Friday 30 August 2024

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- Denver, Colorado Show - September 5th-9th, 2024

Blaine Reed Meteorites For Sale- Denver, Colorado Show - September 5th-9th, 2024

2024 Denver Show Info

Yes, I know. This should have been sent out a couple weeks (or more) ago. I have been tied up with so many other things this summer (and have had pretty much no new things to offer/ out on an e-mail offering) that I completely dropped the ball on letting people know about this year’s Denver show. I know it is far too late for people planning on coming to the show to change their travel dates/ plans. Hopefully, it is not too late for them to change a little part of their schedule while in Denver to come see me (and all the other folks that have had this change thrust upon them). Anyway, here is the info:

We will be set up at the Denver Marriott Tech Center: (4900 S. Syracuse St.). I do not have my specific location at the show. I won’t know until I get there. However, I do know that I will be set up on the convention center level (which is one level below the hotel rooms – where more dealers will be setting up). I will have something of a “private” (own walls/ door) meeting room on that level. It seems that I indeed will be right next to the elevators pretty much in the middle of the show floor. It will be a meeting room called "Spruce 1".

Dates/ Times:

This too is quite a bit different from what would have been considered “normal” (the original plan was to be open Sept 6th through the 14th). We are NOT able to have this new location for any part of the mid/ late second week. We need to be packed up and out by noon Tuesday the 10th. As such, the “official” show dates are September 5th through the 9th. The times are 10am to 6pm (though I will try to open closer to 9am most morning and stay open later ( so those of you who are stuck behind tables or locked in rooms doing your show have a chance to come visit) IF I am allowed to do so at all (it seems that the halls, any and all “open” areas of the floor I am on may be more dealer selling booths. IF that is the case, I suspect (for the security of those dealer’s material) I will NOT be allowed to stay open any longer than the “official” closing (another thing I will not know until I get there). So, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, try to schedule a bit of time to see me during regular show hours. As for Monday the 9th, the official closing is at 5pm. Again, depending upon how the space outside my door is used (walking areas or dealer set-up) I may NOT be able to have people visit as I pack up (I usually do) this show.

Our mailing address is:

Blaine Reed Meteorites
PO Box 1141
Delta, CO 81416-1141

Message Machine ONLY!  Please NOTE- This MAY get checked only once a day in the evenings.
Ph/fax (970) 874-1487