it has the distinct odor of sulfur (though perhaps not as strong as in a genuine enstatite chondrite). Anyway, I don’t have a lot of this available so don’t wait too long to ask if you want a piece of this one (my offerings of these fairly small, affordable studied NWA things seem to sell out pretty quickly the past few lists).
1) Slices:
a) 9.0 grams - 30mm x 19mm x 5mm - $15
b) 18.2 grams - 49mm x 30mm x 5mm - $30
c) 43.0 grams - 68mm x 53mm x 4mm - $70 – complete slice.

NWA (8538): Ordinary chondrite (LL6), melt breccia. Found July 2014. Tkw = 994.8 grams.
A single rounded stone was recovered. This shape made this very hard for me to cut, unfortunately (it kept slipping out of the saw vise and such). I ended up making quite a mess of it. Thankfully, Marlin up in Montana had more than enough skill to clean up these pieces for me from thick wedged pieces to nice thin slices that are now much more uniformly thick (though some do show some wedging yet). Regardless, this has an interesting interior. It has obvious large, wide shock melt veins surrounding rounded fragments of lighter brown to light tan colored chondrite fragments. Research showed that this is the 5th known meteorite classified an LL6 melt breccia with only 1.7kg total known among all 5! Interesting and rare material.
1) Slices:
a) 2.0 grams - 22mm x 15mm x 3mm - $15
b) 4.1 grams - 23mm x 20mm x 3mm - $30
c) 7.0 grams - 30mm x 25mm x 3mm - $50
d) 11.1 grams - 35mm x 30mm x 3mm - $79
e) 30.6 grams - 65mm x 40mm x 4mm - $215
f) 61.7 grams - 90mm x 70mm x 4mm - $430 – really nice complete slice!
2) End piece, Main mass:
159.7 grams - 80mm x 55mm x 27mm - $900

NWA (7021): Carbonaceous chondrite (CO3). Found before September 2009. Tkw = 134.4 grams.
Here is another meteorite that took quite a number of years to finally make it through research. I got this as part of an assortment of fairly small NWA individuals I picked up at the 2009 Denver Show. This little piece had nice black crust covering most of it with a thin secondary crust covering a flat broken side (so we know there is at least one more piece of this out there somewhere). Research showed this to be a low shock and low weathering grade meteorite. The interior (and black crust) supports the low weathering as it is a lot lighter than the vast majority of CO3’s I’ve seen (aside from falls), having a
mottled medium gray and light brown color. Lots of small chondrules are visible as well as some small grains of metal – something that I rarely see in CO3’s. Obviously, I have very little of this material available.
1) Slices:
a) 2.3 grams - 17mm x 15mm x 3mm - $35
b) 5.4 grams - 30mm x 18mm x 3mm - $80
c) 9.4 grams - 35mm x 30mm x 3mm - $140

NWA (7397): Martian (Shergottite). Found 2012. Tkw = 2130+ grams.
I picked up a good assortment of natural fragments and individuals from a collector that had them for years. I cut up the pieces that were pretty obviously just fragments. I left the nice obvious individuals (rare for this meteorite) which are covered (probably 75% or more) in black crust alone. The cut pieces turned out quite nice. They show the usual mixed texture of large rounded pyroxene “oikocrysts” in a fine-grained matrix of pyroxene, masleynite and olivine. Nearly all of the cut specimens show at least some shock veining and many show at least some fusion crust. This offering is, by far, the cheapest I have offered mars rock in many, many years (like since early Zagami days) and these pieces are priced around ½ of what a quick internet search showed others asking for samples of this meteorite.
1) Cut fragments:
a) .67 grams - 13mm x 8mm x 3mm - $84
b) .98 grams - 14mm x 9mm x 4mm - $123
c) 1.69 grams - 16mm x 14mm x 4mm - $210
d) 2.79 grams - 25mm x 17mm x 5mm - $340
e) 4.03 grams - 35mm x 13mm x 4mm - $490 – crusted back.
f) 8.40 grams - 32mm x 17mm x 8mm - $1000 – really nice crusted back.
2) Complete individuals:
a) 8.7 grams - 23mm x 14mm x 13mm - $1000
b) 14.3 grams - 25mm x 20mm x 17mm - $1550

IMILAC, Chile: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found 1822.
Here is a nice assortment of the wild, sculpted, twisted “individuals” that once were fairly plentiful around the Imilac impact site. I have not offered any of these in many, many years. These have been cleaned to remove the usual adhering dirt (both on the metal and in the pockets). They show wild shapes of brown patina metal with yellow to pinkish red shattered olivine in the pockets. I know many people look at these as “weathered individuals”. My personal suspicion is that these are really pallasite “shrapnel fragments” that were blown from the piece(s) that formed the 10m or so diameter crater/ impact pit in the area (shock effects would certainly explain the pulverized olivine in these pieces better than simple weathering).
1) Shrapnel individuals, cleaned to remove dirt:
a) 2.5 grams - 14mm x 10mm x 7mm - $20
b) 5.8 grams - 20mm x 15mm x 10mm - $45
c) 10.1 grams - 21mm x 18mm x 18mm - $75
d) 14.3 grams - 30mm x 25mm x 10mm - $105
e) 19.1 grams – 25mm x 25mm x 15mm - $140

METEORITE MAP: Map of meteorite localities for North America, published 2000.
I know, I know, these are not fully up to date. Regardless, these are really neat as they show a LOT more than just the localities (names, type, fall/ find). This also shows the location and size of known craters (“modern” like Meteor Crater and ancient like Sudbury and Chicxulub). This also shows surface soil/ vegetation cover types AND the extent of glacier cover during the last two ice ages (it is easy to see that there are few meteorites recovered North of those lines). I had these many years ago, but those were the plain unlaminated ones (and tore quite easily). These I have now are laminated so they are tough and long lasting. I don’t have very many of these (less than 10) but I took all I was offered in a trade. I have to use a priority mailing tube for these so shipping will be $7 for US orders. For overseas orders I’ll have to research shipping costs individually but I suspect that they may be quite prohibitive, unfortunately.
Meteorites of North America map - $30

Please note:
Shipping: For small US orders $3 should still be fine for now. Larger orders are now $12 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $9 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Thankfully, it seems that the rate for registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is still around $13.
I do have a new fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail.