Tuesday 16 August 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 194 - yet more Lang collection material

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 194 - yet more Lang collection material

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 194

August 16, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here is yet another assortment of Lang Collection items. As with the earlier batches these are all in Riker boxes with a Lang Collection label. Once more, these boxes do raise the shipping costs quite a bit (to around $5 or $6 for US orders and much more on overseas sales). As usual, I will offer the option: of having the specimens sent without the boxes for free or US orders or for around $12 for overseas orders (pretty much as chape as I can send any specimens overseas for these days). Fir thise that want the riker bixes, I’ll calculate (or guess as close as possible but erring on the side of cheaper than what is really likely) the shipping and let you know. Regardless, the sample(s) will still be shipped with their labels.

DaG (313), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL3) S2,W2. Found April 24, 1997. Tkw = 3294 grams.
The Bulletin report says one piece was recovered. This piece is an end piece/ cut fragment. The back side is ½ natural smooth wind-polished surface and ½ rougher fractured surface. The interior is fairly dark brown but still shows lots of chondrules – many that are armored, not so much with fresh metal (some is indeed still visible in the specimen) but surrounded mostly by sulfides and iron oxides.
22.6 gram end piece – 46mm x 18mm x 18mm - $135 - SOLD!

DaG (477), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (L5), S4,W1. Found 1998. Tkw = 16,128 grams.
One number off of a good one – DaG (476) was a famous Mars rock. Not a rare one, but this is a nice part slice. It has 2 cut edges with the remainder being fusion crusted with a nice rounded/ sculpted shape (this, at least this part of the stone, likely had a really nice thumb-printed shape). The interior is quite fresh with lots of metal and some chondrules in a mottled light brown to nearly white matrix. There are also hints of a couple thin shock veins visible as well.
37.1 gram part slice – 60mm x 40mm x 5mm - $50

NWA (1208): Ordinary chondrite (H5), S2,W3. Found 1999. Tkw = 368 grams.
Bulletin research notes say “well defined chondrules” in this meteorite and this specimen does indeed show a good number of chondrules (I would have guessed that this was an H4). This is an end piece/ cut fragment. The backside is mostly natural fracture surfaces but there is a patch of fusion crust along one edge ( about 50mm x 13mm in size). The interior of this is on the darker side of medium brown to dark brown but chondrules and some fresh metal is still visible. This is a substantial portion of the total know of this particular NWA meteorite (close to 1/3rd) and may represent the main mass.
110.5 gram cut fragment – 60mm x 40mm x 20mm - $80

NWA (1222): Enstatite chondrite (EL5) S2,W3. Found 2000. Tkw = 2.8kg.
This is one I was excited to get. E5’s are exceptionally rare. Until this came along I didn’t have one in my collection (yep, I kept a piece of this). At this point, there are only 8 (EL5) known in the world (including Antarctica). This one is, by far, the big recovery of all of these. The other 7 total only 913 grams or about 1/3rd of the size of this find. I really question the W3 weathering grade on this. I am certain that research was done on a weathered external fragment because these pieces look quite fresh and nice. All show lots of metal in a light gray matrix. All but the two smallest specimens listed here have Lang Collection labels. All but the smallest sample here (the crumbs/ fragments is a bag) are in a Riker box.
a) .3 grams crumbs and small slice fragments in a bag - $20 SOLD!
b) .17 gram slice – 9mm x 5mm x 1.5mm - $20 SOLD!
c) .55 gram slice – 10mm x 8mm x 2mm - $55 SOLD!
d) .71 gram slice – 10mm x 9mm x 2mm - $70 SOLD!

NWA (1929): HED achondrite (Howardite). Found 2003. Tkw = 15+kg.
This is a lot of 3 roughly equal sized fragments in a Riker with a label. Each has light brown (dirt?) surfaces and at least one fresh broken surface that shows the light gray interior.
1.3 grams – 3 fragments - $20

TATAHOUINE, Yunisia: HED achondrite (Diogenite). Fell June 27, 1931. Tkw = 13.5+kg.
These are piece of one of the weirdest meteorites I have seen. This thing blew apart low in the atmosphere into strange angular green fragments with no real visible crust (however, there IS crust on some pieces, including a couple of these) but you have to look real carefully as it is usually only tiny 1mm x 1mm patches. The first specimen is a lot of 3 natural fragments in a research lab vial in a Riker. The “large” piece is a single natural fragment. It has more smooth/ rounded surfaces than most pieces. It is alos darker in those areas. Magnification shows that these are likely ablated/ crusted areas. The “crust” on most of these surfaces is merely a thin darker coloration but some small patches of distinct thicker crust can be found.
a) 1.0 grams – 3 natural fragments in a vial - $20
b) 3.6 gram natural fragment – 17mm x 11mm x 10mm - $65

Sunday 31 July 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - LIST 193 - more Lang Collection

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - LIST 193 - more Lang Collection

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 193

July 26, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here is another assortment of Lang Collection items. As with the last batch these are all (with the exception of the DaG (429) – the first listed piece below which also does not have a collection label – just the info on a sticker on the side of the container) are in Riker boxes with a Lang Collection label. Once more, these boxes do raise the shipping costs quite a bit (to around $5 or $6 for US orders and much more on overseas sales). I will offer this option: As last time, overseas orders will be have to individually calculated if you want the Riker sent along with the specimen. Without it the usual cheapest (jewelry box in a padded envelope) for around $12 will work fine. For US sales, I’ll pay the shipping if you want to leave me with the Riker as this saves me the need for a larger box and extra packing (plus I can re-use the Riker to make more of my Sahara arrowhead displays or such). Regardless, the sample(s) will still be shipped with their labels.

DAR al Gani (429), Libya: Carbonaceous chondrite (C3) – ungrouped. Found 1998. Tkw = 253 grams.
This is a quite fresh looking fragment in a membrane box. It does not have any fusion crust unfortunately, but does show some chondrules (and holes where, very clearly, some chondrules were but have since fell out) in a very light gray matrix. This does have some minor light brown spots from oxidation and or adhering dirt on one side but is otherwise very fresh. I checked photos of known pieces of this and this matches perfectly, so there is no doubt that this is the correct material.
1.00gram fragment in small membrane box – 17mm x 8mm x 5mm - $80 SOLD

DAR al GANI (475), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (H3.4) S3, W3. Found May 1998. Tkw = 269 grams.
This is a cut end piece. It is nearly a complete end piece but has one end cut off that looks to have removed about 1cm of surface area from the piece. This has been polished on the cut surfaces but the largest intersected a natural internal crack so some of the polished areas are now missing (around 15% or so) and likely broke out during cutting or polishing. Regardless, the polished areas do show lots of chondrules (and one large 6mm or so clast on the larger surface). This particular H3 shows chondrules as well as or better than any I am aware of. Usually H3s have really small, hard to see chondrules in dark matrix so only careful observation allows one to see them – not so with this meteorite specimen.
10.4 gram end piece with one edge removed – 24mm x 20mm x 11mm - $60 SOLD

DAR al GANI (521), Libya: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3). Found 1998. Tkw = 1567 grams.
This is very clearly a weathered complete individual or natural fragment. There is no discernable fusion crust remaining but the generally rounded shape says that this is quite possibly an old individual. The Meteoritical Bulletin records say that 22 pieces of this meteorite were recovered. This particular specimen has a small piece of cloth glued to it with the number “18” written on it in blue ink (kind of old museum style labeling). Not sure what this means for sure, but it could mean that this was the 18th piece recovered though I am not certain who recovered these pieces and how careful they were with record keeping (back then new desert meteorites were far more special than now). Anyway, this is a nice solid little specimen.
11.8 gram individual as found – 35mm x 20mm x 12mm - $75 SOLD

DHOFAR (132), Oman: Achondrite (Ureilite), S3, W3. Found March 18, 2000. Tkw = 5.01kg.
The reports say that one stone was recovered. The pieces here are slices with the exception of the largest which looks to be a natural fragment that spalled off of the outer surface of the main mass (but does have a cut edge that clearly shows that the piece is indeed ureilite). Looking over the specimens, I can see that this one was, like most ureilites, very hard to cut and polish. Most of these have one cut face that shows how the saw blade struggled (and sometimes offset substantially) in trying to cut through this stuff. Regardless, each specimen has at least one face that has been polished flat and shows the classic granular ureilite texture but many still show some saw marks on their surfaces (except the thicker 2.8g and 7.9 gram pieces. I suspect that those got the better polish because they could be easily held onto and less likely to burn your fingers while polishing, unlike the thinner ones).
1) Part slices:
a) .5 grams – 10mm x 7mm x 3mm - $15
b) 1.6 grams – 15mm x 12mm x 4mm - $35
c) 2.8 grams – 14mm x 12mm x 5mm - $55
d) 3.8 grams – 30mm x 20mm x 2mm - $75
e) 7.9 grams – 42mm x 13mm x 4mm - $135
2) Natural fragment with small (20mm x 5mm) cut edge:
11.6 grams – 35mm x 26mm x 7mm - $175

NWA (1182): HED achondrite (Howardite). Found 1999. Tkw = 780 grams.
A single “mostly crusted” stone was found. These two specimens are small part slices that each have one natural edge. Each piece has at least one small patch of actual crust on that natural edge The smaller has the tiny patch the larger piece’s natural edge is mostly crusted. The interior of this meteorite is quite nice. These show a nice typical howardite texture with small clasts of many different colors (browns, white, gray and bright green (Diogenite fragments likely)) in a light gray matrix.
1) Part slices:
a) .82 grams – 15mm x 9mm x 2mm - $15
b) 1.4 grams – 15mm x 15mm x 2mm - $25 SOLD

NWA (1793): Ordinary chondrite (L3), S3, W1. Found October 2002. Tkw = 585 grams.
This is a complete slice of the only stone found (well, the only one recognized and reported at the time). The edged is completely crusted, though most of it (a bit over ½) is wind-polished. The interior is quite fresh and shows lots of metal , much o it in interesting short (1cm or so long) veins. This does have plenty of chondrules (which show clearest on the back not fully polished side) but they are very hard to see as they are in a fairly dark (shock darkened) gray matrix.
64.8 gram complete slice – 80mm x 35mm x 8mm - $200 SOLD

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale List 192 - 12JUL2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale List 192

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 192

July 12, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here, finally, is an offering. I think it has been nearly two months since my last one.

Today is the first chance I have had all summer to pull together an offering. This is a quickly pulled together offering at that. These are items that I got from Alan Lang and all but the thin howardite slices -NWA (8559)- come with a Lang Collection label. These are also all in Riker mounts so the shipping will be a bit higher on these ($4 to $6 maybe for US orders) as they will require boxes and extra packing. For overseas orders it might be best to consider letting me ship the sample on its own as I suspect that a Riker (or similar) could be picked up overseas for cheaper than the shipping will be to send it on now (the post office actually lowered our domestic shipping rates a few cents recently but seems to have jacked up overseas rates substantially to make up for it. The past few overseas orders that I have sent out I expected $9 to ship were now $13 – and that was for my usual small specimen in a small jewelry box in a padded envelope!). I’ll try to let any overseas buyers know what the rough shipping costs will be either way and let them decide from there.

DAR al GANI (313), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL3). Found April 24, 1997. Tkw = 3294 grams.
Now here is one that I believe is the opposite of the NWA chondrites listed below. This one is listed as a W2 for the weathering grade but I see very little fresh metal left in it. Regardless, it does show lots of chondrules in a very dark (nearly black) matrix. I wish they had done the sub-typing on this one. The huge spread in the Faylites in this and the dark matrix hint that this might be a really low sub type number. These are small slices. They have natural edges so they are complete slices of natural fragments.
1) Slices:
a) 1.3 grams – 15mm x 12mm x 2mm - $25
b) 6.4 grams – 42mm x 20mm x 2.5mm - $95

DAR al GANI (442), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (H3.6). Found 1998. Tkw = 188 grams.
This is a nice complete slice. It has nice black crust completely around its edge, aside from a 4mm natural chip. The interior shows lots of metal in a medium brown matrix. There are lots of chondrules present but they are not super easy to see at first glance (H chondrites generally have quite small chondrules). However, tipping the specimen so light reflects off of the metal shows lots of chondrules – many of them armored (surrounded by metal and sulfides).
13.4 gram complete slice – 40mm x 29mm x 4mm - $100

DAR al GANI (521), Libya: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3). Found 1998. Tkw = 1567 grams.
This is a complete slice of a fragment, though the longest edge has a curved shape that is likely the original exterior of the meteorite. This CV has a very different look to it than most. This is dark brown and very hard, almost glassy (most CV’s are light gray and soft). The hardness of the piece allowed this slice to take a high diamond polish, something not really possible with the typical CV specimen. Some chondrules and CAIs are visible, but nothing like the typical CV. I looked up a couple pictures of this material available on the Meteoritical Bulletin site and this is definitely the right stuff.
6.7 gram complete slice – 55mm x 18mm x 2mm - $90

DHOFAR (125), Oman: Primitive achondrite (Acapulcoite) S1, W1/2. Found January 26, 2000. Tkw = 2697 grams.
This riker has two small thin part slices. The smallest is .17 grams and measures 9mm x 4mm x 1.5mm. The larger piece is .55 grams and measures 12mm x 9mm x 1.5mm. Both piece show a typical granular acapulcoite texture.
.72 gram thin slices (2 pieces) - $40

NWA (1203): Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 1999. Tkw = 716 grams.
I am not sure if much of this has ever been available to the collecting world. It was classified ion Tokyo and has an unlisted owner for the main mass. Regardless, this is actually a pretty nice complete slice. It has nice dark fusion crust around most of the edge. Despite its W3 in the Bulletin report, this is also quite fresh inside as well. There is lots of fresh metal and a number of clear breccia clasts visible in a nice light brown matrix. Frankly, this is every bit as nice as some of the Plainview, TX slices I have had recently.
77.1 gram complete slice – 85mm x 70mm x 4mm - $100

NWA (1224): Ordinary chondrite (L5). Found 1999. Tkw = 93 + grams.
I put a + on the total known weigh as I know it can’t be correct as I have 102 grams here. Regardless, this is a meteorite I wish I had more of as it has a wonderful breccia texture. It has lots of thin dark shock veins (and this is only a S3?) surrounding angular to rounded light to medium tan fragments. The back sides of these have nice dark chocolate brown to black crust (the smaller piece being pretty much completely crusted and the larger having some old surface chipping covering about 30%). This, along with the abundance of fresh metal makes me question a bit the W3 weathering grade assigned to this stone. Note, the larger piece has a high diamond polish that hides the structure a bit. Lower sanding/ polishing levels (around 220 grit) tend to show breccia textures better. However the super nice polish job has me hesitant to back sand this, so I’ll leave it as it is for now.
1) End pieces:
a) 50.9 grams – 50mm x 40mm x 15mm - $100
b) 51.2 grams – 60mm x 33mm x 20mm - $100

NWA (8559): HED achondirite (Howardite). Found April 1, 2013. Tkw = 1758.8 grams.
Here are a couple nice thin complete slices of this meteorite. The research report on this find says this meteorite is composed of 20% diogenite, 30% basaltic eucrite and 50% cumulate eucrite material (pretty much a complete run of the common Vesta surface materials). These slices have the classic howardite look angular clasts of different colors (white, gray black, etc) in medium gray matrix. The smaller piece has a couple larger clasts that are clearly eucrite fragments (completely different from each other texturally). The larger piece has a couple larger obvious black inclusions. The larger of the two (about 1cm x 1cm) looks to be (and likely is) a CM2 fragment (I almost sold this piece to a new collector at the Colorado Springs show last month, partly because of this feature. Unfortunately, they started flashing the lights saying “show is over for the day NOW” – despite the show having the best foot traffic of the day. The collector lived far enough away that he could not come back the next day to finish deciding if he was going to take this or the pallasite slice he was looking at).
1) Complete slices:
a) 39.9 grams – 105mm x 63mm x 2mm - $550
b) 42.1 grams – 115mm x 75mm x 1.5mm - $600

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 191 - Allende, Murchison and more

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 191 - Allende, Murchison and more

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 191

May 24, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here are a few carbonaceous chondrite pieces I just received along with yet more pieces I brought home from Tucson.
Some of the “from Tucson” pieces are from a collection of material I picked up from Alan Lang (mostly small things he had set aside from many years ago). Pieces from that lot you will start to see filling out future offerings this summer.

I also need to announce that it seems that I will be doing the Colorado Springs show in a couple weeks. A friend and fellow dealer (who I see mostly at the Creede show in August) ended up being assigned a 10’ X 30’ booth with no way to fill it. I will be brining a couple tables (one 8’ and one 6’ I think) and help fill the space. This show is now located at the Mortgage Solutions Expo Center (it used to be at the Mining Museum north of town. Neat place to have a show, but out of the way and quite hard to find if you didn’t know where you were going). This is at 3650 N. Nevada Ave in Colorado Springs. The days are: Friday June 3rd through Sunday June 5th with hours of 10-5 on Friday and Saturday and 10-4 on Sunday. Anybody that thinks they might come to the show please contact me if there is anything off of any semi recent (past 6 months or even longer perhaps) offerings (mailed and e-mail) or otherwise that you want me to bring (being a relatively small show I don’t automatically bring a lot of inventory).

ALLENDE, Mexico: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3.2). Fell February 8, 1969.
I haven’t had much Allende recently but got two pieces of this just a couple days ago. Both are very fresh. One is an angular fragment that has no crust but shows a lot of chondrules and CAIs. This particular piece is nice and interesting the way it is but it might be a good candidate for cutting into some nice slices. The other sample is also super fresh but is a really nice end piece. The cut side shows lots of chondrules and CAIs. The back side is mostly covered by fresh black crust (probably 85% coverage). It is apparent that this piece was picked up pretty much immediately after the fall. The crust shows some scuff marks from its impact BUT it also shows smeared in plant fibers (so it obviously hit some plants when it fell). These are such that they likely would have easily washed off if this had been out in the weather much.
a) 169.0 gram fragment – 70mm x 50mm x 35mm - $1350
b) 108.5 gram end piece – 80mm x 50mm x 17mm - $1300

DAR AL GANI (449), Libya: Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Found 1998. Tkw = 184 grams.
This is a cut natural fragment. The cut face shows a nice classic LL6 texture. There are some rounded light gray clasts, smaller chondrules and metal grains in a mottled light tan to brown matrix. The back side is a mix of wind polished fracture surfaces (mostly very old) and fusion crust. The fusion crusted surface makes up 40% or so of the back side. Not a rare item by type but a nice specimen none the less and probably now next to impossible to get for those that want a piece of all the different numbers they can get. This specimen is in a Riker with a Lang Collection label.
14.9 gram cut fragment – 25mm x 20mm x 16mm - $75

MURCHISON, Australia: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell September 28, 1969.
These are all nice little natural fragments. When I received these they had some dirt on them but a quick air blasting cleaned them up such that they look pretty much like they just fell. Each specimen has some fusion crust. The 1.14 gram piece has the most at around 30% coverage. The worst (the smallest) still has a crust patch that is around 10mm x 6mm in size but has a lot of deep flow structure and bubbling.
1) Natural fragments with crust:
a) .78 grams – 12mm x 11mm x 4mm - $110
b) 1.14 grams – 16mm x 10mm x 7mm – 160
c) 1.66 grams – 13mm x 12mm x 9mm - $230
d) 1.87 grams – 15mm x 10mm x 10mm - $260

NWA (865): Ordinary chondrite (L4). Found 2000. Tkw = 263 grams.
The Meteoritical Bulletin report for this find shows that seven pieces total of this meteorite were found. Kind of too bad more weren’t recovered as this is actually very nice. This is a complete stone that is completely covered in thick, heavy fusion crust. This does show some minor amounts of wind-polishing but not much as the crust retains its full fresh crust texture. The shape of this is the classic rounded edges meteorite shape. A great little piece for showing people what a real meteorite should look like. This specimen is in a Riker with a Lang Collection label. I have priced this pretty much the same as Alan had it priced nearly 15 years ago.
39.1 gram complete individual – 40mm x 20mm x 18mm - $80

NWA (1500): Achondrite (Ureilite). Found 2000. Tkw = 3.3 kilograms.
I single nearly complete stone with patches of fusion crust was found. This little part slice shows some of that crust. This little part slice is a ¼ slice and has two cut edges and one long natural edge. The long natural edge clearly shows a rounded meteorite shape and does have a few small patches of actual fusion crust remaining (for some reason, it is pretty rare to see fusion crust on a ureilite). This is a specimen from Alan Lang. It is mounted in a membrane box that is then in a small Riker with a RA Langheinrich Meteorite Collection label.
2.0877 gram part slice – 17mm x 8mm x 5mm - $60

NWA (8362): HED achondrite (howardite). Found 2013. Tkw = 548 grams.
This is an interesting specimen. It is a ½ slice (one cut edge, remaining edges are natural) that shows a lot of rounded clasts of many colors (gray, tan, greenish) and a surprising amount (for a howardite anyway) of metal grains in a light gray matrix. The Meteoritical Bulletin report indicates that this is close to the perfect howardite. Howardites are simply breccia mixes of diogenites and eucrites. To officially be a howardite there must be at least 10% diogenitic material in the mix (not sure of the minimum of eucritic material but I suspect that it is also around 10%). The research report for this particular stone says that it is composed of roughly 50% diogenitic orthopyroxene with the remaibder being eucritic material.
11.0 gram part slice – 47mm x 35mm x 3mm - $150

SEYMCHAN, Russia: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1967.
This is a triangular/ wedge- shaped piece that probably resulted from someone making a sphere (to do that, you start with a cube and then begin cutting edges and corners off until you have a rough, lumpy roundish thing that you put into the sphere grinder). Regardless, this piece is very rich in olivine crystals (some gemmy).
16.2 grams – 40mm x 17mm x 7mm - $80

Thursday 12 May 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 190 - Moon rocks

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 190 - Moon rocks

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 190
May 11, 2016

Dear collectors,

Here is an assortment of older Lunar slices that I had on display over in Montrose (I picked them up yesterday). I had left them there for a few years so that the folks of Montrose who thought they were plowing up, tripping over, building fence rows out moon rocks (thanks to the local paper, library and the loon they supported/ aided and abetted) would have the chance to see and compare to genuine Lunar material. We (the store and I) were going to have a publicized “come see real moon rocks and have your potential meteorites identified” event. He had been asking me to do this for a few years now but I didn’t think it was a particularly safe idea. Now with the loon in jail for the time being, we began to set up a schedule and began making plans. However, the event has now been permanently canceled. The store owner’s wife saw the still huge potential danger in hosting such an event and (wisely in my opinion) has forbade it from happening in their store. I won’t go into the ugly details here (some day I might explain all the “excitement” that has developed because of my involvement in showing Montrose is NOT the “Meteorite Capital of the World”) but she CLEARLY understands that there are far more people that are upset and involved in the issue than just the guy in jail (unfortunately, it seems my actions have also managed to upset the local and state “Sovereign Citizen” movement. These folks are listed by the FBI as the greatest terrorist threat within the US). Basically, the store no longer needs (nor wants) the liability of these rocks on display so now I am making some of them available for sale. Needless to say, I have only one of each of these (and some of these are really hard to come by these days) so contact me quickly if possible if you are interested. On the expensive pieces I am happy to work out time payments or such if needed as well.

DAR al GANI (400), Libya: Lunar (anorthositic breccia). Found 1998. Tkw = 1425 grams.
Boy, this meteorite sure scared the _ell out of me when its discovery was announced. I had wired $87k to Germany to buy a piece of Dar al Gani (262) that was the size of a nickel and had not received it yet when this new lunar was announced. Thankfully (or I would have probably gone bankrupt and left meteorites all together) this huge new lunar did not become available for quite some time (not much of it was offered for sale and it was not cheap when it did finally make its way to collectors). So, me and my chips of Dar al Gani (262) ended up being the first lunar material released widely to collectors. Anyway, this is a long triangular thin slice. There are some light clasts in a medium to dark gray mottled matrix. Not real exciting but this particular material is not commonly available.
.243 gram slice – 20mm x 8mm x .5mm - $400

DHOFAR (461), Oman: Lunar (anorthositic crystalline melt breccia). Found 2001. Tkw = 33.7 grams.
The total known weight listed above is for the particular stone this slice was cut from. Apparently, 13 paired pieces totaling 708 grams were ultimately recovered. To be honest, this sure does not look exciting (but it is a bit different in type/ texture from most Lunar specimens) with only a few really tiny white clasts in dark brown matrix. The edge of this piece is about ½ natural and ½ cut. I got it years ago (at a much higher price) form the Russians that supposedly found it.
.95 gram slice – 28mm x 18mm x .5mm - $1000

NWA (032): Lunar (olivine-pyroxene basalt). Found October 1999. Tkw = about 300 grams.
Hmm, for 300 grams supposedly being found of this I sure haven’t ever seen much of it around over the years. I got this from Alan Lang many years ago (and it was really expensive back then – not that it is really cheap now). Of all the Lunar basalts I have ever seen, this stuff looks the most like a basalt (at least a terrestrial basalt). It has small (mm or so sized) greenish tan crystals in a dark gray, nearly black matrix. This is a super thin slice in a membrane box. A small (around 3mm x 2mm) corner has broken off (good E-Bay micro?). The slice is solid otherwise (though so thin I would advise against handling it).
.206 gram slice – 15mm x 10mm x .5mm - $600

NWA (482): Lunar (impact melt breccia). Found 2000. Tkw = 1015 grams.
Here is small but super nice piece of possibly the most famous Lunar meteorite. This piece may be small but it has absolutely everything you want to see in a piece of this meteorite. Half of the edge has a nice sculpted shape and is covered with fusion crust (the remainder is broken, not cut). The interior shows a fantastic breccia texture. About 1/3rd is a large white clast. The remainder shows lots of small angular white clasts separated by black shock melt veins. A “micro” specimen in size only.
.388 gram slice – 12mm x 11mm x 1mm - $750

NWA (2727): Lunar (mare basalt/ gabbro breccia). Found 2005. Tkw = 191.2 grams.
Here is one that I shared with a few other people. Four stones were recovered (30.6g, 11.6g, 64g, 85g). I got the 30.6 gram piece. This particular slice is a complete slice (well complete slice of the fragments anyway) of my specimen. This is interesting/ odd looking stuff. A bit over half of this slice is a mottled medium gray material (likely the mare basalt portion) with the remainder being neat brecciated mix of green, white and gray material (likely the gabbro).
4.15 gram complete slice – 35mm x 27mm x 2mm - $3500

NWA (2995): Lunar (feldspathic breccia). Found 2005. Tkw = 538 grams.
Here is a slice that makes people say “Wow!”. This slice is exactly what most people think of when they think “moon rock”. This has the classic highly brecciated texture with LOTS of light colored clasts (of all sizes – up to close to a centimeter) in a dark gray matrix. This is a nice, solid complete slice. A real museum piece.
11.5 gram complete slice – 70mm x 45mm x 1mm - $8000

NWA (2977): Lunar (gabbro). Found 2005. Tkw = 233 grams.
This is a slice I picked up years ago as the “gabbro” (basaltic composition but solidified slower below the surface so it developed coarser crystal structure) for my collection. This is a part slice that has crust/ natural exterior around about 2/3rds of the edge. The remaining edge is freshly broken but has a natural appearance to it. The interior is a fine granular light greenish tan color with lots of fine black shock veins running through it.
1.55 gram slice – 23mm x 20mm x 1mm - $1100

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 189

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 189

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

……………………………………………………LIST 189
April 27, 2016

Dear collectors,
Here is the e-mail version of my recently mailed spring/ after tax season offering. Yep, I pretty much waited until the last minute to finally get my taxes done. If any of you did the same (apparently, a surprising number of people do procrastinate on this particular task) and will have to wait for your refund (hopefully you will get one) and would like to spend it on meteorites please let me know. I’d be happy to set things aside for you while the refund check is “in the mail”, so don’t hesitate to ask.

WOLF CREEK, Australia: Medium octahedrite (IIIB). Found 1947.
These are not actual iron meteorite but the famous (and still scarce) shale balls from this famous crater. I think a few pieces of actual iron has been found (and some shale balls still contain unoxidized iron inside them) but I have never had any such fresh metal Wolf Creek in my years. It has been many years since I have even had any shale balls. These particular specimens are all complete with a generally round (or oval) and often flattened shape and show the rough, kind of cracked surface texture (some have a layer of adhering sand). I have very few of these – only one of each size, except the smallest (of which I have two).
1) Individual shale balls as found (lightly air-blasted clean):
a) 108.6 grams - 50mm x 45mm x 28mm - $150
b) 126.4 grams - 65mm x 45mm x 27mm - sold
c) 165.6 grams - 60mm x 50mm x 30mm - $225
d) 190.6 grams - 60mm x 60mm x 28mm - $250

NWA (8225): Ordinary chondrite (H4), S2, W1. Found before September 2011. Tkw = 100 grams.
Here is another little “Main mass” offering. This, superficially, looks quite weathered. It has a complete individual shape but no real distinct crust left. The interior shows lots of small chondrules and some metal in medium to dark mottled orangish brown matrix. This is priced well below what just the analysis work would cost me to get the thing classified.
85.1 gram individual – 40mm x 30mm x 30mm - $130 – Main mass.

NWA (8738): “Ordinary” chondrite. (LL3-6), W1, S4. Found. Tkw = 2851 grams.
It took nearly 7 years to finally get this one through research (it just now got done). I think it was worth the wait. This is anything but ordinary and, to me, one of the most interesting meteorites I have offered in a long time. The pieces I got (4 larger and lots of gravel) looked like concrete – angular to rounded darker pebbles in a light gray matrix. The seller thought this was a howardite. To me, this turned out to be better. This is a breccia containing fragments of three distinct different meteorite types: LL3 (around 25% of the stone) and making up remainder (75% together) is LL6 and L6 (!). So, this is a breccia that has a large component of material from a completely different parent body! I don’t have a lot of this remaining as a sizable portion was small gravel and fragments and a fair number of the larger pieces have already sold. This is another meteorite that seemed to sell itself the few times I have shown anyone pieces of it.
1) Slices:
a) 4.0 grams - 18mm x 15mm x 5mm - $40
b) 8.0 grams - 32mm x 20mm x 5mm - $80
c) 16.6 grams - 50mm x 30mm x 5mm - $150
d) 36.4 grams - 65mm x 40mm x 5mm - $300
e) 77.8 grams - 75mm x 65mm x 5mm - $600 – nice large dark clasts.
2) Cut fragments:
a) 107.9 grams - 65mm x 65mm x 15mm - $800 – really nice!
b) 233.9 grams - 85mm x 70mm x 17mm - $1400

JBILET WINSELWAN, Morocco: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Found 2013. Tkw = about 6 kg.
I hesitated to offer this material. Part of me wanted to wait and see if it turned out that Ceres or the comet the Europeans landed on matches this stuff in any way at all. I suspect (hope?) that there are a number of collectors who thought (like me) that they could wait and pick up a nice piece of this at any time so they missed out. It turned out that there really was not much of this recovered and it disappeared quite quickly. These are all natural fragments (many have at least some crust) that I have air-blast cleaned to get rid of dirt (and now look amazingly dark and fresh). Here is another chance to own a Murchison like meteorite (these even still have a hint of odd carbon smell) for a fraction of the price.
1) Natural fragments as found (air blasted to remove dirt):
a) 1.7 grams - 15mm x 11mm x 10mm - $50
b) 2.7 grams - 16mm x 15mm x 8mm - $80
c) 5.5 grams - 23mm x 21mm x 11mm - $160
d) 9.7 grams - 30mm x 24mm x 12mm - $275
e) 19.3 grams - 35mm x 25mm x 19mm - $530
f) 37.7 grams - 40mm x 30mm x 28mm - $950

NWA (10514): HED achondrite (Eucrite, monomict breccia). Found April 2015. Tkw = 12 kilograms.
I got this stuff in a trade for a slice of a Texas stone that I simply could not say “No” to. This eucrite definitely has a bit different appearance than most. It has a mottled/swirled dark gray, green and reddish brown color with only a few light colored areas. This darkness is mostly due to shock effects and this particular meteorite has experienced a lot of shock. The research notes say it has a “high” shock level and that there is impact melt visible around the clasts (which are all one type material, hence the “monomict” breccia classification). These are all part slices, as the person who cut this had to block it down to get it to fit in their saw. These are not much to look at BUT it has a very different appearance and is quite affordable.
1) Part slices:
a) 2.6 grams - 20mm x 18mm x 2mm - $25
b) 5.2 grams - 33mm x 26mm x 2mm - $50
c) 11.6 grams - 42mm x 32mm x 3mm - $100
d) 27.1 grams - 60mm x 55mm x 3mm - $250
e) 66.1 grams - 100mm x 70mm x 4mm - $500

BEDIASITE, Tektite from Texas.
I picked up these wonderful specimens in Tucson from the guy that found them. He was leaving the show early to go do some gold prospecting I think and didn’t want to leave them with the jewelry dealer that he originally had them on display with (where they weren’t selling well as most jewelry people would have no idea why these pieces of dark glass were so expensive). Thankfully, he stopped by my room and made an offer that I luckily had (barely) cash to cover. Any way all of these are complete and show nice surface pits and etching (though the largest piece is a little shallower than others). I do have a few deep etched “popcorn” pieces listed below. However, these are one of a kind, only pieces available (as is the 41.7g large smoother piece).
1) Individual specimens as found:
a) 4.3 grams - 17mm x 15mm x 12mm - $45
b) 5.9 grams - 18mm x 15mm x 15mm - $60
c) 12.8 grams - 26mm x 22mm x 19mm - $130
d) 21.0 grams - 35mm x 22mm x 22mm - $200
e) 41.7 grams - 35mm x 33mm x 27mm - $400
2) “Popcorn” like individuals: $15/ gram:
Sizes available: 3.7g, 7.0g, 11.6g, 16.8g

MICROBIAL MAT: (stromatolite). Australia: 3.49 billion years old.
Here is yet another “ancient rock” offering. The note on the perky box says that this is from the Dresser Formation, North pole dome, Pilbara District, Western Australia. I had seen these during Denver last year but hesitated as they were twice the price of the other ancient rock perky boxed specimens I had bought earlier. Also, the Strelly Pool stromatolites are around the same age. However, research says that these North pole dome specimens are actually around 100million years older. I don’t have a lot of these specimens and it is not certain if the guy I got them from will be allowed to export any further pieces.
Roughly 20mm x 15mm x 10mm specimen in perky box - $50

Please note:
Shipping: For small US orders $3 should still be fine for now. Larger orders are now $12 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). Overseas prices have gone up A LOT the past couple years. Now small overseas orders are around $9 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Thankfully, it seems that the rate for registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is still around $13.
I do have a new fax machine that seems to work (but I have to answer it and manually turn it on), so overseas people can contact me that way if they must. How ever, for overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my brmeteorites@yahoo.com e-mail.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 188 - Bassikounou, Belle Plaine plus

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- List 188 - Bassikounou, Belle Plaine plus

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

…………………………………………………………LIST 188

April 5, 2016

BASSIKOUNOU, Mauritania: (H5). Fell October 16, 2006. Tkw = 80+ kilograms.
This stone is a bit of an enigma. It has a broken face (around 40mm x 40mm) that shows a fair amount of rusting but yet the crust that covers the rest of the stone is fresh and black and only has some faint hints of dark maroon/brown that might be from oxidation. The specimen sits and displays very nicely on this flat surface having kind of a nice mountain profile shape to it. I do believe that this broken surface is actually a very late atmospheric break. There are some slickenside areas (likely old shock veins that acted as weak areas in the stone facilitating the break) and the fusion crust around the edge (under good magnification) has a rounded edge indicating some melt flow rather than a sharp angular break. Nice display piece at a price about as cheap (per gram) as you will ever find a nice fresh crusted witnessed fall these days.
283.2 gram fresh crusted individual – 100mmx 45mm x 40mm - $750

BELLE PLAINE, Kansas: (L6). Found 1950. Tkw = 96.4 kilograms.
This is an incredible super thin complete slice (note: due to the thinness of this piece it is polished only on one side). It shows lots of fine metal and troilite grains in a dark greenish gray matrix. There are a number of fairly large distinctly green chondrules and melt clasts as well. I have handled a number of these slices over the years and some had what looked like a break that had been glued. Well, this particular piece probably has the largest such vein I have seen in a slice of this meteorite. This vein runs top to bottom across the middle of the slice and several areas of it are amazingly wide (one such part is roughly 5mm x 30mm). FEAR NOT. This vein is NOT a repair job! Close inspection reveals something quite amazing. This vein is composed of many small nearly black and white angular fragments all mixed together. So, this likely does have some melt component to it, but it is mostly a fine breccia vein. Under a 10X or so lens, the vein itself looks a lot like a miniature Lunar anorthositic breccia. I can only recall ever seeing such breccia veins in the Belle Plaine meteorite.
222.3 gram complete slice – 230mm x 140mm x 1.5mm - $750

DHOFAR (1514), Oman: Rumurutitie (R3.6). Found November 20, 2008. Tkw = 1749 grams.
I got these few little cut fragments from Robert Ward while in Tucson. The one stone that was found was large but I don’t know if much of it was ever released to collectors. An internet search brought up pretty much nothing. Regardless, I suspect I am going to wish I had more of this. It turns out that there are only three meteorites in the world classified as an R3.6. One small one is from Antarctica the other is a bit over 300 gram NWA stone. So, for most collectors looking to have all the different classifications, this might be their only chance to add an R3.6 to their collection for some time. These are all cut fragments. The two larger pieces are polished. The two small pieces in a bag together are not.
a) .8 grams – two cut fragments - $25
b) 1.7 gram cut fragment – 14mm x 14mm x 7mm - $50
c) 5.8 gram cut fragment – 20mm x 17mm x 10mm - $160

NWA (2086): Carbonaceous chondrite. (CV3). Found 2003. Tkw = about 33 kilograms.
This is one of my favorite carbonaceous chondrites. This has a color similar to Axtell and nearly the same chondrule rich, matrix poor texture as well. This is a nice little “complete” slice (no cut edges) of a natural fragment in a neat little display box.
3.2 gram complete slice – 43mm x 25mm x 1mm - $35

NWA (6973): Carbonaceous chondrite (CK5), S2, W2. Found 2011. Tkw = 89 grams.
This is a nice complete slice in a plastic display box with two labels. The label on the side with the specimen has the basic information typed. The one on the back is a COA from Mirko Graul and has the information hand written. The edge of this piece looks to be fully fusion crusted. I can’t tell exactly for certain as the display box is sealed and has a layer of desiccant (not sure why with this particular type meteorite as all the magnetic stuff is magnetite, not rustable metal. But then, parts of Germany are probably almost humid enough to rust a tektite) that I don’t want to risk spilling by opening this thing. Also, for the same reason, the thickness measurement is merely a good guess. This is probably a once only chance, given the tiny total known weight of this, for those of you collecting carbonaceous chondrites to add a piece of this particular one to your collection.
5.698 gram complete slice – 35mm x 25mm x 2mm - $100

NWA (7876): Ordinary chondrite. (L3.15). Found 2012. Tkw = 240 grams.
Wow! This is one for people that like chondrules. This thing is absolutely loaded with them. It seems to be nothing but chondrules. Close inspection seems to show that the “matrix” is nothing bet yet more even smaller chondrules. Neater still is that they show a lot of different colors. This looks a lot like (aside from being much fresher) Wells or Ragland but with smaller chondrules and less matrix. This is also a complete slice. Roughly 80% of the edge shows pretty nice black crust with a roughly 20mm long are looking to be light secondary crust.
14.7 gram complete slice – 45mm x 40mm x 3mm - $450

SEYMCHAN, Russia: (Pallasite). Found 1967.
This is a book-end type cut piece that is a good and interesting display piece. The backside is completely natural with a nice pleasing brown color and a nice natural patina that is not scaly. On the cut face, the olivine makes up a little less than half of the cut surface, but not by a lot. These olivines are generally quite large (around 15mm x 10mm on a few of the bigger pieces) and most have a very different look to them. There are plenty that show a typical orange/brown color but over half have a very dark to nearly black appearance. In fairly strong light these have a distinctly gray (with some faint hints of green) color. However, tipping the specimen around in this light shows a surprising depth to these crystals. More interestingly still is that these particular crystals show a very strong shiller effect – looking much more like labradorite than olivine in many cases! I seem to recall reading that this shiller effect is caused by shock and is one of the best pieces of evidence that an olivine crystal (or faceted gem stone) is from a meteorite as terrestrial ovlivines certainly do not ever show this effect. I have seen faint hints of this shiller in many meteoritic olivines, but nothing compared to the strength of these. So, this specimen obviously came from a part of the original body that experienced some serious impact shocks.
233.9 gram “book end” specimen – 83mm x 65mm x 15mm - $800