Wednesday 4 December 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 145, inventory clearance items

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 145, inventory clearance items

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 145

December 4, 2013
Note: please be patient if you respond to this offering by e-mail. I seem to be having a lot of troubles with Yahoo mail today. Most all of my actions (opening an e-mail, deleting one, etc) seem to be endlessly ending up with a "connection timed out" error message. A half dozen or so tries, I can usually get the job done though (for now).

Dear Collectors,
This is, yet again, delayed a day from when it should have been sent out. We have some seriously bad weather passing through and I spent most of yesterday (and Monday) trying to prepare. A “roofer” who I hired to coat the roof to hold the shingles from blowing off in our strong winds, decided to take it upon himself to “fix” the shingles that were already partly broken and possibly flapping in the wind. Rather than sealing them down with tar underneath, he did this by simply nailing the things down completely through from above. What this did is give water a direct path through the roof along these nail holes – something I learned about when it rained/ snowed last week (and I got a big wet spot on the inside ceiling in my bedroom). I had been waiting for nice weather to get up on the roof and deal with this problem (patching/ coating these new holes/ nails). Unfortunately, we have not had any nice weather. I have had no sunshine for over 2 weeks now (our last really nice day was November 18th. I flew my plane that day and the ignition system, yet again, “let me down”. Time for a complete re-build on that part of this machine). I have shut down the solar hot water system for the house as there has been no heat generated lately and I need what little heat is still in the storage tank for keeping pipes of the system from freezing later this week. We are also expecting “the coldest temperatures in over 3 years” the next couple weeks. I had a couple weeks of 15 below weather last January so I am not sure I like hearing this bit of news. I had to spend the rest of the time I had Monday and Tuesday figuring out and implementing a way to put up insulation over my green house windows/ heat collection surfaces (again, no sun for over 2 weeks means no heat stored in the water barrels to speak of and sub-zero temperatures mean BIG problems with out insulation and an electric heat source). We have also been told that we may be getting over a foot of snow here as well (!!) We only average 18” in an entire year. This may mean that orders from this offering may be delayed in getting to the post office if the weather folks are remotely correct (my driveway is over 450 feet long and it takes around 7 hours to shovel it out, something that, thankfully, I have only had to do a couple times in 12 years now).

Anyway, these are things I have turned up while doing inventory work that I have only a piece or two left of. I have greatly reduced the price on these few stragglers from what they originally were. I’d rather sell them now than keep these “names” going on into inventory next year.

HYATTEVILLE, Wyoming: (L6). Found April 2008. Tkw = 8911 grams.
I never had a whole lot of this meteorite (the main mass – some 4kg plus – went to a collector in Canada) but now I am down to these two pieces. I think these were my largest pieces; an end piece/ cut fragment and the next slice that came off. This is a fairly fresh meteorite (weathering grade of 1). It shows quite a lot of fresh metal in a mixed light tan to medium brown spotted matrix. Nothing really special or rare by type, but very few meteorites from Wyoming are available to collectors. I sold most of this at around $4.50/ gram. I am pricing these substantially cheaper for a sale “as they are”. IF I end up breaking these down into smaller pieces (something I might do for Tucson if they don’t sell here) the resulting pieces will likely be priced back at that higher level.
a) 81.6 gram slice – 116mm x 70mm x 3mm - $225
b) 222.2 gram end piece/ cut fragment – 200mm x 75mm x 10mm - $550

KORRA KORRABES, Namibia: (H3). Found 1996, recognized 2000. Tkw = about 140 kilograms.
This is an end piece/ cut fragment that I had planned on cutting up into slices but didn’t for a couple reasons. One is I just plain didn’t take the time or effort to put it ion the “get done” pile. The other is that there is some controversy over whether or not this is truly Korra Korrabes or a new meteorite. There has been a rumor floating around that the fresher pieces like this (Korra Korrabes is usually really dark brown, this is a nice lighter brown, has good metal and clearly shows some breccia clasts) might be a “new” unrecognized meteorite. This may yet turn out to be the case (I think it is being worked on) but I am currently taking the view that this is most likely a piece of Korra Korrabes that simply was in an area that exposed it to less oxidation (as this potential “new” meteorite is also an H3). Anyway, I decided to offer this (the only piece that is mine – I have a couple that are consigned yet) as it is, a nice end piece, rather than cut it up into slices.
333.6 gram end piece/ cut fragment – 65mm x 50mm x 40mm - $330

NWA 2136 : (L3.5). Found before February 2004. Tkw = 1045 grams.
I had a bunch of slices of this but seem to have only these two pieces remaining. This is rather interesting looking stuff. It is somewhat porous and shows lots of gray chondrules in a light brown/ orange matrix (actually, the smaller piece has a lot of dark red/brown in its matrix, making the chondrules even more obvious).
a) 6.3 gram slice – 33mm x 32mm x 3mm - $20
b) 16.0 gram slice – 48mm x 38mm x 3mm - $50

NWA 5774: (LL5) polymict breccia. Found before October 2008. Tkw = 815 grams.
This is an interesting meteorite. It clearly shows clasts of various sizes and textures in slices (the smallest here is about ½ one texture and one half another totally different one). Research work showed that these clasts were fragments of LL material of different compositions so this meteorite was classified as a polymict breccia. This meteorite is quite fresh and shows fresh metal and various clasts (brown to dark gray) and chondrules in a light brown (almost orange) matrix. These three pieces are all I have remaining of this meteorite.
a) 3.8 grams – 28mm x 20mm x 3mm - $11
b) 8.3 gram slice – 33mm x 23mm x 4mm - $25
c) 10.5 gram slice – 35mm x 33mm x 3mm - $30

NWA 5782: Achondrite. Acapulcoite/ Lodranite. Found before September 2008. Tkw = 130 grams.
I had only two stones of this exciting, unique meteorite. This meteorite looked to be a breccia with impact melt looking veins. The thing turned out to be a unique breccia mix of fragments of both acapulcoite (45%), lodranite (25%) in a matrix (30%) composed of debris from both lithologies. This was described by the researchers working on it as “the Rosetta Stone of the acapulcoite-lodranite parent body”. I came close to selling out of this at around $400/g when I offered a couple years ago. I have only these 4 small/ thin slices (in membrane boxes) remaining.
a) .19 gram slice – 15mm x 3mm x 1mm - $47
b) .26 gram slice – 13mm x 7mm x 1mm - $65
c) .32 gram slice – 11mm x 6mm x 1.5mm - $70
d) .36 gram slice – 13mm x 10mm x 1mm - $85

MOAPA VALLEY, Nevada: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM1). Found September 2004. Tkw = 698.8 grams.
I think there are only two CM1 chondrites that have ever been available to collectors; this one and a mere 19gram NWA specimen. Don’t fear the “high” total known weight on this one. I know that the main mass is now safely part of a permanent collection (a brokered the deal) and very little of this truly rare stuff is floating around. So, if you have been waiting to add a piece of this “new” type carbonaceous chondrite to your collection, don’t wait to long, this is indeed my very last piece (and priced at about what it cost me).
.64 gram fragment – 11mm x 6mm x 5mm - $400

MUONIONALUSTA, Sweden: Fine octahedrite. Found 1906.
Here is a selection of 7 small etched slices ranging in size from 11 grams up to 26 grams. I have had these sitting aside for a couple years and kind of forgot about them (I had planned on using these to replace Gibeon for people that wanted an etched iron but then Seymchan came along). The sizes are: 11.7g, 16.3g, 17.1g, 17.2g, 20.2g, 21.3g, 26.7g for a total of 130grams. These do have a nice etch (generally better than Gibeon actually) and are in surprisingly nice condition. Despite the years (several) I have had them, the have only developed a few hints of rusting (and even then only on a couple of the pieces) – mostly a small rust line (as even Gibeon gets) or a back ground hint of brown staining (that may really be a residue from etching). I am offering these as a lot for below what they would cost from the sources today. However, I will sell these individually (at $1/g) if the lot does not sell intact after a couple days.
130gram lot of 7 etched slices - $100

SaU 504, Oman: (L5/6). Found March 12, 2010. Tkw = about 20 kilograms.
I had a pretty good amount of this at one time but now seem to have only these two pieces. It is not a rare or particularly interesting meteorite but it is cheap (I sold most of it at $.80 to $.90/g) and well prepared (all pieces had at least one side polished to a high diamond polish). These two pieces are just a basic small slice and an end piece that really displays nicely. I don’t have many Oman stones and likely will have very few in the future (the few people I knew who were getting them have long since moved on to other areas now that it has indeed been made clear that this fantastic hunting locality is now off limits).
a) 38.4 gram slice – 45mm x 45mm x 7mm - $20
b) 973.3 gram end piece – 140mm x 75mm x 55mm - $400

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites- Meteorites For Sale List 144

Blaine Reed Meteorites- Meteorites For Sale List 144

Dear Collectors,
I know, This was supposed to go out yesterday. I was out of town most of the day though and had no chance to pull anything together until today. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot to offer at the moment and considered simply skipping an offering. However, I DID have these things waiting to e put on a list at some point. AND I will be doing inventory work soon – a many days effort that I dread each year but often turns up things I forgot I had (along with I want to sell off the last pieced or two of some things so I no longer have to keep track of it in the books) that probably will keep offerings supplie3d (time allowing) for the rest of the year.

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona. Iron. Coarse octahedrite.
Here is a 12 piece lot of some small but really interesting, sculpture like shaped pieces. I had thought of cataloging them up and offering them one at a time but decided to sell them as a lot so someone else could do this (and possibly make a good deal of money on E-Bay or such in the process). These could also be, obviously, just added to your collection for visual appeal as well.
12 “art” pieces totaling 72.6 grams - $90

NWA (unstudied):
This is a bit over ½ (2/3 perhaps) of what was an oriented individual. The front is obviously domed and the back is flatter with a hint of a roll-over rim around areas of the edge. The natural break is certainly old and looks like it is probably lightly crusted but I can’t certain that it is as much of this area (and the back side ) is fairly wind-polished. Thankfully, the front side is in pretty good shape (was likely buried most of the time after the fall) so the crust is a bit darker and in pretty good shape (some hints of flow lines present).
. 140.9 gram oriented ½ individual – 60mm x 40mm x 28mm - $70

NWA (753): (R3.9). Found January 2001. Tkw = about 12 kilograms.
Here is a large (for this stuff) end piece. This is a quite fresh meteorite but it was found as many, mostly small, fragments. Many of the larger pieces were also highly fractured and don’t cut well. This piece is clearly a fragment from a larger piece (broken apart by freeze-thaw perhaps) but it is nice and solid 9and could be cut up into slices – something I had contemplated doing and my yet if this does not sell as is). The interior shows very light, nearly white chondrules in a light gray matrix. There is a lot of what looks to be lightly oxidized metal as well. However, this is not metal (as all of the iron in this meteorite is tied up in the minerals, making it non responsive to even a very strong magnet) but rather iron sulfides (mostly troilite). An interesting type meteorite that very little of is seen anymore.
44.4 gram end piece – 33mm x 23mm x 20mm - $475

NWA (1908): Cumulate Eucrite. Found January 2002. Tkw = 980 grams.
This was a single stone that Mike Farmer picked up on one of his investor sponsored trips to Morocco. I was a “member” on this one and received some of this directly myself 9and soon sold it all). I got this from another one of the “investors’ that had it sitting aside or many years doing nothing but collecting dust. It was an odd shaped quasi-slice (so it didn’t display very well anyway) that I have since cut up into nice small slices. This is very fresh material. It shows “salt and pepper” textured clasts in a finer very light gray matrix.
1) Slices:
a) 2.1 grams – 23mm x 12mm x 3mm - $30
b) 3.3 grams – 30mm x 13mm x 3mm - $45
c) 8.4 grams – 35mm x 27mm x 4mm - $110
d) 13.1 grams – 60mm x 28mm x 4mm - $165

These are a few really nice shaped pieces I had set aside (time to move them before I accidentally damage them). They are nice teardrop, Hershey’s kiss shaped pieces (one of each and one that is in between. I have only these three pieces at the moment).
a) 19.3 gram Hershey’s kiss shaped individual. 37mm long, base is 25mm x 25mm - $15
b) 19.6 gram teardrop/ Hershey’s kiss individual. 50mm long, base 25mm x 22mm - $12
c) 35.2 gram teardrop. 55mm long, base 30mm x 25mm - $12

This is a nice piece that came in as part of a collection that was other glasses (mostly Fulgurites – see below). This is a better quality piece so it is quite clear (though there is some internal banding visible). This is an irregular/ angular piece (interesting shape0 but there are no recent chips or breaks (so its shape is “natural”. This has two different cars/ labels with it.
14.4 gram natural fragment – 40mm x 30mm x 12mm - $30

FULGURITES: Lightning fussed sand.
Here is a neat lot of like 14 pieces from 4 different localities I had thought about breaking up into individual pieces for sale. I decided that I just don’t have the time to do this right now (they are fairly small for the most part and there would be a fair amount time involved to bag, label, weigh, measure and list these individually). So, I’ll try offering them as a lot for some one to add to their collection (a surprising number of meteorite people also seem to like weird things like fulgurites. I have several larger piece in my collection). The localities and such are; Libyan Desert – 8 pcs 17.3 grams, Uruguay – 2 pcs 8.1 grams, Oregon – 2 pcs 3.2 grams, Arizona – 2 pcs 2.1 grams. All of these have labels of some sort a couple have David Shannon (a famous mineral dealer from Arizona who passed away a number of years ago) labels as well.
Lot of 14 pieces, 4 different localities - $50

TRINITITE: Glass formed by the first nuclear explosion, Trinity, New Mexico, July 16, 1945.
I wish I had known I had this piece a couple weeks ago. I just did a show in Socorro, NM and had several people ask for “larger” pieces of this (I have only small one gram or so pieces left in the inventory I had with me). Apparently the local shops down there are asking something like $30/g for this stuff (a clear cut case of “local appreciation effect” making the price of something higher as you get closer to the origin area). This piece has a bunch of labels/ info cards with it (5 I think).
3.7 grams – 28mm x 22mm x 10mm - $20

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites- List 142. More interesting small rarities

Blaine Reed Meteorites- List 142. More interesting small rarities

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 143

October 22, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here is my second “after Denver list”. Much like the last one, this is mostly small, inexpensive (from an overall price stand point not necessarily from a price per gram view though) but interesting things offering. Some of these things are meteorites that I am certain I have never had pieces of before.

BURSA, India: (L6). Fell 1946. Tkw = 25 kilograms.
I am quite certain that this is a meteorite that I have not had a piece of before. I am not certain that I have ever had a meteorite from Turkey before. As much of the things on this list, these are small fragments. Unlike many of the other pieces listed though, the plastic research vial contains the lot of smaller pieces in this case. Part of this is because there was no real stand out pieces size wise but part of it was that most of these small pieces show nice patches of fusion crust (not the case with the larger but single piece specimens).
a) .04 gram fragment in a capsule - $12
b) .075 gram fragment in a capsule - $20
c) .133 grams fragments (most showing crust) in plastic vial - $40

DHURMSALA, India: (LL6). Fell July 14, 1860. Tkw = 149.4 kilograms.
This is a batch of fragments (up to 4 or 5mm in size) in a lidded research vial labeled “Dhurmsala #41a chips”.
.28 grams o fragments in vial - $40

ERGHEO, Somalia: (L5). Fell July 1, 1889. Tkw = 20 kilograms.
This might be one of the ones that I have never offered a piece of before. However, I think I had a piece of this in my micro collection that I sold privately years ago (helped pay or the land I am living on now I think). These are a mix of capsules of fragments, capsules that have only one fragment and the plastic research vial (that is labeled “Ergheo $45a chips” that contains a single (the largest) fragment I had in this batch.
a) .055 gram fragment in capsule - $10
b) .10 gram of fragments in capsule - $20
c) .152 gram fragment in plastic lidded vial - $30

GOLD BASIN, Arizona: (L4). Found 1995. Tkw = about 200 kilograms.
This is a neat little specimen I won at the COMETS auction during the Denver Show. I think this was the first of the specimens being sold with the proceeds going to the club. They put on one heck of an event with great food, beer and fun. To support them, I bid on this. It didn’t cost a lot but I was more than thrilled to help out the club. This piece is interesting in that it comes in its original University of Arizona labeled bag (they were doing research on this material when it started showing up). The bag is labeled with a bright (almost neon) orange label that has “UA 1016, D. Hill” on it. The piece is only 1.8 grams. It is an angular fragment but still has one side (15mm x 6mm) that is obviously old weathered crust.
1.80 gram natural fragment – 16mm x 7mm x 6mm - $10

KUNASHAK, Russia: (L6). Fell June 11, 1949. Tkw = 200+ kilograms.
I still have a slice or two of this that I offered on an earlier list. This however is a batch of fragments (up to 6 or 7mm sized) in a lidded vial that is labeled “Kunashak #741 chips.
1.0 gram of fragments in lidded research vial - $15

NULLES, Spain: (H6). Fell November 5, 1851. Tkw = 8.85 kilograms.
This is one I am certain I have never had before. Not even in my own collection. These are all single fragments in either a capsule or (the largest) a plastic lidded vial. The vial is labeled “Nulles #783 chips”.
a) .16 gram fragment in capsule - $30
b) .26 gram fragment in plastic vial - $50

ORGUIEL, France: Carbonaceous chondrite (CI1). Fell May 14, 1864. Tkw = 10.5+ kilograms.
This is a batch of fragments in a capsule that is in a membrane box. It looks to be that about 2/3 of the weight is in one fragment that is roughly 8mm x 5mm x 4mm.
.25 grams of fragments in capsule in membrane box - $300

SANTA ROSALIA, Mexico: (Pallasite). Found 1950. Tkw = 1631 grams.
Personally, I think this is, perhaps, the rarest most interesting thing on this list. It is not a fall (so there will be a large segment of the collecting community that will have no interest in it) BUT it is a PALLASITE! And not just any pallasite, but one that is probably nearly impossible to acquire (really low total known weight). I think next to falls (perhaps even exceeding falls) pallasites are the most important collection focus (they are generally beautiful and truly rare). I know I have never had any pieces of this one. Two of these pieces have at least some visible olivine and two are “just” metal fragments (though they may show pockets where there was olivine). The largest is in a pill vial labeled “Santa Rosalia 599.1”.
a) .18 gram cut fragment with some olivine in a capsule – 7mm x 4mm x 2mm - $40
b) .37 gram cut metal fragment – 14mm x 5mm x 2mm - $40
c) .72 gram cut metal fragment – 10mm x 8mm x 2mm - $80
d) .54 gram cut fragment with obvious olivine – 14mm x 4mm x 3mm - $150

SARATOV, Russia: (L4). Fell September 6, 1918. Tkw = 328 kilograms.
This is another lidded plastic research style vial that is nearly full of fragments, dust and chondrules. The vial is labeled “Saratov #740 chips”.
1.5 grams of fragments in vial - $10

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 142, mailed offering

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 142, mailed offering

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………….LIST 142

October 8, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here is the e-mail version of my mailed list that many of you (and many other collectors) are just now receiving. Some of these things I have had around awhile but many I picked up in Denver at the show a few weeks ago (usually I have most of this “after Denver” offering already typed up in the computer before I leave for the show). Most of the items on this offering are small or quite cheap (or both). Some of these things (like the Agoudal) that was all that was available and others (like The Jbilet CM2) that was all I could get (the larger pieces of this were quite a bit higher price per gram, rare in meteorites, and sold out at the show rapidly none the less).

AGOUDAL, Morocco: Iron, coarsest octahedrite (IIAB). Found 2000. Tkw = over 100 kilograms.
This was a “new thing” in Tucson this year (at a much higher priced). The first pieces found were sold to tourists and it wasn’t until late 2012 that a dealer got one and recognized it as a meteorite. A (successful) recovery campaign soon followed. Most of the pieces are quite small (as are mine) have a shrapnel shape and are heat recrystallized, leading many to speculate that there might be an impact crater associated with their fall. Shattercones have been found in the area but it is not currently known if they are associated with these meteorites. These pieces have been lightly/ moderately brushed but are natural otherwise.
1) Lightly brushed natural fragments:
a) 6.0 grams - 20mm x 10mm x 5mm - $12
b) 13.1 grams - 34mm x 17mm x 6mm - $25
c) 25.0 grams - 32mm x 18mm x 14mm - $48
d) 52.3 grams - 40mm x 23mm x 18mm - $100
e) 82.7 grams - 35mm x 35mm x 15mm - $150
f) 126.5 grams - 55mm x30mm x 22mm - $220 – my largest and only this size.

NWA (7017): Ordinary chondrite (L6). Found before September 2011. Tkw = about 20 kilograms.
I bought two pieces that totaled nearly 5kg in Denver during the 2011 show. The next Tucson show, the same dealer brought me another 15kg piece. The pieces all fit together, so I KNOW they were indeed all the same meteorite. Unfortunately, I was not able to come up with the money to buy the other 15 kilos (it was priced as a fresh meteorite as this is). Probably a good thing though. This has really nice thumb-printing, nice dark crust (though shows some wind-polishing) and a really fresh nearly white interior. If I had pieced the whole thing back together, I’d probably end up keeping it. Anyway, a museum in North Carolina landed the 15 kilo piece for their display.
1) Slices:
a) 9.9 grams - 28mm x 25mm x 5mm - $15
b) 20.5 grams - 47mm x 35mm x 5mm - $30
c) 32.1 grams - 70mm x 35mm x 4mm - $45
d) 72.3 grams - 85mm x 55mm x 5mm - $105
2) Natural fragment:
3768 grams – 150mm x 150mm x 90mm - $2400 – around 50% crusted. Nice display specimen.

NWA (7901): Ordinary chondrite (H6). Found before February 2013. Tkw = 1962 grams.
This was a stone I picked up for a customer that wanted a stone that showed nice slightly weathered crust (chocolate brown but still showing proper crust texture, not wind polished). This fit the bill, but they changed their minds on it (or found something to fit their need somewhere else while I was in Tucson). A small broken area showed a crystalline look to it so I cut a piece off and had it run to be sure I wasn’t about to sell of an E or such (I just figured out how to tell a cut H from a Winonnaite or Acapulcoite thankfully but I have not figured out the H versus E yet). Anyway, this is a nice stone that has crust covering around 70% of it. The remainder is natural fracture and a 45mm x 35mm cut where the research specimen was removed.
1924.7 gram main mass - 120mm x 120mm x 75mm - $1250

NWA (6135), Ordinary chondrite (LL3.8). Found 2008. Tkw = 3.8 kilograms.
This is something I got from Matt Morgan a few years ago, set aside and then pretty much forgot about it. I finally re-discovered it and cataloged it. Most of this is just really nice LL3, showing lots of chondrules and clasts (having the appearance of a much lower type number than 3.8). A few rare pieces have larger or more interesting clasts. The largest pieces here are such specimens. The 120g one has a roughly 17mm x 15mm obvious clast of a different LL type (looks like LL5). The 121 gram piece is more subtle. It has a number of small (cm size or so) LL5 clasts BUT it also has about 6 or so small (couple mm) black carbonaceous looking clasts.
1) Slices:
a) 5.3 grams - 24mm x 22mm x 3mm - $37
b) 8.9 grams - 30mm x 30mm x 3mm - $62
c) 15.7 grams - 40mm x 35mm x 4mm - $105
d) 30.6 grams - 45mm x 40mm x 6mm - $180
e) 64.5 grams - 75mm x 55mm x 6mm - $375
f) 120.3 grams - 105mm x 60mm x 5mm - $725 – complete slice with LL5 inclusion.
g) 121.1 grams - 105mm x 65mm x 6mm - $725 – complete slice with carbon inclusions.

JBILET WINSELWAN, Morocco/ Western Sahara: Carbonaceous (CM2). Found May 24, 2013. Tkw = about 6 kg.
I think that this is the first (CM2) I have had from any desert region. These are usually fragile enough that they don’t withstand a lot of weathering. These pieces though indicate that this probably did not fall all that long before its recovery. Many have some light wind polishing but many also still show patches of fresh undamaged fusion crust and have a fresh looking black color overall. This is a very new discovery (having been recovered this past summer) so I have not seen any scientific papers on it yet, but I am certain it will contain the organics, amino acids and such that other CM2 meteorites contain. These are all broken fragments that are as found, except that I did my best to clean what dirt they had off of them with distilled water and a tooth brush. I got mostly small pieces, unfortunately. So I have very few of the larger items listed here.
1) Natural fragments:
a) .50 grams - 11mm x 8mm x 4mm - $18
b) .80 grams - 13mm x 10mm x 5mm - $25
c) 1.03 grams - 15mm x 10mm x 6mm - $31
d) 1.34 grams - 16mm x 10mm x 7mm - $40
e) 1.91 grams - 23mm x 11mm x 6mm - $57
f) 2.60 grams - 17mm x 11mm x 10mm - $78
g) 5.15 grams - 20mm x 13mm x 12mm – sold, trying to get more “large” pieces.

NWA (1877): Diogenite, olivine rich. Found 2003. Tkw = 934 grams.
I think these are now officially “Diogenite, Harzburgite”. The classification system for these changed recently (Dunites are now Diogenite with a sub-description of “dunitic”). It is believed that this material has an origin from very deep in Vesta (however, I had one researcher tell me recently that the spacecraft that orbited Vesta a year or so ago did not see any olivine so there is still some slight uncertainty as to the origin of these things and dunites). This type material is fairly uncommon and these “pieces” are surprisingly cheap. I got these from a friend who deals mostly in fossils but has some meteorites. This material is quite friable (crumbles easily) so he set up these samples as small glass vials with 2.5 grams of fragments and crumbs.
1) 2.5 grams of fragments in a glass vial - $30.00

JEPARA, Indonesia: Stony-iron (Pallasite). Ound May 2008. Tkw = 499.5 kilograms.
A single nearly spherical boulder was found. The nickel-iron had oxidized completely to a mix of magnetite and nickel sulfides and sulfates. However, the olivine (which made up some 64% of the stone) was left very fresh and clear. Many pieces are bright green and very clear and being of faceting quality. It is it these olivine grains I am offering. Some have some rust staining but most are bright and fresh. Some of these certainly could be faceted although only into small stones (the pieces I have are a couple millimeters to maybe 5 or 6mm in size). I do have a couple small pieces where the olivine is still in the magnetite matrix available, but I mostly got the loose olivine crystals because they were so eye catching.
1) 1.5 grams of loose olivine crystals in glass vial – $15.00

I know these are really common but these pieces are uncommonly large. They are simple flattened disks but they were so large and I was able to hand pick the pieces I wanted at a “typical” price. Usually, the sellers make you buy a 10 or 20kg flat full just to get a few large pieces among the usual sized ones or charge an exorbitant price for these large ones when selling by the piece. There weren’t many, unfortunately, but I bought these at a regular price and am selling these at my usual Chinese Tektite show price. Only the largest carries a bit of a premium.
1) Natural individuals:
a) 143.8 grams - 62mm x 58mm x 25mm - $30
b) 196.2 grams - 65mm x 62mm x 30mm - $40
c) 247.2 grams - 68mm x 65mm x 35mm - $50
d) 304.1 grams – 75mm x 70mm x 35mm - $90

Please note:
The post office drastically increased most shipping rates. For small US orders $3 should still be fine. Larger orders are now $12 (insurance is extra if desired – I’ll look it up if you want it). The real increases came in overseas (or even Canada) shipping. These prices pretty much doubled from what they were before. Now small overseas orders are around $9 (I’ll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Thankfully, it seems that the rate for registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is still $12 (for now).
My fax machine has pretty much blown up on me. I can nurse it to work if I must (but often loose the incoming fax if I am not really careful). For overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my e-mail. I generally get/ deal with phone calls quicker but I will try to keep up on checking e-mail this time.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Blaine Reed Meteortes For Sale - List 141

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 141

September 24, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here are a few small but interesting items I either picked up at the Denver Show or were things that were sent to me while I was gone.

Many of you probably had no idea that I had even been away to a show. Worse still I was gone for several more days than usual. This is because starting with this year the show promoter is asking us to show and open up a few days earlier than what was usual because the “Coliseum Show” has begun opening earlier. I can see them (the Coliseum people) now opening on Thursday next year to “get the jump” on the other shows. Then we’ll have to match it and so on and so on until Denver tries to stretch out to two weeks like Tucson. I did give the earlier opening a try this year and the results were certainly NOT impressive. I will give it one more try next year (opening Sunday afternoon maybe) and switch back to something closer to my usual opening ( mid to late Tuesday morning) if the results are the same as this year.

My reason for posting this here and now is that I came home to many phone calls (and e-mails – I don’t really have the ability or time to keep up with them while at a show unfortunately) from people that were somewhat distressed that I had not responded/ returned calls over many days. In the past most of these people would have read a pre-show/ pre travel post and known that I was gone and expected such a delay, instead of thinking I am simply ignoring them.

Anyway, on to the items up for grabs:

ABEE, Canada: enstatite chondrite (EH4), melt breccia. Fell June 9, 1952. Tkw = 107 kilograms.
I picked up a few small pieces of this recently. They are just fragments, unfortunately, but they do appear to be quite fresh. I had a brief notion of cutting them to show the high metal content interior but then realized I’d probably be more likely cut myself (or turn these to crumbs and powder) in the process than turn these pieces into nice end pieces.
a) .28 grams of fragments in small research vial - $14
b) .52 gram fragment – 9mm x 5mm x 4mm - $25
c) .74 gram fragment – 7mm x 6mm x 5mm - $35

BEARDSLEY, Kansas: (h5). Fell October 15, 1929. Tkw = 16 kilogrsms.
I have a couple of these. One is a single fragment and the other contains a few fragments. Let me know which you want (a re-seller might prefer the capsule that has the multiple pieces).
.16 gram fragment(s) in capsule about 5mm x 4mm x 3mm - $10

CHELYABINSK, Russia: (LL5). Fell February 15, 2013.
Oops, I wasn’t supposed to have these. Mike Farmer had brought some of these neat “coins” and left some with me to sell on consignment in my room while he was at the show (I did sell several). I thought I had given him back all of the left over pieces the morning he left the show. I ended up finding these two in a different drawer when I packed up. Anyway, these are quite nice. They have a picture of the smoke trail let by the falling meteorite on one side. This side has a small recess that contains a small (roughly 3 or 4mm) stone that looks to be complete. The other side has a picture showing a map of the fall region.
Chelyabinsk coin containing small individual - $50

HONOLULU, Hawaii: (L5). Fell September 27, 1825. Tkw = 3+ kilograms.
This is a small fragment that clearly shows shock veining/ breccia texture. It is in a plastic box with a New England Meteoritical Services label. Not cheap by any stretch but I think this is the first time I have ever had a piece of this fall.
1.34 gram fragment – 12mm x 10mm x 7mm - $1100

LEEDEY, Oklahoma: (L6). Fell November 25, 1943. Tkw = 51.5 kilograms.
This is a batch of fragments in a vial. There are two larger pieces (one around 5mm and the other closer to 8mm) and some crumbs. The vial is labeled “Leedey, #489.1, chips” so this was likely from a Nininger specimen at some point.
.74 grams fragments in vial - $10

MOLONG, Australia: (Pallasite). Found 1912. Tkw = 104 kilograms.
This is a small weathered piece that does indeed seem to show both metal and olivine. One side even appears to show a patch of fusion crust, though I cannot be certain on that (it may be just the natural exterior weathering rind).
.35 gram fragment – 9mm x 7mm x 4mm - $20

NAGOYA, Argentina: Carbonaceous chondrite (CM2). Fell June 30, 1879. Tkw = 4 kilograms.
This is just powder in a research style vial labeled “clean powder” and No. 556.2 (Nininger number). There is not a lot of material here (maybe a few cubic mm) but then there is not a lot of this fall floating around either.
Powder in vial - $30

NORTON COUNTY, Kansas: (Aubrite). Fell February 18, 1948.
This is a bag of fragments ranging in size from small (mm or so ) up to about 7 or 8mm in size. The larger pieces (most of the bag) are, interestingly, mostly fusion crust and clearly show the strange cream colored crust this low in iron meteorite is famous for.
1.68 grams of mostly crust fragments - $50

NWA (4852): (Ureilite). Found 2007. Tkw = 1073 grams.
This is a nice little slice of this really difficult to cut meteorite. I recently offered some on a mailed listing and sold all of my “mid-sized” pieces similar to this (I have a few really small under a gram pieces and then a couple large complete slices which, though I should, I am hesitant to break up right now). I got this one at the COMETS auction as the price was reasonable and the beer very good 9got to help support the cause). This is in a membrane box that has Impactika labeling on it (Anne got the part o this stone that I did not years ago, we shared the number). I think this was cut and prepared by Bob Falls (poor guy0. It has a really nice high diamond polish on both sides.
3.48 grams – 22mm x 14mm x 4mm - $75

QUEEN”S MERCY, South Africa: (H6). Fell April 30, 1925. Tkw = 6859 grams.
I have a couple of the smaller size listed here but only the one on the “larger”. The smaller are fragments in a capsule and the larger is a single fragment in a vial labeled “Queen’s Mercy #765”.
a) .04 grams of fragments in capsule - $15
b) .093 gram fragment in vial - $35

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 140, a few new things 21AUG2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 140, a few new things 21AUG2013

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 140

August 20, 2013

Dear Collectors,
Here is a short list of some things I picked up recently. I thought about holding them for display for the Denver show in a few weeks but then decided to offer them now.

GAO, Burkina Faso: (H5). Fell March 5, 1960.
Here is probably the largest Gao I have ever had. Now I have had this piece twice. I had it briefly in Tucson one year where it rapidly sold to a collector. Now the collector has sold it back to me. This is a nice complete individual. It does have one edge chipped/ late break area about 50mm x 12mm in size. The remainder of this is nice black fusion crust that shows nice contraction cracks and even some flow lines (very rare for Gao) in areas. This is a blocky piece but the crust is all (aside from the above mentioned break/ edge chip) all primary crust. This does show quite a bit of nice soft thumb-printing as well. A nice display piece and probably the cheapest (per gram anyway) fall available right now.
977 gram complete individual – 125mm x 60mm x 50mm - $1500

GEBEL KAMIL, Egypt. Ni-rich Ataxite. found 2008. Tkw = about 1600 kilograms.
Like the Gao above, this is the biggest piece of this meteorite I have had. And, like above, it came from the same collector (who, obviously, liked big display pieces). This is a shrapnel fragment, as all pieces of this meteorite in collector's hands have been. It certainly looks to have been a surface found piece as it is pretty much all a nice gently wind-polished chocolate brown (buried pieces tended to have a more yellow/ brown rusty color/ texture). An article in a recent Meteoritics & Planetary Sciences on some ancient iron beads (that were made out of meteorite) mentioned this meteorite. It seems that the Egyptians started referencing the sky in their words for iron around 5000 years ago. The Gebel meteorite seems to have fallen right around this time. It even seems that debris from the impact covered an old trade road. So it is highly likely that this fall was witnessed somehow by the people of the area and may have been what clued them in to the idea that iron came from the sky.
2529g natural shrapnel fragment – 150mm x 110mm x 40mm - $1800

KUNASHAK, Russia: (L6). Fell June 11, 1949. Tkw = 200+ kilograms.
I have only a few pieces of this fall available. I may break up the larger slice if need but I am hesitant to do so as it does show some nice breccia texture to it. The 3 small pieces in a bag would be ideal for the somewhat micro collector (or resale to such collectors). The slices are polished on one side. The larger piece, unfortunately, is a bit rough on its back side. It was obviously cut with a saw that was to small (took two tries from different directions to cut it) and is wedged, but still shows nice breccia on that side as well.
a) 1.5 grams 3 fragments/ cut fragments in a bag - $25
b) 7.6 gram slice – 28mm x 22mm x 4mm - $140
c) 48.8 gram slice – 60mm x 60mm x ~4mm - $500

LOS CERRILLOS, Argentina: (H4), S2, W2. Found 2006. Tkw = 1kilogram.
To me, this looks a lot more weathered than a W2 grade, but then I am not looking at it as a thin section. Regardless, with only a kilo known, there is very little of this material available to collectors (I have only these four pieces) so don't hesitate too long if you want to add this new name to your collection. Three of these pieces are slices but I do have one end piece (about 40 grams).
a) 4.7 gram slice – 45mm x 13mm x 3mm - $28
b) 8.2 gram slice – 35mm x 20mm x 3mm - $49 SOLD
c) 39.5 gram end piece – 45mm x 35mm x 5mm - $200
d) 42.0 gram complete slice – 60mm x 50mm x 5mm - $230

NWA (5489): (Howardite). Found 2008. Tkw = 288 grams.
This is super fresh and every piece has at least some fresh black crust on the edges. The largest is a wonderful end piece (that I will likely put in my collection if I don't sell it here) that shows contraction cracks and some flow lines/ ridges in the crust (which covers 80% or so of the back side). This has an appearance very similar to Kapoeta and, frankly, is just as fresh. However, this meteorite, being a "lowly NWA" is priced at a small fraction of the price.
a) 3.1 gram slice – 18mm x 13mm x 4mm - $60
b) 7.4 gram slice – 30mm x 30mm x 3mm - $140
c) 12.4 gram slice – 35mm x 35mm x 4mm - $240
d) 25.0 gram cut fragment – 40mm x 33mm x 8mm - $500
e) 91.3 gram end piece/ main mass – 68mm x 50mm x 13mm - $2000

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 139 - Summer Meteorite Bargains

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
LIST 139

July 16, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here is a second "summer bargains" list.

DAR al GANI (476), Libya: Martian Shergottite, olivine phyric. Found 1998. Tkw = 2015 grams,
This is a small ½ end piece where most of the back is the natural (mostly caliche covered) exterior. There is one edge that looks to be a fresh break so I think that this was a larger end piece that some one broke in half at some point. The interior is the usual dark olivine clasts in a green matrix.
.73 gram end piece - 12mm x 8mm x 5mm - $350

NWA (2907): Anomalous achondrite. Found 2005. Tkw = 203 grams.
Not sure why the bulletin says that there is 586 grams of this. I suspect that either there is an error or more of it turned up after I submitted it for research (I am still listed as the "main mass" holder though). Regardless, this is strange stuff. I remember Ted Bunch calling this the "bastard diogenite" because it had such strange chemistry/ mineralogy. It is quite different in appearance from anything else that I can think of. It has a fairly fine crystalline texture (kind of a mix of brown and greenish brown) with a few somewhat larger (1mm or so) darker clasts. This nice end piece could easily be cut into numerous slices if one desired.
19.0 gram end piece - 25mm x 17mm x 17mm - $300 SOLD

NWA (5784): Diogenite / DUNITE. Found 2006. Tkw = 2.6 kilograms.
The total known on this is a bit misleading as the bulk of this stone (all but a few hundred grams I think) were donated to a museum in Canada, so very little is available to collectors. I labeled this Diogenite / Dunite as there has been a change in how all of these things (normal diogenites, "olivine diogenites"and dunites) are named in the Meteoritical Bulletin. Now they are all given the classification of Diogenite. You have to look a little deeper for the details. "Normal" diogenites are orthopyroxenites, olivine diogenites are Harzburgite and for those few (and I do mean few, I think there are only 3 or 4 dunites known at this point) that are over 90% olivine the sub type is "dunite". Regardless of how it is labeled, this is a very rare and important meteorite. This particular piece is a cut fragment (may have some very thin secondary crust on the back but I am going to play it safe and call it weathering) -the only one I have I believe. The interior is an interesting mottled mix of colors ranging from very light tan (nearly white) to dark brown.
13.5 gram cut fragment - 40mm x 35mm x 7mm - $700

NWA (7252): carbonaceous (CK5). Found before February 2007. Tkw = 276.1 grams.
Here is a solid piece that could easily be cut up and sold as slices or enjoyed for the nice display piece as it is. This has distinct contraction cracked fusion crust (all be it wind polished) covering probably 65 to 70% of this piece. There is a 44mm x 39mm cut face and the remainder is an old break of thin secondary crust. The interior is a mixed medium gray and tan with only a few indistinct chondrules visible. This lot consists of the 231 gram main mass and a 6.8 gram slice.
231.3 gram main mass - 50mm x 45mm x 40mm - $1700

PERRYTON, Texas: (LL6). Found 1975. Tkw = 2114 grams.
This is a meteorite I turned up out of the field many years ago and have little recollection of it. It was obviously one of the few that I ended up selling off (to raise money for more field work) before it was ever cut or finished with research. Regardless, this is my last piece of this (I think I only had 50 or 60 grams of it to begin with) and priced at less than half what it was priced at.
8.1 gram slice - 42mm x 20mm x 3mm - $95

ORGUEIL, France: carbonaceous (CI1). Fell May 14, 1864. Tkw = 10.5+ kilograms.
This is a fairly solid piece of this really crumbly stuff. It was part of a 1.0 gram piece that broke on shipping to me. This is, by far, my largest piece of this type meteorite (I have plenty of crumbs in capsules and small glass vials).
.70 gram fragment - 12mm x 10mm x 7mm - $650

RICHFIELD, Kansas: (LL3.7). Found 1983. Tkw = 40.8 kilograms.
This is the largest slice out of this large meteorite. This is possibly the largest slice of an LL3 outside of a museum.
1714 gram complete slice - 345mm x 230mm x 7mm - $5000

SEYMCHAN, Russia: (Pallasite). Found 1967.
Here is a piece that, admittedly is not a super bargain as it sits. However, it is what this could become that makes it a deal. It is a highly pallasitic end piece that is loaded with olivine and certainly wouldn't produce anything but purely pallasitic material if cut up. Frankly, I like it just the way it is. It looks and displays nice. This is to big to weigh on any of my really accurate scales. However, I know from the scale that I usually weigh heavier items on that this is something over 6.6 kilograms.
6.6kg pallasitic end piece - 210mm x 135mm x 120mm - $13,000

SIKHOTE-ALIN, Russia: Coarsest octahedrite (IIAB). Fell February 12, 1947.
This is not only a nice, possibly oriented, fusion crusted individual it is also an art piece. This thing developed a fairly long bent tail that twists up from a wide flat base giving this thing the appearance of a scorpion. A really neat and rare piece or the animal shape collector.
307.2 gram scorpion individual - 65mm x 50mm x 55mm - $950

ZAGAMI, Nigeria; Martian (Shergottite). Fell October 3, 1962. Tkw = 18.1 kilograms.
This is a small cut fragment (there is a 5mm x 4mm cut face) in a membrane box. There is no crust so this is a true fragment. This is the thinner grained material and does show a couple thin shock veins.
.178 gram cut fragment - 6mm x 5mm x 4mm - $100