Tuesday 21 May 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 137 Chelyabinsk part 2 and Colorado Springs show

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 137 Chelyabinsk part 2 and Colorado Springs show

Dear Collectors,
I rapidly sold out of the Chelyabinsk pieces I had on my last posting. There were some 20 of you that left requests for specimens and probably a good number of you that didn't contact me for thinking I had already sold all. Anyway, I just picked up another batch of pieces and just got home with them last night. So, if you requested a piece, I now have your piece (in the size you requested). I'll be contacting you as soon as I can with the details. If you didn't request a piece but wanted one none the less, I have a small amount (100 grams or so) available in sizes between a couple grams and 20 grams or so.

Colorado Springs Show: June 7th-9th (I'll be gone from the 6th through the 11th)

I don't usually do small retail shows. However, this year the folks running the show have a BIG meteorite theme. They have done extensive media work to let the public know that they will have the Canon City roof (that the Canon City meteorite fell through in 1973, as well as a piece of that meteorite I believe). They will also have a display case of Chelyabinsk and a LARGE collection of Lunar meteorites. Lots of special meteorite things and they could not find a meteorite dealer to offer specimens to the public. They finally talked me into the job. To be honest, i have a LOT of other hot irons in the fire right now so I probably won't be at my best preparation wise for this one (have gout at the moment, surprisingly painful and makes it hard to move to get much accomplished at the moment). Anyway, for those of you that might like to visit this show (let me know if there is anything special you want me to bring) it will be at the Western Museum of Mining and Industry: 1025 North Gate Road, Colorado Springs, CO (I-25 at exit number 156A).

I'll try to pull together some real list offerings in the not to distant future. I have plenty of "new" material but these "irons in the fire" have me extremely tied up (and stressed) at the moment so i just don't have time to do any cataloging right now.

Blaine Reed
P.O. box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
(970) 874-1487

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites List 136. Chelyabinsk and more

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 136. Chelyabinsk and more

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………LIST 136
April 30, 2013

Dear Collectors,
Here is the e-mail version of my mailed list that many of you are just now receiving. As you can see, I was serious when I sent out the "have patience" note concerning the new Russian fall above one of my recent e-mail small lists. I had no idea how fast and how affordable I was going to be able to pick up Chelyabinsk. I had already had a full "mailed list" typed in and ready to go (had planned on having the envelopes stuffed and stamped before I left for Denver). Thankfully, I found out about the Cehlyabinsk's availability and delayed everything a few days. I have to admit that there is a chance that having yet further patience may mean you may be able to pick up a piece even a bit cheaper yet sometime down the road. However, the ones I have now are pristine as they were picked up right after the fall. Later pieces are likely to be quite rusty as there was a lot of snow in the area that has turned into small lakes and mud as things warmed up (Not good for meteorite preservation). Anyway, I worked pretty hard to have a selection of other interesting items so please do have a look at them as well. Enjoy!

BENDEGO, Brazil: Iron. Coarse octahedrite (IC). Found 1784. Tkw = over 5300 kilograms.
A single large mass was found near the rivulet called the Bendego. This was loaded up for a move to Rio de Janeiro, a move that took nearly 100 years as the meteorite (according some info I found on line) collapsed a bridge on the way and was left stuck in a stream bed for decades until it was retrieved. The piece ultimately made the some 900kilometer journey and is currently on display in Rio. Recently, some oxide fragments have turned up, presumably from the original find area of the meteorite. I have not seen much of this material available, so I don't think a lot was recovered. Most pieces are much like the fairly small flatish specimens I have here. One specimen I got though is really quite surprising for its size (I only have the one).
1) Oxide fragments as found:
a) 9.5 grams - 28mm x 25mm x 5mm - $20
b) 18.2 grams - 35mm x 30mm x 6mm - $36
c) 24.2 grams - 55mm x 23mm x 7mm - $48
d) 38.9 grams - 45mm x 40mm x 10mm - $75
e) 146.6 grams - 87mm x 50mm x 17mm - $275

CHELYABINSK, Russia: (LL5). Fell February 15, 2013.
Well, here it is! The new fall that created a 300 kilo- ton explosion that blew out windows, damaged buildings and injured over 1000 people. I recently made a yahoo groups e-mail comment saying "have patience" on this one (pieces of this were selling for low hundereds of dollars per gram at the time). I had no idea that I would be able to come up with pieces so quickly and at such a great price. These are all nice little individuals. They are stones as found. They are very fresh and have only moderate areas of chipping and broken areas that are mostly secondary crust. None are really absolutely complete (very few pieces from this fall are and those command a pretty large premium) but I guarantee you will really like these pieces.
1) Fresh individuals as found:
a) 1.4 grams - 11mm x 11mm x 5mm - $35
b) 2.7 grams - 14mm x 11mm x 9mm - $67
c) 5.1 grams - 20mm x 15mm x 9mm - $125
d) 10.8 grams - 25mm x 19mm x 11mm - $260
e) 25.0 grams - 45mm x 22mm x 17mm - $600
f) 48.6 grams - 35mm x 28mm x 27mm - $1070
g) 78.6 grams - 50mm x 33mm x 27mm - $1570

NWA (7046): Ordinary chondrite (H4), W2. Found before September 2011. Tkw = 1819 grams.
One stone that showed lots of chondrules on its surface was purchased at the 2011 Denver show. Cutting and analysis showed "a dense population of chondrules" inside. These features led both the buyer and researchers to believe that this was likely a type 3 stone. There was indeed a fair amount of spread in the iron contents of the olivine and pyroxene (as well as some residual glass) in this stone that tended to support the type 3 belief. Unfortunately, the Meteoritical Society Nomenclature Committee concluded that this meteorite was indeed not unequilibrated enough to qualify as a true H3. Regardless, the chondrules (and there are a lot of them) show very nicely in this stone (as good as any H3s I've had).
1) Slices, all have natural edges:
a) 8.3 grams - 32mm x 18mm x 5mm - $13
b) 14.2 grams - 35mm x 28mm x 4mm - $22
c) 30.5 grams - 52mm x 38mm x 4mm - $46
d) 47.0 grams - 60mm x 45mm x 4mm - $71
e) 73.1 grams - 70mm x 63mm x 5mm - $110
2)End piece: has 95mm x 35mm area of crust on back.
194.8 grams - 95mm x 73mm x 12mm - $290 – Main mass.

NWA (7428): Ordinary chondrite (L6), W2, melt breccia. Found before February 2012. Tkw = 1380 grams.
The Meteoritcal Bulletin has this as 1830 grams total, but all of Matt's records (I got this from him) show it as 1380 grams. Obviously, a digit got swapped somewhere along the line. Anyway, when I first saw this I was certain that it was an H melt as it looks very much like one I had years ago. This has large (up to 5cm wide) dark melt veins containing partially melted oval shaped chondritic fragments all set in an L-chondrite matrix. What made me think that this was an H melt is that this meteorite is mostly light tan to brown with dark gray melt veins whereas pretty much all of the other L-melts I have seen are green.
1) Slices, all have natural edges:
a) 3.8 grams - 20mm x 20mm x 3mm - 19
b) 8.2 grams - 30mm x 19mm x 4mm - $40
c) 13.1 grams - 32mm x 22mm x 5mm - $60
d) 22.1 grams - 55mm x 28mm x 4mm - $100
e) 56.1 grams - 80mm x 48mm x 5mm - $250

UVALDE, Texas: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 1915. Tkw = 8.2 kilograms.
I got a handful of slices from TCU just before Tucson. I didn't show them there as I wanted to put them on this list (it has been a number of years since I have had any of this material, there is not a lot of this available). According to the Catalog of Meteorites (yep, I still have and use the old book version from time to time) this was originally reported by Nininger as one mass and fragments totaling 7.5kg in 1939 (Monig likely got this material from Nininger). This is a fairly weathered stone (as
many Texas finds are) showing little metal in a mostly brown matrix on cut surfaces. These pieces are all slices and cut fragments and each comes with a TCU Monig Collection label.
1) Slices:
a) 18.3 grams - 33mm x 28mm x 6mm - $55
b) 33.1 grams - 60mm x 35mm x 5mm - $100
2) Cut fragments:
a) 6.2 grams - 28mm x 18mm x 4mm - $19
b) 13.5 grams - 25mm x 25mm x 9mm - $41
c) 48.0 grams - 65mm x 40mm x 8mm - $140

NWA (7397): Martian meteorite (Shegottite). Found before June 2012. Tkw = 2130+ grams.
A 2130 gram individual was found near Smara, Morocco (I had a huge 48g slice of this piece for $16k in Tucson. I likely can get it back if anyone is interested). Intense fieldwork recovered numerous additional small fragments (it is these I have here). The interior of this meteorite shows large ovoid crystals of low Ca pyroxene (surrounded by a rim of olivine and chromite) in a matrix that is primarily pyroxene (both low and high Ca), maskleynite and olivine. These ovoids don't show all that well in these natural fragments. None the less this is interesting stuff and, by far the cheapest Mars rock that I am aware of.
1) Fragments as found:
a) .20 grams - 8mm x 5mm x 3mm - $50
b) .38 grams - 9mm x 6mm x 4mm - $95
c) .53 grams - 9mm x 7mm x 5mm - $135 - has some crust.
d) .83 grams - 12mm x 7mm x 6mm - $205
e) 1.30 grams - 14mm x 10mm x 5mm - $320
f) 2.24 grams - 13mm x 10mm x 8mm - $545
g) 6.32 grams - 25mm x 13mm x 11mm - $1500

AUSTRALITES: Tektites from Australia.
I generally don't like to offer something that I have offered so recently (I had the partial flanged buttons on my October 2012 list). However, these are really neat and I am certain that they would sell out rapidly before they made it to a list if I showed them around much (I sold a number of them in Tucson already). These are not fancy pieces, just nice intact (no fresh chipping) natural round and elongate "cores" (sorry no flanges on these pieces). These are quite unusual in their size. I don't recall having (or really ever seeing any quantity of) Australites this size before (the rest of mine are the typical 2 to 4 or 5g size range). Better yet, these actually have some locality info with them (fairly rare for tektites, generally).
1) Kalgoorlie, Western Australia:
a) 10.7 grams - 25mm x 23mm x 13mm - $50
b) 12.7 grams - 22mm x 21mm x 20mm - $60
c) 15.4 grams - 28mm x 25mm x 17mm - $100 – only one this size.
d) 32.3 grams - 50mm x 23mm x 17mm - $300 – my largest and only this size.
2) Finke River, South Australia:
a) 10.7 grams - 22mm x 22mm x 18mm - $50
b) 15.2 grams - 25mm x 24mm x 18mm - $100
c) 19.3 grams - 30mm x 27mm x 16mm - $145

Please note:
The post office drastically increased most shipping rates since my last list. For small US orders $3 should still be fine. Larger orders are now $12 (insurance is extra if desired – I'll look it up if you want it). The real increases came in overseas (even Canada) shipping. These prices pretty much doubled and more from what they were before (and they say we have no inflation). Now small overseas orders are around $9 (I'll have to custom quote any larger items/ orders). Thankfully, it seems that the rate for registration (recommended on more valuable overseas orders) is still $12 (for now).
My fax machine has pretty much blown up on me. I can nurse it to work if I must (but often lose the incoming fax if I am not really careful). For overseas orders, it probably is best to go ahead and use my brmeteorites@yahoo.com e-mail. I generally get/ deal with phone calls quicker but I will try to keep up on checking e-mail this time.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale -List 136 David New labeled material

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale -List 136 David New labeled material

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 136

April 13, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here is a neat small collection of David New labeled material I picked up in Phoenix recently. All of these are nice specimens and come with a corresponding David New label. These are not in alphabetical or type order, just in order that they were in the plastic storage/ tackle box that they came in.

I know, this was supposed to go out Tuesday (the 16th) But I am, yet again, leaving town (I have been gone something like 7 weeks this year so far). I am going up to the Denver Spring Show next weekend. I will be leaving Thursday morning so waiting until Tuesday to send this out would have only left 2 days to take, pack and ship orders (on top of trying to prepare and pack for the trip). I don't set up at this show. It is the only one where I am not stuck permanently in a room. I get to wander around and visit/ work deals with the dealers that are set up. However, I will have a "sleeping room" at the hotel. So, if there is anybody out there that will be attending the show and wants me to bring anything in particular to see, please let me know so I can get it packed for the trip. I should get back home from this trip on Tuesday the 23rd.

MILLBILLILLIE, Australia: Achondroite (eucrite).
Here is another piece but this is a nice complete slice that has nice natural (uncleaned) crust completely around its edge. The interior is the bright salt and pepper texture of much of this material but does have a couple zones (one vein like) that are really fine grained.
14.4 gram complete slice – 37mm x 33mm x 5mm - $250

CAMEL DONGA, Australia: Achondrite (eucrite). Found 1984. Tkw = 30+ kilograms.
This is a complete individual. It is a later recovery as the crust is complete but no longer fully shiny but closer to 50% shiny and somewhat brown in areas. Early found pieces of this meteorite (in the late 80's) were often really nice with black shiny crust. This eucrite was unusual in that it has a high amount of native iron in it. It is probably this that caused this material to weather so rapidly (and does indicate that, as we suspected at the time, this fell very shortly before it was first "found").
14.7 gram individual – 28mm x 20mm x 17mm - $350

TENHAM, Australia: Ordinary chondrite (L6). Fell Spring 1879.
Not sure whether to call this a slice or an end piece. It was obviously cut off of a naturally broken end of a stone but there is a little bit of sanding flat spots on that natural broken surface. Regardless, this is a nice specimen and has complete fusion crust around its edge.
13.0 gram complete "slice" – 33mm x 25mm x 5mm - $100

HOLBROOK, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL 6). Fell July 19, 1912.
The label on this has one minor error – it lists the fall year as 1915 (a "mint error" perhaps?). Any way this is a part slice that has two cut edges and the remainder is fusion crusted (about 50% of the edge is crusted). This has a little bit of wetahering to it, so it was not a real early recovery but nice none the less. It does have an interesting 4mm troilite nodule on the polished side. Wasn't sure how to price this one. More recent find individuals and fragments have generally been offered to me around $20 to $30/ gram.
14.4 gram part slice – 37mm x 28mm x 5mm - $400

HENBURY, Australia: Iron. Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1931.
This is a nice shaped little individual that has been wire brushed (rare for Henbury actually). It has a long sculpted shape resembling many of the Canyon Diablo rim specimens I have seen but still has some red dirt in a deeper spot clearly showing that this nice piece is indeed a Henbury.
38.2 gram elongate brushed individual – 65mm x 20mm x 10mm - $100

MOLDAVITE: Besednice locality.
It has been a long time since I have had a Besednice moldavite. This locality is famous for the deeply etched frilly shaped specimens found there. No other locality really quite matches the sculpting/ delicate shapes of the Besednice pieces. This is a nice complete specimen that is thin so it does not have as deep o etching as some I've seen (but it clearly shows beautiful green coloration even in a box). However, it does have a fairly delicate frilly edge.
2.5 gram complete specimen – 38mm x 15mm x 5mm - $75

WILUNA, Australia: Ordinary chondrite. (H5). Fell September 2, 1967. Tkw = 150+ kilograms.
This is basically a complete slice of a fragment that was found some time after the fall. It has brown fusion crust along 50% of the edge (remainder being natural break). The interior still shows lots of metal and chondrules in a mixed tan and brown matrix.
18.7 gram complete slice – 55mm x 25mm x 5mm - $150

ESQUEL, Argentina: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found before 1951. Tkw = 750 kilograms.
This is a fairly thick rectangular slice that I strongly suspect David got from Alan Lang as one side is unpolished. Some 25 years ago some of us dealers got some 5kg blocks of Esquel and this was how Alan prepared his pieces early on (we had little time to get things ready for the Tucson show, I barely got my pieces done in time). Regardless, this piece shows really pretty gemmy mostly green olivines. This could be cut into several thinner pieces, but then the matching New label would no longer match.
20.5 gram rectangular slice – 30mm x 20mm x 7mm - $500

GIBEON, Namibia: Iron. Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1836.
This is a thick rectangular piece that has one natural edge. This is obviously a fairly old piece as the coating has yellowed quite a bit but has done a great job of keeping the piece rust free. One face is etched and shows a nice texture.
44.2 gram part slice – 30mm x 20mm x 9mm - $90

Thursday 4 April 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 135 - an after Phoenix offering 04APR2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale - List 135 - an after Phoenix offering 04APR2013

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 135
April 4, 2013
Dear Collectors,

This was supposed to go out a couple days ago. Unfortunately, a couple days ago I was still in Phoenix. I was gone for nearly two weeks on this trip. I was helping my uncle, who we visit on the way to and from Tucson, finally de-clutter and unload a bunch of stuff (he was not one of those "Hoarders Buried Alive" stars but certainly would have earned an honorable mention). We (Blake, my uncle and I) were successful beyond our wildest dreams. We filled a 40 yard dumpster with obvious garbage (including pretty much the entire house of carpet and pad that had been soiled by his dogs and those of the previous house's owner). We also had a huge yard sale that filled the driveway, back porch and much of the back yard. At the end of the sale we had only a couple small carloads of stuff that ended up being donated. Anyway, huge amount of work but in the end hugely successful but had me finally getting home late last night.

BRENHAM, Kansas: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1882.
Here is a beautiful "little" complete slice that has been cut very thin so it passes light through probably 2/3 of the crystals. Though some are a bit dark close to ½ of the crystals in this thing pass light quite brightly. This is probably the last slice from a 351lb piece that was found in 2006. I was told that this was found on a hill side so it did not spend its life soaking in a bunch of ground water. Also, this meteorite was cut using nothing but alcohol (no water based coolants which can leave water behind the crystals to cause a rusting problem later). I have a large slice (2265g – most of the complete slices were more than a couple kilos in size) from this same meteorite, cut the same way. I have had it without any special storage for 2 ½ years now and it looks fine (MAYBE a couple tiny spots of rust if you look really carefully). So, this particular Brenham (cut the same anyway) I trust as being stable.
456.1 gram complete slice – 360mm x 150mm x 2mm - $1600

CAMEL DONGA, Australia: Achondrite (eucrite). Found 1984. Tkw = 30+ kilograms.
This is actually a fairly fresh individual. There are signs of weathering but certainly not to the extent of many I have seen coming out lately. The crust shows a little bit of yellowish or brown tinges in few areas but shows a lot of shininess and flow lines. There is one chipped area (about 10mm x 8mm) showing the light colored interior but this stone is otherwise complete.
13.7 gram individual – 27mm x 21mm x 18mm - $275

DEAKIN (001), Australia: Ordinary chondrite (ungrouped type 3). Found 1978. Tkw = 109.5 grams.
I am at a bit of a loss how to price this one. It might be really interesting and "valuable" to a certain collector out there, but as a somewhat weathered (not horribly though, it still shows plenty of metal) find it might not be of much interest. Not sure how this got out as all of the "total known" material is listed as being in museums (according to the Catalog of Meteorites anyway). I know the previous owner who likely did a museum trade to get it when he was buying up as many odd/ rare meteorites he could get back in the late 1990s. The catalog also mentions that this has affinities to the LL group but the magnetic attraction and small chondrule size (looking much like H type or even smaller) makes me think that this does deserve the "ungrouped" classification. This piece looks like it has weathered crust covering about 40% of the natural exterior. Interesting piece(?)
6.84 gram cut fragment – 20mm x 10mm x 12mm - $240

FOREST (002), Australia: Found 1980. Tkw = 26 kilograms.
This specimen is labeled as I remember it when it first came out (Robert Haag was selling it) – Forest (b). A bunch of different meteorites started showing up from the area so everything was switched to numbers. This was probably a good idea. My Meteorites A to Z shows something like 37 different Forest area meteorites at the time of publication (there may be more now). Definitely would have run out of alphabet there. Anyway, this is nice little cut individual that shows nice brown crust on a 22mm x 20mm area of the natural exterior. The cut and polished face on this is roughly 22mm x 12mm.
10.0 gram cut individual – 25mm x 20mm x 9mm - $40

FORESTBURG (a), Texas: Ordinary chondrite (L4). Found 1957. Tkw = 26.6 kilograms.
Here are a couple pieces I got from the TCU/ Monig collection just before the Tucson Show. Both of these have a TCU, Monig Collection label. One piece is a fairly large (for this stuff) slice that has one cut edge about 45mm long (the remainder is natural with a couple areas showing some weathered crust). The other piece is a large chunk that has two cut faces that make it a bookend (and it is almost large enough for that job). This could easily be cut into more slices or left as is. One of the polished faces on this piece shows a couple interesting large (up to 10mm x 7mm) troilite inclusions.
a) 58.2 gram slice – 73mm x 70mm x 4mm - $115
b) 435.2 gram bookend cut fragment – 70mm x 66mm x 45mm - $600

HOLBROOK, Arizona: Ordinary chondrite (L/LL6). Fell July 19, 1912. Tkw = 400+ kilograms.
This is a nice complete individual. It does have an area (about 13mm x 12mm) that looks chipped but careful inspection with a loupe shows definite fusion crust on the high points of this "chip", so it is really an area of very light secondary crust. The remainder of the stone is covered nice black primary crust. This is a bit after the fall recovery as there is some adhering dirt (I have not attempted to clean this). A nice not so little piece for this fall.
13.0 gram complete individual – 30mm x 18mm x 13mm - $325

JUANCHENGE, China: ordinary chondrite. (H5). Fell February 15, 1997. Tkw = 99+ kilograms.
This is a really nice fresh complete stone that has only a couple small (5mm x 3mm) edge chips. The crust is dark slate gray to black, though there is an area that has a purplish tinge to it (like that found on some Allende). This, amazingly for this fall, shows some flow lines. The shape of the stone, the flow lines and a hint of a roll-over rim shows that this stone was oriented for at least part of its fall.
30.7 gram complete individual – 40mm x 22mm x 20mm - $185

Thursday 14 March 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 134 - more after Tucson stuff 14MAR2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 134 - more after Tucson stuff

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 134
March 14, 2013

Dear Collectors,

Here is another offering of things I brought back from the show. I am sending this out at an odd early time as I will, once again, be leaving town for awhile. I don't plan on leaving until the 20th or 21st but that would only leave me one or two days, at most, to take and pack orders if I waited until the proper time to send this out (which would have been the 19th). I am not certain exactly how long I will be gone (helping out my uncle in Phoenix), but should be back sometime around April 3rd (I'll try to have the date, once I have a better handle on it, left on my answering machine).

ALLENDE, Mexico: Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3.2). Fell February 8, 1969.
I got this in a bag with a card that said Allende or Murchison. Unfortunately, it is definitely just Allende. This is a cut fragment (kind of a ½ end piece/ bookend cut) that is quite fresh. It does have some crust – about a 25mm x 10mm area. Nothing exciting but I do have to say that all Allende I have offered the past couple years has sold quickly.
10.6 gram cut fragment – 35mm x 14mm x 12mm - $90

DAR al GANI (476), Libya: Martian (shergottite). Found 1998. Tkw = 2015 grams.
This is a nice little end piece of this well known Mars rock (and likely rare as such). It shows the classic dark olivine crystals in a mixed light and dark green matrix.
.73 gram end piece - 13mm x 8mm x 5mm - $500

DIMMITT, Texas: Ordinary chondrite (H3.7). Found 1947. Tkw = 147 kilograms.
This is a really nice end piece of this interesting meteorite. It is fairly thin so it has a good surface area. The back is much better than average for Dimmitt. This has very nice distinct (weathered) fusion crust covering most of it. There are some areas of secondary crust/ late break but not much. Best of all though, this is a Monig specimen and comes with a TCU Monig Collection label.
105.6 gram end piece – 70mm x 55mm x12mm - $200

D'ORBIGNY, Argentina: Achondrite (angrite). Found 1979. Tkw = 16.55 kilograms.
Here is a nice small lot that would be great for resale. It has three larger pieces that are around 7mm in size and a capsule that contains pieces around 2mm to 4mm size. Total weight is just under .8grams. This has got to be the weirdest meteorite in existence. From the textures of these pieces, I would never guess that this was a meteorite. Rare and interesting.
.79 grams of fragments - $230

HUCKITTA, Australia: Stony-iron (pallasite). Found 1924.
Here is a rare one. This is NOT the usual oxidized material but a nice small end piece that is fresh! This has a couple dark olivines as are usual in Huckitta but the metal is bright and fresh. Years ago a handful of these small fresh Huckittas came out. I am not aware of any further pieces turning up since.
2.6 gram end piece – 15mm x 10mm x 5mm - $100 – fresh metal.

KATOL, India: Stone. (primitive achondrite). Fell May 22, 2012. Tkw = about 10 kilograms.
These samples are from a larger piece that I broke up using my chisel press. This material is SUPER FRESH (looks like it was probably picked up minutes after the fall) and I did not want to risk contaminating it in any way by attempting to cut it. All but the smallest piece has some fusion crust. The mid-sized pieces have secondary crust and the larger have really nice areas of primary crust. The largest piece even has scuffs/ skid marks from where it hit the ground. This, to my knowledge, has not been classified yet, so I'll have to make some "provisional" information cards to go with these pieces. It is clear on inspection though, that it is some kind of primitive achondrite (complete metamorphosed chondrite) but its color and texture don't match any others (acapulcoite, winonaite, lodranite, etc.). Really nice and strange stuff!
1) Fragments:
a) 1.31 grams – 10mm x 8mm x 7mm - $110
b) 2.59 grams – 15mm x 10mm x 7mm - $210 – 11mm x 5mm secondary crust patch.
c) 3.73 grams – 16mm x 13mm x 9mm - $290 – 12mm x 12mm secondary crust.
d) 10.7 grams – 22mm x 22mm x 8mm - $770 – 22mm x 20mm primary crust.
e) 23.1 grams – 32mm x 20mm x 20mm - $1500 – around 40% primary crusted.

PLAINVIEW (a), Texas: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 1917, may have fallen spring 1903.
Here is a complete slice of this always popular material. This meteorite is technically a find but there was a large piece (25 pounds) that was found in a horse pen the day after a fireball was witnessed in the area in 1903. The type and texture of that piece matches the other Plainview (a) stones (I have had actual pieces in the past that were cut from that specimen). This slice was cut from a piece that was somewhat fragmented and found later. This shows distinct fusion crust along about 1/3 of its edge with the remainder being thin secondary crust or natural breaks. This particular piece is different/ special in that it seems to have a large (roughly 30mm x 25mm) darker inclusion on one end that looks like it might be an impact melt zone.
69.9 gram complete slice – 80mm x 35mm x 8mm - $280

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites -List 133 - after Tucson irons 07MAR2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites -List 133 - after Tucson irons

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 133

March 6, 2013

Dear Collectors,

This is going out a day late as I got stuck in Denver for a day longer than I had planned due to bad weather closing the road I need to take home on Monday (didn't get back until late last night).

Now I'd like to make a few somewhat long- winded comments on some things.

FIRST: This is something that I have already lost many hours of time on the phone with (and more in typing e-mails) and want it to get out as far and wide as possible to reduce this work load. I am NOT going to Russia! I know the excitement of a new fall (and this is an important one) and how everyone can't wait to get a piece of it. However a "simple" trip to Russia to buy some of this material is neither simple nor particularly smart (in my opinion) at this point. The government there is trying to put a lid on people taking this stuff (I have heard rumors of them going after the few E-Bay listings of this material there have been) and I CERTAINLY don't want to be the one caught stepping on their toes (or those of others that may be involved in the money side of this fall) in acquiring this stuff. This sounds like a sure recipe for trouble. Also, the price is definitely going to be the highest right now, with many of the locals thinking this stuff is "more valuable than gold" (I wonder who gave them that silly idea on nightly news and national radio programs). Given this current false hype (and the freshness of the event) the locals are very unlikely to want to sell at anything near a reasonable price right now. Over the years, I have observed the hype and high prices of many new falls (and this hype is certainly deserved for the "freshest" new alien on our planet). What I have seen is that the prices for this new material is pretty much always (over a period of a few years any way – inflation can make pretty much anything go up in price over decades) the highest right after the fall. Almost always, there is eventually enough material to bring the prices down, often substantially once the hype has died down and the "gotta own some now" buyers have been satisfied. So my actions on this fall are boringly as such: As there is obviously a lot of material being found I will probably just sit and wait until things cool down a bit and my usual friends and suppliers from Russia get some of this stuff make it available at reasonable prices. These guys are good at dealing with the "issues" of the area and making things quite cheap. Then I hope to offer nice, affordable pieces. I know many of you worry "buy now or never get any". I do understand this view. There are indeed cases where the material never makes it into collector's hands in substantial enough quantities to bring the prices down (or even satisfy the initial demand), but this is rare. My advice has always been; Buy the smallest piece of a new fall that will keep you from loosing sleep at night over not owning a piece. This way you will have a piece but not be betting the ranch on it. Later, when things settle down, buy a bigger piece (if you still want one). Most likely, the price per gram will be less than it was when the news was fresh. Likely worst case is you might end up paying a similar price as when it was new (I am having real trouble coming up with an example where even this has been the case recently, even Sutter's Mill, Alahatta Sitta and Katol recently have dropped quite a bit from their original prices). Having seen this time and time again over the years (with many specific examples I won't go into here) I really DO NOT want to get tied up in the early high prices (hoping to get a little bit higher prices on the way to cover my expenses) and then end up having everyone who bought a piece from me upset with me if/when the value comes crashing down months later.

SECOND: Many of you sent e-mails expecting responses while I was at the show. Unfortunately, I really do not have e-mail access at the show. I don't even bring a computer – Blake does but he is only in Tucson for a few days at the beginning and end of the show these days. The hotel has wireless but it is very sketchy in my room (works best while sitting on the toilet with one foot in the bathtub). Even if these things weren't an issue, the simple truth of the matter is I simply don't have time to do e-mails during the show. I know, hard to believe but here is the general schedule. I wake at around 7AM, make/ have coffee, take a shower, call home perhaps, set up the room (move/ clean cases, re-stock bins set out new material etc.), have breakfast and then I have 20 minutes maybe to walk around a bit and maybe buy some things from the folks set up at my hotel before I have to get my door open by 10AM (though I often had people pounding on the door asking me to open much earlier many days so I didn't even get this little bit of "break" some days). Then it is all people all day. I generally had the room open until 10PM most nights (but much later some nights if people were hanging out). Then it was take the stuff off the bed, set up clothes and such for the next day and get to bed around 11:30 or midnight if I was lucky. Then wake up the next day and start over (rinse and repeat) for 16 days. I know you may think I should be able to do e-mail while trying to run the room during the day but this is really not the case. The foot traffic was fairly slow but still busy enough that I was never even able to get out of the room for more than (literally) a few minutes before being radioed that some one or something required me to return (I never even had the time to go through a watch and clock magazine I had brought with me, expecting to finish it during "slow times". Nor did I have the chance to go see all of the other dealers and friends at other hotels). Plus, I think it is a bit rude, even bad (show anyway) business perhaps, to ignore people in your room so you can pay more attention to your computer or phone. I know, the world is a different place these days and I, perhaps, need to update my thinking. However, a dinner I had with friends a couple years ago kind of burned this bias into my mind. I had not seen them quite some time (years) but they all spent the entire time playing/ texting with their phones. Hardly a word among us was spoken. Left me kind of feeling "what's the point of this get together?" when it was obvious all anybody really wanted to do is focus not on the people around them but on the world in their phones. So, I do know some of you were not happy that I did not handle the e-mails while gone, but I really honestly do not have the ability or time while at the show. I do try to at least go through them and deal with any critical things right before and right after (as soon as I can borrow a computer) though. However, it takes me nearly a week more before I am home, unpacked caught up and more or less "back in business". I apologize for this, but I really don't see a way around this problem at this point.

Anyway, enough of all of that. Here are a few items (irons this time) that were left with me at the show. Grab them now before they get sent back to the owners.


BOXHOLE, Australia: Medium Octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1937.
It has been a long time since I have had any piece o this meteorite and I can't recall ever having one this large. The Boxhole's I recall were all few grams to few tens of grams in size. Now here is a nice shaped and sculpted 429 gram individual! Even better yet it has great provenance (important as some Boxhole pieces look so much like Henbury that sometimes you wonder if…..). This comes with a Ron Hartman Meteorite Collection label.
429 gram natural individual – 85mm x 55mm x 20mm - $1300

CAMPO DEL CIELO, Argentina: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1576.
This is a really interesting slice that Darryl Pitt left with me. As you can imagine, it must be aesthetically pleasing if he had it. This was labeled as a "Transitional silicated" piece and that it truly is. About two thirds of the piece is heavily silicated, showing distinct clast texture to the silicates (looking very much like Udei Station or Landes). The other third is pure clean iron. One side of this piece is polished and the other is etched. A really nice and interesting specimen.
99.3 gram silicated complete slice – 100mm x 70mm x 3mm - $450

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1891.
Here is a really interesting shaped "rim specimen". This is a nice sculpted thin individual that has a metallic ring to it when tapped. These sculpted generally thin pieces were found near the edge of the crater. These will not etch if you polish them (I know this from experience). I was told that there delicate shape (and lack of etching) is from them being highly heated during the blast that formed the crater (I think it was Glenn Huss that told me about these). Anyway, this is a really nice natural individual with an interesting thin shallow dish shape.
224.4 gram natural individual – 90mm x 55mm x 10mm - $280 SOLD

GIBEON, Namibia; Fine octahedrite (IVA).873.6 gram complete slice – 210mm x 150mm x 4mm - $3600
"click on image to enlarge"
GIBEON, Namibia; Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1836.
This stuff has gotten surprisingly hard to come by these days. I sold ALL of my small pieces at the show and have people waiting for me to pull out all the rest of my small pieces (I'll be changing my main catalog to etched Seymchan iron). This is a really nice complete slice at a price well below what I bulk lot wholesaled the smaller pieces for. I could easily sell this to those 2 customers as well if I was will to cut it into smaller squares (these are jewelry artists that are wanting my pieces). I really don't want to do that to this piece to make the sale (the fact that it has been cold, snowing and windy since I got home certainly helps make that decision). I got this from a collector in Texas right before the show. It was never coated so it had some minor rusting along natural cracks near the outer edge (as many Gibeons have). This is etched on both sides. Excellent slice!
873.6 gram complete slice – 210mm x 150mm x 4mm - $3600

HENBURY, Australia: Medium octahedrite (IIIAB). Found 1931.
Here are a couple nice natural pieces I got from the same person. The smaller is pretty typical shrapnel shape. The larger is a really nice piece with nice shape and nice sculpting. These are priced at (or even slightly below) what the Australian sources are charging for Henbury these days. Frankly, I am quite surprised this big piece didn't sell at the show (but then it's a lot of grams so not a cheap specimen).
a) 66.7 gram natural shrapnel shape individual – 46mm x 33mm x 10mm - $130
b) 787 gram sculpted individual – 120mm x 75mm x 30mm - $1575

MUNDRIBILLA, Australia: Medium octahedrite. Found 1911.
Here is an interesting shaped individual. It has a fairly large deep hole on one end giving it a quasi pac-man look. Surprisingly, this nearly 200g piece is actually fairly large for what is available for this material. This has not been cleaned in any way and has a really nice mottled medium brown patina. A really neat specimen.
184.7 gram natural individual – 50mm x 40mm x 30mm - $170 SOLD

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 132 15JAN2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 132 15JAN2013

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                                           
………………………………………………………..LIST 132
 January 15, 2013

Dear Collectors,
                Happy New Year!  Here is the E_ mail version of my mailed list that is just now getting into the hands of those I sent them to.

Show info: I will be gone from home from about January 29th until about February 19th.  I will be at my usual show location: Ramada Limited, room 134. This is at St Marys and the interstate (next to Denny's) - just 1/4 mile or so due West of Inn Suites (Now called Hotel Tucson City Center - where many of the other meteorite dealers are). My room is about mid-way down the length of the motel (right next to the walk through actually) on the west- side of the building (on the parking lot side - and there is often parking available right in front of my room). I should be open the afternoon of February 2nd through the afternoon of February 14th  (NOTE: the show officially runs through Feb 16th but I may leave a couple days early. PLEASE let me know if you plan on visiting later than that so I can be sure to stick around). I will be open every day in between - generally from 10AM until  - ? (usually at least 7pm if I am going out to eat and often until 10pm or so other nights).

DEPORT, Texas: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1926. Tkw = over 15kilograms.
Here are a few (and only a few) of the special pieces of this meteorite that were written about in a recent Meteorite magazine (August 2012 issue). These pieces belonged to Oscar Monig and are among the very first meteorites he acquired. It has become apparent that Monig labeled these in the early tradition of Nininger where the number represented the meteorite locality (in order of acquisition into the collection) and the letters giving the order of the specimens as they were acquired (A being the first, B the second and so on). These fantastic pieces were the discovery pieces that showed Monig had done this numbering/ cataloging system in his early days. These all have a number 1 (thus his first cataloged meteorite locality) and then letter(s) metal stamped into them on a flat ground off spot. These were sold to me as Odessas a few years ago, but this discovery (and working with Dr. Ehlmann at TCU who discovered their “Monig’s first meteorite” is a Deport specimen that has a punched label of 1B on it) clearly showed that these were really Deports. I had very few of these special labeled specimens and even less now (3 total remaining) of these historic specimens. These are all rusty brown (natural) and have nice sculpted shape.
1) Natural specimens with Monig metal punched catalog number:
a) 80.0grams (1L) - 40mm x 35mm x 15mm - $450
b) 184.7 grams (1F) - 52mm x 40mm x 20mm - $950 – particularly nice sculpting.
c) 261.3 grams (1V) - 70mm x 37mm x 70mm - $1300

NWA (7196): Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Found before January 2012. Tkw = 384.6 grams.
Here is a bit of an interesting item. I got this from Matt Morgan who picked it up in Tucson last year. He cut it into nice thin slices to sell but then ended up trading the lot to me. We both were very certain that this was either an LL3 or LL4 as it seems to show a lot of chondrules. Research work says it is a completely unexpected LL6! I had it looked at twice to be certain. Sure enough, it has very tight Fa and Fs numbers on the olivine and pyroxene so it is indeed highly equilibrated. Looking closely at a slice of this you can see that many of the “chondrules” may really be more of rounded breccia clasts (there are indeed larger cm sized light gray clasts with rounded edges visible in this material). All but the smallest size listed are complete slices.
1)       Slices (most are complete slices):
a) 4.0 grams - 20mm x 20mm x 3mm - $20
b) 7.0 grams - 40mm x 25mm x 2mm - $35 – complete slice.
c) 10.7 grams - 55mm x 26mm x 2mm - $50 – complete slice.
d) 16.9 grams - 65mm x 32mm x 3mm - $78 – complete slice.

NWA (7336): Ordinary chondrite (L6), S3, W3. Found before February 2012. Tkw = 18 kilograms.
I got a sack of chondrite last Tucson that contained one large fragment and a bunch of small pieces. Some of these pieces fit together and what little cutting I have done on a few of the small pieces showed it was the same material. I had the big piece professionally cut and polished and am offering one part of it here (I may keep the other for a nice moderately weathered L display piece). I will be offering small cut pieces of this material in the future once it warms up enough to actually do some cutting (has been lows of -10°F and highs in the teens to low 20s the past month). Anyway, this is a nice display specimen that stands up vertically on its own. It shows lots of somewhat oxidized metal (more gray metallic than fully shiny) in a mottled tan and brown matrix. I wanted to offer this now as I will take it to Tucson and (reasonably likely) sell it there.
                4913 gram end piece/ cut fragment – 240mm x 200mm x 60mm - $2000

TULIA (A), Texas: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 1917. Tkw = 78+ kilograms.
Like the Deports above, these have an early Monig cataloging number on them. In this case these are white paint on a black background. These are all #12 so Tulia was Monig’s 12th meteorite locality cataloged into his collection. Each has further letters representing the order in which they were found/ acquired by Monig as well. I had quite a few similarly labeled specimens years ago but only have these three pieces remaining, now that we know what the numbers mean and their importance. Oscar Monig seems to have labeled very few meteorites in his collection this way. These pieces also have an
“M.#” label put on them by Glenn and Margaret Huss when they cataloged Monig’s collection in the 1980’s. These are all weathered natural fragments as found (some areas of crust still visible).
1) Natural fragments as found with early Monig labeling.
            a)  268.1 grams (12JM and M12.32) – 90mm x 50mm x 30mm - $470
            b)  338.1 grams (12IY and M12.35) – 75mm x 52mm x 35mm - $570
c)       397.5 grams (12V and M12.7) – 70mm x 65mm x 45mm - sold

NWA (7043): Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3), W1. Found before September 2011. Tkw = 166grams.
I got a small bag of fragments at the Denver show a little over a year ago. Cutting showed that it was likely a CV3. However, it has a slightly different look to it than I am used to. This looks somewhat like a CK in that it has hard dark chondrules in a fairly abundant lighter (greenish gray) matrix. Yet it also has (in some pieces) a fair amount of metal in and surrounding the chondrules like a CR. The classification report did not say, but I suspect that this is a “reduced” CV chondrite where as Allende and NWA 2086 are the “oxidized” variety I believe.
1)       Cut fragments:
a) 1.2 grams - 15mm x 11mm x 3mm - $18
b) 2.0 grams - 17mm x 13mm x 3mm - $30
c) 4.0 grams - 22mm x 18mm x 5mm - $56
d) 5.7 grams - 35mm x 14mm x 6mm - $80
e) 7.2 grams - 40mm x 15mm x 8mm - $100

NWA (4852): (Ureilite). Found before September 2007. Tkw = 1073.7 grams.
A single stone, broken in two was sold at the 2007 Denver Show. I got the bigger piece and I believe Ann Black got the smaller as it was put in the COMETS auction that year which I, unfortunately, did not get to attend (to busy in my room). I managed to talk Mike Martinez into cutting this stuff for me (a job I hate with this type meteorite – they take hours per slice and tear up saw blades, thanks to the diamonds and carbides in them). I got to spend many hours ripping up diamond sandpaper disks putting a polish on this stuff though. I get very few achondrites anymore (this is my last new one at this point) as the “out of the field” price on them is pretty much what I would want to be selling finished slices for per gram these days. I finally re-discovered this material while doing inventory work in late December. The large pieces are nice complete slices.
1) Slices:
                a) .94 grams - 15mm x 13mm x 2mm - $25
                b) 1.86 grams - 18mm x 13mm x 2.5mm - $55
                c) 4.2 grams - 25mm x 12mm x 4mm - $103
                d) 8.0 grams - 40mm x 20mm x 3.5mm - $200
                e) 20.1 grams - 40mm x 40mm x 4mm - $450
                f) 50.6 grams - 63mm x 60mm x 4mm - $1050 – complete slice.
                g) 61.6 grams - 72mm x 64mm x 4mm - $1250 – complete slice.

NWA (7045): Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found before September 2011. Tkw = 1127 grams.
I got a bag of small fragments of this “new pallasite” from a Moroccan dealer at the Denver Show. I knew it was oxidized, so there were no surprises there when I cut it. Frankly, this stuff would be close to impossible to sort from Huckitta if one accidentally mixed bags of each. However, the crystals in this material, on average, look much more like fresher olivine (more yellow orange) than those in Huckitta. Regardless, here are end pieces of a cheap pallasite guaranteed not to rust!
1)       Cut fragments:
a) 3.4 grams - 17mm x 14mm x 7mm - $10
b) 6.7 grams - 23mm x 22mm x 9mm - $20
c) 9.2 grams - 26mm x 20mm x 9mm - $27
d) 20.1 grams - 35mm x 25mm x 12mm - $60
e) 35.6 grams - 42mm x 30mm x 15mm - $105

I have had these sitting in a corner of my office for a couple years now. These are the 2011 “Inaugural edition”. They are pretty much the same as sports cards or such but for meteorites. They have a picture of meteorite(s) from the locality on one side (most actually have photos on both sides - the NWA (869) ones came from me) and info about the locality on the other. There are 10 cards in a set (actually 11 if you count the cover card). I don’t know if there were any other series (years) done of these.
                2011 Inaugural Edition pack of 10 meteorite cards - $5

Please include postage: $3 dollars on small U.S. orders and $11 on large items for first class (insurance is extra, if desired). On small overseas orders, $5 is generally plenty (I'll have to custom figure the rate for large items). Registration is also recommended on more valuable overseas shipments - an extra $12.00.
                If you are sending a fax, simply begin transmitting when my line is answered. My fax will turn on automatically to receive (or I will start it if I answer) when you begin transmitting. Or use brmeteorites@yahoo.com, but calls generally get to me faster (I don’t live on the computer and constantly check e-mail as some do).