Tuesday 15 January 2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 132 15JAN2013

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 132 15JAN2013

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487                                                                                                                                           
………………………………………………………..LIST 132
 January 15, 2013

Dear Collectors,
                Happy New Year!  Here is the E_ mail version of my mailed list that is just now getting into the hands of those I sent them to.

Show info: I will be gone from home from about January 29th until about February 19th.  I will be at my usual show location: Ramada Limited, room 134. This is at St Marys and the interstate (next to Denny's) - just 1/4 mile or so due West of Inn Suites (Now called Hotel Tucson City Center - where many of the other meteorite dealers are). My room is about mid-way down the length of the motel (right next to the walk through actually) on the west- side of the building (on the parking lot side - and there is often parking available right in front of my room). I should be open the afternoon of February 2nd through the afternoon of February 14th  (NOTE: the show officially runs through Feb 16th but I may leave a couple days early. PLEASE let me know if you plan on visiting later than that so I can be sure to stick around). I will be open every day in between - generally from 10AM until  - ? (usually at least 7pm if I am going out to eat and often until 10pm or so other nights).

DEPORT, Texas: Coarse octahedrite (IAB). Found 1926. Tkw = over 15kilograms.
Here are a few (and only a few) of the special pieces of this meteorite that were written about in a recent Meteorite magazine (August 2012 issue). These pieces belonged to Oscar Monig and are among the very first meteorites he acquired. It has become apparent that Monig labeled these in the early tradition of Nininger where the number represented the meteorite locality (in order of acquisition into the collection) and the letters giving the order of the specimens as they were acquired (A being the first, B the second and so on). These fantastic pieces were the discovery pieces that showed Monig had done this numbering/ cataloging system in his early days. These all have a number 1 (thus his first cataloged meteorite locality) and then letter(s) metal stamped into them on a flat ground off spot. These were sold to me as Odessas a few years ago, but this discovery (and working with Dr. Ehlmann at TCU who discovered their “Monig’s first meteorite” is a Deport specimen that has a punched label of 1B on it) clearly showed that these were really Deports. I had very few of these special labeled specimens and even less now (3 total remaining) of these historic specimens. These are all rusty brown (natural) and have nice sculpted shape.
1) Natural specimens with Monig metal punched catalog number:
a) 80.0grams (1L) - 40mm x 35mm x 15mm - $450
b) 184.7 grams (1F) - 52mm x 40mm x 20mm - $950 – particularly nice sculpting.
c) 261.3 grams (1V) - 70mm x 37mm x 70mm - $1300

NWA (7196): Ordinary chondrite (LL6). Found before January 2012. Tkw = 384.6 grams.
Here is a bit of an interesting item. I got this from Matt Morgan who picked it up in Tucson last year. He cut it into nice thin slices to sell but then ended up trading the lot to me. We both were very certain that this was either an LL3 or LL4 as it seems to show a lot of chondrules. Research work says it is a completely unexpected LL6! I had it looked at twice to be certain. Sure enough, it has very tight Fa and Fs numbers on the olivine and pyroxene so it is indeed highly equilibrated. Looking closely at a slice of this you can see that many of the “chondrules” may really be more of rounded breccia clasts (there are indeed larger cm sized light gray clasts with rounded edges visible in this material). All but the smallest size listed are complete slices.
1)       Slices (most are complete slices):
a) 4.0 grams - 20mm x 20mm x 3mm - $20
b) 7.0 grams - 40mm x 25mm x 2mm - $35 – complete slice.
c) 10.7 grams - 55mm x 26mm x 2mm - $50 – complete slice.
d) 16.9 grams - 65mm x 32mm x 3mm - $78 – complete slice.

NWA (7336): Ordinary chondrite (L6), S3, W3. Found before February 2012. Tkw = 18 kilograms.
I got a sack of chondrite last Tucson that contained one large fragment and a bunch of small pieces. Some of these pieces fit together and what little cutting I have done on a few of the small pieces showed it was the same material. I had the big piece professionally cut and polished and am offering one part of it here (I may keep the other for a nice moderately weathered L display piece). I will be offering small cut pieces of this material in the future once it warms up enough to actually do some cutting (has been lows of -10°F and highs in the teens to low 20s the past month). Anyway, this is a nice display specimen that stands up vertically on its own. It shows lots of somewhat oxidized metal (more gray metallic than fully shiny) in a mottled tan and brown matrix. I wanted to offer this now as I will take it to Tucson and (reasonably likely) sell it there.
                4913 gram end piece/ cut fragment – 240mm x 200mm x 60mm - $2000

TULIA (A), Texas: Ordinary chondrite (H5). Found 1917. Tkw = 78+ kilograms.
Like the Deports above, these have an early Monig cataloging number on them. In this case these are white paint on a black background. These are all #12 so Tulia was Monig’s 12th meteorite locality cataloged into his collection. Each has further letters representing the order in which they were found/ acquired by Monig as well. I had quite a few similarly labeled specimens years ago but only have these three pieces remaining, now that we know what the numbers mean and their importance. Oscar Monig seems to have labeled very few meteorites in his collection this way. These pieces also have an
“M.#” label put on them by Glenn and Margaret Huss when they cataloged Monig’s collection in the 1980’s. These are all weathered natural fragments as found (some areas of crust still visible).
1) Natural fragments as found with early Monig labeling.
            a)  268.1 grams (12JM and M12.32) – 90mm x 50mm x 30mm - $470
            b)  338.1 grams (12IY and M12.35) – 75mm x 52mm x 35mm - $570
c)       397.5 grams (12V and M12.7) – 70mm x 65mm x 45mm - sold

NWA (7043): Carbonaceous chondrite (CV3), W1. Found before September 2011. Tkw = 166grams.
I got a small bag of fragments at the Denver show a little over a year ago. Cutting showed that it was likely a CV3. However, it has a slightly different look to it than I am used to. This looks somewhat like a CK in that it has hard dark chondrules in a fairly abundant lighter (greenish gray) matrix. Yet it also has (in some pieces) a fair amount of metal in and surrounding the chondrules like a CR. The classification report did not say, but I suspect that this is a “reduced” CV chondrite where as Allende and NWA 2086 are the “oxidized” variety I believe.
1)       Cut fragments:
a) 1.2 grams - 15mm x 11mm x 3mm - $18
b) 2.0 grams - 17mm x 13mm x 3mm - $30
c) 4.0 grams - 22mm x 18mm x 5mm - $56
d) 5.7 grams - 35mm x 14mm x 6mm - $80
e) 7.2 grams - 40mm x 15mm x 8mm - $100

NWA (4852): (Ureilite). Found before September 2007. Tkw = 1073.7 grams.
A single stone, broken in two was sold at the 2007 Denver Show. I got the bigger piece and I believe Ann Black got the smaller as it was put in the COMETS auction that year which I, unfortunately, did not get to attend (to busy in my room). I managed to talk Mike Martinez into cutting this stuff for me (a job I hate with this type meteorite – they take hours per slice and tear up saw blades, thanks to the diamonds and carbides in them). I got to spend many hours ripping up diamond sandpaper disks putting a polish on this stuff though. I get very few achondrites anymore (this is my last new one at this point) as the “out of the field” price on them is pretty much what I would want to be selling finished slices for per gram these days. I finally re-discovered this material while doing inventory work in late December. The large pieces are nice complete slices.
1) Slices:
                a) .94 grams - 15mm x 13mm x 2mm - $25
                b) 1.86 grams - 18mm x 13mm x 2.5mm - $55
                c) 4.2 grams - 25mm x 12mm x 4mm - $103
                d) 8.0 grams - 40mm x 20mm x 3.5mm - $200
                e) 20.1 grams - 40mm x 40mm x 4mm - $450
                f) 50.6 grams - 63mm x 60mm x 4mm - $1050 – complete slice.
                g) 61.6 grams - 72mm x 64mm x 4mm - $1250 – complete slice.

NWA (7045): Stony-iron (Pallasite). Found before September 2011. Tkw = 1127 grams.
I got a bag of small fragments of this “new pallasite” from a Moroccan dealer at the Denver Show. I knew it was oxidized, so there were no surprises there when I cut it. Frankly, this stuff would be close to impossible to sort from Huckitta if one accidentally mixed bags of each. However, the crystals in this material, on average, look much more like fresher olivine (more yellow orange) than those in Huckitta. Regardless, here are end pieces of a cheap pallasite guaranteed not to rust!
1)       Cut fragments:
a) 3.4 grams - 17mm x 14mm x 7mm - $10
b) 6.7 grams - 23mm x 22mm x 9mm - $20
c) 9.2 grams - 26mm x 20mm x 9mm - $27
d) 20.1 grams - 35mm x 25mm x 12mm - $60
e) 35.6 grams - 42mm x 30mm x 15mm - $105

I have had these sitting in a corner of my office for a couple years now. These are the 2011 “Inaugural edition”. They are pretty much the same as sports cards or such but for meteorites. They have a picture of meteorite(s) from the locality on one side (most actually have photos on both sides - the NWA (869) ones came from me) and info about the locality on the other. There are 10 cards in a set (actually 11 if you count the cover card). I don’t know if there were any other series (years) done of these.
                2011 Inaugural Edition pack of 10 meteorite cards - $5

Please include postage: $3 dollars on small U.S. orders and $11 on large items for first class (insurance is extra, if desired). On small overseas orders, $5 is generally plenty (I'll have to custom figure the rate for large items). Registration is also recommended on more valuable overseas shipments - an extra $12.00.
                If you are sending a fax, simply begin transmitting when my line is answered. My fax will turn on automatically to receive (or I will start it if I answer) when you begin transmitting. Or use brmeteorites@yahoo.com, but calls generally get to me faster (I don’t live on the computer and constantly check e-mail as some do).

Tuesday 25 December 2012

[brmeteorites_list] List 131 - more small stuff

[brmeteorites_list] List 131 - more small stuff

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 131

December 19, 2012

Dear Collectors,

I am sorry that this is going out late. I discovered yesterday morning that my one remaining Guinea pig (CQ) is ill and required an emergency trip to the vet (which is a bit over an hour drive each way for the vet that is up to date on Guinea pig care). We did not get back from this appointment until a bit after 4PM yesterday - too late to send this out. We have had CQ for a bit over 7½ years now (she is close to 8 as she was 5 months or so old when we got her). Unfortunately, the doctor's news clearly says we will not have her for much longer. She had cancer a couple years ago and did great after surgery. Unfortunately it has returned with a vengeance and is inoperable this time. So, making her comfortable (pain medication, lots of treats and attention) is all we can do for her at this point. (I have put some photos of her in the group photos section for anyone that wants to see what this old girl looks like).

I still hope to do an "end of year get it out of inventory" offering. However, I have not had much time to do the work to find what I want to go away (for simplifying bookwork purposes anyway). I have been buried with what has turned out to be a far bigger project than I had anticipated. I got all the general components to set up a solar hot water heating system (mostly for the water heater for nice "free" hot showers but also for actually heating the house if there is left over heat from that primary job). This is a really BIG project to put together it turns out. It has it all; plumbing, mechanical, and electric. For added excitement, much of the work has to be done in small closets, under the house in crawl spaces and on the roof. I had been really putting myself into this hoping to get the bulk of the work done while we had nice weather. I am maybe 2/3 done with this. However, we have bad weather rapidly moving in which might put an end to this project (the out doors and semi-outdoors parts anyway) for awhile (it is snowing heavily at this moment so I probably won't be taking packages to the post office today either). Then I may get to my inventory work and see if I can make a list out of it.

Anyway, here is another little selection from the old research collection that the last list came out of.

ATARRA, India: (L4), black. Fell December 23, 1920. Tkw = 1280 grams.
Now I know there cannot be much of this out. Only three stones were recovered with a total of a bit over a kilo known. This is certainly the first time I have seen a piece (al be it small) of this fall.
.065 grams fragments in capsule - $60

AZTEC, New Mexico: (L6). Fell February 1, 1938. Tkw = 2.83kg.
I know that there is very little of this one out there. I went through the brutal process of doing a trade with the Field Museum many years ago to get a small bit of this for a collector who lives in the area of the fall. This is the first time I have seen any of this since.
.05 gram fragment – 5mm x 5mm x 1.5mm - $30
.065 grams of fragments in capsule - $35

BATH, South Dakota: (H4), breccia. Fell August 29, 1892. Tkw = 21kg.
I know I had a piece of Bath Furnace in my micro collection years ago but don't think I had any of this one.
.025g fragment – 2.5mm x 2mm x 2mm - $10

ELENOVKA, Ukraine: (L5). Fell October 17, 1951. Tkw = 54.64kg.
These (I have a couple of them) are powder, crumbs and fragments in a capsule. The fragments portion are generally sized from 1mm up to 5mm in size.
.5 grams of fragments, crumbs, powder in capsule - $20

KELLY, Colorado: (LL4), breccia. Found 1937. Tkw = 44.3kg.
Kelly was my first LL4 I ever had and sold. It was also VERY popular as pretty much no collectors had an LL4 at that point (they are quite a bit rarer than LL3s). I seem to recall that back then (certainly over 20 years and likely closer to 24 years ago) the stuff brought the princely sum of around $20/g.
1.9 gram thick slice – 12mm x 9mm x 10mm - $60

KUTTIPPURAM, India: (L6). Fell April 6, 1914. Tkw = 45.4kg.
A shower of stones fell over 4 villages. The largest piece was around 71 pounds. Not a lot of this has gotten out as there are around 38kg of this fall reported held in Calcutta (meaning only around 7kg for the rest of us, museums included).
.025 grams, 3 fragments in capsule - $10
.04 gram fragment – 4mm x 3mm x 2mm - $15

KYUSHU, Japan: (L6) veined. Fell October 26, 1886. Tkw = 45+kg.
I have had piece of this in the past but it has been awhile. Not many meteorites from Japan are available to collectors (small target, a lot relatively difficult hunting terrain and such).
.015 grams, 2 fragments in capsule - $10
.03 gram fragment – 4mm x 2mm x 2mm - $15

SEARSMONT, Maine: (H5). Fell May 21, 1871. Tkw = about 900grams.
It was reported that a 12 pound (around 5.5kg) stone fell but only about 2 pounds was preserved. I have had a piece of this in the long ago past. I think this is the only meteorite from Maine I have ever had.
.06 grams fragments and dust in capsule - $20

WESTON, Connecticut: (H4). Fell December 14, 1807. Tkw = 149.7kg.
Apparently, this was a much larger fall than I had thought. However, it is noted that "very little was preserved". According to the Catalog of Meteorites, there is a bit under 4.3kg of this meteorite reported in major museum collections. I know that this has been one of the really high dollar historic rarities I've seen occasionally lately. But I guess though this is indeed important as it is the US's first witnessed fall.
.035 grams fragments in capsule - $15
.18 gram fragment – 6mm x 4mm x 4mm - $60

WOOLGORONG, Australia: (L6). Fell December 20, 1960. Tkw = 36.3 kg.
This, like Millbillillie, was recovered some time after the fall. In the case of this stone, it was not until July of 1961 that 80 pounds of fragemnts were recovered.
Dust in capsule - $5
About .01g (about 2mm square) of fragments in capsule - $10

ZAVID, Bosnia-Herzegovina: (L6) breccia. Fell August 1, 1897. Tkw = 92.78kg.
The fireball from this fall traveled from the SE to the NW. Four stones were recovered. It is likely that more pieces fell in to the river Drina.
.045 gram fragment – 4mm x 3mm x 2mm - $10

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 130 - small rare bits 1

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 130

December 4, 2012

Dear Collectors,

Here is a small assortment of some interesting things I received recently from an old research collection. There are many things in this collection that I have not cataloged fully yet. Regardless, I am already seeing a bunch of names of things (all really small, good for the micro collectors) that I have never seen or had before. The next couple offerings will likely be things pulled from this collection lot as I catalog them (though I may run an "inventory clearance" offering next time. I am currently working on that grueling task. I have not come across a lot of last one or two pieces of an item things yet – the things I'd probably want to get rid of so I don't have to do all the inventory work on them for taxes – but that may change).

ABEE, Canada: (EH4) impact melt breccia. Fell June 9, 1952. Tkw = 107kg.
This is a nice cut fragment that has a nice 12mm x 7mm patch of fusion crust. This had a thin coating of light rust on it so I hand sanded it to show fresh metal and breccia texture on its cut faces (and stunk up the kitchen in the process. One of the interesting features of most enstatite chondrites is that they stink of sulfur really bad when sanded).
1.95 gram cut fragment – 20mm x 7mm x 7mm - $120

ALLENDE, Mexico: (CV3.2). Fell February 8, 1969.
This is a "black inclusion" that was originally set aside to be thin-sectioned (and it may very well have had a layer cut off for this purpose). This, texturally, looks very much like a CM2 meteorite but the color is a bit lighter. I left this in the bottle I got it in which has a label that says " Allende black inclusion, a piece for thin section 1/24/74, 1.122g.
1.12 gram slice – 10mm x 8mm x 4mm - $15

A 250 meter diameter crater was discovered with a small amount of highly silicious glass around it. This glass contains iron and nickel, showing its impact origin. It is estimated that the impact occurred about 3.3 million years ago. These are 3 small pieces that have been sawn for research work and are in the plastic tube I received them in.
1.3 grams 3 pieces - $7

ARRIBA, Colorado: (L5), brecciated. Found 1936. Tkw = 31.1kg.
These piece are both "raw cut" unsanded. I left them as I got them. However, the back side of both is really nice in that they have very nice obvious weathered fusion crust (not badly weathered either. The crust is a nice mix of dark gray and chocolate brown). These are really nice little end pieces and likely very rare as such.
2.2 gram end piece – 18mm x 9mm x 6mm - $20

NEW CONCORD, Ohio: (L6) veined. Fell May 1, 1860. Tkw = 226.8kg.
Here is a US historic classic. I have not had any of this in quite awhile. I remember something about a rumor that a horse was supposedly killed in the fall of this meteorite but don't recall where I heard that.
2.3 gram slice – 17mm x 9mm x 4mm - $45
3.4 gram slice – 22mm x 9mm x 5mm - $65
5.0 gram slice – 40mm x 9mm x 4mm - $95

ORGUIEL, France: (CI1). Fell May 14, 1864. Tkw = 10.5+kg.
I sold a fair amount of this material when I offered it on a list recently. This piece is special in that it is still in the little plastic disk container that a researcher received decades ago (likely directly from the Paris Museum). I have priced this pretty much at the same price per gram (possibly even a hair less) that I had my "regular" material listed at.
.37grams of crumbs in Paris museum container - $700

PANTAR, Philippines: (H5). Fell June 16, 1938. Tkw = 10.3kg (?)
I put a question mark on the total known. This 10.3kg is what Meteorites A to Z reports but I could only come up with about 1600 grams in museum collections (according to the Catalog of Meteorites). Even the Meteoritical Bulletin has the total on this as 2.1kg. It was reported that 16 fairly small stones were recovered from this fall. However, a note was made that "thousands the size of corn and rice grains fell on roofs in the area". Perhaps a big load of these were recently recovered, but I certainly have not ever seen any of this fall available before.
.02 grams fragments/ crumbs in capsule - $15
.03 grams fragments in a capsule - $25
.11g fragment – 7mm x 5mm x 2mm - $80

WALTERS, Oklahoma: (L6). Fell July 28, 1946. Tkw = 28kg.
This is a meteorite that looks like there are only a couple kilos that has made it out of research collections, according to the numbers in the Catalog of Meteorites. These aren't much, but maybe all that is available of this fall at this point in time.
.20 gram fragments in capsule - $20
.7 gram cut fragment – 15mm x 5mm x 3mm - $50

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Blaine Reed Meteorites -List 129 - some interesting larger items

Blaine Reed Meteorites -List 129 - some interesting larger items

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 129
November 20, 2012

Dear Collectors,

Here are a few items I have picked up at the past couple shows. These things are more tektites and miscellaneous special or large pieces than meteorites this time. I listed the meteorites first, but there are certainly interesting things below.

A holiday season note, request for help or opinion:

I had hoped to pull together some kind of gift certificate system by now. Frankly, the holiday season is generally one of my slowest. This is because collectors are using their money to buy gifts for family and friends (not meteorites) and family and friends don't often buy meteorites for their collector friends (can't blame them – they usually have no idea what those collectors want or need so the don't risk buying any meteorite specimens). I thought that a gift certificate program on my part might help break up that log jam (then family and friends of collectors could simply buy a gift certificate from me which the collector could then use to turn into meteorites/ tektites and such from me later). Unfortunately, in our highly over regulated supposedly free economy, it seems that I may not legally be able to do this. It seems that the government (both state and Fed) has gotten into regulating gift certificates, balances on them and collecting taxes fees and such. I do understand that I certainly should pay taxes on any sale of gift certificates I make BUT it seems that they want additional taxes and demand that I turn over unused balances to them after a certain amount of time. I don't know the specific rules (and whether or not they would fully apply to what tiny amount of business I would do in these things) but I was informed by another dealer who looked into it a few years ago to simply DON'T DO IT. If anyone out there has a better understanding of the rules on these things PLEASE CONTACT ME. Maybe I can find a loop-hole that will allow me to offer gift certificates in the future. I suppose I should first ask though if anyone out there thinks that having such available would be of any use or help to them (no sense getting all worked up over legal details if really no one wants the things to begin with).

SEYMCHAN, Russia: (Pallasite).
Here is a really nice bookend of true pallasite (loaded with olivine). Its profile is square (all cut edges) but the back is natural exterior (so its kind of an end piece). This stands up nicely on its own. I have this priced a bit below what it would likely cost to replace it at this point (probably around $1500 or so from what I saw at the Denver show). I'd rather try to sell this nice piece as it is before possibly sending it off for cutting.
368.9 gram book end – 72mm x 70mm x 20mm - $1250

TAZA – NWA (859) : Plessitic octahedrite (real one).
I got this piece in Denver incase I needed to have a decent piece to hand around (or run an XRF on in front of) the jury at last month's trial. I did not end up needing to do either (but I guess there is indeed still a chance the clown will be awarded a new trial though). I managed to pick a nice oriented `bullet' shaped individual. It has a nice rounded nose and slowly tapers out from there. There are some thumbprints on and near the back of the piece. This is a mottled rust brown as I have left this just as I got it (which looks to be pretty much as it was likely found).
245.2 gram oriented individual as found – 60mm x 30mm x 25mm - $650

ANORTHOSITE: Isle of Harris, Scotland, UK
Here is an end piece of terrestrial anorthosite. Like its Lunar counterpart, this is nearly white in color (though there is a greenish tinge on one side of the cut and polished face). This is the cheap way to see what the material that originally made up much of the luinar highlands looked like before impact mixing and such. The paper that comes with this gives the location as Lingerbay, Isle of Harris, Scotland, UK.
58.4 gram cut fragment – 65mm x 30mm x 20mm - $20

AUSTRALITE: Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Here is, by far, the largest Australite I have ever had. I can't recall having any in the past 26 years that were much bigger than 12 grams or so. This is a positively huge one in comparison to all I have had in the past. This is a complete individual as found. It is not real exciting in shape or features – a slightly squashed egg shaped piece with fairly shallow grooving and flow lines. The real special feature of this piece is indeed its truly rare (and unchipped no less) size.
43.8 gram individual – 45mm x 30mm x 20mm - $400

JOSEPHENITE, Oregon: Terrestrial Fe/Ni alloy.
This is a little individual nugget of this interesting and quite rare material. It is believed that this may have been brought up from the outer core with a very deep origin magma plume. These are often found as placer nuggets in streams after they have weathered out of the rock they were originally trapped in. This is a typical rounded little nugget.
2.6 gram nugget – 12mm x 10mm x 5mm - $15

Here is a neat item I got from Al Mitterling at the Denver show. It is a Riker box with 5 different tektites/ impact glasses. The pieces in this are no slouches for size or quality either. I suppose the Australite could be a bit bigger (see above) but it certainly is the size of what is usually available. The items (and weights) are: Australite – 2.1g, Darwin Glass – 8.7g, Indochinite – 12.5g, Libyan Desert Glass – 14.6g, Moldavite – 8.6g.
Tektite kit in Riker - $120

I have only seen small bits of impact glass from this crater over the years. Usually, I see the small impact pearls (little half centimeter or so glass beads) that the owners generally want waaaay too much money for (last I was offered they wanted $300 to $500 for each pearl). There is a lot of those pearls and impactites out there in the desert but VERY few people have ever been allowed out to the crater (and are often monitored when they are there). I have heard that large sand dunes are moving into the area and are about to (if they have not already) cover the area for what will likely be a long time. Anyway, what I have here is truly a HUGE piece of crater glass/ impactite from this crater. I picked it up in Socorro a couple weeks ago. It came from a retired geologist who did work in Saudi Arabia many years ago. I am not certain exactly how to classify this chunk. It has the highly frothy nature (and metal blebs) of an impactite but has kind of a lava like flow structure to it as well. NOTE – I certainly did test this – it indeed has plenty of nickel in it so it certainly is NOT just a piece of lava. I also am not sure how to price this, perhaps its an item that is unique enough that it would be better in an auction. I decided to price (per gram wise) about the same that my other impactites are. However, this has a lot of grams to it so it still works out to be a substantial chunk of money.
209gram natural fragment as found – 140mm x 75mm x 45mm - $400

Here is, unfortunately, a broken thin-section I have had sitting on my desk for years now (it got broken in shipping, not from sitting on my desk surprisingly). It was from my NWA (5779) LL5 breccia that finally got reported recently (hence my ability to now get rid of this thing). It is broken into 5 pieces but there are certainly a couple big enough to still enjoy under a scope.
Broken t-section - $5

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 127 - after Denver stuff

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 127 - after Denver stuff

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 127

October 2, 2012

Dear Collectors,

Here are a few things I got at the show a couple weeks ago. This is a bit rushed as I am also trying to pull together a mailed listing right now as well (as well as madly working on as much of a solar hot water system as I can possibly accomplish on my own while the weather is still nice). I did not pick up a whole lot of material at the show (that's what happens when you are stuck running a room I guess). The bits I got here are, on review of the list, typically on the more expensive side (not necessarily in price per gram, just over all cost). I usually try to have more material on the affordable side, but simply did not come up with much this time.

LAFAYETTE, Indiana: Nakhlite. Found before 1930. Tkw = 800 grams.
Here is a small crumb (about 1mm x 1.5mm) of this super famous and rare meteorite. This fantastically oriented meteorite was found in the Purdue University geological specimen collection. Less than 200 grams was cut from this beautiful stone for research and distribution to collections. As such, pieces of this are rare in private hands. This piece came from a specimen that came from the Jim Schwade collection. It is in a gem case mounted in a riker box that has a picture of the main mass and basic info (type, find date) inside. Nice little display. I have had these in the past and they have always sold rapidly.
Small (roughly 1mm x 1.5mm crumb in display box - $75

LANCE, France: Carbonaceous (CO3.5). Fell July 23, 1872. Tkw = 51.7 kilograms.
Here are a few fragments (one "large" one and a few small) in a capsule in a Paris Museum container (30mm diameter, 10mm thick plastic disk). I had a few other similar contained specimens, but sold them before Ann Black helped determine that they were Paris museum pieces. I am surprised that this one didn't sell at the show, but then it is not cheap and I had the display case absolutely packed with stuff (easy to get lost in the clutter). Anyway, this is my last such "Paris" piece.
.30 grams fragments in capsule in Paris museum container - $100

LOST CITY, Oklahoma: Fell January 3, 1970. Tkw = 17 kilograms.
These are small blocks of this super famous and important meteorite mounted in Riker boxes with a photograph of the fireball and information card. This was the first meteorite in the US to be recovered from photographs of the meteor trail. Three stations of the Prairie Network of sky cameras picked up the trail and allowed a calculation of the likely fall point. 6 days later, a search team discovered the first specimen, a 9.8 kilo mass, by nearly driving over it as it sat in a road. It took over 10 years of operation of this sky monitoring systems operation before this meteorite was recovered from those efforts. As such, this has been considered to be one of the "most expensive meteorites of all times" (not that it is much "cheaper" now).
a) .57 gram block – 8mm x 7mm x 3mm - $125
b) 1.10 gram block – 10mm x 6mm x 5mm - $240

NWA (unstudied): Diogenite. Found before September 2011. Tkw = 40g.
I got this little beauty at the show last year. BUT I got a bigger one for my collection this year. This is a fresh almost complete individual. It has crust (black with contraction cracks though a bit shiny from wind polishing) covering probably 90% of the specimen. It has one end broken (about 16mm x 15mm) that clearly shows the Bilanga like diogenite internal texture (though a bit hidden by adhering dirt – I have not attempted to clean this in any way). I am selling this for what I paid for it. This is actually cheaper than its current replacement cost, from what I saw at the show this year. From the prices I saw, any Diogenite (and eucrite or howardite for that matter) was priced at $12 to $15/g and above (unstudied even!). I know the official reports are that we don't have inflation here in the US, but those economists sure aren't looking into the meteorite world for their numbers.
39.76 gram individual – 42mm x 25mm x 20mm - $400

NWA (unstudied): Thin sections.
Here are some neat little "kits" a friend of mine created. He has been working on making his own thin-sections the past few years and has gotten quite good at it. He made these from a selection of miscellaneous pieces he pulled out of one of my miscellaneous NWA trays a couple years ago. He thinks that these are all an L6 with high shock level (he has found ringwoodite in all of these). These "kits" each contain the thin-section, the end piece it was made from and a couple photos of the slide through a microscope (in regular and crossed polarizers light). Neat items! I am trying to get him to put similar kits together with know items in the future as well.
Thin section with end piece it was made from and photos - $50

NWA (2968): Ungrouped achondrite (Dunite). Found 2004. Tkw = 265 grams.
This was one of those super rare/ super important things that I pretty much sold all of before I even had a chance to publicly list it (not a bad thing to have happen on my end). Some months ago, I had someone looking for a piece of this and I could not locate one at all. I thought I had set aside some. Recently while going through my "micro" box collection I discovered that I had two pieces hiding there, one being this huge (for this stuff) piece. (Now I wish I could find the 20 odd grams of NWA (5782) acapulcoite/ lodranite breccia I thought I set aside hiding there as well). Anyway, this piece was among the very largest that I got. I am not going to cut this as this material has the nasty habit of breaking apart into small little blocks when cutting or polishing (and in nature apparently, as there really were no big pieces). I have heard rumor of this stuff "going for" hundreds of dollars per gram. I am keeping this piece (partly due to its size) much more reasonable for now.
9.65 gram natural fragment – 18mm x 15mm x 12mm - $1000

ZAGAMI, Nigeria: Mars rock (Shergottite). Fell October 3, 1962. Tkw = 18.1 kilograms.
Happy birthday to this fall tomorrow! This fell 50 years ago. This specimen is certainly the signature piece of this offering. In fact, this comes with 2 signatures! This is a Haag collection piece and he has personally signed both the certificate of authenticity and the information card that comes with it! And, as a "birthday special" this is also priced below (per gram wise) pretty much ANY Mars rock that I am aware of right now! This is a great chance to get an "historic" specimen (Robert does not sell or sign much these days) at an affordable (per gram wise anyway) price. I have a picture of this piece ready to go out to interested collectors.
16.8 gram part slice – 70mm x 30mm x 4mm - $7000

Sunday 2 September 2012

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 126. Denver show SEP2012 info and some meteorites

Blaine Reed Meteorites - List 126. Denver show SEP2012 info and some meteorites

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 126

September 2, 2012

Dear Collectors,

I am sending this out a couple days early as I will soon (in just a few days!) be heading off to the Denver show. I am leaving a couple days early as I have some other things I need to do (and people to visit) before I get stuck in my room for the remainder of the trip. I will be gone from the morning of September 8th until September 18th.

I will be in my usual show location; Room 224 however the hotel has changed names. It is now Ramada Plaza - Denver Central. It is still 4849 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80216 for those of you that might be using a GPS to navigate to the show. I will try to have my room open by noon on Tuesday (the 11th). I say try as I have been warned that my room may have been "remodeled" as part of the hotel name change. I really fear these kinds of things. It takes a lot of time and effort to set up a semi-functional room/ display around the (in general) over clutter of furniture that hotels like to stuff the rooms with. So, this year (after 25 years of knowing what I had to do), I may be back at zero in setting up this year (I just pray my tables will still fit). Anyway, I will be in the room from 10am to around 10pm each day for the rest of the show. I will likely go to the COMETS party/ auction on Friday at 6 or 7pm and I will start packing things down around 5pm on Sunday (pretty much my usual schedule).

BASSIKOUNOU, Mauritania: (H5). Fell October 16, 2006. Tkw = around 80 kilograms.
Now here is a specimen that literally looks like it was picked up right after the fall. This is an absolutely pristine complete individual. This does not have a lot in the way of flow lines but it does have a general conical shape to it ("E-Bay oriented" perhaps). The previous owner of this beauty paid over $600 for this years ago. Pieces this nice are certainly hard to come by these days.
103.4 gram complete individual – 45mm x 40mm x 27mm - $470

CANYON DIABLO, Arizona: Coarse octahedrite (IAB).
Here is a nice lightly brushed individual. It has a cow paddy shape (round and squat) BUT with nice sculpting to it (larger scale thumb-printing and nice thin ridges around the edge). Not exceptional but nice for a popular meteorite that has become very hard to come by lately (my usual sources say "no more available" these days).
1141.9 gram lightly brushed individual – 90mm x 80mm x 30mm - $740

DALGETY DOWNS, Australia: (L4). Found 1941. Tkw = 473 kilograms.
I got this material a couple years ago while in Socorro and completely forgot about it. This is interesting looking stuff. It shows a good amount of metal and sulfides in a brown and gray mottled matrix. I have some other pieces of Dalgety Downs stashed away somewhere but these look to be a bit fresher (I think these were taken from a large piece and my other pieces were all smaller fragments and subject to slightly greater weathering internally).
1) Slices:
a) 18.2 grams – 47mm x 25mm x 5mm - $45
b) 30.0 grams – 55mm x 30mm x 5mm - $75
2) End piece:
a) 82.6 grams – 60mm x 30mm x 20mm - $190

IMILAC,Chile: (Pallasite). Found 1922.
These are some of the small angular "shrapnel" individuals that have sandy yellow to pinkish orange crystals in their deep pockets. I think I got these from Steve Arnold many years ago (well before he hit the road of fame anyway). I had these on my "regular" catalog for years but recently pulled them as I had so very few remaining (and Seymchan slices make for a better representative pallasite anyway).
1) Shrapnel "individuals" as found:
a) 3.7 grams – 13mm x 13mm x 8mm - $19
b) 5.1 grams – 18mm x 15mm x 6mm - $26
c) 6.7 grams – 20mm x 11mm x 10mm - $34

JUANCHENGE, China: (H5). Fell February 15, 1997. Tkw = 100+ kilograms.
These are some nice individuals that were likely fairly early recoveries (only some minor browning in areas on some). All of these are basically complete individuals though there are some minor chips on some and others have areas of light secondary crust (that may superficially have the appearance of a break but closer inspection does reveal the presence o fusion crust). I got these (along with the one that I offered earlier that had a label) in a trade from Alan Lang. Unfortunately, I got only one label and that went with the earlier listed piece.
1) Individuals:
a) 5.7 grams – 16mm x 15mm x 11mm - $26
b) 7.1 grams – 17mm x 15mm x 12mm - $32
c) 9.7 grams – 20mm x 15mm x 12mm - $44
d) 12.5 grams – 23mm x 20mm x 11mm - $56
e) 14.1 grams – 28mm x 22mm x 12mm - $63

NWA (801): Carbonaceous chondrite (CR2). Found 2000. Tkw = 5+ kilograms.
This is a complete slice of a fragment. This has quite a bit of metal, both round blebs or metal chondrules and as armoring around many of the chondrules. This also has an interesting large chondrule/ inclusion (roughly 5mm x 6mm). This is in a plastic display box and comes with a Farmer label.
4.4 gram slice – 30mm x 20mm x 3mm - $100

NWA (6454); L-melt rock. Found before February 2005. Tkw = 300 grams.
I only got a small amount of this strange material. This has a light gray interior with some black shock lines and lots of round to elongate metal/ triolite blebs. Very interesting and different. I recall seeing something like this at a Denver show years ago being sold as an achondrite for around $100/g (unfortunately, I cannot recall the NWA number on that material.
1) Slices:
a) 1.9 grams – 22mm x 16mm x 2mm - $40
b) 4.1 grams – 31mm x 27mm x 2mm - $82
c) 9.8 grams – 38mm x 31mm x 3mm - $180 – complete slice.

COPROLITE: Fossilized dung.
I had someone ask me to pick up a piece of this for them at one of the shows (perhaps a year and a half ago, don't remember) but then failed to take it when I got home (I am really starting to think that I will NOT be taking special requests anymore. The track record is something like 30%,I think, of those special requests being honored/ accepted when I do find the asked for material). Anyway, this is a nice piece that looks pretty much like a piece of dung should. I don't think this is really dinosaur doo (those tend to be more nondescript chunks) but nice (and certainly NOT fresh) none the less.
127.1 grams – 60mm x 35mm x 30mm - $25

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Blaine Reed Meteorites- List 125 - Couple irons, etc. 14AUG2012

Blaine Reed Meteorites- List 125 - Couple irons, etc. 14AUG2012

Blaine Reed
P.O. Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487
…………………………………………………………………LIST 125

August 14, 2012

Dear Collectors,

This was supposed to go out last Tuesday but I was not back from the show yet. I thought about waiting until next Tuesday (the properly scheduled time for an offering) but I have an up coming issue next week that meant I would likely have little time to take and ship orders (and may even interfere with my preparations for Denver). That issue is I get to go to trial against the clown that has been selling fake meteorites supposedly found in Montrose (about 20 miles South of me) the past few years. Thankfully, I a will be testifying on the side of "The People of Colorado" in all of this (after all, it was my purchasing a specimen he was publicly selling and proving it was fake is what started all of this). I know the "defendant" thinks he is going to get me arrested at all of this for "fraud and conspiracy" for saying his material is not real (at least the pieces I have been able to run some analysis work on – can't make any absolute claims on the others). I certainly doubt he will have much luck in that area but this whole thing may get ugly and take considerable time regardless. I apologize to the many of you out there that received rather frightening demands/ invitations/ "electronic subpoenas" from this guy the past few weeks. I have not been able to get the Mesa County DA's office to respond to requests concerning the legitimacy of these "subpoenas" (and have received a bit of heat from some of you that have received them). However, I have heard from officials a bit higher up the food chain (the State Attorney General's office) that those of you that have received these have no obligation to act on them. You must be formally served, as I was, with an official court subpoena to be required to show for the trial. (Darn, and I thought I'd host a big trial/ meteorite people cook out/ party here with all the people that "had to show up" for this circus).

Anyway, I just got in a couple nice irons, a few small scraps from an old research collection and had some things that were sitting around for awhile so here is a (very) brief offering.

ALLENDE, Mexico: Carbonaceous (CV3.2). Fell February 8, 1969.
Here are 3 fresh fragments that, unfortunately, have no crust. These were out of an old research collection.
6.7 grams 3 fragments - $45

GEBEL KAMIL, Egypt: Ni-rich ataxite (ungrouped). Found 2008.
This is a nice piece of the material that was found when a fresh crater (complete with rays) was found on satellite photos. Studies show that debris from the impact cover an ancient road/ trail. It appears the this 148 foot impact happened around 5000 years ago – or after the trail was in place (so the impact was likely witnessed by ancient people). This is a nice, as found, natural shrapnel fragment with a nice chocolate brown color.
220.9 gram natural individual – 80mm x 40mm x 20mm - $200

GIBEON, Namibia: Fine octahedrite (IVA). Found 1836.
This is a nice as found natural small individual. It is elongate/ pointed piece and could almost be used as a spear point. This has a nice natural orange/ brown color and a nice sculpted shape.
108.6 gram natural individual – 90mm x 30mm x 15mm - $110

JULESBURG, Colorado: (L3.6). Found 1983. Tkw = 60+ kilograms.
This was the "famous" meteorite that was found discarded at the local dump. I did some field work in the area and did manage to get a hold of a roughly 1kg individual many years ago. This is a rectangular slice that was obviously cut from one of the large slices from the mass found at the dump (Glenn Huss – American Meteorite Lab got that one. This does not have a Huss number on it though). One edge (about 35mm long) has a nice thumb-print textured brown crust. The interior shows some obvious chondrules (lots more on careful inspection) and plenty of metal in a mottled dark gray/ jade green matrix.
58.3 gram slice – 80mm x 35mm x 6mm - $580

LEEDEY, Oklahoma: (L6). Fell November 25, 1943. Tkw = 51.5 kilograms.
Here is a nice slice that was set aside by a collector who recently decided to put their limited funds elsewhere. This has one long edge of black crust (about 95mm long worth). The interior is nearly white with some patches of light brown staining (about as fresh as this comes).
82.4 gram slice – 80mm x 72mm x 5mm - $825

RICHARDTON, North Dakota: (H5), veined. Fell June 30, 1918. Tkw = 90.9 kilograms.
This is a small fresh fragment from the same source (old research collection) as the Allende above. Also like the Allende pieces above, this has no crust.
1.1 gram fragment – 10mm x 9mm x 8mm - $20