Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 182 - Springwater and more

Blaine Reed Meteorites for Sale- List 182 - Springwater and more

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

…………………………………………………..LIST 182
December 8, 2015

Dear collectors,

Here is another quickly put together offering. I had hoped to have my inventory work done (that wonderful fun week long job of opening every box, bin and container, weighing and recording everything in it) by now so I could offer up a “want to get rid of the last piece or two before year end” sale/ offering. Unfortunately I have been far to busy with projects to even get started yet (hence this offering of “new” stuff now). I am trying to finish up installing a second solar electric panel array (one using some of the many panels I picked up a few years ago during the Solyndra bankruptcy sale). It is taking longer than I expected (lots of small details that need to be dealt with) and I MUST have it done before the end of the month (plus I have some travel that also must be done before the end of the month). Anyway, I do hope to have a year end “remove it from inventory sale” later but I am not certain I can pull it together. Anyway, enjoy this small offering in the meantime.

ALBIN, Wyoming: (Pallasite). Found 1915. Tkw = 40+ kilograms.
This is a thin slice that has a large 15mm x 10mm clear olivine crystal. The remainder is mostly metal but it does contain a good number of small (2 or 3mm) olivine crystals (also quite clear).
1.6 gram slice – 18mm x 14mm x 2mm - SOLD

HOLBROOK, Arizona; (L/LL6). Fell July 19, 1912.
Here are two pieces: one an end piece (kind of unusual for this meteorite) that is likely a more recent recovery and a really fresh individual. The end piece has a fair amount of brown showing in the interior. The crust is still black but does show some brown spotting. The individual looks certainly to be an early after the fall recovery. The crust (around 90% coverage) is fresh and black. The interior is bright white.
a) 1.22 gram end piece – 13mm x 9mm 4mm - $30
b) 2.4 gram fresh individual – 12mm x 12mm x 10mm - $60

NWA (2822): Rumurutiite. (R4), polymict breccia. Found 2005. Tkw = 1675 grams.
This is a nice part slice that looks like a complete slice (one edge is broken but has a natural look to it). It has a nice light to medium brown/ orange color to it. This particular piece also clearly shows the “polymict” (having piece of different type material) part of its classification> there are quite a few odd clasts scattered throughout the piece (in addition to lots of chondrules). However, there are two large clasts that are definitely different. One about 5mm x 10mm is a light colored clasts along one edge that shows no chindrules of any kind. The other (about 10mm x 10mm) is really dark. This one even has a clast within a clast – the center is a 4mm x 3mm black (carbonaceous?) clast. The remainder/ surrounding material is very dark, shows chondrules but is much higher in troilite (these rare meteorites don not show fresh iron) than the matrix.
17.3 gram slice – 60mm x 43mm x 2.5mm - $250

NWA (8302): Iron. Hexagedrite (IIAB). Found before 2010. Tkw = 22.4 kilograms.
I offered pieces of this on a list back in May of 2014. They all rapidly sold. I had forgotten that I had several specimens of different meteorites from that mailed offering set aside for a customer who never came back for them. Of those, it turned out that this is the only one that I had absolutely no other pieces of. The others just went back into the bags that contained the other pieces still in inventory. So, rather than re-make an inventory bag (the type you’d find in my miscellaneous bucket at shows) I’d just rather offer this here. It is a nice part slice that has one natural edge (one of the long sides) with the rest cut. It has been has been etched and does show some Nuemann lines, though they are faint (not atypical in this type meteorite).
17.0 gram etched part slice – 28mm x 21mm x 4mm - $40

SPRINGWATER, Canada: (Pallasite). Found 1931.
Well, these pieces were really found around 2008 or so when a few well known meteorite guys went into the area and spent a bunch of time re-locating the strewn field. These are from a larger thicker slice that was broken up to make nice natural looking slices (these do indeed look like complete slices) for collectors. I asked for such as I had long since sold out of small pieces of this meteorite I had earlier. I should also say that these particular pieces have been run through a special stabilization process developed and run quite successfully (even on pieces of Admire!!!) by KD meteorites so they should hold up long term.
a) 5.8 grams – 22mm x 20mm x 4mm - $105
b) 9.3 grams – 28mm x 20mm x 4mm - $167
c) 13.6 grams – 30mm x 25mm x 4mm - $245
d) 29.6 grams – 55mm x 35mm x 4mm - $500
e) 69.0 grams – 83mm x 40mm x 5mm - $1100