Showing posts with label NWA 5484. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWA 5484. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale - List 224

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
(970) 874-1487                                                                                                                               
                                                                      LIST 224

April 2, 2019

Here is an assortment of consigned items that I will be returning to their owner while visiting the Denver Spring Show next week (I will be gone from the 10th through the 15th for this event and other things). So, I won’t have easy access to the things listed here after next Wednesday.

The show itself is at the same location I set up at for the fall show (Crowne Plaza DIA – 15500 E. 40th Ave). The show opens at 10am each day (Friday the 12th through Sunday the 14th) and is open until 6pm the first 2 days and 5pm on Sunday. I don’t set up at this show but I will visit it fairly extensively from Friday afternoon through mid day Sunday. I’ll have a room at the show hotel Friday and Saturday nights. So, if any of you out there want to meet (let me know if there are any things you want me to bring from any of my recent offerings) let me know and we’ll make arrangements (I’ll give you the cell number I’ll have while I am at the show to make it easier).

BELMONT, Wisconsin: Ordinary chondrite (H6), veined. Found 1950. Tkw = 25.3kg.
This is the last piece I have of this meteorite. I have had it for quite some time but I have not had it set out for high visibility for quite some time (it is usually in a bag in my tub full of bags of meteorites that I have had go through my various, more obvious Riker displays at shows for a year or so first). This is a part slice that has weathered fusion crust along ½ of its edge. The remaining edge is either cut (the short dimension length listed below) or a break/ fracture edge. The interior shows lots of really fine metal grains, some dark chondrules in a chocolate brown matrix. I’m offering this as it is initially, but I think it would be OK for me to break this into some smaller pieces if this does not sell intact first and any of you are wanting a smaller specimen.
                78.5 gram part slice – 85mm x 45mm x 5mm - $1150

INDOCHINITES: Vietnam, from Dr. Nininger.
Here is a nice assortment of teardrop tektites that Dr. Nininger recovered years ago. I think I have had some of these in the past BUT I think mine were not labeled. Nope, I don’t have paper labels with these, unfortunately, but all of these do have catalog numbers painted on them by Dr. Nininger (the numbers painted on each is listed after the weight below).
1)       Teardrop specimens:
a)       10.6 grams (V6011) – 30mm x 17mm x 15mm - $106
b)       16.3 grams (V6300) – 65mm x 15mm x 12mm - $163
c)       21.4 grams (V7137) – 55mm x 20mm x 17mm - $214
d)       23.1 grams (14V228) – 57mm x 20mm x 18mm - $231

NWA (5484): HED achondrite (diogenite). Found 2008. Tkw = 328grams.
This is more of the material I had (and sold out of) some years ago (I sold several pieces when I put this material out in Tucson this year). This is the diogenite that looks pretty much identical to the Alan Hills 84001 Martian which WAS originally classified as a simple diogenite at first but is now Mars’ only classified known “orthopyroxenite”. The slices listed here each have some fusion crust along their edges and the end pieces have good crust coverage (around 70%) of their backsides.
1)       Slices:
a)       1.8 grams – 18mm x 10mm x 3mm - $45
b)       3.5 grams – 33mm x 12mm x 3mm - $85
c)       4.3 grams – 40mm x 12mm x 3mm - $105

2)       End pieces:
a)       3.5 grams – 19mm x 12mm x 6mm - $85
b)       10.2 grams – 40mm x 17mm x 6mm - $230

NWA (7325): Anomalous achondrite. Found 2012. Tkw = 345+g.
Well, this is actually a pairing to that original find. This is the strange stuff that some pieces have a bizarre bright green fusion crust (the fragment listed below is the only piece that shows some of this – a roughly 2mm x 2mm patch). The low iron content, the “ basaltic” nature of this, indicating an origin from a somewhat large parent body has some believing that this MAY be from the planet Mercury. However, I seem to recall that this material has a quite ancient crystallization age so this origin story is somewhat unlikely (unfortunately). Regardless, this is a strange meteorite and very little was ever recovered (so prices never came down much on this).
1)       Slices:
a)       .05grams – 5mm x 4mm x 1mm - $50
b)       .52 grams – 13mm x 10mm x 1mm - $450
c)       .87 grams – 16mm x 12mm x 1mm - $750
d)       2.47 grams – 25mm x 16mm x 2mm - $2100

2)       Fragment: 1.55 grams – 13mm x 12mm x 7mm - $1250. Has 2mm x 2mm patch of green crust.

NWA (10153): Martian (Nakhlite). Found December 2014. Tkw = 119g.
This is actually a pairing (by Dr. Agee at UNM) to the 10153 original reported find. This is a bit different in appearance from other nakhlites I have seen. This has a granular texture with a mix of crystals that are green, tan and pink – looking very much like a terrestrial granite to some degree. Some of these pieces have a little bit of resin on their edges – as I suspect that such was needed to keep this material from turning into a pile of dirt during cutting.
1)       slices:
a)       .40 grams – 12mm x 7mm x 1.5mm - $280
b)       .86 grams – 14mm x 11mm x 2mm - $600
c)       1.60 grams – 21mm x 12mm x 3mm - $1100
d)       2.17 grams – 22mm x 15mm x 3mm - $1500

OWASCO, Nebraska: (L6). Recognized 1984. Tkw = 168.4 kilograms.
This is a cut end piece/ bookend specimen that has a Huss number (H441.10) painted on it and comes with an American Meteorite Laboratory label. However, this label indicates that this piece was larger at some point in the past. The listed weight on the label was originally 1087.4 grams.
                320.1 gram ½ end piece/ bookend – 95mm x 50mm x 40mm - $1100